Results for 'Semra Demi̇r'

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  1. Effects of Personal Values on Auditor’s Ethical Decisions: A Comparison of Pakistani and Turkish Professional Auditors.Semra Karacaer, Raheel Gohar, Mehmet Aygün & Cem Sayin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):53-64.
    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of personal values on auditor's ethical decisionmaking in two countries, namely, Pakistan and Turkey. This study is the first that empirically addresses the role of values in the ethical decision-making processes of Pakistani and Turkish Professional auditors. This study surveys a random sample of these countries' professional certified auditors to assess their value preferences and reactions to an ethical dilemma. This study measures practicing auditors' value preferences by using the Rokeach (...)
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  2. Neural Mechanisms of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Network-Based fMRI Approach.Semra A. Aytur, Kimberly L. Ray, Sarah K. Meier, Jenna Campbell, Barry Gendron, Noah Waller & Donald A. Robin - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which causes more disability than any other medical condition in the United States at a cost of $560–$635 billion per year. Opioid analgesics are frequently used to treat CP. However, long term use of opioids can cause brain changes such as opioid-induced hyperalgesia that, over time, increase pain sensation. Also, opioids fail to treat complex psychological factors that worsen pain-related disability, including beliefs about and emotional responses to pain. Cognitive behavioral therapy can (...)
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    Ahmet Mekin Kandemir. Mu‘tezilî Düşüncede Tabiat ve Nedensellik.Osman Demir - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):188-193.
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  4. Indiscernibility and bundles in a structure.Sun Demirli - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (1):1-18.
    The bundle theory is a theory about the internal constitution of individuals. It asserts that individuals are entirely composed of universals. Typically, bundle theorists augment their theory with a constitutional approach to individuation entailing the thesis ‘identity of constituents is a sufficient ground for numerical identity’ (CIT). But then the bundle theory runs afoul of Black’s duplication case—a world containing two indiscernible spheres. Here I propose and defend a new version of the bundle theory that denies ‘CIT’, and which instead (...)
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    Downsizing and Restructuring in Smaller Firms.Semra F. Aşcigil, Demet Tekin, Mark N. K. Saunders & Adrian Thornhill - 2008 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 27 (1-4):103-116.
    Downsizing is a process whereby human relations management emerges as a critical skill in its effective management. This paperis about perceptions of employees of a small-sized Turkish firm who survived successive downsizing decisions. It was found that downsizing affected the organizational justice-related perceptions of survivors. The questionnaire used to explore organizational justice-related perceptions involved three dimensions and was developed by Saunders and Thornhill (1999). Procedural, interactional and distributive justice-related perceptions of survivors were influenced by the way management handled the process. (...)
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    The Role of Parents, Siblings, Peers, Relatives and Other Agents in Turkish–Muslim Emerging Adults’ Religious Socializations.Gözde Özdikmenli-Demir & Birsen Şahin-Kütük - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (3):363-396.
    In this exploratory qualitative study, the open-ended responses of 71 Turkish–Muslim university students regarding their religious socialization experiences were coded by NVivo 8. Results indicate that both parents play a major role in their offspring's religious socialization. However, participants perceive their same-sex parents in particular as being more influential. Parents’ methods for transmitting religious values and practices include having religious talks with their children, answering their questions about Islam, sending them to mosques, reinforcing and/or punishing their behaviours. Peers, siblings, and (...)
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    Aorist Morpheme of Negative Verbs in Turkish.Semra Alyilmaz - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:87-118.
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    Bundles, Indiscernibility and Triplication Problem.Sun Demirli - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:33-40.
    The bundle theory, supposed as a theory concerning the internal constitution of individuals, is often conjoined with a constitutional approach to individuation entailing the thesis ‘no two individuals can share all their constituents’ (CIT). But then it runs afoul of Black’s duplication case. Here a new bundle theory, takingdistance relations between bundles to be a sufficient ground for their diversity, will be proposed. This version accommodates Black’s world. Nonetheless, there is a possible objection. Consider the ‘triplication case’—a world containing three (...)
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    The Stranger to Time: What a Collector Stands for in a Hurried Society.Sertaç Timur Demir - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):43-59.
    City-dwellers who are threatened by the risk of natural or social disasters are in search of safer houses. Each attempt to satisfy their need for safety, however, turns into another version of the security problem; so much so that, escaping from risk itself turns into different risks. The film 10 to 11 focuses on the socio-spatial conflict between a stranger and his neighbours who are anxious about a possible earthquake risk in Istanbul. Mithat, the protagonist of the film, is a (...)
