Results for 'Sebastian Saniuk'

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  1.  14
    Leadership Style and Hospital Performance: Empirical Evidence From Indonesia.Mochammad Fahlevi, Mohammed Aljuaid & Sebastian Saniuk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic created new conditions for the functioning of all organizations. Suddenly, there was a problem with the lack of appropriate leadership styles models in health care organizations, which are particularly vulnerable to disruptions in a pandemic. Hospitals, in particular, have become exposed to organizational and managerial problems. The article aims to propose an appropriate leadership style model that will guarantee a high level of hospital efficiency, taking into account a pandemic situation in the example of private hospitals in (...)
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  2. What Was the Syntax‐Semantics Debate in the Philosophy of Science About?Sebastian Lutz - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):319-352.
    The debate between critics of syntactic and semantic approaches to the formalization of scientific theories has been going on for over 50 years. I structure the debate in light of a recent exchange between Hans Halvorson, Clark Glymour, and Bas van Fraassen and argue that the only remaining disagreement concerns the alleged difference in the dependence of syntactic and semantic approaches on languages of predicate logic. This difference turns out to be illusory.
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  3. Carnap on Empirical Significance.Sebastian Lutz - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):217-252.
    Carnap’s search for a criterion of empirical significance is usually considered a failure. I argue that the results from two out of his three different approaches are at the very least problematic, but that one approach led to success. Carnap’s criterion of translatability into logical syntax is too vague to allow for definite results. His criteria for terms—introducibility by chains of reduction sentences and his criterion from “The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts”—are almost trivial and have no clear relation to (...)
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    Neuroscience of Childhood Poverty: Evidence of Impacts and Mechanisms as Vehicles of Dialog With Ethics.Sebastián J. Lipina & Kathinka Evers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  5.  23
    Kant and the Interests of Reason.Sebastian Raedler - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book argues that we can only develop a proper grasp of Kant s practical philosophy if we appreciate the central role played in it by the notion of the interests of reason. While it is generally acknowledged that Kant does not regard reason as a purely instrumental faculty, this book is the first to show how his notion of reason as guided by its own interests offers the key to some of the most puzzling aspects of his practical philosophy.".
  6. Joint action and recursive consciousness of consciousness.Sebastian Rödl - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):769-779.
    In a series of essays, Bratman defines a concept, which we may call the concept of Bratmanian action by many. Our discussion of this concept, in section 1, reveals that it is not the one called to mind by the usual examples of joint action. Section 2 lays alongside it a different concept of doing something together. According to it, many are doing A together if and only if the principle of the actions in which they are doing A is (...)
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    Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie.Faustino Fabbianelli & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
    Diese Aufsatzsammlung ist der erste ausführliche Versuch, eine Verbindung zwischen dem Denken der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und Husserls Phänomenologie herzustellen. Vorliegender Band versammelt eine Reihe neuer kritischer Artikel sowohl von etablierten Forschern wie jüngeren Philosophen aus beiden Traditionen, um diese Forschungslücke, als welche sie von beiderlei Forschungsrichtungen anerkannt ist, zu schließen. Dieser Band wirft neues Licht auf beide Traditionen und hebt ihre Bedeutung für die Philosophie der Gegenwart hervor, sowohl in historischer wie systematischer Hinsicht. Die in diesem Band behandelten Hauptthemen (...)
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  8. The European Community Directives on Data Protection and Clinical Trials.Beyleveld Deryck & Sethe Sebastian - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 180.
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  9. Macht und Gewalt in der Philosophie Franz von Baaders.Sebastian Helberger-Frobenius - 1969 - Bonn: H, Bouvier.
