Results for 'Shan Ye'

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  1. Mirror neuron system based therapy for aphasia rehabilitation.Wenli Chen, Qian Ye, Xiangtong Ji, Sicong Zhang, Xi Yang, Qiumin Zhou, Fang Cong, Wei Chen, Xin Zhang, Bing Zhang, Yang Xia, Ti-Fei Yuan & Chunlei Shan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Serial Multiple Mediation of Professional Identity, and Psychological Capital in the Relationship Between Work-Related Stress and Work-Related Well-Being of ICU Nurses in China: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey.Cuiping Hao, Lina Zhu, Suzhen Zhang, Shan Rong, Yaqing Zhang, Jiuhang Ye & Fuguo Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aimed to investigate the serial-multiple mediation effect of professional identity, psychological capital, work-related stress, and work-related wellbeing among intensive care unit nurses in China. The cross-sectional survey was conducted from January 2017 to May 2017 in two Grade III A general hospitals in Jining, Shandong Province, China. Cluster sampling was used to recruit participants from the two hospitals. A total of 330 ICU nurses participated in the study. The nurses’ work stress scale, Chinese nurse’s professional identity scale, the (...)
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    Yuan Ming Zhuzi xue de di shan: "Si shu wu jing xing li da quan" yan jiu = The Changing in Succession of Neo-Confucianism in Yuan and Ming Dynasty: a Study on the Sishu Wujing Xingli Daquan.Ye Zhu - 2019 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Does protective measurement imply the reality of the wave function?Shan Gao - unknown
    Recently the first protective measurement has been realized in experiment [Nature Phys. 13, 1191 ], which can measure the expectation value of an observable from a single quantum system. This raises an important and pressing issue of whether protective measurement implies the reality of the wave function. If the answer is yes, this will improve the influential PBR theorem [Nature Phys. 8, 475 ] by removing auxiliary assumptions, and help settle the issue about the nature of the wave function. In (...)
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  5.  22
    Can Wavefunction Collapse Conserve Energy?Shan Gao - unknown
    The answer may be yes. A discrete model of energy-conserved wavefunction collapse is proposed. It is shown that the model is consistent with existing experiments and our macroscopic experience.
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    Algorithmic empowerment: A comparative ethnography of two open-source algorithmic platforms – Decide Madrid and vTaiwan.Yu-Shan Tseng - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Scholars of critical algorithmic studies, including those from geography, anthropology, Science and Technology Studies and communication studies, have begun to consider how algorithmic devices and platforms facilitate democratic practices. In this article, I draw on a comparative ethnography of two alternative open-source algorithmic platforms – Decide Madrid and vTaiwan – to consider how they are dynamically constituted by differing algorithmic–human relationships. I compare how different algorithmic–human relationships empower citizens to influence political decision-making through proposing, commenting, and voting on the urban (...)
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    Lun li su qiu: ai guo, jing ye, cheng xin, you shan.Jianhui Ma - 2013 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she.
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    A No-Go Theorem for $$\psi$$-Ontic Models? Yes! Response to Criticisms.Gabriele Carcassi, Andrea Oldofredi & Christine A. Aidala - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-9.
    This short note addresses the criticisms recently proposed by Shan Gao against our article “On the Reality of the Quantum State Once Again: A No-Go Theorem for $$\psi$$ -Ontic Models” (Found. Phys. 54:14). The essay aims to respond to such objections and to show once again that the theorem proved in our paper is correct, and therefore true—contrary to Gao’s claims. Philosophical consequences of this fact are briefly discussed.
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    The Urge to Know.Jonathan C. Calvert - 2014 - Hamilton Books.
    It was love at first sight when Jonathan Calvert saw the Matterhorn in 1953. Something in the way the mountain held sway over him inspired a lifelong passion for natural beauty and adventure. Over the next fifty years, Calvert climbed, hiked, trekked, sailed, kayaked, and dog-sledded in wild places across the globe, following his urge to know. And he hasn t quit yet. In July 2014, he will spend a month in Central Asia traveling the Silk Road through the Pamirs (...)