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  10. İlahiyat Fakültesi Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin İlahiyat Fakültesi Programına İlişkin Algılarının Metafor Analizi Yoluyla İncelenmesi.Semra Çinemre - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 52:265-286.
    Türkiye’de yüksek din öğretimi kurumları üzerine, kendi kadim tarihî akışına eşlik eden çok sayıda akademik çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmiş olduğu bilinen bir vakıadır. Bu çalışmalarda yüksek din öğretimi kurumları; amaçları, programları, istihdam alanları ve sorunları başta olmak üzere akademisyenler tarafından farklı yönleriyle ele alınmıştır. Bu makalede, akademisyenlerin ortaya koyduğu görüşlerden farklı olarak, ilahiyat fakültesinin hedef kitlesi olan öğrencilerin fakülte programına ilişkin algılarını metaforlar yoluyla incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Trabzon Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi’nde 2018-2019 akademik yılında 4. sınıfı tamamlama aşamasında bulunan 73 öğrenci (...)
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    Yaygın Din Eğitiminde Dijitalleşme: Almanya Protestan Kilisesi’nin Sunduğu Dijital Hizmetler Üzerinden Bir İnceleme.Semra Çinemre - 2021 - Atebe 6:79-102.
    İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda dijitalleşmenin olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri ile hayatı tümüyle kuşatmış olması hemen herkesin tecrübe ettiği bir gerçektir. Bu gerçek, dijitalleşme konusunu birçok alan açısından olduğu gibi din, özelde de din eğitimi ve din hizmetleri alanında da ele almayı gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu düşünceden hareketle bu çalışmada dijital çağda din hizmetlerinin dijital platformlara taşınması fikrinin ve bu konuda neler yapılabileceği sorusunun farklı bir ülke örneği üzerinden incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çeşitli ülkeler arasında Almanya, din hizmetlerinde dijitalleşme konusunda incelenmeye değer bir örnek olarak (...)
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  12. Yaygın Din Eğitiminin Toplumu Din İstismarı Konusunda Aydınlatmaya Katkısı: Cuma Hutbeleri Üzerinden Bir İnceleme.Semra Çinemre - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:329-358.
    Din, insanlık tarihi boyunca toplum nezdinde meşrulaştırma işlevi gören en güçlü otorite olagelmiştir. Bu durum, bazı kimseler tarafından çeşitli açılardan çıkar sağlamak amacıyla dinin istismar edilmesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Din eğitiminin yetersiz olduğu durumlarda ise dinin istismar edilme ihtimali artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada “toplumu din konusunda aydınlatmak” görevi olan Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın yaygın din hizmetlerinde din istismarı konusunu nasıl ele aldığı incelenerek toplumun bu konuda aydınlatılmasına katkısı değerlendirilecektir. Çalışmanın örneklemi 2013-2020 yılları arasındaki Cuma hutbeleridir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin benimsendiği çalışmada doküman incelemesi yolu (...)
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    Death Symbolism in Matrilineal Societies.Semra Somersan - 1984 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 12 (2):151-164.
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    Bir Erdem Olarak Özsevgi: Aristoteles Merkezli Bir Okuma.Semra Tüfenkci - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:4):989-1005.
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    Tekno-Bilimsel İlerlemecilik ve Nostaljik-Gelişmecilik İkileminde Modern İnsan.Sertaç Timur Demir - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:4):1537-1557.
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  16. ULUM Dini Tetkikler Dergisi 1/1.Abdullah Demir - 2018 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 1 (1):3-4.
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    What is Conditional Probability?Hilmi Demir - 2016 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-15.
    In the standard and traditional view, the concept of conditional probability is defined with what is known as the ratio formula: the probability of B given A is the ratio between the probability of A and B and the probability of A. It is well known that this definition does not match the conceptual and mathematical expectations that we have from conditional probability, especially for the probability values at the limits. Thus, as pointed out by several philosophers such as Popper (...)
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    The Ottoman Art Of Seals And Seals In The Classical Turkish Poetry.Semra Tunç - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Genel Fizik Felsefesi ve Fizikçi Filozoflar.Semra Uçar - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:2):393-418.
