Results for 'Sebastian Hellmann'

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  1.  14
    Simultaneous modeling of choice, confidence, and response time in visual perception.Sebastian Hellmann, Michael Zehetleitner & Manuel Rausch - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (6):1521-1543.
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  2. (1 other version)Revolutionary Expressivism.Sebastian Köhler & Michael Ridge - 2013 - Ratio 26 (4):428-449.
    While the meta-ethical error theory has been of philosophical interest for some time now, only recently a debate has emerged about the question what is to be done if the error theory turns out to be true. This paper argues for a novel answer to this question, namely revolutionary expressivism: if the error theory is true, we should become expressivists. Additionally, the paper explores certain important but largely ignored methodological issues that arise for reforming definitions generally and with a vengeance (...)
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    The biological objection against strong AI.Sebastian Sunday Grève - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to the biological objection against strong artificial intelligence (AI), machines cannot have human mindedness – that is, they cannot be conscious, intelligent, sentient, etc. in the precise way that a human being typically is – because this requires being alive, and machines are not alive. Proponents of the objection include John Lucas, Hubert Dreyfus, and John Searle. The present paper explains the nature and significance of the biological objection, before arguing that it currently represents an essentially irrational position.
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  4. Do Expressivists Have an Attitude Problem?Sebastian Köhler - 2013 - Ethics 123 (3):479-507.
    One objection that has been raised for meta-ethical expressivism is that expressivists must give an account of the nature of the attitude which constitutes moral thinking, but that any expressivist account that attempts to do seems to fail. Call this objection the “moral attitude problem.” In this article I suggest a strategy for expressivists to escape this problem: I argue that the moral attitude problem is a problem that arises not only for expressivists but also for meta-ethical cognitivists, and that (...)
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    Abstract conceptual feature ratings: the role of emotion, magnitude, and other cognitive domains in the organization of abstract conceptual knowledge.Sebastian J. Crutch, Joshua Troche, Jamie Reilly & Gerard R. Ridgway - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  6. Expressivism, Subjectivism and Moral Disagreement.Sebastian Köhler - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):71-78.
    One worry about metaethical expressivism is that it reduces to some form of subjectivism. This worry is enforced by subjectivists who argue that subjectivism can explain certain phenomena thought to support expressivism equally well. Recently, authors have started to suggest that subjectivism can take away what has often been seen as expressivism's biggest explanatory advantage, namely expressivism's ability to explain the possibility of moral disagreement. In this paper, I will give a response to an argument recently given by Frank Jackson (...)
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  7. Symmetries and Measurements.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (6).
    According to the orthodox view, one can appeal to the symmetries of a theory in order to show that it is impossible to measure the properties that are not invariant under such symmetries. For example, it is widely believed that the fact that boosts are symmetries of Newtonian mechanics entails that it is impossible to measure states of absolute motion in a Newtonian world (these states vary under boosts). This paper offers an overview of the various ways by which philosophers (...)
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    Perceptual decision making: drift-diffusion model is equivalent to a Bayesian model.Sebastian Bitzer, Hame Park, Felix Blankenburg & Stefan J. Kiebel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Down but Not Out: Union Resurgence and Segmented Neocorporatism in Argentina.Ruth Berins Collier & Sebastián Etchemendy - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):363-401.
    The shift from state-led import-substitution industrialization to more market-oriented economic models often has the result of shrinking and demobilizing the labor movement. Yet, evidence from Argentina suggests that a subsequent resurgence of even a downsized labor movement may occur and furthermore that a type of “segmented neocorporatism” may be established in the new economic context. We argue that the establishment of this new form of interest intermediation is driven by economic and political factors that are both immediate and longer term. (...)
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  10. Cross-linguistic research on language production.Albert Costa, F.-Xavier Alario & Sebastián-Gallés & Núria - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Book Review: Visual Representations in Science.Sebastian De Haro - forthcoming - Grazer Philosophische Studien.