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  10. Digitale Transformationen der Gesellschaft. Sozialethische Perspektiven auf den technologischen Wandel.Sebastian Kistler, Anna Puzio, Anna-Maria Riedl & Werner Veith (eds.) - 2023
    Kistler, Sebastian/Puzio, Anna/Riedl, Anna-Maria/Veith (Hrsg.) Digitale Transformationen der Gesellschaft Sozialethische Perspektiven auf den technologischen Wandel -/- Die Digitalisierung bewirkt Transformationsprozesse, die die Formen unseres Zusammenlebens grundlegend verändern. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Art, wie wir leben, Partner suchen, arbeiten, wohnen, konsumieren oder uns selbst präsentieren – auch die gesellschaftlichen Lebensbereiche wie Politik, Bildung, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit befinden sich in einem digitalen Wandel. Mit diesen Veränderungsprozessen sind nicht nur Hoffnungen, sondern auch Ängste verbunden, die die Ambivalenzen der Digitalisierung zum Ausdruck (...)
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    Propositionaler Gehalt und diskursive Kontoführung: Eine Untersuchung zur Begründung der Sprachabhängigkeit intentionaler Zustände bei Brandom.Sebastian Knell - 2012 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Sebastian Knell untersucht die Sprach- und Intentionalitätstheorie, die Robert B. Brandom in seiner viel diskutierten Monographie Expressive Vernunft entwirft. Im Zentrum steht eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Brandoms These, dass intentionale Zustände (z. B. Überzeugungen) an Sprachfähigkeit gebunden sind. Zunächst wird Brandoms allgemeine Theorie begrifflichen Inhalts dargestellt. Dabei rekonstruiert der Autor die explanatorischen Grundprinzipien und die mehrstufige Architektonik dieser Theorie, außerdem diskutiert er bestimmte Probleme der pragmatischen Erklärungsstrategie Brandoms. Eine derart detaillierte Rekonstruktion liegt im deutschen Sprachraum bisher nicht vor, daher (...)
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    Short propositional refutations for dense random 3CNF formulas.Sebastian Müller & Iddo Tzameret - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (12):1864-1918.
  13.  29
    Ralf Stoecker (2019) Theorie und Praxis der Menschenwürde: Mentis-Verlag, Münster, 363 Seiten, 69,00 €, ISBN 978-3-95743-144-8.Sebastian Muders - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (3):279-281.
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    Laicidad y anticlericalismo.Sebastián Rudas - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):81-103.
    De acuerdo con la postura dominante sobre la laicidad, ésta debe ser concebida en relación con el reconocimiento del pluralismo y prestando atención a no reprodu- cir sesgos antirreligiosos. El artículo defiende una propuesta alternativa: la laicidad como anticlericalismo, cuyo elemento distintivo consiste en instaurar un arreglo institucional de separación estricta y de exclusión de los contenidos religiosos de las instituciones del Estado. Se argumenta que esta forma de concebir la laicidad responde adecuadamente a la pregunta por el lugar de (...)
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    Ghost-in-the-Machine reveals human social signals for human–robot interaction.Sebastian Loth, Katharina Jettka, Manuel Giuliani & Jan P. de Ruiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    We used a new method called “Ghost-in-the-Machine” (GiM) to investigate social interactions with a robotic bartender taking orders for drinks and serving them. Using the GiM paradigm allowed us to identify how human participants recognize the intentions of customers on the basis of the output of the robotic recognizers. Specifically, we measured which recognizer modalities (e.g., speech, the distance to the bar) were relevant at different stages of the interaction. This provided insights into human social behavior necessary for the development (...)
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    O związkach między wielością dyskursów metafizycznych a pojęciem bytu.Sebastian Kołodziejczyk - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (15 (2011/4)).
    Author: Kołodziejczyk Sebastian Tomasz Title: ON THE MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CONCEPT OF BEING AND THE PLURALITY OF METAPHYSICAL DISCOURSES (O związkach między wielością dyskursów metafizycznych a pojęciem bytu) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.15, number: 2011/4, pages: 865-880 Keywords: METAPHYSICS, ARISTOTLE, BEING, CONCEPT OF BEING, CATEGORIES, UNIVERSALS, PARTICULARS, PARTICULARITY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The aim of the paper is to argue that there is a mutual relationship between the (...)
