Results for 'Seray Ergene'

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  1.  18
    Environmental Racism and Climate (In)Justice in the Anthropocene: Addressing the Silences and Erasures in Management and Organization Studies.Seray Ergene, Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee & Erim Ergene - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (4):785-800.
    In this paper, we are situated in postcolonial, decolonial, and feminist epistemologies to study environmental racism in the Anthropocene—a new geological epoch where human activity has changed the functioning of the earth. Drawing from critiques of the Anthropocene, the concept of racial capitalism, as well as environmental justice and racism scholarship, we show how proposed solutions to the climate crisis overlook and may even exacerbate racial injustices faced by communities of color. We contend that a _climate justice agenda that is (...)
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    Alıntı Sözcükler İçin Verilen Kaynak Dil Ve Özgün Biçim Bilgileri Açısından Türkçe Sözlüklerin Karşı.Oğuz Ergene - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):647-647.
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    Erziehung als Interaktion und Kommunikation auf der Grundlage von Liebe.Gürkan Ergen - 2010 - In Elmar Drieschner & Detlef Gaus (eds.), Liebe in Zeiten pädagogischer Professionalisierung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. pp. 261--281.
  4.  7
    Oppression and Salvation: Annotated Legal Documents from the Ottoman Book of Complaints of 1675. By Haim Gerber.Boǧaç Ergene - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    Oppression and Salvation: Annotated Legal Documents from the Ottoman Book of Complaints of 1675. By Haim Gerber. Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker, vol. 27. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2018. Pp. 188. €68.
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    Sharia and the Making of the Modern Egyptian: Islamic Law and Custom in the Courts of Ottoman Cairo. By Reem A. Meshal.Boǧaç A. Ergene - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    Sharia and the Making of the Modern Egyptian: Islamic Law and Custom in the Courts of Ottoman Cairo. By Reem A. Meshal. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2014. Pp. xii + 290. $75.
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    Gender differences in ethical perceptions of salespeople: An empirical examination in turkey. [REVIEW]Azize Ergeneli & Semra Arıkan - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (3):247 - 260.
    Researchers on gender and ethical decision-making have recently emphasized the differences between men's and women's ethical perceptions. This study is concerned with the perceptions of salespeople working in clothing and medical equipment sectors in Turkey. It regards the perceptions of colleagues of opposing genders in ethically questionable situations. The evaluation of salespeople's responses for 14 ethical scenarios indicates that there is no significant difference in ethical perception based on gender. Each gender predicted that their counterpart's response would be the same (...)
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    Evidence in Ottoman courts: Oral and written documentation in early-modern courts of Islamic law.Bogaa A. Ergene - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (3):471-491.
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    Is More Mittelstand the Answer? Firm Size and the Crisis of Democratic Capitalism.Timur Ergen & Sebastian Kohl - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (1):41-70.
    Corporate concentration is currently being discussed as a core reason for the crisis of democratic capitalism. It is seen as a prime mover for wage stagnation and alienation, economic inequalities and discontent with democracy. A tacit coalition of progressive anti-monopoly critiques and small business promoters considers more deconcentrated corporate structures to be a panacea for the crisis of democratic capitalism, arguing that small firms in competition are better for employment, equality and democracy. This paper offers a brief outline of ideas (...)
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  9.  14
    Türkiye Türkçesi Ağızlarında Hayvan Adlandırmalarına İlişkin Belirleyiciler.Oğuz Ergene - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):179-179.
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    Türkiye Türkçesinin Söz Varlığında Hayvan Adlarının Organ Adlarıyla ya da Vücut Bölümlerine İlişkin.Oğuz Ergene - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):319-319.
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    Involuntary memories are not déjà vu.Sami Gülgöz & Irem Ergen - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e364.
    The proposed framework can benefit from integrating predictive processing into the explanation of déjà vu which corresponds to interrupted prediction. Déjà vu is also accompanied by familiarity. However, considerable ambiguity is inherent in familiarity, which necessitates elaboration of this construct. Research findings on involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu show discrepancies, and clustering these constructs can be counterproductive for research.
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  12.  33
    The Textual Evolution of the Ottoman Şeyhülislams’ Fetvas: A Cross-Corpora Computational Analysis.Atabey Kaygun & Boğaç Ergene - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (2):516-545.
    In this article, we use a mix of computational techniques to identify textual shifts in the Ottoman şeyhülislams’ fetvas between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. Our analysis, supplemented by a close reading of these texts, indicates that the fetvas underwent multiple forms of transformation, a consequence of the institutional evolution of the şeyhülislam’s fetva office that aimed to speed up and streamline the production of the fetvas: over time, the texts appropriated a more uniform character and came to contain shorter (...)
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    Nûriyye Mel'mîleri Divanlarında Yer Alan Bestelenmiş İl'hîler.Elif Sena Avlar & Serbülend Arpa - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:339-368.
