Results for 'Sergeĭ T︠S︡vetkov'

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  1.  55
    Disentangling FDE -Based Paraconsistent Modal Logics.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1221-1254.
    The relationships between various modal logics based on Belnap and Dunn’s paraconsistent four-valued logic FDE are investigated. It is shown that the paraconsistent modal logic \, which lacks a primitive possibility operator \, is definitionally equivalent with the logic \, which has both \ and \ as primitive modalities. Next, a tableau calculus for the paraconsistent modal logic KN4 introduced by L. Goble is defined and used to show that KN4 is definitionally equivalent with \ without the absurdity constant. Moreover, (...)
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  2. Novoe religioznoe predstavlenie: otkrovenii︠a︡.Sergeĭ Ivanov - 1994 - [Kaluga]: Kaluzhskoe upravlenie pechata i informat︠s︡ii.
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  3. Ocherki po istorii russkoĭ filosofii.Sergei A. Levitzky - 1996 - Moskva: Kanon.
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  4. Print︠s︡ip sochuvstvii︠a︡: razmyshlenii︠a︡ ob ėtike i nauchnom poznanii.Sergeĭ Viktorovich Meĭen - 2006 - Moskva: GEOS.
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  5. Otrazhenie na bezsilieto: [filos.-gnoseol. izsledvane na religii︠a︡ta].Petur Tsvetkov & Todor Stoichev Stoichev - 1980 - Sofii︠a︡: OF. Edited by Todor Stoĭchev Stoĭchev.
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    On specific character of Austrian national code in literature and music: origins of game-like nature.Yu L. Tsvetkov - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):36.
    In the article the mutual influence of folk theatre, Austrian Singspiel and Viennese opera in the genres of comic opera, operetta and drama performances involving music, singing and dancing is studied. The powerful influence of Italian and French opera schools, as well as the Italian Commedia Dell'arte led to the flourishing of music and theatre art in Austria: opera buffa (A. Salieri, Ch. W. Glück, J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart), fairy-tale comedies of F. Raimund and satirical dramas of Nestroy. Their (...)
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    Khrustalʹnyĭ kupol fantaziĭ.Sergeĭ Zubarev - 2011 - Moskva: Academia.
    Книга адресована психоаналитикам, психологам, психотерапевтам, философам, педагогам, студентам и всем работникам "помогающих" профессий.
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  8. Unusual coincidences, statistics and an intelligent influence.Sergei Chekanov - manuscript
    This paper argues that unusual coincidences, particularly those involving historical events, can be viewed as design patterns, suggesting an intelligent influence over the course of events. A compelling case examined in detail using probability theory concerns the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) and John F. Kennedy (1917–1963). This and other coincidences involving historical figures disfavor the materialistic perspective and point to the presence of an intelligent agent acting on a global scale, beyond the arrow of time, influencing human lives and (...)
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    Naukata i zhiznenii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t: sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na prof. Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov, Konstantin I︠A︡nakiev & Dimitŭr Elchinov (eds.) - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Private Duty Creation in Theories of Distributive Justice.Sergei Sazonov - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (2):379-401.
    Historical entitlement theories of property rights, which claim that individuals can acquire moral property rights over natural resources by appropriating them, traditionally face a strong objection: it is widely implausible that a single individual can unilaterally impose duties on everyone around him and yet, apparently, this is exactly what such theories allow. In this essay, I argue that the same problem appears in all other theories of distributive justice and if this problem was a reason to reject historical entitlement theories, (...)
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    Routley Star and Hyperintensionality.Sergei Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (1):33-56.
    We compare the logic HYPE recently suggested by H. Leitgeb as a basic propositional logic to deal with hyperintensional contexts and Heyting-Ockham logic introduced in the course of studying logical aspects of the well-founded semantics for logic programs with negation. The semantics of Heyting-Ockham logic makes use of the so-called Routley star negation. It is shown how the Routley star negation can be obtained from Dimiter Vakarelov’s theory of negation and that propositional HYPE coincides with the logic characterized by the (...)
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    Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency.Sergei Odintsov - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Here is an account of recent investigations into the two main concepts of negation developed in the constructive logic: the negation as reduction to absurdity, and the strong negation. These concepts are studied in the setting of paraconsistent logic.
