Results for 'Shareholder resolutions'

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  1.  24
    Corporate Targets of Shareholder Resolutions.Sara A. Morris - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:36-46.
    This study examines social issues shareholder resolutions filed at S&P 500 companies in 2007. These firms received 86% of all social issues resolutions filed. Findings indicate that green resolutions were the most common single type (30% of social issues resolutions), but nearly one third (32%) of resolutions contained non-traditional content. Firms were more likely to be targeted if they were large in size and demonstrated poor treatment of employees and customers. As might be expected, (...)
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    (2 other versions)Shareholder Resolutions.Dale Kurschner - 1995 - Business Ethics 9 (2):14-15.
  3.  48
    Toward Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: Evaluating Government Quotas (Eu) Versus Shareholder Resolutions (Us) from the Perspective of Third Wave Feminism.John Dobson, Denise Hensley & Mahdi Rastad - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (3):333-351.
    In recent years, the US and the EU have pursued markedly different agendas in the pursuit of board gender diversity. The EU has taken a more pro-active governmental approach of mandated quotas, whereas the US is relying largely on the endogenous mechanism of shareholder diversity proposals. Despite their obvious allure as a means of bringing about rapid change, evidence is mounting that board gender diversity quotas may yield various deleterious side effects; and quotas may not be as successful in (...)
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    Fad and Fashion in Shareholder Activism: The Landscape of Shareholder Resolutions, 1988–1998.Samuel B. Graves, Sandra Waddock & Kathleen Rehbein - 2001 - Business and Society Review 106 (4):293-314.
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    Understanding Shareholder Activism: Which Corporations are Targeted?Kathleen Rehbein, Sandra Waddock & Samuel B. Graves - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (3):239-267.
    This study provides preliminary empirical evidence that shareholder activists target companies because of their size as well as specific stakeholder-related practices. The data show that shareholder activists target companies with shareholder resolutions demanding changes in corporate behaviors for companies producing problematic products and where environmental concerns exist. Furthermore, companies in specific industries are targeted based on poor employee and community-related practices. Activists, that is, are selective in their targeting of companies, choosing the most visible (largest) companies (...)
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  6. Corporate Responses to Shareholder Activists: Considering the Dialogue Alternative.Kathleen Rehbein, Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):137-154.
    This empirical study examines corporate responses to activist shareholder groups filing social-policy shareholder resolutions. Using resource dependency theory as our conceptual framing, we identify some of the drivers of corporate responses to shareholder activists. This study departs from previous studies by including a fourth possible corporate response, engaging in dialogue. Dialogue, an alternative to shareholder resolutions filed by activists, is a process in which corporations and activist shareholder groups mutually agree to engage in (...)
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  7.  74
    Global labor and worksite standards: A strategic ethical analysis of shareholder employee relations resolutions[REVIEW]Douglas M. McCabe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (1):101 - 110.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze from a strategic ethical perspective four selected shareholder resolutions reported by the Social Issues Service of the Investor Responsibility Research Center regarding international labor and workplace standards. Particular attention will be paid to specific employee relations issues at the operating and tactical level of individual multinational firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for proxy statements.
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations. [REVIEW]Jeanne M. Logsdon & I. I. I. Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353-365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a “David vs. Goliath” showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs – in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with (...)
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    A Network Analysis of Shareholder Activism.Donald H. Schepers - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:351-356.
    This paper examines the motivation theory of Rowley and Moldoveanu (2003) on shareholder activism in the context of shareholder resolution networks. Shareholder resolution filings occur both within subnetworks as well as across subnetworks, indicating these motivations are mixed. I extend the motivational issue by also examining the response of the corporation to such activism. That resolutions might migrate from identity to interest motivated groups is examined as an element of future research.
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    The Ethical Implications of Ignoring Shareholder Directives to Remove Antitakeover Provisions.Victoria B. McWilliams - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (3):321-346.