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  10. The Meaning of the Wave Function: In Search of the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics. [REVIEW]Mario Hubert - 2017 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (00):00-00.
    What is the meaning of the wave-function? After almost 100 years since the inception of quantum mechanics, is it still possible to say something new on what the wave-function is supposed to be? Yes, it is. And Shan Gao managed to do so with his newest book. Here we learn what contemporary physicists and philosophers think about the wave-function; we learn about the de Broglie-Bohm theory, the GRW collapse theory, the gravity-induced collapse theory by Roger Penrose, and the famous (...)
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    Rituals, Death and the Moral Practice of Medical Futility.Shan Mohammed & Elizabeth Peter - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (3):292-302.
    Medical futility is often defined as providing inappropriate treatments that will not improve disease prognosis, alleviate physiological symptoms, or prolong survival. This understanding of medical futility is problematic because it rests on the final outcomes of procedures that are narrow and medically defined. In this article, Walker's `expressivecollaborative' model of morality is used to examine how certain critical care interventions that are considered futile actually have broader social functions surrounding death and dying. By examining cardiopulmonary resuscitation and life-sustaining intensive care (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Ye Xiushan wen ji.Xiushan Ye - 2000 - Zhongqing: Zhongqing chu ban she.
    v. 1. Qian Sugeladi zhe xue yan jiu, Sugeladi ji qi zhe xue si xiang -- v. 2. Si, shi, shi.
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  13. Ye Xiushan xue shu wen hua sui bi.Xiushan Ye - 1999 - Beijing: Zhongguo qing nian chu ban she.
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    Ye Shengtao jiao yu yan jiang =.Shengtao Ye - 2014 - Beijing: Jiao yu ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Muchun Wang.
  15. Ye Xiushan juan.Xiushan Ye - 1999 - Hefei Shi: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
  16.  16
    Ding Shan zi xue yan jiu wei kan gao.Shan Ding - 2011 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she. Edited by Xiantang Wang.
  17. Fu Shan Xunzi Huainanzi ping zhu shou gao.Shan Fu - 1990 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Liancheng Wu & Xunzi.
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  18. Kuhn’s “wrong turning” and legacy today.Yafeng Shan - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):381-406.
    Alexander Bird indicates that the significance of Thomas Kuhn in the history of philosophy of science is somehow paradoxical. On the one hand, Kuhn was one of the most influential and important philosophers of science in the second half of the twentieth century. On the other hand, nowadays there is little distinctively Kuhn’s legacy in the sense that most of Kuhn’s work has no longer any philosophical significance. Bird argues that the explanation of the paradox of Kuhn’s legacy is that (...)
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    Rje-btsun Ye-shes-rgya-mtshoʼi gsung ʼbum. Ye-Shes-Rgya-Mtsho - 2002 - [Xinggang]: Źaṅ-kāṅ-then-ma dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Collected works of Dge-lugs-pa scholar predominantly on doctrines, commentary on Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakośa, study on Abhisamayālaṅkāra of Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāparāmitā, Buddhist logic, philosophy, rituals, etc.
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    Fa de zi ran jing shen dao lun lun.Shan Jiang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban gong si.
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    Research on Digital Business Model Innovation Based on Emotion Regulation Lens.Shan Lu & Haijing Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces technology and big data, enable many firms to innovate their business model. It is clearly an emotional process due to its complex and uncertain nature, and involves individuals’ emotion regulation, yet the current research lacks an effective conversion path from emotion to digital business model innovation. Drawing on theories and research on emotion regulation and business model innovation, we investigate how emotion regulation of entrepreneurs influence digital BMI. Data from 126 new ventures (...)
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  22. Authoring Selves in Language Teaching: A Dialogic Approach to Language Teacher Psychology.Shan Chen, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Judy M. Parr - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The teacher self is a composite psychological construct which encompasses the cognitive, affective, emotional, and social dimensions of teaching. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism, answerability, and addressivity to discuss how English language teachers negotiated the shifting and conflictive context to construct selves in relation to the promoted communicative language teaching approach. Based on narrative interviews and classroom observations with five tertiary English teachers in China, we found that these teachers were actively engaged in the dialog with (...)