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    Agamben and Politics: A Critical Introduction.Sergei Prozorov - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Tracing how the logic of inoperativity works in the domains of language, law, history and humanity, 'Agamben and Politics' systematically introduces the fundamental concepts of Agamben's political thought and a critically interprets his insights in the wider context of contemporary philosophy.
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    Preface.Sergei Artemov & Anil Nerode - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (7):743-744.
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    Pʻilosopʻiis klasikuri da tʻanamedrove problemebi: Propʻesor Sergi Avalianis 80 clistʻavisadmi miżġvnili saiubileo krebuli.Sergeĭ Shalvovich Avaliani, Irakli Kalandia, Mixeil Maxaraże & Kaxa Kʻecʻbaia (eds.) - 2008 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Universali".
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    On the Progress of Mathematics.Sergei Demidov - 2000 - In Emily Grosholz & Herbert Breger, The growth of mathematical knowledge. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 377--386.
  17.  6
    Metafizika odnogo vseedinstva.Sergeĭ Didorenko - 1999 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ filosofskiĭ fond.
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  18. Materii︠a︡ i formy ee sushchestvovanii︠a︡.Sergeĭ Ivanovich Goncharuk - 1962
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    Ethological and ecological aspects of color vision.Sergei L. Kondrashev - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):42-42.
  20. Na Belom more, na Solovet︠s︡kikh ostrovakh: inocheskie drevnosti.Sergeĭ Morozov - 1998 - Solovki: T-vo Solovet︠s︡kogo morekhodstva.
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    Intuitionistic epistemic logic.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):266-298.
    We outline an intuitionistic view of knowledge which maintains the original Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics for intuitionism and is consistent with the well-known approach that intuitionistic knowledge be regarded as the result of verification. We argue that on this view coreflectionA→KAis valid and the factivity of knowledge holds in the formKA→ ¬¬A‘known propositions cannot be false’.We show that the traditional form of factivityKA→Ais a distinctly classical principle which, liketertium non datur A∨ ¬A, does not hold intuitionistically, but, along with the whole of (...)
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  22.  39
    Hintikka’s Independence-Friendly Logic Meets Nelson’s Realizability.Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski & Igor Yu Shevchenko - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):637-670.
    Inspired by Hintikka’s ideas on constructivism, we are going to ‘effectivize’ the game-theoretic semantics for independence-friendly first-order logic, but in a somewhat different way than he did in the monograph ‘The Principles of Mathematics Revisited’. First we show that Nelson’s realizability interpretation—which extends the famous Kleene’s realizability interpretation by adding ‘strong negation’—restricted to the implication-free first-order formulas can be viewed as an effective version of GTS for FOL. Then we propose a realizability interpretation for IF-FOL, inspired by the so-called ‘trump (...)
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    Johann Christoph Sturm.Sergei Secundant - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):104-120.
    In this paper the philosophical ideology of eclecticism of Modern times is considered, especially as it has been formulated byJ. Ch.Sturm, and assessment of its contribution to development of philosophical and scientific thought is given. The need of differentiation of eclecticism, syncretism and conciliatorics is proved. Eclecticism is characterized as a progressive for its time current. The decisive impact eclecticism on formation of new scientific outlook is emphasized.
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    Foucault’s Affirmative Biopolitics: Cynic Parrhesia and the Biopower of the Powerless.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (6):801-823.
    While Foucault’s work on biopolitics continues to inspire diverse studies in a variety of disciplines, it has largely been missing from the debates on the possibility of “affirmative biopolitics” which have been primarily influenced by the work of Agamben and Esposito. This article restores Foucault’s work to these debates, proposing that his final lecture course at the Collège de France in 1983–1984 developed a paradigm of affirmative biopolitics in the reading of the Cynic practice of truth-telling ( parrhesia). The Cynic (...)
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    Connexive Variants of Modal Logics Over FDE.Sergei Odintsov, Daniel Skurt & Heinrich Wansing - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 295-318.