    Managers have a unique fiduciary responsibility to shareholders of a firm that implies a set of ethical obligations. At a minimum, managers are required to protect shareholder’s interests when other stakeholders are unaffected by their decision. This ethical imperative has been established in the literature. In cases of conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders, the board of directors of the firm has an ethical obligation to shareholders. The structure of the board can affect its ability to fulfill this (...)
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  11.  26
    Shareholder initiative: An informal social choice and game theoretic approach.Jeffrey N. Gordon - manuscript
    Current arguments to increase shareholder power in the large public U.S. corporation need to take account of the well-established historical practice of extensive delegation by shareholders of business decision-making and agenda-control to management and the board, what might be characterized as an absolute delegation rule. This practice sharply limits the power of shareholders to put either business or governance proposals to the shareholders for dispositive resolution. The paper, originally published in 1991 but newly relevant, argues that the rule is (...)
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    (1 other version)Changing the world through shareholder activism?Joakim Sandberg - 2011 - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 5 (1):51-78.
    As one of the more progressive facets of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement, shareholder activism is generally recommended or justified on the grounds that it can create social change. But how effective are different kinds of activist campaigns likely to be in this regard? This article outlines the full range of different ways in which shareholder activism could make a difference by carefully going through, first, all the more specific lines of action typically included under the (...) activism umbrella and, second, all of the different ways in which it has been suggested that these could influence the activities of commercial companies. It is argued that – although much more empirical research is needed in the area – there are at least theoretical reasons for thinking that it will be difficult to influence companies through the standard actions of filing or voting on shareholder resolutions. However, some alternative strategies open to activists may allow them to increase their efficacy. It is specifically argued that even individual investors could be able to push for corporate change through devising a radically selfsacrificial campaign that manages to get the attention of powerful forces outside the corporate sphere. (shrink)
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  13.  19
    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (Suppl 1):353-365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a “David vs. Goliath” showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs – in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with (...)
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  14.  93
    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353 - 365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a "David vs. Goliath" showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs-in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious (...)
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    Non-Compliance of the Decisions of the Shareholders' General Meeting of the Company with the Imperative Provisions of the Law and Incorporation Documents.Margarita Banytė & Virginijus Bitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):181-196.
    Lietuvos, kaip ir kitų Europos valstybių, teisės aktai numato bendrovės visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimų teisėtumo užtikrinimo priemonę – tokių sprendimų pripažinimo negaliojančiais institutą. Civiliniame kodekse išvardijami teisiniai šio instituto taikymo pagrindai. Kita vertus, visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimų pripažinimo negaliojančiais pagrindų sistemos skirtingose valstybėse skiriasi. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama pateikti bendrą įstatymo numatytų bendrovės visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimų pripažinimo negaliojančiais pagrindų Lietuvos teisėje apžvalgą, minėtų pagrindų sistemą lyginant su užsienio valstybių teisiniu reglamentavimu.
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    Firm Engagement and Social Issue Salience, Consensus, and Contestation.Jennifer J. Griffin, Andrew P. Bryant & Cynthia E. Clark - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (8):1136-1168.
    Facing an increasing number and variety of issues with social salience, firms must determine how to engage with issues that likely have a significant impact on them. Integrating issues management and salience theories, the authors find that firms engage with socially contested issues—where there is a high degree of societal disagreement—in a different manner from issues that have social consensus, or high agreement. Examining social issue resolutions filed by shareholders from 1997 to 2009, the study finds that socially contested (...)
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  17.  50
    Characteristics of Companies Targeted by Social Proxies: An Empirical Analysis in the Context of the U nited S tates.Miguel Rojas, Bouchra M'Zali, Marie-France Turcotte & Philip Merrigan - 2012 - Business and Society Review 117 (4):515-534.
    We compare the traits of companies receiving social policy shareholder resolutions with those of a set of matching firms. We show that targeted firms tend to be much larger and riskier, less profitable and less socially performing than their counterparts. The five largest investors in firms receiving social proxies tend to hold a lower stake in those firms vis‐à‐vis the matching firms. Firms in both samples, however, are not statistically different in terms of percentages of shares held by (...)