    Review of Nicola Möβner’s 'Visual Representations in Science. Concept and Epistemology'. Forthcoming in Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    Good classification matters: conceptual engineering in data science.Sebastian Köhler - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-23.
    Recent years have seen incredible advances in our abilities to gather and store data, as well as in the computational power and methods—most prominently in machine learning—to do things with those data. These advances have given rise to the emerging field “data science.” Because of its immense power for providing practically useful information about the world, data science is a field of increasing importance. This paper argues that a core part of what data scientists are doing should be understood as (...)
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    La imagen de Grecia en Schiller y Hölderlin: un horizonte utópico siempre por venir.Sebastián Gámez Millán - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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    El libro de los signos (Jn 1,19-12,50). Aproximación a algunas de sus líneas de investigación.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2021 - Franciscanum 63 (175):1-28.
    Es reconocido desde hace tiempo por la crítica que en su estructura y contenido el libro de los signos comparte cierta semejanza con las secciones iniciales de los tres primeros evangelios. También sus matices teológicos propios han sido resaltados, así como sus fuentes. Este encuentro y diferencia entre el cuarto evangelio y los sinópticos ha divido a los estudiosos respecto al análisis de sus fuentes y sus rasgos teológicos, como lo son el uso de sus fuentes, los relatos de milagros, (...)
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    The Affirmation of Order.Glenn Hughes & Sebastian Moore - 1990 - Lonergan Workshop 8:109-133.
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    Semantik: eine Einführung.Sebastian Löbner - 2015 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    The book offers an up-to-date introduction to the essential phenomena, issues, and theoretical approaches of linguistic semantics. It covers the key aspects of word and sentence semantics. In his step-by-step development of the theme, the author puts great stock in the consistency, coherence, and understandability of the scientific approach. The new edition has been extensively revised, expanded, and updated.
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  17. El problema ético de la intimidación en deporte: la aportación de una ética hermenéutica como cardio-ética.Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes - 2013 - Analogía Filosófica 27 (2):157-186.
  18.  16
    The environment of the people: Chad Montrie: The myth of Silent Spring. Rethinking the origins of American environmentalism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2018, 200pp, $24.95 PB.Sebastian V. Grevsmühl - 2021 - Metascience 30 (2):219-222.
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    Ethik im Alten Testament – Ethik des Alten Testaments.Sebastian Grätz - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth, Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 219-234.
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  20. Das Problem der Erkenntnis als Problem der Form: Literatur und Philosophie.Sebastian Hüsch - 2007 - Studia Philosophica 66:127-140.
    Since the late 18th century, philosophy has suffered from a «crisis of identity» and other disciplines have menaced philosophy on her own territory. Literature, in particular, deals increasingly with genuinely philosophical questions. There seems to be a close interconnection between the crisis of metaphysics and the epistemological revalorisation of the Arts, particularly of literature. Literature, one might think, is defying philosophy’s competency on issues of knowledge and meaning. If a closer look reveals that, indeed, new literary styles of writing such (...)
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    Responsibly Engineering Control.Sebastian Köhler, Giulio Mecacci & Herman Veluwenkamp - 2025 - American Philosophical Quarterly 62 (2):113-132.
    A number of concerns have been recently raised regarding the possibility of human agents to effectively maintain control over intelligent and (partially) autonomous artificial systems. These issues have been deemed to raise “responsibility gaps.” To address these gaps, several scholars and other public and private stakeholders converged towards the idea that, in deploying intelligent technology, a meaningful form of human control (MHC) should be at all times exercised over autonomous intelligent technology. One of the main criticisms of the general idea (...)
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  22. A deflationist theory of intentionality? Brandom's analysis of de re specifying attitude-ascriptions.Sebastian Knell - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (1):73-90.