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    The case of phonons: explanatory or ontological priority.Hernán Lucas Accorinti, Sebastian Fortin, Manuel Herrera & Jesús Alberto Jaimes Arriaga - unknown
    Recent discussions about the microstructure of materials generally focus on the ontological aspects of the molecular structure. However, there are many types of substances that cannot be studied by means of the concept of molecule, for example, salts. For the quantum treatment of these substances, a new particle, called phonon, is introduced. Phonons are generally conceived as a pseudo-particle, that is, a mathematical device necessary to perform calculations but which does not have a "real" existence. In this context, the aim (...)
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    Gender, Work-Family Responsibilities, and Sleep.Anthony R. Bardo, Rachel A. Sebastian & David J. Maume - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):746-768.
    This study adds to a small but growing literature that situates sleep within gendered work— family responsibilities. We conducted interviews with 25 heterosexual dual-earner working-class couples with children, most of whom had one partner who worked at night. A few men suffered disrupted sleep because of their commitment to being a coparent to their children, but for most their provider status gave them rights to longer and more continuous sleep. By contrast, as they were the primary caregiver during sentient hours, (...)
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    Filosofia, aprendizagem e experiência.Matías Sebastián Fernández Robbio - 2011 - Cuyo 28 (1):131-136.
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  20. Ricoeurykant: Reconocimiento, síntesisy tiempo.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (50):63-94.
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  21. On a Confusion About Which Intuitions to Trust: From the Hard Problem to a Not Easy One.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2017 - Topoi 36 (1):31-40.
    Alleged self-evidence aside, conceivability arguments are one of the main reasons in favor of the claim that there is a Hard Problem. These arguments depend on the appealing Kripkean intuition that there is no difference between appearances and reality in the case of consciousness. I will argue that this intuition rests on overlooking a distinction between cognitive access and consciousness, which has received recently important empirical support. I will show that there are good reasons to believe that the intuition is (...)
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  22.  14
    Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Erfindungen von Athanasius Kircher und Johann Philipp Kirnberger markieren die zeitlichen Eckpunkte des Zeitraumes, in dem Komponierkastchen, musikalische Automaten, Wurfelspiele zur Erzeugung von Menuetten und Polonaisen, musikalische Farbenklaviere, Fantasiermaschinen u. a. Projekte entwickelt wurden. Sebastian Klotz analysiert diese Automaten, Tabellen, Kompositionshilfen und Wurfelspiele und verdichtet seine Ergebnisse zu einer Geschichte der Formalisierung des Musikalischen. Indem Klotz das Operativwerden musikalischer Zeichen und die Auslagerung des musikalischen Denkakts in technische Medien aufeinander bezieht und durch eine Vielzahl von Abbildungen dokumentiert, kann (...)
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    Biculturalism, multiculturalism and indigeneity as a strategy of memoria. Canada and Australia defining themselves in times of threat.Sebastian Koch - 2022 - In Renate Dürr, Threatened knowledge: practices of knowing and ignoring from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 152-178.
    Following newer research trends this chapter is underpinned by the thesis that the British Empire, by its gradual disengagement from its former dominions, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, was seen as a threat by social actors in these respective societies. Concurrently, all these societies had to deal with a (growing) variety of ethnic and social groups. With the emphasis on developments in Canada and in Australia, Sebastian Koch studies two big celebrations of nationhood to question different ways of memoria (...)
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  24. Do abductive machines exist? Proposal for a multi-level concept of abduction.Andreas Kaminski & Sebastian Harrach - 2010 - In Klaus Mainzer, ECAP10. VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy. Hut. pp. 482–487.
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    Raum Wissen Medien: Zur Raumtheoretischen Reformulierung des Medienbegriffs.Dorit Müller & Sebastian Scholz (eds.) - 2012 - Transcript.