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  18.  39
    Transforming Socially Responsible Investment: Lessons from Environmental Justice.Devon Reynolds & David Ciplet - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):53-69.
    There is limited evidence that socially responsible investment (SRI) strategies can resolve persistent concerns brought up in scholarship on the industry, particularly as it relates to considerations of justice. It is critical that SRI initiatives be interrogated about their broader impacts on environmental inequality and justice in the context of global power relations. Drawing upon environmental justice (EJ) theory, we propose a framework for transformative investment to halt the exploitation of humans and environment in pursuit of profit. We posit that (...)
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  19. Financial markets: A tool for social responsibility? [REVIEW]Matthew Haigh & James Hazelton - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):59-71.
    Objectives of socially responsible investment (SRI) are discussed with reference to the two main mechanisms of the SRI ‘movement’: shareholder advocacy and managed investments. We argue that in their current forms, both mechanisms lack the power to create significant corporate change. Shareholder advocacy has been largely unsuccessful to date. Even if resolutions were successful, shareholder advocacy may still be ineffective if underlying economic opportunities remain. Marketing material and investment prospectuses issued by socially responsible mutual funds (SRI (...)
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  20.  54
    Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):3-19.
    The discussion about the relationship between tone at the top and financial reporting practices has been primarily focused on the oversight role played by the board of directors and other structural elements of corporate governance. Another relevant determinant of tone at the top is the corporate narrative language, since it is a fundamental way in which the chief executive officer enacts leadership. In this study, we empirically explore the association between financial reporting aggressiveness and five thematic indicators capturing different traits (...)
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  21.  85
    Fluidity of Regulation-CSR Nexus: The Multinational Corporate Corruption Example. [REVIEW]Onyeka Osuji - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):31-57.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a relatively undeveloped concept despite its increasing importance to corporations. One difficulty is the possible inexactness of CSR. Another is the apparent reluctance by regulatory authorities and policy makers to intervene in the area. This is largely a result of inhibitions created by traditional approaches to company law with emphasis on shareholder protection and financial disclosure. The consequence is the stultification of independent development of CSR by tying social issues to financial performance. This attitude (...)
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  22.  43
    The “umbrian legend” of Jacques dalarun.Toward A. Resolution - forthcoming - Franciscan Studies.
  23. F. cap.Nouvelle Méthode de Résolution de, de Helmholtz L'équation & Pour Une Symétrie Cylindrique - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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  24. On the storeyed revenge of strengthened liars, and the contrary finality of no-proposition resolutions.Jordan Howard Sobel - manuscript
    “To this day, partiality approaches to the paradox have been dogged by the so-called ‘Strengthened Liar’. .... The Strengthened Liar observes that if we follow a partiality theorist and declare the Liar sentence* neither true nor false (or failing to express a proposition,. or suffering from some sort of grave semantic defect), then the paradox is only pushed back. For we can go on to conclude that whatever this status may be, it implies that the Liar sentence is not true. (...)
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  25. Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Social Welfare: A Utilitarian Critique.Thomas M. Jones & Will Felps - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):207-238.
    ABSTRACT:Many scholars and managers endorse the idea that the primary purpose of the firm is to make money for its owners. This shareholder wealth maximization objective is justified on the grounds that it maximizes social welfare. In this article, the first of a two-part set, we argue that, although this shareholder primacy model may have been appropriate in an earlier era, it no longer is, given our current state of economic and social affairs. To make our case, we (...)
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  26. Obstacles on the Way Towards the Quantisation of Space, Time and Matter — and Possible Resolutions.Gerard 'T. Hooft - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (2):157-180.
    Most attempts at obtaining theories that unify quantum mechanics with general relativity require violation of locality and/or causality to some degree. Here, we suggest that these problems actually are very deep and fundamental; hence they may require reconsideration of both quantum mechanics and general relativity at a very fundamental level. An approach called ‘deterministic quantisation’ is sketched.
