Results for 'Jiří Semrád'

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  1. Branching and (in)determinism.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (2):151-173.
    At a first glance, and even at a second one, it seems that if time is linear the threat of determinism is more severe than if time is branching, since in the latter case the future is open in a way it is not in the former one where, so to speak, there exists only one branch – one future. In this paper, I want to give a 'third glance' at this claim. I acknowledge that such a claim is intuitive (...)
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    Mathematization, Movement, and Extension of the World-Soul in Plato's Timaeus (Tim. 35b4-37a2).Jiří Stránský - 2023 - Pro-Fil 24 (2):43-54.
    The main aim of this study is to explain passage 35b4-37a2 of Plato’s Timaeus which deals with three main topics: the mathematization of the world’s soul, its movement, and its binding to the world’s body. First, it is argued that the mathematical structure of the world-soul allows it to participate in and be sensitive to harmony, which is essential for the correct workings of its cognitive capacities. Second, the division of the world-soul to the circle of the same and the (...)
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  3. Conceptual and Derivation Systems.Jiří Raclavský & Petr Kuchyňka - 2011 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 20 (1-2):159-174.
    Pavel Materna proposed valuable explications of concept and conceptual system. After their introduction, we contrast conceptual systems with (a novel notion of) derivation systems. Derivation systems differ from conceptual systems especially in including derivation rules. This enables us to show close connections among the realms of objects, their concepts, and reasoning with concepts.
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    Duše jako směs jsoucnosti, totožnosti a různosti v Platónově dialogu Tímaios.Jiří Stránský - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (6):456-470.
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    Psychophysics as a science of primary experience.Jiří Wackermann - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (2):189 – 206.
    In Fechner's psychophysics, the 'mental' and the 'physical' were conceived as two phenomenal domains, connected by functional relations, not as two ontologically different realms. We follow the path from Fechner's foundational ideas and Mach's radical programme of a unitary science to later approaches to primary, psychophysically neutral experience (phenomenology, protophysics). We propose an 'integral psychophysics' as a mathematical study of law-like, invariant structures of primary experience. This approach is illustrated by a reinterpretation of psychophysical experiments in terms of perceptual situations (...)
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    Eliminativism, objects, and persons - The virtues of non-existence.Jiri Benovsky - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that he doesn't exist. In this book, he also defends the view that this book itself doesn't exist. But this did not prevent him to write the book, and although in Benovsky's view you don't exist either, this does not prevent you to read it. Benovsky defends a brand of non-exceptionalist eliminativism. Some eliminativists, typically focusing on ordinary material objects such as chairs and hammers, make exceptions, for instance for blue whales (that (...)
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    Whose Public Reason? Which Justification of Laws? A Natural Law Response.Jiří Baroš - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 112 (4):507-524.
    Un des problèmes persistants pour la philosophie pratique est de découvrir un procédé adéquat pour justifier des lois dont la finalité est de réguler le fonctionnement des démocraties constitutionnelles. Les libéraux partisans de la raison publique nient que cette justification puisse provenir de doctrines substantielles, étant donné que les lois doivent pouvoir être justifiées par tous les citoyens (raisonnables). La tradition de la loi naturelle offre un test utile quant à la plausibilité de cette thèse. L’article montre comment les deux (...)
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    Systemic Approach to the Development of Reading Literacy: Family Resources, School Grades, and Reading Motivation in Fourth-Grade Pupils.Jiří Mudrák, Kateřina Zábrodská & Lea Takács - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The successful early acquisition of reading literacy represents a crucial learning process determining the further course of academic development (Stanovich, 2009). During this process, interactions between children and their proximal social environment are of utmost importance. Therefore, we introduce a systemic framework for the development of learning potential (e.g., Mudrak et al., 2015, 2019, 2019b; Ziegler & Stoeger, 2017) and explore the interactions between the social and motivational processes associated with reading literacy development in school-age children. We base our analysis (...)
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  9. Brain electrical activity and subjective experience during altered states of consciousness: Ganzfeld and hypnagogic states.Jirí Wackerman, Peter Pütz, Simone Büchi, Inge Strauch & Dietrich Lehmann - 2002 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2):123-146.