    The paper presents an interpretation of Brandom¿s analysis of de re specifying attitude-ascriptions. According to this interpretation, his analysis amounts to a deflationist conception of intentionality. In the first section I sketch the specific role deflationist theories of truth play within the philosophical debate on truth. Then I describe some analogies between the contemporary constellation of competing truth theories and the current confrontation of controversial theories of intentionality. The second section gives a short summary of Brandom¿s analysis of attitude-ascription, focusing (...)
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  23. Do abductive machines exist? Proposal for a multi-level concept of abduction.Andreas Kaminski & Sebastian Harrach - 2010 - In Klaus Mainzer, ECAP10. VIII European Conference on Computing and Philosophy. Hut. pp. 482–487.
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  24. Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion. HCC 2016. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 474.Feiten Linus, Sebastian Sester, Christian Zimmermann, Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Laura Wehle & Bernd Becker (eds.) - 2016 - Cham.:
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    Multiscale characterisation of diffuse granular failure.Antoinette Tordesillas, Sebastian Pucilowski, Luc Sibille, François Nicot & Félix Darve - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (36):4547-4587.
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    Corona und die Zombie-Apokalypse.Martin Gessmann & Sebastian Lederle - 2020 - Philosophische Rundschau 67 (2):164.
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    TECNO-BÍOS: Una aproximación biopolítica a la relación cuerpo-máquina en el contexto cibercultural contemporáneo.Sebastián Gómez Urra - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:343-368.
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    Differences in Intrusive Memory Experiences in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder after Single, Re- and Prolonged Traumatization.Helge H. Müller, Sebastian Moeller, Konstanze Jenderek, Armin Stroebel, Kurt Wiendieck & Wolfgang Sperling - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  29. Introduction.Vandevelde Pol & Luft Sebastian - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft, Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
  30.  20
    Conciencia, intencionalidad y lenguaje: el reconocimiento agencial como base de la ontología social.Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):175-210.
    El presente artículo dialoga con la perspectiva del profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, John Searle en su perspectiva acerca de la conciencia, los actos de habla en lo que tiene que ver con la creación de hechos institucionales y su tesis emergentista. Esto con la idea de proponer la lectura del filósofo estadounidense en base a una pragmática de la expresión, que identifica al agente como centro de la creación y transformación social, y por tanto de movilización política, al (...)
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    Schmücker, Reinold: Gibt es einen gerechten Krieg?Christoph Sebastian Widdau - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (1):51-54.
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    Beyond Frege-Geach: neglected problems for Expressivism.Sebastian Köhler - unknown
    This thesis is about the viability of meta-normative expressivism. On what I take to be the dominant conception of the view, it subscribes to two theses. First, that the meaning of sentences is to be explained in terms of the mental states these sentences conventionally express. Second, that there is a fundamental difference in the roles of the states expressed by normative sentences and the states expressed by descriptive sentences: descriptive sentences, according to expressivists, express mental states which are representational (...)
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    Matti Eklund: Choosing Normative Concepts: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Hardback € 45,12. 240 pp.Sebastian Köhler - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):251-253.
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    ¿Cómo encontrar normas jurídicas? Una revisión a la ontología desde la identificación.Sebastián Agüero-SanJuan - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 49:3-44.
    Si la teoría del derecho persigue suministrar herramientas a los operadores jurídicos para gestionar los problemas de la práctica, resulta necesario disminuir la actual separación entre la actividad teórico-jurídica y la práctica del derecho. De ahí que, este trabajo persigue contribuir a reducir dicha distancia mediante el análisis de las principales propuestas en materia de ontología de las normas. Esta revisión se realiza a la luz de un extendido problema de los ordenamientos jurídicos contemporáneos: la identificación del derecho y sus (...)
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    Knowledge, Perceptions, and Utilization of Generics and Biosimilars in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Scoping Review.Bernardo Aguilera, Sebastián Peña & Juan Pablo Morales - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):100-115.
    We conducted a scoping review to map and critically examine the knowledge, perceptions and utilization of generics and biosimilars, among physicians, pharmacists, patients, the general population, and other stakeholders from LAC.