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    Shareholder Activism.Maria Goranova & Lori Verstegen Ryan - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:160-169.
    Shareholder activism has become a dynamic institutional force, and its associated, rapidly increasing body of scholarly literature affects numerous disciplineswithin the organizational science academy. Despite growing shareholder empowerment, the impact of shareholder activism on corporate outcomes remains equivocal. The heterogeneity of factors in shareholder activism, such as environmental, firm, proponent, and issue characteristics; the variety of activism methods and processes; and varying outcomes provides a plethora of theoretical and methodological challenges for activism researchers. Furthermore, the separation (...)
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    Shareholder Desert Works with a Risk-Return Model.Gordon G. Sollars & Sorin A. Tuluca - 2020 - Business Ethics Journal Review 8 (2):8-12.
    Kenneth Silver criticizes our use of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to determine the return on investment that is deserved by shareholders, and suggests shareholder primacy follows from the principal/agent model, rather than a concern for risk. We argue that Silver has misunderstood CAPM and our use of it, and that, under current law, more is required from articles of incorporation or corporate bylaws for the principal/agent model to apply to corporations.
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    Youth ministry at the margins and/or centre as space of the other: Reflections on the resolutions of the Anglican dioceses in the Western Cape 2017.John S. Klaasen - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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  30. Shareholder Primacy and Deontology.Hasko von Kriegstein - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (3):465-490.
    This article argues that shareholder primacy cannot be defended on the grounds that there is something special about the position of shareholders that grounds a right to preferential treatment on part of management. The notions of property and contract, traditionally thought to ground such a right, are now widely recognized as incapable of playing that role. This leaves shareholder theorists with two options. They can either abandon the project of arguing for their view on broadly deontological grounds and (...)
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  31. Shareholder Ownership is Irrelevant for Shareholder Primacy.Hasko von Kriegstein - 2020 - Business Ethics Journal Review 8 (4):20-26.
    Strudler rejects shareholder primacy and argues that, once contractual obligations have been fulfilled and shareholders have received a reasonable return on investment, corporate executives may use corporate wealth for the general good. He seeks to establish this claim via an argument that, contrary to the received view, shareholders do not own corporations. After raising some questions about the latter argument, this commentary goes on to argue that the question of corporate ownership is a red herring. The argument for (...) primacy that Strudler wants to reject does not rely on the premise that shareholders own the firm. (shrink)
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    Report of the Committee on Resolutions. Schmidt, R. J. Belleperche & Francis M. Tyrrell - 1956 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 30:222-223.
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    Historical links between Ethnobiology and Evolution: Conflicts and possible resolutions.Raymond Pierotti - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81:101277.
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  34. Galvanising Shareholder Activism: A Prerequisite for Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability in Nigeria.Olufemi Amao & Kenneth Amaeshi - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):119-130.
    Shareholder activism has been largely neglected in the few available studies on corporate governance in sub Saharan Africa. Following the recent challenges posed by the Cadbury Nigeria Plc, this paper examines shareholder activism in an evolving corporate governance institutional context and identifies strategic opportunities associated with shareholders’ empowerment through changes in code of corporate governance and recent developments in information and communications technologies in Nigeria; especially in relation to corporate social responsibility in Nigeria. It is expected that the (...)
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    Effective Shareholder Engagement: The Factors that Contribute to Shareholder Salience.E. James & M. Gifford - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S1):79 - 97.
    Institutional investors are increasingly becoming active owners through voting their shares and engaging in dialogue with investee companies to improve corporate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance. This article applies a model of stakeholder salience to the shareholder context, analysing the attributes of power, legitimacy and urgency, to determine the factors that are likely to enhance shareholder salience. It is found that a strong business case and the values of the managers of investee companies are likely to (...)