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    Buddhismus a aristotelská logika.Jiří Holba - 2011 - Filosofie Dnes 3 (1):27-36.
    Abstrakt/Abstract Článek pojednává o buddhistické logice a jejím vztahu k logice aristotelské, zejména k principu sporu a principu vyloučeného třetího. Dotkne se také dialetheismu a parakonzistentních logik, které se v souvislosti s interpretacemi buddhismu objevují. The article deals with the Buddhist logic and its relation to Aristotle’s logic, in particular, to the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of exluded middle. It also tackles the topic of dialetheism and paraconsistent logics, which are sometimes mentioned in connection with the interpretations of (...)
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  11. Hudba a její pojmoslovný systém: otázky stratifikace a taxonomie hudby.Jirí Fukac & Ivan Polednák - 1981 - Praha: Academia, nakl. Československé akademie věd. Edited by Ivan Poledňák.
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    O inferencialismu pro Pavla Maternu.Jiří Gabriel - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):120-122.
    Inferencialismus idealizuje proces získání významu v komunikaci. K tomu snadno najdeme protipříklady. Zcela zde chybí nějaká, zejména pojmová analýza a také nějaké rozhodovací (meta)pravidlo pro získání významu.
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    (1 other version)Note on definition of recursiveness.Jiří Hořejš - 1964 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 10 (8):119-120.
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    On the logic of continuous algebras.Jiří Adámek, Alan H. Mekler, Evelyn Nelson & Jan Reiterman - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (3):365-380.
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    (1 other version)Lenin's relationship to the ideas of physicists.Jiří Marek - 1977 - Studies in East European Thought 17 (1):63-80.
    History and the philosophy of science have played a very important role in dialectical materialism; their results have been destined to support the correctness of the ideas of Marxist philosophers, especially in their application in historical materialism.From this point of view, the circumstances of the origin of the works of the Marxist classics cannot be neglected: Engels wrote hisDialectics in Nature in the period of classical physics, and Lenin published hisMaterialism and Empirio-Criticism at the beginning of the 20th century when (...)
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    The juridification of european identity, its limitations and the search of eu democratic politics.Jiří Přibáň - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):44-58.
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    Introduction.Jiří Wackermann - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (2):137 – 139.
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    Possible behaviours of the reflection ordering of stationary sets.Jiří Witzany - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):534-547.
    If S, T are stationary subsets of a regular uncountable cardinal κ, we say that S reflects fully in $T, S , if for almost all α ∈ T (except a nonstationary set) S ∩ α is stationary in α. This relation is known to be a well-founded partial ordering. We say that a given poset P is realized by the reflection ordering if there is a maximal antichain $\langle X_p; p \in P\rangle$ of stationary subsets of $\operatorname{Reg}(\kappa)$ so that (...)
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    Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiří Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
  20. Sociální inovace: doba hledání a tříbení.Jiří Loudín - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (1):97-112.
    Přehledová studie sleduje a analyzuje proměny pojmu sociální inovace. Na základě silné společenské poptávky se z původně dílčí, teoreticky nediskutované a nefixované kategorie stává kategorie obecná. Pokrývá širokou oblast nemateriálních inovací a zároveň se profiluje jako aktivita normativní a intencionální, zaměřená na obecně uznávané sociální cíle. Co do ideově-hodnotových orientací současných koncepcí sociálních inovací studie identifikuje kromě mainstreamu, který zůstává u otevřených hodnotových charakteristik, ještě směr emancipačně-mobilizační a sociálně-tržně odpovědný. V epistemologické rovině se teoretici sociálních inovací hlásí především k praktickému (...)
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    Herbrandizing search problems in Bounded Arithmetic.Jiří Hanika - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):577-586.
    We study search problems and reducibilities between them with known or potential relevance to bounded arithmetic theories. Our primary objective is to understand the sets of low complexity consequences of theories Si2 and Ti2 for a small i, ideally in a rather strong sense of characterization; or, at least, in the standard sense of axiomatization. We also strive for maximum combinatorial simplicity of the characterizations and axiomatizations, eventually sufficient to prove conjectured separation results. To this end two techniques based on (...)
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  22.  80
    Erotic Art as Proprioceptive Art.Jiri Benovsky - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):247-258.