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  23.  25
    Does Locality Imply Reality of the Wave Function? Hardy’s Theorem Revisited.Shan Gao - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (4):1-12.
    Hardy’s $$\psi$$ -ontology theorem proves the reality of the wave function under the assumption of restricted ontic indifference. It has been conjectured that restricted ontic indifference, which is a very strong assumption from the $$\psi$$ -epistemic view, can be derived from two weaker sub-assumptions: an ontic state assumption and a locality assumption. However, Leifer argued that this derivation cannot go through when considering the existence of the vacuum state in the second-quantized description of quantum states. In this paper, I present (...)
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  24. Explaining crossover and superiority as left-to-right evaluation.Chung-Chieh Shan & Chris Barker - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (1):91 - 134.
    We present a general theory of scope and binding in which both crossover and superiority violations are ruled out by one key assumption: that natural language expressions are normally evaluated (processed) from left to right. Our theory is an extension of Shan’s (2002) account of multiple-wh questions, combining continuations (Barker, 2002) and dynamic type-shifting. Like other continuation-based analyses, but unlike most other treatments of crossover or superiority, our analysis is directly compositional (in the sense of, e.g., Jacobson, 1999). In (...)
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  25.  10
    Rje btsun Hor-chen-pa Ye-śes-rgya-mtshoʼi dogs dpyod phyogs bsdus bźugs so. Ye-Âses-Rgya-Mtsho & Âzaçn-Kaçn-Then-Måa Dpe Skrun Khaçn - 2001 - Xianggang, [China]: Źaṅ-kaṅ-then-mā dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Selected works of author's on critical analysis on different concepts of Buddhist doctrines and philosophy.
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  26. The Functional Approach: Scientific Progress as Increased Usefulness.Yafeng Shan - 2022 - In New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge. pp. 46-61.
    The functional approach to scientific progress has been mainly developed by Kuhn, Lakatos, Popper, Laudan, and more recently by Shan. The basic idea is that science progresses if key functions of science are fulfilled in a better way. This chapter defends the function approach. It begins with an overview of the two old versions of the functional approach by examining the work of Kuhn, Laudan, Popper, and Lakatos. It then argues for Shan’s new functional approach, in which scientific (...)
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    Doing Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: A Case Study of the Origin of Genetics.Yafeng Shan - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers an integrated historical and philosophical examination of the origin of genetics. The author contends that an integrated HPS analysis helps us to have a better understanding of the history of genetics, and sheds light on some general issues in the philosophy of science. This book consists of three parts. It begins with historical problems, revisiting the significance of the work of Mendel, de Vries, and Weldon. Then it turns to integrated HPS problems, developing an exemplar-based analysis of (...)
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  28.  59
    An argument for ψ-ontology in terms of protective measurements.Shan Gao - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):198-202.
    The ontological model framework provides a rigorous approach to address the question of whether the quantum state is ontic or epistemic. When considering only conventional projective measurements, auxiliary assumptions are always needed to prove the reality of the quantum state in the framework. For example, the Pusey-Barrett-Rudolph theorem is based on an additional preparation independence assumption. In this paper, we give a new proof of psi-ontology in terms of protective measurements in the ontological model framework. The proof does not rely (...)
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    Refining Technopoiesis: Measures and Measuring Thinking in Ancient China.Shan Wu - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (2):1-41.
    Most recently, two distinctions—echoing the cross-disciplinary critique of the teleological and “quantitative” approach of human arts and sciences at the expanse of the “qualitative”—have been foregrounded by Amzallag (Philosophy and Technology 34, 785–809, 2021) and Crease (2011), respectively, between the modern understanding of “technology” (as technopraxis) and the “forgotten dimension/phase of technology” (called technopoiesis) and between the ontic and ontological measurement. Pace gently the denotation of technopoiesis as a juvenile phase of technological development and the “ontological measurements” as logical and (...)
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  30.  53
    CEOs’ Poverty Experience and Corporate Social Responsibility: Are CEOs Who Have Experienced Poverty More Generous?Shan Xu & Panyi Ma - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):747-776.
