Results for 'Sebastian Schönbeck'

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  1. Können wir uns entscheiden, etwas zu glauben? Zur Möglichkeit und Unmöglichkeit eines doxastischen Willens.Sebastian Schmidt - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (4):571-582.
    I argue that believing at will – i.e. believing for practical reasons – is in some sense possible and in some sense impossible. It is impossible insofar as we think of belief formation as a re-sult of our exercise of certain capacities (perception, memory, agency). But insofar as we think of belief formation as an action that might lead to such a result (i.e. a deliberation or an in-quiry), believing at will is possible. First I present and clarify the problem (...)
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    Generative AI and medical ethics: the state of play.Hazem Zohny, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp & John McMillan - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):75-76.
    Since their public launch, a little over a year ago, large language models (LLMs) have inspired a flurry of analysis about what their implications might be for medical ethics, and for society more broadly. 1 Much of the recent debate has moved beyond categorical evaluations of the permissibility or impermissibility of LLM use in different general contexts (eg, at work or school), to more fine-grained discussions of the criteria that should govern their appropriate use in specific domains or towards certain (...)
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    Cognitive Diminishments and Crime Prevention: “Too Smart for the Rest of Us”?Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-13.
    In this paper, I discuss whether it is ever morally permissible to diminish the cognitive abilities or capacities of some cognitively gifted offenders whose ability to commit their crimes successfully relies on them possessing these abilities or capacities. I suggest that, given such cognitive diminishments may prevent such offenders from re-offending and causing others considerable harm, this provides us with at least one good moral reason in favour of employing them. After setting out more clearly what cognitive diminishment may consist (...)
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  4. Cross-National Associations Among Cyberbullying Victimization, Self-Esteem, and Internet Addiction: Direct and Indirect Effects of Alexithymia.Sebastian Wachs, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Michelle F. Wright & Gabriela Ksinan Jiskrova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Arguing about informant credibility in open multi-agent systems.Sebastian Gottifredi, Luciano H. Tamargo, Alejandro J. García & Guillermo R. Simari - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 259 (C):91-109.
    This paper proposes the use of an argumentation framework with recursive attacks to address a trust model in a collaborative open multi-agent system. Our approach is focused on scenarios where agents share information about the credibility (informational trust) they have assigned to their peers. We will represent informants’ credibility through credibility objects which will include not only trust information but also the informant source. This leads to a recursive setting where the reliability of certain credibility information depends on the credibility (...)
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  6.  21
    The heuristic function of duality.Sebastian Haro - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):5169-5203.
    I conceptualise the role of dualities in quantum gravity, in terms of their functions for theory construction. I distinguish between two functions of duality in physical practice: namely, discovering and describing ‘equivalent physics’, versus suggesting ‘new physics’. I dub these the ‘theoretical’ versus the ‘heuristic’ functions of dualities. The distinction seems to have gone largely unnoticed in the philosophical literature: and it exists both for dualities, and for the more general relation of theoretical equivalence. The paper develops the heuristic function (...)
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  7.  35
    Zootechnologies: Swarming as a Cultural Technique.Sebastian Vehlken - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):110-131.
    This contribution examines the media history of swarm research and the significance of swarming techniques to current socio-technological processes. It explores how the procedures of swarm intelligence should be understood in relation to the concept of cultural techniques. This brings the concept into proximity with recent debates in posthuman (media) theory, animal studies and software studies. Swarms are conceptualized as zootechnologies that resist methods of analytical investigation. Synthetic swarms first emerged as operational collective structures by means of the reciprocal computerization (...)
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  8. Wittgenstein on Gödelian 'Incompleteness', Proofs and Mathematical Practice: Reading Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, Part I, Appendix III, Carefully.Wolfgang Kienzler & Sebastian Sunday Grève - 2016 - In Sebastian Sunday Grève & Jakub Mácha, Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 76-116.