    Long description: Trotz ”Spatial Turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften bildet die Verknüpfung von Raum, Wissen und Medien noch immer ein Forschungsdesiderat. Dem begegnet dieser Band, indem er die Wechselverhältnisse von räumlichen Zusammenhängen, medialen Konstellationen und Wissenskonstitution untersucht. Die medien- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge analysieren sowohl räumliche und mediale Bedingungen wissenschaftlicher Praxis als auch Räume und Räumlichkeiten von Medien. Dabei richten sie den Blick vornehmlich auf die Konstruktionsweisen von Wissensräumen durch analoge und digitale Medien und fragen aus einer topologischen Perspektive nach der epistemischen (...)
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    The word of God: Kerygma and theorem, a note.Dom Sebastian Moore - 1964 - Heythrop Journal 5 (3):268–275.
  27.  20
    El gaucho como sujeto social aportes desde la pintura y la literatura.Sebastián Senlle Seif - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (102):63-76.
    El artículo es el análisis de algunos estudios realizados sobre el gaucho en los que se emiten juicios de valor acerca de la pertinencia o impertinencia de utilizar fuentes literarias o pictóricas para ayudarnos a comprender la historia argentina. Más aún, para indagar si pueden resultar útiles al estudiar los pasados subalternos que han quedado desplazados del relato nacional. Además de la discusión de posiciones teóricas, se presentan dos ejemplos a través de los cuales se intenta justificar la utilidad de (...)
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    alles Menschliche insgesammt ist des grossen Ernstes nicht werth; trotzdem – –.Andreas Urs Sommer, Sebastian Kaufmann & Katharina Grätz - 2021 - Nietzscheforschung 28 (1):173-175.
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  29. Muzica de ieri şi muzica de azi.Radu-Sebastian Ungureanu - 2002 - Dilema 491:7.
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    Traducción. G. W. Leibniz – Sobre el uso de la meditación/Sobre la vida feliz/Sobre la generosidad.Marvin Sebastián Estrada López - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (1):297-312.
    Traducción de los texto encontrados en Leibniz, G. W. (1890). Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Vol. VII (C. Gerhardt, ed.). Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. Sobre el uso de la meditación: pp. 77-80. Sobre la vida feliz: p. 81. Sobre la generosidad: pp. 104-108. Traductor: Marvin Sebastián Estrada López. Revisado por: Andrés Botero Bernal.
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    Michael Crawford, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab.Sebastian Maisel - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1):284-287.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 94 Heft: 1 Seiten: 284-287.
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    Rechtliche und außerrechtliche Argumente.Sebastian A. E. Martens - 2011 - Rechtstheorie 42 (2):145-166.
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  33. Food systems narratives in Colombia: embracing diverse perspectives can enable hybrid innovation pathways that address food system challenges.Sebastián Dueñas-Ocampo, Margaret Hegwood, Angela Daniela Rojas-Becerra, Juan Pablo Rodríguez-Pinilla & Peter Newton - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    When analyzing food systems challenges, considering multiple different narratives might lead to solutions that are more innovative and grounded in the local context relative to considering just a single narrative. However, the relationship between narrative diversity and innovation in food systems is not fully understood. Understanding the structure of and interactions between different food systems narratives can help researchers to identify opportunities (e.g., policies, interventions, and institutions) that could facilitate food systems transformations. This paper explores how narratives about food systems (...)
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    Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Outcome Questionnaire OQ-30.2.Paula Errázuriz, Sebastián Opazo, Alex Behn, Oscar Silva & Sergio Gloger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Interpretation and Nihilism as the Depletion of Being: A Discussion with Gianni Vattimo About the Consequences of Hermeneutics.Gianni Vattimo & Sebastian Gurciullo - 2001 - Theory and Event 5 (2).
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  36. El Estado en la España de los años treinta: De la constitución republicana a la dictadura franquista.Sebastián Martín Martín - 2011 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 23.
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    Reviewed Work: Logic in Games by Johan van Benthem.Review by: Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (4):501-503,.