    This study examines whether the chief executive officer’s poverty experience has an impact on firms’ corporate social responsibility. We find that firms’ CSR performance increases with CEOs’ poverty experience; specifically, firms with CEOs who experienced early-life poverty are associated with more socially responsible activities and fewer socially irresponsible activities, such as on-the-job consumption, and are more associated with key stakeholder-related rather than community-related CSR. We further find that the positive relationship between the CEO’s poverty experience and CSR strengthens for well-educated (...)
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    Rethinking Thomas Kuhn’s Legacy.Yafeng Shan (ed.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    Thomas Kuhn is widely considered as one of the most important philosophers of science in the 20th century and his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is regarded as one of the most influential works in the philosophy of science. This book not only revisits his legacy in the history and philosophy of science but also explores and reflects on the prospect of the Kuhnian philosophy. Moreover, it includes the edited text of Kuhn’s ‘Does Knowledge Grow?’, which was never published before. (...)
  32.  20
    Adapted to flee famine: Adding an evolutionary perspective on anorexia nervosa.Shan Guisinger - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (4):745-761.
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    What does it feel like to be in a quantum superposition?Shan Gao - unknown
    We suggest a new answer to this intriguing question and argue that the answer may have implications for the solutions to the measurement problem. The main basis of our analysis is the doctrine of psychophysical supervenience. First of all, based on this doctrine, we argue that an observer in a quantum superposition or a quantum observer has a definite conscious experience, which is neither disjunctive nor illusive. The inconsistency of this result with the bare theory is further analyzed, and it (...)
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    Engineers’ Moral Responsibility: A Confucian Perspective.Shan Jing & Neelke Doorn - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):233-253.
    Moral responsibility is one of the core concepts in engineering ethics and consequently in most engineering ethics education. Yet, despite a growing awareness that engineers should be trained to become more sensitive to cultural differences, most engineering ethics education is still based on Western approaches. In this article, we discuss the notion of responsibility in Confucianism and explore what a Confucian perspective could add to the existing engineering ethics literature. To do so, we analyse the Citicorp case, a widely discussed (...)
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    Evidential Pluralism in the Social Sciences.Yafeng Shan & Jon Williamson - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    Through case studies in sociology, economics and legal studies, this book advances new philosophical foundations for the methods of the social sciences, providing an account of how to establish or evaluate causal claims, and offering a new way of thinking about evidence-based policy, basic social science research and mixed methods research.
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  36. Applying Evidential Pluralism to the Social Sciences.Yafeng Shan & Jon Williamson - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-27.
    Evidential Pluralism maintains that in order to establish a causal claim one normally needs to establish the existence of an appropriate conditional correlation and the existence of an appropriate mechanism complex, so when assessing a causal claim one ought to consider both association studies and mechanistic studies. Hitherto, Evidential Pluralism has been applied to medicine, leading to the EBM+ programme, which recommends that evidence-based medicine should systematically evaluate mechanistic studies alongside clinical studies. This paper argues that Evidential Pluralism can also (...)
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  37. Donkey anaphora is in-scope binding.C. C. Shan & C. Barker - 2008 - Semantics and Pragmatics 1:91-134.
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    Continuations and Natural Language.Chris Barker & Chung-Chieh Shan - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This book takes concepts developed by researchers in theoretical computer science and adapts and applies them to the study of natural language meaning. Summarizing over a decade of research, Chris Barker and Chung-chieh Shan put forward the Continuation Hypothesis: that the meaning of a natural language expression can depend on its own continuation.
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    On Uffink's criticism of protective measurements.Shan Gao - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):513-518.
    Protective measurement is a new measuring method introduced by Aharonov, Vaidman, and Anandan, with the aim of measuring the expectation value of an observable on a single quantum system, even if the system is initially not in an eigenstate of the measured observable. According to these authors, this feature of protective measurements favors a realistic interpretation of the wave function. These claims were challenged by Uffink. He argued that only observables that commute with the system's Hamiltonian can be protectively measured, (...)
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  40. Unconscious structural knowledge of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning.Shan Jiang, Lei Zhu, Xiuyan Guo, Wendy Ma, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):476-486.