    We argue that Wittgenstein’s philosophical perspective on Gödel’s most famous theorem is even more radical than has commonly been assumed. Wittgenstein shows in detail that there is no way that the Gödelian construct of a string of signs could be assigned a useful function within (ordinary) mathematics. — The focus is on Appendix III to Part I of Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. The present reading highlights the exceptional importance of this particular set of remarks and, more specifically, emphasises (...)
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  9. Risk based passenger screening in aviation security: implications and variants of a new paradigm.Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2017 - In Elisa Orrù, Maria-Gracia Porcedda & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Rethinking surveillance and control : beyond the "security versus privacy" debate. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 49-83.
    In “Risk Based Passenger Screening in Aviation Security: Implications and Variants of a New Paradigm”, Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann describes the current paradigm shift from ‘traditional’ forms of screening to ‘risk based passenger screening’ (RBS) in aviation security. This paradigm shift is put in the context of the wider historical development of risk management approaches. Through a discussion of Michel Foucault, Herfried Münkler and Ulrich Beck, Weydner-Volkmann analyses the shortcomings of such approaches in public security policies, which become especially evident in (...)
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  10.  13
    Nietzsche’s Philosophical Aestheticism.Sebastian Gardner - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article explores Nietzsche’s philosophical aestheticism—the conception of art and the aesthetic as playing a necessary, internal, privileged role in the task of philosophy. It begins with an overview of the discussions of art and the aesthetic in Nietzsche’s writings, focusing on his early theory of tragedy. It then shows how Nietzsche’s position allows itself to be reconstructed as a distinctive and coherent form of philosophical aestheticism. The great importance Nietzsche gives to the aesthetic state is not matched by extensive (...)
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  11.  17
    Ohne Heimat.Sebastian Tränkle - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (2):258-269.
    This essay reconstructs the relationship between critique and theory constitutive for Critical Theory. Based on Max Horkheimer’s 1937 program, the first part shows that “critical behaviour” must, on the one hand, seek proximity to social practice. On the other hand, such behaviour is dependent on the distance from its object that all “theoretical work” entails. Since the inception of a genuinely critical theory in the early works of Karl Marx, the proximity to practice goes hand in hand with the demand (...)
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    Down but Not Out: Union Resurgence and Segmented Neocorporatism in Argentina.Ruth Berins Collier & Sebastián Etchemendy - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):363-401.
    The shift from state-led import-substitution industrialization to more market-oriented economic models often has the result of shrinking and demobilizing the labor movement. Yet, evidence from Argentina suggests that a subsequent resurgence of even a downsized labor movement may occur and furthermore that a type of “segmented neocorporatism” may be established in the new economic context. We argue that the establishment of this new form of interest intermediation is driven by economic and political factors that are both immediate and longer term. (...)
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  13. Cross-linguistic research on language production.Albert Costa, F.-Xavier Alario & Sebastián-Gallés & Núria - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    La imagen de Grecia en Schiller y Hölderlin: un horizonte utópico siempre por venir.Sebastián Gámez Millán - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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    El libro de los signos (Jn 1,19-12,50). Aproximación a algunas de sus líneas de investigación.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2021 - Franciscanum 63 (175):1-28.
    Es reconocido desde hace tiempo por la crítica que en su estructura y contenido el libro de los signos comparte cierta semejanza con las secciones iniciales de los tres primeros evangelios. También sus matices teológicos propios han sido resaltados, así como sus fuentes. Este encuentro y diferencia entre el cuarto evangelio y los sinópticos ha divido a los estudiosos respecto al análisis de sus fuentes y sus rasgos teológicos, como lo son el uso de sus fuentes, los relatos de milagros, (...)
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    The Affirmation of Order.Glenn Hughes & Sebastian Moore - 1990 - Lonergan Workshop 8:109-133.
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  17. El problema ético de la intimidación en deporte: la aportación de una ética hermenéutica como cardio-ética.Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes - 2013 - Analogía Filosófica 27 (2):157-186.
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    Ende und Anfang einer Ära der Landauer-Forschung.Sebastian Venske - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (2):143-147.