  38. Law as the Reality of the Free Will.Sebastian Rödl - 2015 - In Andreas Speer, Wolfram Hogrebe & Markus Gabriel, Das Neue Bedürfnis Nach Metaphysik / the New Desire for Metaphysics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 207-220.
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    Selbstbezug und Normativität.Sebastian Rödl - 1998 - F. Schoningh.
    Die neuzeitliche Philosophie beginnt mit der Einsicht Descartes', daß sich die Aussagen, in denen man sich selbst Gedanken, Absichten, Meinungen zuschreibt, fundamental von denen unterscheiden, in denen man die Welt der körperlichen Dinge beschreibt. Descartes, und mit ihm eine bis heute mächtige Tradition, schließt daraus, daß sich diese Ich-Aussagen auf eine eigene Welt geistiger Dinge beziehen. Der von den Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften inspirierte philosophische Naturalismus hat dagegen in jüngster Zeit eine Reihe von Arbeiten hervorgebracht, die dem Selbstbezug unseres geistigen Lebens (...)
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    (1 other version)Presentación.Cristina Alayza & Sebastián Pimentel - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:121-123.
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    Corona und die Zombie-Apokalypse.Martin Gessmann & Sebastian Lederle - 2020 - Philosophische Rundschau 67 (2):164.
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    TECNO-BÍOS: Una aproximación biopolítica a la relación cuerpo-máquina en el contexto cibercultural contemporáneo.Sebastián Gómez Urra - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:343-368.
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    Contagion: A Cognitive View of the Immune System and its Implications for a Nomadic Ethics.Sebastián Alejandro González-Montero, Germán Ulises Bula Caraballo & María Clara Garavito - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:116-144.
    ABSTRACT The modern obsession with safety (which ranges from extreme fear of germs to xenophobia) ends in isolation. In this paper, we explore what is behind of this concern with safety, the metaphors that surround it (which come from immunology), and a way to escape from fear using the Deleuzian idea of nomadic ethics as a point of departure. From a contemporary perspective of how immune systems work, we rethink the metaphors used to describe it: as far as new characterizations (...)
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    Using Open, Public Data for Security Provision: Ethical Perspectives on Risk-Based Border Checks in the EU.Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2023 - European Journal for Security Research 8:25–42.
    This article explores the use of open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques as part of data-driven border checks in the EU. While the idea to group travelers into risk categories in order to differentiate the intensity of border checks has been criticized for its likely impact on privacy and other fundamental rights, the exclusive use of “open,” “public” data was proposed as an alternative that mitigates these issues. However, OSINT remains a rather vague term, as it is unclear what constitutes “open” or (...)
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  45. Finite Knowledge.Sebastian Rödl - 2014 - In James Conant & Andrea Kern, Varieties of Skepticism: Essays After Kant, Wittgenstein, and Cavell. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 123-142.
  46. Self-Consciousness and Knowledge.Sebastian Rödl - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 357-370.
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    Moral und Gerechtigkeit: Zwei Begründungsressourcen einer Ethik für entfernte Notlagen.Sebastian Laukötter - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (6):1153-1168.
    The article shows that an ethics of distant emergencies can justify duties of assistance under recourse to reasons of humanitarian morals as well as corrective justice. After providing a notion of severe emergencies, I argue that such duties of assistance have global scope. But a comprehensive conception of duties of assistance could be understood neither as a conception of moral duties of assistance alone nor as a mere conception of duties of corrective justice. It rather has to combine duties of (...)
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    Index.Sebastian J. Müller - 2014 - In Sebastian J. Müller, Wissen, Was Möglich Ist. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 227-230.
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    3. Modaler Rationalismus.Sebastian J. Müller - 2014 - In Sebastian J. Müller, Wissen, Was Möglich Ist. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 37-80.
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    8. Aufklärung.Sebastian Raedler - 2015 - In Kant and the Interests of Reason. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 204-226.
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