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    Leksykon logików polskich. 1900–1939.Gabriela Besler & Sebastian Stokłosa - 2025 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):196-198.
    The book reviewed here is another publication devoted to the Golden Period of Polish philosophy, which is the first half of the twentieth century. Undoubtedly, logical investigations conducted by P...
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    Una Aproximación a la Estetización de la Política En la Oferta Televisiva Argentina Contemporánea.María Eugenia Boito, Sebastian Horacio Gago & Milva Natali Valor - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 19:69-95.
    Para este trabajo, seleccionamos los programas Bailando por un sueño, Intratables y El show de la mañana, y retomamos algunas expresiones de los sujetos que participaron en grupos de discusión durante los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2016 en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Rosario y Córdoba.Estos programas televisivos, en tiempos de una “democracia mediatizada”, son centrales en la modelización de lo político en un sentido muy distinto a lo que definía el concepto de “videopolítica” en los 90. (...)
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    alles Menschliche insgesammt ist des grossen Ernstes nicht werth; trotzdem – –.Andreas Urs Sommer, Sebastian Kaufmann & Katharina Grätz - 2021 - Nietzscheforschung 28 (1):173-175.
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  39. Muzica de ieri şi muzica de azi.Radu-Sebastian Ungureanu - 2002 - Dilema 491:7.
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    The Debate on Conversion Initiated by the Sangh Parivar, 1998-1999.Sebastian Kim - 2005 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 22 (4):224-237.
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    5. Musik im Dienst einer künstlichen universellen Symbolsprache: Die Leibnizsche characteristica universalis.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 99-112.
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    11. Musikalische Verwechslungskünste von Riepel bis Sulzer.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 223-244.
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    Namenverzeichnis.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 395-402.
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    6. Sensualistische Kombinatorik: Castels clavecin oculaire.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 113-130.
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    9. Vaucansons Automaten: Proto-Programmierung von Musik und von Arbeitsvorgängen.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 169-191.
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  46.  29
    Anti-Aging, Leben-Retten und Gerechtigkeit. Reflexionen zur Moral der Lebensverlängerung.Sebastian Knell - 2012 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 16 (1):5-40.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 16 Heft: 1 Seiten: 5-40.
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  47.  18
    Das Leben, der Tod und das Leben der Anderen.Sebastian Knell - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2):367-380.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 367-380.
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  48.  23
    Transzendentaler Humanismus?: Überlegungen zu Michael Thompsons grundbegrifflicher Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Leben, Denken und Ethik.Sebastian Knell - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):49-78.
    ZusammenfassungDer Artikel legt dar, wie sich im Rahmen von Michael Thompsons Theorie der apriorischen Selbsttransparenz der menschlichen Lebensform eine reflexive Begründung ethischen Wissens gewinnen lässt. Dabei werden insbesondere systematische Parallelen zu Karl-Otto-Apels transzendentalpragmatischem Begründungsverfahren herausgearbeitet. Diese Parallelen betreffen nicht allein die Ethik, sondern auch die Kritik der Metaphysik des Mentalismus. Als archimedischer Punkt dient dabei nicht die sprachliche Kommunikation, sondern der unhintergehbare Lebensvollzug, der gemäß der humanen Lebensform erfolgt. Trotz der theoriearchitektonischen Parallelen, die sich zwischen beiden Ansätzen ziehen lassen, treten (...)
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    Unterliegt die Alzheimer-Erkrankung einer überzogenen Dämonisierung? Eine philosophisch-kritische Reflexion in Orientierung an Argumentationsmustern von Epikur, Lukrez und Erasmus.Sebastian Knell - 2014 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 18 (1):51-84.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 18 Heft: 1 Seiten: 51-84.
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    Würde am Ende der Autonomie: Überlegungen zum respektvollen Umgang mit Demenzpatienten.Sebastian Knell - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (1):62-74.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 66 Heft: 1 Seiten: 62-74.
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