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    Maxwell’in Alan Denklemleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Semra Uçar - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:261-270.
    Maxwell has shown in his field equations that electricity and magnetism, which are thought to be two separate phenomena, are in fact two distinct components of a single phenomenon. Maxwell not only developed these fundamental equations but used them to predict the existence of electromagnetic waves and to show that light is an electromagnetic wave. In this study, I researched on the emergence and effects of Maxwell's field equations using data from the history of physics. As a result of the (...)
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    The effect of ethics training on students recognizing ethical violations and developing moral sensitivity.Zehra Gocmen Baykara, Sevil Guler Demir & Sengul Yaman - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (6):661-675.
    Background: Moral sensitivity is a life-long cognitive ability. It is expected that nurses who work in a professional purpose at “curing human beings” should have a highly developed moral sensitivity. The general opinion is that ethics education plays a significant role in this sense to enhance the moral sensitivity in terms of nurses’ professional behaviors and distinguish ethical violations. Aim: This study was conducted as intervention research for the purpose of determining the effect of the ethics training on fourth-year students (...)
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  22. The Relationship of Idea and Particulars in Plato: Episteme versus Doxa.Abdullah Demir - 2017 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 1 (1-2):37--48.
    There are some terms which should be defined conceptually in the philosophy of values, such that they show us the quality of value judgments. As we have already pointed out, we have to start thinking about values with the essence of ethical concepts, and it is possible for us to create a norm of politics or law through these concepts. The Good as the basic concept of morality is the most comprehensive term that describes the reason for being in existence. (...)
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  23. Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām = Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām.Demir Abdullah - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):445-502.
    Abū Ishāq al-Ṣaffār was one of scholars of the Western Qarakhānids’ period who followed the Kalām thought of al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944). His theological works Talkhīs al-adilla and Risāla fī al-kalām, his method in kalām, and frequent reference to his works by Ottoman and Arab scholars indicate that al-Ṣaffār is a respected and authorative Māturīdī theologian. The article focuses on his defense of the kalām. By adding a long introduction to Talkhīs about the naming, importance, and religious legitimacy of the science (...)
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    İbrahim Terzioğlu and “Keçiören Şehrengizi”.Semra Alyilmaz - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:750-762.
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    Apophony In Turkish.Semra Baturay - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:201-220.
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    Ö. Gözel, Ne - Varlık ve Hiçlik: Trans-Ontolojik Bir Düşünüm.Cevriye Demir Güneş - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:1):493-499.
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  27. Hume's Account of Causation.Sun Demirli - 1999 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    Hume begins his discussion of causation with the promise that he will explain fully the relation of cause and effect, and argues strenuously that there is no impression from which the idea of necessary connection is derived. At the end of his discussion, he summarizes his views by offering his "two definitions of cause" where he asserts that the causal relation can be nothing but the regular succession of cause and effect. This is traditionally thought to be evidence for the (...)
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  28. Three aspects of Kantian Autonomy: Independence, Self-Determination and Citizenship.Lucas Thorpe & Sun Demirli - 2024 - Con-Textos Kantianos 20:41-49.
    In the Groundwork, we find three distinct conceptions of freedom: (i) A negative conception of freedom, understood as a capacity for spontaneous action independent of alien causes; (ii) a positive conception of freedom, understood as the capacity of giving law to oneself; and (iii) a second positive conception, understood as the capacity to give laws that bind others as well as oneself. The dominant interpretation of Kant ignores this third conception of freedom and interprets the second conception as a capacity (...)
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    İlahiyat Alanı Akademik Yazım Kılavuzu.Abdullah Demir - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):775-775.
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    Organic/inorganic interfaced field-effect transistor properties with a novel organic semiconducting material.Ahmet Demir, Alparslan Atahan, Sadık Bağcı, Metin Aslan & M. Saif Islam - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (3):274-285.
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    Towards a Feminist Theory of Distrust.Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu & Carolyn McLeod - 2023 - In David Collins, Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Mark Alfano & Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu, The Moral Psychology of Trust. Lexington Books. pp. 125-143.
    Feminist philosophers need a theory of distrust that can make sense of the institutional distrust that is common among people who face systemic oppression. Our purpose in this chapter is to lay the groundwork for such a theory. Our strategy is to use feminist insights about institutional distrust to critique the most general and well-developed theory of distrust in philosophy—Katherine Hawley’s commitment account—and to learn from this exercise about what a feminist theory of distrust should be like. Though not designed (...)