    Various connexive FDE-based modal logics are studied. Some of these logics contain a conditional that is both connexive and strict, thereby highlighting that strictness and connexivity of a conditional do not exclude each other. In particular, the connexive modal logics cBK-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$^{-}$$\end{document}, cKN4, scBK-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$^{-}$$\end{document}, scKN4, cMBL, and scMBL are introduced semantically by means of classes of Kripke models. The logics cBK-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} (...)
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    Preface.Sergei Artemov, George Boolos, Erwin Engeler, Solomon Feferman, Gerhard Jäger & Albert Visser - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1-2):1.
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    University of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo), Brazil, July 28–31, 1998.Sergei Artemov, Sam Buss, Edmund Clarke Jr, Heinz Dieter Ebbinghaus, Hans Kamp, Phokion Kolaitis, Maarten de Rijke & Valeria de Paiva - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3).
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  28. Ancient Greek" Literature" and near Eastern" Writings": The Opposition and Encounter of Two Creative Principles: Part One: The Opposition.Sergei Averintsev, Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky - forthcoming - Arion.
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  29. Perceptual consequences of binocular matching by correlation: Effects of disparity waveform and waveform orientation.Sergei Gepshtein, H. F. Rose, M. S. Banks & M. S. Landy - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 39-39.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ i nauka: sbornik statii.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Lit︠s︡ata na smŭrtta: naglasi i predstavi za predelnoto.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov - 1995 - Sofii︠a︡: "Prosveta".
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    Роль любовної прихильності у формуванні соціальної кооперації і турботі про потомство у людини і тварин.Sergei Kliman - 2017 - Схід 5 (151):74-77.
    Стаття присвячена темі ролі любовної прихильності в соціальному житті тварин і людини. Звертається увага на значущість емпатії серед деяких видів моногамних ссавців, яка зіграла важливу роль у розвитку любовних стосунків. Розглядається гіпотеза антрополога Оуена Лавджоя, згідно з якою любов і турбота зіграли винятково важливу роль в еволюції ранніх гомінідів, що стало можливою причиною редукції ікл, прихованої овуляції, розвитку двоногості та збільшення обсягу мозку. Іншими словами, сімейні стосунки древніх ардипітеків виявляються ключем до розуміння еволюції Homo sapiens. Аналізується гіпотеза Чорної Королеви, яка (...)
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  33. Alternativy: aksiologicheskie aspekty khristianstva, marksizma i filosofii zhizni.Sergeĭ Kortunov - 1992 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ nauch. fond.
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    On modelling fuzzy preference relations.Sergei Ovchinnikov - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh, Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 154--164.
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    Is world politics a world away?Sergei Prozorov - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (2):286-310.
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    Semiotics and the ABC Principle.Sergei G. Proskurin - 2013 - Semiotics:67-80.
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    Fraternity of old‐timers: How ubiquitin regulates miRNA functions.Sergei Ryazansky & Natalia Akulenko - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2200220.
    AbstractmiRNA‐mediated gene repression and ubiquitin‐dependent processes are among the oldest and most versatile mechanisms that control multiple molecular pathways, rather than just protein turnover. These systems were discovered decades ago and have become among the most studied. All systems within cells are interconnected, and these two are no exception: the plethora of studies have demonstrated that the activity of the miRNAs system depends on players of the ubiquitin‐centered universe of processes, and vice versa. This review focuses on recent progress that (...)
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  38. Dialektika ėmpiricheskogo i teoricheskogo v istoricheskom poznanii.Sergei Pavlovich Saiko - 1975 - Alma-Ata: Nauka.
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    Human Labour and Unity of Force.Sergei Podolinsky - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (1):163-183.
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    Man's Trajectory: Between the Body's Curve and the Soul's Straight Line.Sergei Zimovets - 1998 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):18-24.
    And so that there may be less difficulty in understanding what I shall say on this matter, I should like that those not versed in anatomy should take the trouble, before they read this, to have cut up before their eyes the heart of some large animal that has lungs—for it is in all respects sufficiently similar to the heart of man….
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    Democratic Biopolitics: Popular Sovereignty and the Power of Life.Sergei Prozorov - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Sergei Prozorov challenges the assumption that the biopolitical governance means the end of democracy, arguing for a positive synthesis of biopolitics and democracy. He develops a vision of democratic biopolitics where diverse forms of life can coexist on the basis of their reciprocal recognition as free, equal and in common.
