Results for 'Shifra Shvarts'

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  1.  21
    Autonomy, altruism and authority in medical ethics: essays in honor of professor Shimon Glick.Shifra Shvarts, Alan Jotkowitz & Shimon Glick (eds.) - 2015 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In this volume, written in honour of the eightieth birthday of Professor Shimon Glick, world renowned experts in the field of medical ethics struggle with the question of how to weigh the respective values of autonomy, altruism and authority in dealing with real life bioethical dilemmas.
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    "Master" versus "servant": Contradictions in drama and theatre education.Shifra Schonmann - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):31-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Master" versus "Servant":Contradictions in Drama and Theatre EducationShifra Schonmann (bio)Mr Jourdain: You mean to say that when I say "Nicole, fetch me my slippers" or "Give me my night-cap" that's prose?Philosopher: Certainly, sir.Mr Jourdain: Well, my goodness! Here I've been talking prose for the last forty years and never known it, and mighty grateful I am to you for telling me!—Molière, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme1My basic claim is that our (...)
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  3.  30
    An Anthology of Voices: an Analysis of Trainee Drama Teachers’ Monologues.Shifra Schonmann & Andy Kempe - 2010 - British Journal of Educational Studies 58 (3):311-329.
    This paper reports on research undertaken into the processes through which student teachers begin to formulate an identity as a professional teacher. Using Fuller's investigations into the attitudes of trainee teachers towards their courses (1969) as a baseline, a discussion is established on the place of the student voice in contemporary initial teacher training programmes. In order to further investigate the potential importance of affording student teachers the opportunity to reflect on and express their thinking and feeling as they embark (...)
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    How to Recognize Dramatic Talent When You See It: And Then What?Shifra Schonmann - 1997 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (4):7.
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  5. Sefer Kavod Ha-ʻatsmi He-Ḥadash: ʻal Ḥashivut Hakarat Ha-Adam Be-ʻerekh ʻatsmo.Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon - 2004 - Devar Yerushalayim. Edited by M. Landsman, Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon.
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  6. D. I. Pisarev i russkoe estestvozanie.A. L. Shvart︠s︡man - 1955
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  7. Ethik ohne Moral.K. A. Shvart︠s︡man - 1967 - Berlin,: Dietz Verlag.
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  8. Kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh filosofsko-ėticheskikh sistem.Klara Aronovna Shvart︠s︡man - 1961
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  9. Sovremennai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ ėtika: illi︠u︡zii i realʹnostʹ.K. A. Shvart︠s︡man - 1983 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  10. Teoreticheskie problemy ėtiki.K. A. Shvart︠s︡man - 1969 - Moskva,: "Vyssh. shkola,".
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  11. Kritika filosofskikh osnov sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėtiki.Klara Aronovna Shvart︠s︡man - 1973
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  12. Kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh teoriĭ povedenii︠a︡ lichnosti.Klara Aronovna Shvart︠s︡man - 1975
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    Fixed points in the propositional nonmonotonic logic.Grigory F. Shvarts - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 38 (2):199-206.
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  14. Lekt︠s︡ii.I. G. Shvart︠s︡ - 2008 - Donet︠s︡k: Izdatelʹstvo "Veber".
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  15. Novye tendent︠s︡ii v razvitii sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėtiki: [Ucheb. posobie dli︠a︡ vuzov po kursu marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėtiki].K. A. Shvart︠s︡man - 1977 - Moskva: Vyssh. shkola.
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  16.  34
    An experiment to enhance awareness of the power of information.Shifra Baruchson-Arbib & Vicky Horenstein - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):79-97.
    – The paper's purpose is to study the effects of enhancing the awareness of the power of information among adolescents by developing a “social information section” in the library., – During the experiment the library's structure was modified to include a “social information section” that presented information on subjects relevant to the students such as: adolescence, family relationships, drugs, sex, disabilities and death. The “social information section” included books, newspapers and access to the internet as well as talks and lectures (...)
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    Extrafoveal Processing in Categorical Search for Geometric Shapes: General Tendencies and Individual Variations.Anna Dreneva, Anna Shvarts, Dmitry Chumachenko & Anatoly Krichevets - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13025.
    The paper addresses the capabilities and limitations of extrafoveal processing during a categorical visual search. Previous research has established that a target could be identified from the very first or without any saccade, suggesting that extrafoveal perception is necessarily involved. However, the limits in complexity defining the processed information are still not clear. We performed four experiments with a gradual increase of stimuli complexity to determine the role of extrafoveal processing in searching for the categorically defined geometric shape. The series (...)