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  36.  11
    Red flags in psychotherapy: stories of ethics complaints and resolutions.Patricia Keith-Spiegel - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Preface : how and why the stories came to be -- Introduction : self-deception and red flags -- Sammy meets the wolf : meet the characters who will decide the cases -- I'm not your monkey : loss of control with a difficult client -- Junk yard therapy : self-delusion and exploitation -- Rats! : warring colleagues -- The John : a predator at work and play -- The raid on Hollywood Boulevard : the professional role vs. the right to (...)
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    Shareholder Theory in Academia.Stephen Kershnar - 2017 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 36 (3):359-382.
    The managers of colleges and universities have to make decisions on a wide range of issues with regard to goals and how they may be pursued. “Managers” refers to such positions as the president, provost, vice president dean, and director of a university. This paper lays out the theoretical basis for the right answer for these decisions. It does so by setting out the fundamental function of an academic institution, linking this function to a duty, and explaining how to satisfy (...)
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    Invoking a Cartesian product structure on social states: New resolutions of Sen’s and Gibbard’s impossibility theorems.Herrade Igersheim - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (4):463-477.
    The purpose of this article is to introduce a Cartesian product structure into the social choice theoretical framework and to examine if new possibility results to Gibbard’s and Sen’s paradoxes can be developed thanks to it. We believe that a Cartesian product structure is a pertinent way to describe individual rights in the social choice theory since it discriminates the personal features comprised in each social state. First we define some conceptual and formal tools related to the Cartesian product structure. (...)
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  39. Shareholder Theory and Kant’s ‘Duty of Beneficence’.Samuel Mansell - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):583-599.
    This article draws on the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant to explore whether a corporate ‘duty of beneficence’ to non-shareholders is consistent with the orthodox ‘shareholder theory’ of the firm. It examines the ethical framework of Milton Friedman’s argument and asks whether it necessarily rules out the well-being of non-shareholders as a corporate objective. The article examines Kant’s distinction between ‘duties of right’ and ‘duties of virtue’ (the latter including the duty of beneficence) and investigates their consistency with the (...)
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    Shareholder Primacy, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Role of Business Schools.N. Craig Smith & David Rönnegard - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):463-478.
    This paper examines the shareholder primacy norm as a widely acknowledged impediment to corporate social responsibility and explores the role of business schools in promoting the SPN but also potentially as an avenue for change by addressing misconceptions about shareholder primacy and the purpose of business. We start by explaining the SPN and then review its status under US and UK laws and show that it is not a likely legal requirement, at least under the guise of (...) value maximization. This is in contrast to the common assertion that managers are legally constrained from addressing CSR issues if doing so is inconsistent with the economic interests of shareholders. Nonetheless, while the SPN might be muted as a legal norm, we show that it is certainly evident as a social norm among managers and in business schools—reflective, in part, of the sole voting rights of shareholders on corporate boards and of the dominance of shareholder theory—and justifiably so in the view of many managers and business academics. We argue that this view is misguided, not least when associated with claims of a purported legally enforceable requirement to maximize shareholder value. We propose two ways by which the influence of the SPN among managers might be attenuated: extending fiduciary duties of executives to non-shareholder stakeholders and changes in business school teaching such that it covers a plurality of conceptions of the purpose of the corporation. (shrink)
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  41. Understanding teacher responses to constructivist learning environments: Challenges and resolutions.Melodie Rosenfeld & Sherman Rosenfeld - 2006 - Science Education 90 (3):385-399.
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    Do shareholders have obligations to stakeholders?Earl W. Spurgin - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (4):287 - 297.
    The question of whether, and to what extent, business managers have obligations to stakeholders has been the principal theme in much of recent business ethics literature. The question of whether shareholders have obligations to stakeholders, however, has not been addressed sufficiently. I provide some needed attention to this matter by examining the positions of shareholders in the contemporary world of investing. Their positions are considerably different than that often envisioned by business ethicists and economists where shareholders determine the directions of (...)
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  43. The Politics of Shareholder Activism in Nigeria.Emmanuel Adegbite, Kenneth Amaeshi & Olufemi Amao - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):389-402.