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    A Multivariate Method for Dynamic System Analysis: Multivariate Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Using Generalized Variance.Sebastian Wallot, Julien Patrick Irmer, Monika Tschense, Nikita Kuznetsov, Andreas Højlund & Martin Dietz - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Fractal fluctuations are a core concept for inquiries into human behavior and cognition from a dynamic systems perspective. Here, we present a generalized variance method for multivariate detrended fluctuation analysis (mvDFA). The advantage of this extension is that it can be applied to multivariate time series and considers intercorrelation between these time series when estimating fractal properties. First, we briefly describe how fractal fluctuations have advanced a dynamic system understanding of cognition. Then, we describe mvDFA in detail and highlight some (...)
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  20.  27
    Book Review: Visual Representations in Science.Sebastian De Haro - forthcoming - Grazer Philosophische Studien.
    Review of Nicola Möβner’s 'Visual Representations in Science. Concept and Epistemology'. Forthcoming in Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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  21. Do abductive machines exist? Proposal for a multi-level concept of abduction.Andreas Kaminski & Sebastian Harrach - 2010 - In Klaus Mainzer, ECAP10. VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy. Hut. pp. 482–487.
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    Semantik: eine Einführung.Sebastian Löbner - 2015 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    The book offers an up-to-date introduction to the essential phenomena, issues, and theoretical approaches of linguistic semantics. It covers the key aspects of word and sentence semantics. In his step-by-step development of the theme, the author puts great stock in the consistency, coherence, and understandability of the scientific approach. The new edition has been extensively revised, expanded, and updated.
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    Multiscale characterisation of diffuse granular failure.Antoinette Tordesillas, Sebastian Pucilowski, Luc Sibille, François Nicot & Félix Darve - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (36):4547-4587.
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    Die amoralische Moralität der Kunst Oscar Wildes negativer Perfektionismus.Sebastian Tränkle - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 67 (1):36-53.
    Gegenwärtig werden häufig politisch-moralische Ansprüche an die Kunst gerichtet. Dieser Aufsatz tritt ihnen unter Verweis auf ihren grundsätzlichen Konflikt mit ästhetischen Ansprüchen entgegen. Anhand von Oscar Wildes ästhetisch-theoretischen.
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  25.  20
    Propiedades y antecedentes gnoseológicos del gnosticismo moderno y contemporáneo. Un análisis crítico desde el pensamiento de Eric Voegelin.Sebastián Buzeta Undurraga - 2023 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 35 (1):76-91.
    La presencia gnóstica denunciada por Voegelin a finales del siglo pasado y que ha visto su expresión más fiel en las ideologías contemporáneas, ha ido mutando a diversas manifestaciones denunciadas por teóricos contemporáneos, no solo por su naturaleza inmanente, sino por su misma inconsistencia gnoseológica. Así, el presente artículo tiene por objeto profundizar en torno a las propiedades o características fundamentales del gnosticismo moderno y contemporáneo, así como en sus antecedentes gnoseológicos. Para llevar a cabo esta labor nos centraremos en (...)
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    Operative communication: project Cybersyn and the intersection of information design, interface design, and interaction design.Sebastian Vehlken - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1131-1152.
    This article examines the connecting lines between the Chilean Project Cybersyn’s interface design, the German Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm and its cybernetically inspired approaches towards information design, and later developments in interaction design and the emerging field of Human–Computer Interaction in the USA. In particular, it first examines how early works of designers Tomàs Maldonado and Gui Bonsiepe on operative communication, that is, language-independent pictogram systems and visual grammars for computational systems, were intertwined with attempts to ground industrial design in (...)
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    Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, Walter Benjamin, Peter Fenves (ed.) and Julia Ng (ed.) (2021).Sebastian Truskolaski - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):301-306.
    Review of: Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, Walter Benjamin, Peter Fenves (ed.) and Julia Ng (ed.) (2021) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 368 pp., ISBN 978-0-80474-952-7, h/bk, $25.00.
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    Philosophy of Computational Social Science.Sebastian Benthall - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):13-30.