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  18.  52
    In Those Distant Days: Anthology of Mesopotamian Literature in Hebrew.Dina Katz, Shin Shifra & Jacob Klein - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):142.
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    On both sides of the fence: perceptions of collective narratives and identity strategies among Palestinians in Israel and in the West Bank.Adi Mana, Shifra Sagy, Anan Srour & Serene Mjally-Knani - 2015 - Mind and Society 14 (1):57-83.
    This field study aims to explore the effect of the forced separation between Palestinians who are Israeli citizens and Palestinians living in the West Bank on their perceptions of collective narratives (Sagy et al. in Am J Orthopsychiatry 72(1): 26–38, 2002) and their identity strategies (Berry in Nebraska symposium on motivation, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1990; Tajfel in Human groups and social categories, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981). Two questionnaires, based on the theoretical categories and contents revealed in focus (...)
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  20.  36
    Perceptions of collective narratives and identity strategies: the case of Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Israel.Adi Mana, Shifra Sagy, Anan Srour & Serene Mjally-Knani - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (2):165-182.
    The study suggests a model for understanding inter-group relations which has combined two psycho-social concepts: perceptions of collective narratives :26–38, 2002) and identity strategies . The model examined two minority groups of Israeli citizens: Palestinian Muslims and Christians, with a representative sample of 1,164 Muslims and 805 Christians, all Israeli citizens, aged 18–65. We used questionnaires which were developed and adapted for the unique population in this study. As expected, members of both groups mostly endorsed integration strategy. Stronger willingness for (...)
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  21.  55
    Moral justification and feelings of adjustment to military law-enforcement situation: the case of Israeli soldiers serving at army roadblocks.Shaul Kimhi & Shifra Sagy - 2008 - Mind and Society 7 (2):177-191.
    The research examined the use of moral justification as a mediating mechanism of stress, used by compulsory Israeli soldiers who had served at army roadblocks in the West Bank. Employing Bandura’s model of moral disengagement, we expected that the greater the justification of army roadblocks by the soldier, the more he would feel adjusted to army demands. Feelings of adjustment to this situation were examined using three components: cognitive, affective and behavioral. The sample was composed of 170 Israeli ex-soldiers who (...)
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  22. Sefer ʻIdan ha-maḥshev u-leḳaḥaṿ: teʼur ha-teḳufah ha-ḥadashah otah pataḥ ha-maḥshev bi-fene ha-enoshut uvi-fene ʻam Yiśraʼel bi-feraṭ bi-reʼi ha-Yahadut.Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim--Zikhron Tsevi.
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    The contribution of “information science” to the social and ethical challenges of the information age.Shifra Baruchson-Arbib - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):53-58.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the social and ethnical dimensions of information science.Design/methodology/approachThe paper provides a literature survey on the concept of information science and its history. It describes the different developments involved in the development of information science as a research field. It present various definitions and domains of the field that represent different stages of information science evolution.FindingsThis paper presents an updated image of information science as a research field that takes into consideration (...)
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  24.  19
    Protein Topology Prediction Algorithms Systematically Investigated in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Uri Weill, Nir Cohen, Amir Fadel, Shifra Ben-Dor & Maya Schuldiner - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1800252.
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  25. Ėtika i ideologii︠a︡: kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh ėticheskikh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ.Leonid Mikhaĭlovich Arkhangelʹskiĭ, K. A. Shvart︠s︡man & L. V. Konovalova (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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    The Meaning and Importance of Genetic Relatedness: Fertility Preservation Decision Making Among Israeli Adolescent Cancer Survivors and Their Parents.Dorit Barlevy, Bernice Elger, Tenzin Wangmo, Shifra Ash & Vardit Ravitsky - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):76-87.
    Contexte : Avec les multiples options disponibles aujourd’hui pour devenir parent, comment la question de la parenté génétique est-elle prise en compte dans la décision de préservation de la fertilité (PF) des adolescents atteints de cancer? Cette étude rend compte et analyse de manière normative cet aspect de la prise de décision en matière de PF.Méthodes : Un échantillon de commodité d’adolescents survivants israéliens du cancer et leurs parents a été invité à participer à des entretiens individuels semi-structurés.Résultats : En (...)
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  27.  13
    Real deceptions: the contemporary reinvention of realism.Jennifer Friedlander - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Demonstrating how radical political transformation might be facilitated from within the much maligned aesthetic category of realism, the author examines a number of contemporary works from Big Brother, Melancholia, catfish, and This is Not a Film to Alize Shvarts' "abortion art." Her discussion of these pieces suggests new understandings of the role of trope l'oeil in illusion, the rendering of realism's limitations, and relationships between hypervirtuality and simulation. The author's core project throughout is to develop a framework for thinking (...)
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