    The study aims to help characterize the sort of structures about which people can acquire unconscious knowledge. It is already well established that people can implicitly learn n-grams and also repetition patterns. We explore the acquisition of unconscious structural knowledge of symmetry. Chinese Tang poetry uses a specific sort of mirror symmetry, an inversion rule with respect to the tones of characters in successive lines of verse. We show, using artificial poetry to control both n-gram structure and repetition patterns, that (...)
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  41. On Uffink's alternative interpretation of protective measurements.Shan Gao - unknown
    Protective measurement is a new measuring method introduced by Aharonov, Anandan and Vaidman. By a protective measurement, one can measure the expectation value of an observable on a single quantum system, even if the system is initially not in an eigenstate of the measured observable. This remarkable feature of protective measurements was challenged by Uffink. He argued that only observables that commute with the system's Hamiltonian can be protectively measured, and a protective measurement of an observable that does not commute (...)
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  42. New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress.Yafeng Shan (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of original essays offers a comprehensive examination of scientific progress, which has been a central topic in recent debates in philosophy of science. Traditionally, debates over scientific progress have focused on different methodological approaches, notably the epistemic and semantic approaches. The chapters in Part I of the book examine these two traditional approaches, as well as the newly revived functional and newly developed noetic approaches. Part II features in-depth case studies of scientific progress from the history of science. (...)
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  43.  30
    Why the Global Phase is Not Real.Shan Gao - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (2):1-6.
    In this paper, I present a new analysis of the meaning of the phase in quantum mechanics. First, I give a simple but rigorous proof that the global phase is not real in $$\psi$$ -ontic quantum theories. Next, I argue that a similar strategy cannot be used to prove the reality of the global phase due to the existence of the tails of the wave function. Finally, I argue that the relative phase is not a nonlocal property of two regions (...)
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    Ye Xiushan quan ji.Xiushan Ye - 2019 - Nanjing Shi: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she.
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    Detection of Genuine and Posed Facial Expressions of Emotion: Databases and Methods.Shan Jia, Shuo Wang, Chuanbo Hu, Paula J. Webster & Xin Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Facial expressions of emotion play an important role in human social interactions. However, posed expressions of emotion are not always the same as genuine feelings. Recent research has found that facial expressions are increasingly used as a tool for understanding social interactions instead of personal emotions. Therefore, the credibility assessment of facial expressions, namely, the discrimination of genuine (spontaneous) expressions from posed (deliberate/volitional/deceptive) ones, is a crucial yet challenging task in facial expression understanding. With recent advances in computer vision and (...)
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  46. The character of quotation.Chung-Chieh Shan - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (5):417-443.
    This paper presents syntactic and semantic rules for a fragment of English with mixed quotation. The fragment shows that quotation has a recursive and compositional structure. Quoted expressions turn out to denote characters, so the semantics of quotation simulates the pragmatics of speech, including dependence on utterance contexts and reference to mental entities. The analysis also accommodates varieties of unquotation, pure quotation, and causal reference.
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  47. Meaning of the wave function.Shan Gao - 2010
    We investigate the meaning of the wave function by analyzing the mass and charge density distributions of a quantum system. According to protective measurement, a charged quantum system has effective mass and charge density distributing in space, proportional to the square of the absolute value of its wave function. In a realistic interpretation, the wave function of a quantum system can be taken as a description of either a physical field or the ergodic motion of a particle. The essential difference (...)
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  48. The meaning of the wave function: in search of the ontology of quantum mechanics.Shan Gao - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Quantum mechanics and experience -- The wave function: ontic vs epistemic -- The nomological view -- Reality of the wave function -- Origin of the Schrödinger equation -- The ontology of quantum mechanics (I) -- The ontology of quantum mechanics (II) -- Implications for solving the measurement problem -- Quantum ontology and relativity.
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    Cold Mountain; 100 Poems by the Tʿang Poet Han-ShanCold Mountain; 100 Poems by the Tang Poet Han-Shan.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Han-Shan - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):415.
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  50. Mou Zongsan zhuan.Shan Li - 2002 - Beijing Shi: Zhong yang min zu da xue chu ban she.
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