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    A Cross-Cultural Study of Argument Orientations of Turkish and American College Students: Is Silence Really Golden and Speech Silver for Turkish Students?Yeliz Demir & Dale Hample - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):521-540.
    In this paper, we report on the orientations of Turkish college students to interpersonal arguing and compare them with American students’ predispositions for arguing. In measuring the argument orientations, a group of instruments was utilized: argument motivations, argument frames, and taking conflict personally. Turkish data come from 300 college students who were asked to complete self-report surveys. Analyses contrast the mean scores of the Turkish and American respondents, offer gender-based comparisons in the Turkish data, and show whether religiosity has an (...)
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    Investigation of photo-induced change of electro-optical performance in a liquid crystal-organic field effect transistor.Ahmet Demir & Oğuz Köysal - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-10.
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    Türk aydınlanması ve Voltaire: geleneksel düşünceden kopuş.Remzi Demir - 1999 - Kızılay, Ankara: Doruk.
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    Counterfactuals vs. conditional probabilities: A critical analysis of the counterfactual theory of information.Hilmi Demir - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (1):45 – 60.
    Cohen and Meskin 2006 recently offered a counterfactual theory of information to replace the standard probabilistic theory of information. They claim that the counterfactual theory fares better than the standard account on three grounds: first, it provides a better framework for explaining information flow properties; second, it requires a less expensive ontology; and third, because it does not refer to doxastic states of the information-receiving organism, it provides an objective basis. In this paper, I show that none of these is (...)
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    The interaction effect of board characteristics and ESG reporting on the financial performance of multinational enterprises: a quantile regression approach.Ayse Demir, Alireza Zarei & Ibrahim Khalifa Elmghaamez - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    Mezar Taşı Kit'belerinde İstif Hattat S'mî ve Mümt'z Efendi’nin Mezar Taşları Örneği.Fatih Sultan Demir & Abdulkadir Dündar - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:65-98.
    Mezar yapımı insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. İlk insandan beri var olan bu yapı, her toplumun kendi gelenek ve inançları doğrultusunda farklı şekillerde tezâhür etmiştir. Bu çalışma Türklerin tarih boyunca insana vermiş oldukları değerin bir göstergesi olarak mezar taşı kültürünün son dönem uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla 19. yüzyıl ve sonrası Osmanlılarda mezar taşlarının almış olduğu şekilsel değişimler ve hüsn-i hattın uygulama biçimleri örnekler üzerinden verilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmaya konu olan yüzyılı temsilen iki mezar taşı yazısı detaylı bir incelemeye tâbi tutulmuştur. (...)
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    On the universality of language comprehension strategies: Evidence from Turkish.Şükrü Barış Demiral, Matthias Schlesewsky & Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):484-500.
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    Ahmet Mekin Kandemir. Mu‘tezilî Düşüncede Tabiat ve Nedensellik [Nature and Causality in Muʿtazilī Thought].Osman Demir - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):195-202.
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  40. Incommensurabilities in the work of Thomas Kuhn.Ipek Demir - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):133-142.
    I distinguish between two ways in which Kuhn employs the concept of incommensurability based on for whom it presents a problem. First, I argue that Kuhn’s early work focuses on the comparison and underdetermination problems scientists encounter during revolutionary periods whilst his later work focuses on the translation and interpretation problems analysts face when they engage in the representation of science from earlier periods. Secondly, I offer a new interpretation of actors’ incommensurability. I challenge Kuhn’s account of incommensurability which is (...)
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    Enbiy' Sûresinin 22. Âyeti Bağlamında Allah’ın Vahd'niyet Önermesine İlişkin Müfessirlerin Mülahazaları ve Bunların Tahlili.Zakir Demir - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 62:204-223.
    İslâm düşünce tarihine bakıldığında başta tefsir ve kelam olmak üzere hemen bütün ilim adamlarının Enbiyâ sûresinin 22. âyeti ekseninde Allah’ın varlığını ve birliğini muhtelif istidlal yöntemleriyle temellendirmeye çalıştıkları ve vahdâniyet tasavvurlarını daha çok bu ilâhî önermeye dayandırarak ortaya koydukları müşâhede edilmektedir. Buna ilaveten bu âyete yüklenen farklı yorumların, ilim adamlarının birbirlerini tekfir etmesine ve birbirlerine karşı pejoratif bir üslûp kullanmalarına yol açtığı görülmektedir. İslâmî ilimler metodolojisinin hemen her sahasında metinlerin satır aralarında bu ilâhî önermeye dair atıfların yanı sıra bunun yorumu (...)