    The philosophical discussion about erotic art has often been understood in terms of the possibility of erotic art as a form of visual or auditory art. In this article, I focus on erotic experiences qua proprioceptive experiences and I defend the claim that, under the right circumstances, such experiences can bring about proprioceptive artworks.
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  23. Philosophical Theories, Aesthetic Value, and Theory Choice.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):191-205.
    The practice of attributing aesthetic properties to scientific and philosophical theories is commonplace. Perhaps one of the most famous examples of such an aesthetic judgement about a theory is Quine's in 'On what there is': "Wyman's overpopulated universe is in many ways unlovely. It offends the aesthetic sense of us who have a taste for desert landscapes". Many other philosophers and scientists, before and after Quine, have attributed aesthetic properties to particular theories they are defending or rejecting. One often hears (...)
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    Trembling Meaning: Camera Instability and Gilbert Simondon's Transduction in Czech Archival Film.Jiří Anger - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (1):18-41.
    Many experimental found footage films base their meanings and effects on an interaction between the figurative content of the image and its material-technological underpinnings. Can this interaction arise accidentally without artistic appropriation? A recently digitised film by the Czech cinema pioneer Jan Kříženecký, Opening Ceremony of the Čech Bridge (1908), presents such an exercise in accidental aesthetics. At one point, the horizontal and vertical trembling of the cinematograph – obtained from the Lumière brothers – translates into a trembling of the (...)
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    Perfekcionistická kritika liberalismu veřejného rozumu.Jiří Baroš - 2021 - Filosoficky Casopis 69 (2):231-250.
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    Lévy hierarchy in weak set theories.Jiří Hanika - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (2):121 - 140.
    We investigate the interactions of formula complexity in weak set theories with the axioms available there. In particular, we show that swapping bounded and unbounded quantification preserves formula complexity in presence of the axiom of foundation weakened to an arbitrary set base, while it does not if the axiom of foundation is further weakened to a proper class base. More attention is being paid to the necessary axioms employed in the positive results, than to the combinatorial strength of the positive (...)
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    Věda kontra iracionalita: sborník přednášek.Jiří Heřt, Luděk Pekárek & Čeněk Zlatník (eds.) - 1998 - Praha: Academia.
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    Radiative corrections, quasi-Monte Carlo methods and discrepancy: computational aspects of high energy phenomenology.Jiri Kamiel Hoogland - 1996 - [Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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    “Berlin, The Symphony of A City” As A Theme of Visual Rhythm.Jiri Kolaja & Arnold W. Foster - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (3):353-358.
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    The theme of social isolation in american painting and poetry.Jiri Kolaja & Robert N. Wilson - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 13 (1):37-45.
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    A semio-psychological theory of communication in music.Jirí Kulka - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 279--284.
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    Psychosemiotic transformation in the arts.Jiří Kulka - 1992 - Semiotica 89 (1-3):25-34.
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    Deregulation vs. Re-regulation.Jiri Schwarz - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (4).
    The classical liberal approach to deregulation is based on the consecutive elimination of state regulatory activities and their substitution by competitive market structure. Increasing competition accompanied with decreasing arbitrary state agencies’ interventions will undoubtedly cultivate the behaviour of market agents and bring benefits to consumers.The classical liberal approach to deregulation is incompatible with the EU deregulation model, which in case of network industries is still based on the permanent existence of regulatory agencies, Third-Party-Access, public service liability, centralized control of investments (...)
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    K Dolákovu pojetí svobodné vůle.Jiří Stodola - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):113-122.
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    Experience at the threshold of wakefulness.Jiří Wackermann - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1093-1094.
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    On the road to thinking machines: insights and ideas.Jiří Wiedermann - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 733--744.
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    The Agency/Structure Dilemma: A Coordination Solution.Jiří Kabele - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (3):314-338.
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  38. Persistence through time and across possible worlds.Jiri Benovsky - 2006 - Ontos Verlag.
    How do ordinary objects persist through time and across possible worlds ? How do they manage to have their temporal and modal properties ? These are the questions adressed in this book which is a "guided tour of theories of persistence". The book is divided in two parts. In the first, the two traditional accounts of persistence through time (endurantism and perdurantism) are combined with presentism and eternalism to yield four different views, and their variants. The resulting views are then (...)