  29. Fichte, Schelling and Early German Idealism.Sebastian Gardner - 2010 - Routledge.
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    Wechselseitige Anerkennung als Grundform der ethischen Gemeinschaft: Ausdruck, Anerkennung und Person in der Philosophie der symbolischen Formen.Sebastian Ullrich - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth, Transzendentalphilosophie Und Person: Leiblichkeit - Interpersonalität - Anerkennung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 299-312.
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    Legal reasoning and formal criteria of recognition.Sebastián Urbina - 1996 - Law and Philosophy 15 (1):1 - 63.
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    Evolution of Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Hybrid Literature Review and Theoretical Propositions.Sebastián Uriarte, Cristian Geldes & Jesús Santorcuato - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-23.
    Entrepreneurship has been highlighted as one of the major forces in addressing significant economic, social, and environmental challenges. These challenges have raised new ethical questions, leading to an explosive growth of research at the intersection of ethics and entrepreneurship. This study provides an overview of the evolution of the scientific literature on the interplay between ethics and entrepreneurship to propose a research proposition with standardized protocols and a broad time limit. Specifically, in a hybrid literature review, 516 articles from peer-reviewed (...)
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    Ruralidad, paradojas y tensiones asociadas a la movilización del pueblo Mapuche en Pulmarí (Neuquén, Argentina).Sebastián Valverde & Gabriel Stecher - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    La región de Pulmarí, en el Departamento Aluminé, en el sur de la Argentina (Provincia de Neuquén) se caracteriza por una destacada presencia del pueblo indígena Mapuche, que ha protagonizado intensas movilizaciones desde la década de 1990 por su territorio ancestral y frente al avance de diferentes agentes estatales y privados. En contraste con la tendencia que afecta a otras poblaciones, en la región se vienen dando procesos de “territorialización” de estas familias indígenas y desaceleración de las históricas migraciones rural (...)
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    Correction to: Operative communication: project Cybersyn and the intersection of information design, interface design, and interaction design.Sebastian Vehlken - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
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    Niels Werber, Ameisengesellschaften. Eine Faszinationsgeschichte, Frankfurt a. M.: S. Fischer 2013.Sebastian Vehlken - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (2):196-197.
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    Wisdom tradition: cultural creativity and social change.Sebastian Velassery & K. Gopinathan Pillai (eds.) - 2019 - New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company Pvt..
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    BMBF-Klausurwoche: Vegetative State – A Paradigmatic Problem of Modern Society: München, 21.–26. März 2011.Sebastian T. Vogel - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):81-84.
  38.  25
    Extended High Frequency Hearing, but Not Tinnitus, Is Associated With Every-Day Cognitive Performance.Sebastian Waechter, Wayne J. Wilson, Måns Magnusson & K. Jonas Brännström - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research into the potential associations between tinnitus and cognition has investigated specific cognitive domains in laboratory settings despite adults with tinnitus reporting broad cognitive difficulties in every-day life. To address this limitation, the present study compared performance and perceived exertion on a visual office-like task in 38 adults with tinnitus and 38 adults without tinnitus matched for age, sex and educational background. All participants were also assessed for hearing, anxiety and depression, and participants with tinnitus were also assessed for tinnitus (...)
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  39. Ethics.Sebastian Walshe - 2023 - Gastonia, North Carolina: TAN Books.
    How do we truly live well? Can philosophy actually tell us how to be happy? Constantly under attack in today's day and age, the Church's philosophy of what it means to be human and how to act serves as the logical consequence and culmination of all the truths of her theology and holy religion. But if we do not understand why we should act well according to the light of natural reason, it will be all the more difficult to explain (...)
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    Differences in Intrusive Memory Experiences in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder after Single, Re- and Prolonged Traumatization.Helge H. Müller, Sebastian Moeller, Konstanze Jenderek, Armin Stroebel, Kurt Wiendieck & Wolfgang Sperling - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Theme of Subjectivity in Foucault's Lecture Series ' Herméneutique du Sujet '.Sebastian Harrer - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:75-96.