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    Perceptions and intentions toward medical assistance in dying among Canadian medical students.James Falconer, Félix Couture, Koray K. Demir, Michael Lang, Zachary Shefman & Mark Woo - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):22.
    Medical assistance in dying was legalized in Canada in 2016. As of July 2017, approximately 2149 patients have accessed MAID. There remains no national-level data on the perspectives of future physicians about MAID or its changing legal status. We provide evidence from a national survey of Canadian medical students about their opinions, intentions, and concerns about MAID. From October 2016 to July 2017, we distributed an anonymous online survey to all students at 15 of Canada’s 17 medical schools. The survey (...)
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    Osmanlı'da İlm-i Kelâm: Âlimler, Eserler, Meseleler.Osman Demir, Kadir Gömbeyaz, Veysel Kaya & Ulvi Murat Kılavuz (eds.) - 2016 - İstanbul: İSAR Yayınları.
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    Tracing al-Dawānī in Ottoman Lands.Osman Demir - 2020 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 4 (1):15-28.
    It is generally considered and widely accepted that Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī School to be effective in the formation and development of Ottoman intellectual life. However, there are some ʻulamā’ such as Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī, who influenced the Ottoman mindset with both their works and ideas and beyond, they create distinct traditions. Present outline aims to draw attention to this issue through Mu’ayyadzāda ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Efendi, who is a famous disciple and representative of al-Dawānī perspective in Anatolia. In this respect, it (...)
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  45. Different Interpretations of Abū Ḥanīfa: the Ḥanafī Jurists and the Ḥanafī Theologians.Abdullah Demir - 2018 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 1 (2):259-279.
    Since the spread of Islam in Transoxiana (Mā-warāʾ al-Nahr), religious understandings based on the opinions of Abū Ḥanīfa (d. 150/767) have always been dominant in the region. Therefore, it was not possible for other understandings, which may seem to be opposite to Abū Ḥanīfa’s opinions, to be influential in the region. That Najjāriyya and Karrāmiyya could not be perennial in the region may be an example of this case. Similarly, Māturīdiyya, which benefited from Abū Ḥanīfa’s treatises of creed and his (...)
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    Vases from sweden - (m.) Blomberg, (g.) Nordquist, (p.) Roos, (e.) rystedt, (l.) werkström corpus vasorum antiquorum. Sweden. Gustavianum – uppsala university museum, the historical museum at Lund university, the cultural museum of southern sweden, Lund, malmö art museum. (Sweden fascicule 5.) pp. 82, ills, b/w & colour pls. Stockholm: The Royal swedish academy of letters, history and antiquities, 2020. Cased, sek233. Isbn: 978-91-88763-03-7. [REVIEW]R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):534-536.
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  47. Proces výchovy k vědeckému světovému názoru z hlediska jeho vztahů k ostatním komponentám systému výchovy: teoreticko-metodologická východiska k výzkumu v úkolu VIII-5-4/3: [sborník].Jiří Semrád (ed.) - 1977 - Praha: Pedagog. ústav J. A. Komenského.
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    Nurses' attitudes toward, perceptions of, and experiences with conscientious objection.Seyhan Demir Karabulut, Şenay Gül, Şükrü Keleş, Zehra Göçmen Baykara & Neyyire Yasemin Yalım - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1615-1633.
    Background Conscientious objection is a person’s refusal to fulfill a legal duty due to their ethical values, religious beliefs, or ideological affiliations. In nursing, it refers to a nurse’s refusal to perform an action or participate in a particular situation based on their conscience. Conscientious objection has become a highly contested topic in recent years. Research objectives This study had four objectives: (1) eliciting information on how Turkish nurses perceive conscientious objection, (2) revealing whether their moral beliefs affect the care (...)
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    The Counterfactual Theory of Information Revisited.Hilmi Demir - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (1):183 - 185.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 90, Issue 1, Page 183-185, March 2012.
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    Laura Hassan. Ash‘arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation.Osman Demir - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):115-122.
    Laura Hassan. Ash‘arism Encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press LLC, 2020. xi+317 sayfa. ISBN:‎ 9781463207199.
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