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    Unification and admissible rules for paraconsistent minimal Johanssonsʼ logic J and positive intuitionistic logic IPC.Sergei Odintsov & Vladimir Rybakov - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (7-8):771-784.
    We study unification problem and problem of admissibility for inference rules in minimal Johanssonsʼ logic J and positive intuitionistic logic IPC+. This paper proves that the problem of admissibility for inference rules with coefficients is decidable for the paraconsistent minimal Johanssonsʼ logic J and the positive intuitionistic logic IPC+. Using obtained technique we show also that the unification problem for these logics is also decidable: we offer algorithms which compute complete sets of unifiers for any unifiable formula. Checking just unifiability (...)
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    The philosophy of pseudoabsolute.Sergeĭ Shalvovich Avaliani - 2018 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publisher's. Edited by Lela Dumbadze.
    The book represents a comprehensive account of the principles of the philosophy of the pseudoabsolute and is intended for readers interested in the issues of theoretical philosophy. It is also meant for a wide range of readers interested in the relative and absolute nature of human mentality.
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    Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism.Mariev Sergei (ed.) - 2017 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    Byzantine intellectuals not only had direct access to Neoplatonic sources in the original language but also, at times, showed a particular interest in them. During the Early Byzantine period Platonism significantly contributed to the development of Christian doctrines and, paradoxically, remained a rival world view that was perceived by many Christian thinkers as a serious threat to their own intellectual identity. This problematic relationship was to become even more complex during the following centuries. Byzantine authors made numerous attempts to harmonize (...)
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    Agamben and the Critique of Katechontic Time 141 Nicholas Heron.Sergei Prozorov - 2016 - In Daniel McLoughlin, Agamben and Radical Politics. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 165-188.
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  46. Explicit provability and constructive semantics.Sergei N. Artemov - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):1-36.
    In 1933 Godel introduced a calculus of provability (also known as modal logic S4) and left open the question of its exact intended semantics. In this paper we give a solution to this problem. We find the logic LP of propositions and proofs and show that Godel's provability calculus is nothing but the forgetful projection of LP. This also achieves Godel's objective of defining intuitionistic propositional logic Int via classical proofs and provides a Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov style provability semantics for Int which (...)
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    Neoplatonic Philosophy in Byzantium.Sergei Mariev - 2017 - In Mariev Sergei, Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-30.
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    Belnap–Dunn Modal Logics: Truth Constants Vs. Truth Values.Sergei P. Odintsov & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):416-435.
    We shall be concerned with the modal logic BK—which is based on the Belnap–Dunn four-valued matrix, and can be viewed as being obtained from the least normal modal logic K by adding ‘strong negation’. Though all four values ‘truth’, ‘falsity’, ‘neither’ and ‘both’ are employed in its Kripke semantics, only the first two are expressible as terms. We show that expanding the original language of BK to include constants for ‘neither’ or/and ‘both’ leads to quite unexpected results. To be more (...)
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  49. The logic of justification.Sergei Artemov - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):477-513.
    We describe a general logical framework, Justification Logic, for reasoning about epistemic justification. Justification Logic is based on classical propositional logic augmented by justification assertions t: F that read t is a justification for F. Justification Logic absorbs basic principles originating from both mainstream epistemology and the mathematical theory of proofs. It contributes to the studies of the well-known Justified True Belief vs. Knowledge problem. We state a general Correspondence Theorem showing that behind each epistemic modal logic, there is a (...)
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  50.  44
    Living à la mode: Form-of-life and democratic biopolitics in Giorgio Agamben’s The Use of Bodies.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (2):144-163.
    The publication of The Use of Bodies, the final volume in Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer series, makes it possible to take stock of Agamben’s project as a whole. Having started with a powerful critique of the biopolitical sovereignty as the essence of modern politics, Agamben concludes his project with an affirmative vision of inoperative politics of form-of-life, in which life is not negated or sacrificed to the privileged form it must attain, but rather remains inseparable from the form that does (...)
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