    The 'late' Foucault and his purported 'return to the subject' is a much discussed issue. Over the past twenty years, various suggestions have been made as to how to integrate Foucault's ethics into his oeuvre as a whole. This paper holds that there is a 'conceptual continuity', rather than a break, between Foucault's earlier works on normalizing power, and his later works on ethical self-constitution. On the basis of a conceptual framework, which is developed in Section II, a reading of (...)
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  42.  22
    ¿Cómo encontrar normas jurídicas? Una revisión a la ontología desde la identificación.Sebastián Agüero-SanJuan - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 49:3-44.
    Si la teoría del derecho persigue suministrar herramientas a los operadores jurídicos para gestionar los problemas de la práctica, resulta necesario disminuir la actual separación entre la actividad teórico-jurídica y la práctica del derecho. De ahí que, este trabajo persigue contribuir a reducir dicha distancia mediante el análisis de las principales propuestas en materia de ontología de las normas. Esta revisión se realiza a la luz de un extendido problema de los ordenamientos jurídicos contemporáneos: la identificación del derecho y sus (...)
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    Knowledge, Perceptions, and Utilization of Generics and Biosimilars in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Scoping Review.Bernardo Aguilera, Sebastián Peña & Juan Pablo Morales - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):100-115.
    We conducted a scoping review to map and critically examine the knowledge, perceptions and utilization of generics and biosimilars, among physicians, pharmacists, patients, the general population, and other stakeholders from LAC.
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    Leksykon logików polskich. 1900–1939.Gabriela Besler & Sebastian Stokłosa - 2025 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):196-198.
    The book reviewed here is another publication devoted to the Golden Period of Polish philosophy, which is the first half of the twentieth century. Undoubtedly, logical investigations conducted by P...
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    Una Aproximación a la Estetización de la Política En la Oferta Televisiva Argentina Contemporánea.María Eugenia Boito, Sebastian Horacio Gago & Milva Natali Valor - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 19:69-95.
    Para este trabajo, seleccionamos los programas Bailando por un sueño, Intratables y El show de la mañana, y retomamos algunas expresiones de los sujetos que participaron en grupos de discusión durante los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2016 en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Rosario y Córdoba.Estos programas televisivos, en tiempos de una “democracia mediatizada”, son centrales en la modelización de lo político en un sentido muy distinto a lo que definía el concepto de “videopolítica” en los 90. (...)
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    Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie.Faustino Fabbianelli & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
    Diese Aufsatzsammlung ist der erste ausführliche Versuch, eine Verbindung zwischen dem Denken der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und Husserls Phänomenologie herzustellen. Vorliegender Band versammelt eine Reihe neuer kritischer Artikel sowohl von etablierten Forschern wie jüngeren Philosophen aus beiden Traditionen, um diese Forschungslücke, als welche sie von beiderlei Forschungsrichtungen anerkannt ist, zu schließen. Dieser Band wirft neues Licht auf beide Traditionen und hebt ihre Bedeutung für die Philosophie der Gegenwart hervor, sowohl in historischer wie systematischer Hinsicht. Die in diesem Band behandelten Hauptthemen (...)
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  47. Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion. HCC 2016. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 474.Feiten Linus, Sebastian Sester, Christian Zimmermann, Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Laura Wehle & Bernd Becker (eds.) - 2016 - Cham.:
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    Presunción de inocencia: principio constitucional absoluto.Juan Sebastián Tisnés Palacio - 2012 - Ratio Juris 7 (14):53-71.
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  49. Introduction.Vandevelde Pol & Luft Sebastian - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft, Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
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    Conciencia, intencionalidad y lenguaje: el reconocimiento agencial como base de la ontología social.Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):175-210.
    El presente artículo dialoga con la perspectiva del profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, John Searle en su perspectiva acerca de la conciencia, los actos de habla en lo que tiene que ver con la creación de hechos institucionales y su tesis emergentista. Esto con la idea de proponer la lectura del filósofo estadounidense en base a una pragmática de la expresión, que identifica al agente como centro de la creación y transformación social, y por tanto de movilización política, al (...)
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