  39.  7
    (1 other version)From Experience to Metaphysics: On Experience‐based Intuitions and their Role in Metaphysics.Jiri Benovsky* - 2013 - Noûs 49 (4):684-697.
    Metaphysical theories are often counter‐intuitive. But they also often are strongly supported and motivated by intuitions. One way or another, the link between intuitions and metaphysics is a strong and important one, and there is hardly any metaphysical discussion where intuitions do not play a crucial role. In this article, I will be interested in a particular kind of such intuitions, namely those that come, at least partly, from experience. There seems to be a route from experience to metaphysics, and (...)
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  40. The Beauty of Metaphysics.Jiri Benovsky - 1st ed. 2016 - In Meta-metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice. Springer.
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    The Limits of Art: On Borderline Cases of Artworks and Their Aesthetic Properties.Jiri Benovsky - 2020 - Springer.
    This open access book is about exploring interesting borderline cases of art. It discusses the cases of gustatory and olfactory artworks, proprioceptive artworks, intellectual artworks, as well as the vague limits between painting and photography. The book focuses on the author’s research about what counts as art and what does not, as well as on the nature of these limits. Overall, the author defends a very inclusive view, 'extending' the limits of art, and he argues for its virtues. Some of (...)
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    Analogy and Understanding.Jiri Syrovatka - 2000 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 15 (3):435-450.
    Analogy is taken into consideration by its didactive and heuristic functions. Analogic changes are analyzed in the form of syntactic-semantic graphs. Their recognizable structural similarity corresponds to the syntax or semantics in the analogy. The concept of analogy has subjective and objective aspects. The explanation in analogies is a dynamic transition from one concept structure to another. The possibility of analogy in the world is a statement about the disposition of the world. The possibility of analogy asserts something about the (...)
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  43. Concept, Image and Mediality.Jiri Bystricky - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (5):429-435.
    The paper deals with the problematic of concept and image as independent forms of mediating the thought. A specific role in incorporating the media of concept and image into the system of thought is played by the mediality itself, which operates as an entity mediating between heterogeneous worlds. The symbolized messages of the concept and image thus represent using the dispositive of representation between the visual and intellectual worlds. The author takes the concept as the initial form of thought, which (...)
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    Medialita a problémy zprostředkování.Jiří Bystřický - 2007 - Flusser Studies 5 (1).
    The subject takes part in and constructs what it perceives, shifting, thus, the presuppositions, that is, the ‚pre-formats‘ of this construction into the background, out of reach of that which is manifesting itself. In fact, within the framework of its own construction, the subject does not dispose of any possibilities of transferring other heterogeneous settings into a unique target format upon which the world of objects is constructed. In order to achieve this the subject needs a determinate interactive interface, i. (...)
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    An Ethical Modernity?: Hegel’s Concept of Ethical Life Today.Jiří Chotaš & Tereza Matějčková (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    _An Ethical Modernity?_ offers a new view of Hegel’s doctrine of ethical life (_Sittlichkeit_) in relation to modernity. In this collection of essays, the authors investigate various aspects of this relation and its importance for today’s world.
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  46. Poznámka editorů.Jiří ChotaŠ & Jindřich KarÁsek - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:4-5.
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    Automated construction of bounded-loss imperfect-recall abstractions in extensive-form games.Jiří Čermák, Viliam Lisý & Branislav Bošanský - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 282 (C):103248.
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  48. Brief Notices.Jiří Fajt & Markus Hörsch - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):501.
  49. Dimensions of Identification.Jiri Kolaja - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):318.
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    Comment traiter le retrait tardif d'une demande de décision préjudicielle.Jiří Malenovský - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):497-511.
    In its jurisprudence relating to Article 267 TFEU, the Court of Justice of the European Union seems to oscillate between two different approaches. According to the jurisprudential mainstream, the preliminary ruling is an instrument of dialogue between national courts and the Court of Justice. This constant dialogue can fulfill the role assigned to the Court to ensure consistency of interpretation and application of Union law. Another line of cases, however, seems to make preliminary rulings means for individuals to ensure their (...)
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