    Shareholder activism has become a force for good in the extant corporate governance literature. In this article, we present a case study of Nigeria to show how shareholder activism, as a corporate governance mechanism, can constitute a space for unhealthy politics and turbulent politicking, which is a reflection of the country’s brand of politics. As a result, we point out some translational challenges, and suggest more caution, in the diffusion of corporate governance practices across different institutional environments. We (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Tinged shareholder theory: Or what's so special about stakeholders?Geoff Moore - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (2):117–127.
    This paper contrasts the normative foundations of the stakeholder and shareholder theories of the firm. It demonstrates how the shareholder theory of the firm appears to have at least as much normative support as stakeholder theory and suggests that a way forward may be for a variant of pure shareholder theory to emerge.
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    The limits of shareholder value.Peter Koslowski - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):137 - 148.
    Shareholder value orientation has been introduced as a means to improve the performance of the corporation. The paper investigates the theoretical justification for the claim that increasing shareholder value is the purpose of corporate governance. It demonstrates that shareholder value is the control principle, not the purpose of the firm. The idea that shareholder value is the only goal of the corporation is a mistaken transfer from the financial to the industrial firm. The paper also questions (...)
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  46. Nature’s drawing: problems and resolutions in the mathematization of motion.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2012 - Synthese 185 (3):429-466.
    The mathematical nature of modern science is an outcome of a contingent historical process, whose most critical stages occurred in the seventeenth century. ‘The mathematization of nature’ (Koyré 1957 , From the closed world to the infinite universe , 5) is commonly hailed as the great achievement of the ‘scientific revolution’, but for the agents affecting this development it was not a clear insight into the structure of the universe or into the proper way of studying it. Rather, it was (...)
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  47. Shareholders as Norm Entrepreneurs for Corporate Social Responsibility.Emma Sjöström - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2):177 - 191.
    This article advances the idea that shareholders who seek to influence corporate behaviour can be understood analytically as norm entrepreneurs. These are actors who seek to persuade others to adopt a new standard of appropriateness. The article thus goes beyond studies which focus on the influence of shareholder activism on single instances of corporate conduct, as it recognises shareholders' potential as change agents for more widely shared norms about corporate responsibilities. The article includes the empirical example of US internet (...)
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    Shareholder Value Effects of Ethical Sourcing: Comparing Reactive and Proactive Initiatives.Seongtae Kim & Sangho Chae - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):887-906.
    With the advent of responsible business, ensuring social responsibility in sourcing is of interest to both academics and practitioners. In this study, we examine one way of achieving this goal: ethical sourcing initiatives (ESIs). ESIs refer to a firm’s formal and informal actions to manage sourcing processes in an ethical and socially responsible manner. While ESIs have been established as an important part of corporate social responsibility, it is unclear whether, how, and when this corporate effort is economically beneficial. We (...)
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  49. Shareholders and Social Responsibility.Brian P. Schaefer - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):297-312.
    The article presents an analysis and critique of Milton Friedman’s argument that the social responsibility of business is merely to increase its profits. The analysis uncovers a central claim that Friedman implies, but does not explicitly defend, namely that the shareholders of a corporation have no duty to direct that corporation’s management to exercise social responsibility. An argument against this claim is then advanced by way of a convergence strategy, whereby multiple influential moral approaches are shown to align themselves against (...)
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  50.  33
    Shareholder Activism on Climate Change: Evolution, Determinants, and Consequences.Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Paul A. Griffin, David H. Lont, Antonio J. Mateo-Márquez & Constancio Zamora-Ramírez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):481-510.
    We study 944 shareholder proposals submitted to 343 U.S. firms on climate change issues during 2009–2022. We use logistic and two-stage regression to estimate the propensity for a firm to be targeted or subjected to a vote at the annual general meeting and, for voted proposals, the determinants of that vote. We also examine whether climate-related proposals affect investor returns and how they relate to firms’ future environmental performance and greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to a matched sample, we first (...)
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