    IX. yüzyılda Horasan bölgesinde ortaya çıkan Melâmiyye, XXI. yüzyıla kadar varlığını sürdürmüştür. Hamdûn el-Kassâr’ın (ö. 884) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Kassâriyye, Hacı Bayram-ı Velî’nin (ö. 1430) halifesi Ömer Dede Sikkînî’nin (ö. 1475) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Bayramîyye ve Muhammed Nûrü’l-Arabî’nin (ö. 1888) temsil ettiği Melâmetiyye-i Nûriyye olarak 3 dönemde incelenmektedir. Melâmîliğin bu devrelerine dair akademik düzeyde çalışmalar yapılmış olsa da mûsikî yönüne dair çalışmaların çok az olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın evreni Nûriyye Melâmîleri, örneklemi ise Nûriyye Melâmîlerine dair mûsikî ile ilgili çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. (...)
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    Utopie, leidraad of valkuil: inleiding.Machiel Keestra & Hans Achterhuis - 1999 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 39 (4):97-98.
    Zoals bekend is de verhouding tussen filosofie en politiek problematisch. De veroordeling van Socrates door de polis maakte diepe indruk op zijn leerling Plato. Mede om dit soort misstappen te voorkomen ontwierp deze een ideale staat waarin filosofen koningen moesten worden. Vanuit dit idee probeerde hij ook Dionysus, de heerser van Syracus, tot een wijsgerig verantwoorde politiek te brengen. De mislukking van dit Siciliaans avontuur heeft velen na hem ervan overtuigd dat filosofen zich beter niet in kunnen laten met politieke (...)
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    De magie van taal: brein en bewustzijn, wijzelf en de Ander, taal en werkelijkheid.Net Koene - 2020 - Utrecht: Uitgeverij Eburon.
    Voor de taalgebruiker spreekt taal vanzelf, maar de taalonderzoeker staat voor raadsels. Woordvormen lijken in niets op hun betekenis. En taalconstructies lijken onlogisch in elkaar te zitten. Toch kunnen we in een enkele zin onze bedoelingen tot in de subtielste nuances duidelijk maken. We hebben geen toegang tot het bewustzijn van de Ander maar kunnen desondanks gedachten met elkaar uitwisselen. We kunnen de werkelijkheid met elkaar bespreken en fictieve werelden met elkaar delen alsof ze toch ergens buiten onszelf bestaan. De (...)
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  16.  27
    Ergenlerin Influencer Pazarlama İçeriklerine Yaklaşımları: Bir Okuryazarlık Araştırması.Gülden Özkan & Mehmet Halim Arslan - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):137-166.
    Teknoloji ve medya araçlarının gelişmesi ve farklılaşmasıyla birçok yeniliğin hayatlarımıza girdiğine, buna bağlı olarak markaların da reklam ve pazarlama stratejilerini değiştirdiklerine tanık olmaktayız. Geleneksel reklamcılık anlayışının haricinde son zamanlarda sosyal medya ortamlarında sıklıkla gördüğümüz ve markaların önemli yatırım bütçeleri ayırdığı influencer reklamcılık/pazarlama içerikleri hatırı sayılır bir şekilde çocukları ve ergenleri de hedeflemektedir. Bununla birlikte ergenlerin influencer pazarlama/reklamcılık karşısında reklam okuryazarlık becerilerini nasıl işe koştukları hakkındaki mevcut duruma ilişkin bilgimiz sınırlıdır. Bu çalışma, ergenlerin bilişsel, duygusal ve ahlaki reklam okuryazarlığı becerilerinin influencer (...)
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    Religion and Identity: An Ampiric Analysis on Adolescents in the Context of Various Variables.Feyza Nur Kaleci̇ - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):429-462.
    This study aims to understand the relationship between religion and identity in adolescents and to determine the level of religious identity of adolescents; to reveal the predictive effects of the independent variables of gender, class level, type of school, mother’s educational status, father's educational status, socio-economic level, level of family religiosity and worship rate (praying) status on adolescents' religious identity levels; how adolescents define themselves as identities and determine the distribution of the findings about the identity definitions of adolescents according (...)
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    De kruidhofjes: 45 medicijnen tegen dwaasheid en maatschappelijke onrust.D. V. Coornhert - 2023 - Hilversum: Verloren. Edited by Ruben Buys.
    Tijdens zijn bewogen leven schreef Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert (1522-1590) vele teksten en voerde hij talloze gesprekken. Zijn doel: zijn medemensen overtuigen van het belang om niet slaafs achter anderen aan te lopen maar zélf na te denken. Want elk mens heeft voldoende redelijke vermogens om het leven zelfstandig vorm te geven en het goede te doen. De Kruidhofjes bevat twee bundels met dialogen – gesprekken die Coornhert zelf voerde of onderweg heeft gehoord. De dialogen zijn te zien als medicijnen tegen (...)
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