Results for 'Science and state Citizen participation'

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  1.  14
    Democracy and the Environment on the Internet: Electronic Citizen Participation in Regulatory Rulemaking.David Schlosberg, Stuart Shulman & Stephen Zavestoski - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (4):383-408.
    We hypothesize that recent uses of the Internet as a public-participation mechanism in the United States fail to overcome the adversarial culture that characterizes the American regulatory process. Although the Internet has the potential to facilitate deliberative processes that could result in more widespread public involvement, greater transparency in government processes, and a more satisfied citizenry, we argue that efforts to implement Internet-based public participation have overlaid existing problematic government processes without fully harnessing the transformative power of information (...)
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    Citizen inquiry: synthesising science and inquiry learning.Christothea Herodotou, Mike Sharples & Eileen Scanlon (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning is the first book of its kind to bring together the concepts of citizen science and inquiry-based learning to illustrate the pedagogical advantages of this approach. It shifts the emphasis of scientific investigations from scientists to the general public, by educating learners of all ages to determine their own research agenda and devise their own investigations underpinned by a model of scientific inquiry. 'Citizen Inquiry' is an original approach (...)
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    Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research.Luigi Ceccaroni - 2017 - Hershey PA: Information Science Reference. Edited by Jaume Piera.
    This book focuses on analyzing data on current initiatives and best practices in citizen engagement and education programs across various disciplines by highlighting emergent research and application techniques within citizen science initiatives.
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    The Broad Challenge of Public Engagement in Science: Commentary on: “Constitutional Moments in Governing Science and Technology”.Rinie van Est - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):639-648.
    Timely public engagement in science presents a broad challenge. It includes more than research into the ethical, legal and social dimensions of science and state-initiated citizen’s participation. Introducing a public perspective on science while safeguarding its public value involves a diverse set of actors: natural scientists and engineers, technology assessment institutes, policy makers, social scientists, citizens, interest organisations, artists, and last, but not least, politicians.
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    The Perils of Parity: Should Citizen Science and Traditional Research Follow the Same Ethical and Privacy Principles?Barbara J. Evans - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):74-81.
    The individual right of access to one’s own data is a crucial privacy protection long recognized in U.S. federal privacy laws. Mobile health devices and research software used in citizen science often fall outside the HIPAA Privacy Rule, leaving participants without HIPAA’s right of access to one’s own data. Absent state laws requiring access, the law of contract, as reflected in end-user agreements and terms of service, governs individuals’ ability to find out how much data is being (...)
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  6.  39
    Ethics framework for citizen science and public and patient participation in research.Barbara Groot & Tineke Abma - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Citizen science and models for public participation in health research share normative ideals of participation, inclusion, and public and patient engagement. Academic researchers collaborate in research with members of the public involved in an issue, maximizing all involved assets, competencies, and knowledge. In citizen science new ethical issues arise, such as who decides, who participates, who is excluded, what it means to share power equally, or whose knowledge counts. This article aims to present (...)
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    Science as a Commons: Improving the Governance of Knowledge Through Citizen Science.María Teresa Pelacho López, Hannot Rodríguez Zabaleta, Fernando Broncano, Renata Kubus, Francisco Sanz García, Beatriz Gavete & Antonio Lafuente - unknown
    [EN]In recent decades, problems related to the accessibility and sustainability of science have increased, both in terms of the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and its generation. Policymakers, academics, and, increasingly, citizens themselves have developed various approaches to this issue. Among them, citizen science is distinguished by making possible the generation of scientific knowledge by anyone with an interest in doing so. However, participation alone does not guarantee knowledge generation, which represents an epistemological challenge for (...) science. Simultaneously, economic and socio-institutional difficulties in science governance and maintenance have grown. To solve those problems, several market elements have been introduced, a solution rejected by those who consider science as a public good that states must guarantee. Alternatively, research and work on the commons are growing worldwide, the concept being extended from natural resources to knowledge resources. In this chapter, we propose science as a commons, underlining the essential role of citizen science. Difficulties also apply to citizen science itself, but the increasing development of a multitude of projects based on cooperation favours the conditions required for its sustainability and quality. Our philosophical proposal is based on empirical knowledge about citizen science coupled with socio-economic concepts, according to a sociopolitical epistemology. (shrink)
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    Opinion on the ethical implications of new health technologies and citizen participation.European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies - 2016 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 20 (1):293-302.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 20 Heft: 1 Seiten: 293-302.
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    Citizen Participation and Environmental Risk: A Survey of Institutional Mechanisms.Daniel J. Fiorino - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (2):226-243.
    Standard approaches to defining and evaluating environmental risk tend to reflect technocratic rather than democratic values. One consequence is that institutional mechanisms for achieving citizen participation in risk decisions rarely are studied or evaluated. This article presents a survey of five institutional mechanisms for allowing the lay public to influence environmental risk decisions: public hearings, initiatives, public surveys, negotiated rule making, and citizens review panels. It also defines democratic process criteria for assessing these and other participatory mechanisms.
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    The Developmental State and Public Participation: The Case of Energy Policy-making in Post–Fukushima Japan.Hiro Saito - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (1):139-165.
    After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the Japanese government tried to democratize energy policy-making by introducing public participation. Over the course of its implementation, however, public participation came to be subordinated to expert committees as the primary mechanism of policy rationalization. The expert committees not only neutralized the results of public participation but also discounted the necessity of public participation itself. This trajectory of public participation, from its historic introduction to eventual collapse, can be fully (...)
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  11.  40
    Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion.Thomas S. Popkewitz & Ruth Gustafson - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):80-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion Thomas S. Popkewitz and Ruth Gustafson University of Wisconsin-Madison Educational standards are forsome a corrective device to promote the twin goals of excellence and equity by making explicit the performance outcomes ofschooling. For others, performance standards do not do what they say and install the wrong goals for teaching. But various sides (...)
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  12.  33
    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Full Disclosure of the ‘Raw Data’ of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturers’ Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.Dennis J. Mazur - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (2):152-157.
    This guide accompanies the following article(s): ‘Full Disclosure of the “Raw Data” of Research on Humans: Citizens’ Rights, Product Manufacturer’s Obligations and the Quality of the Scientific Database.’Philosophy Compass 6/2 (2011): 90–99. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00376.x Author’s Introduction Securing consent (and informed consent) from patients and research study participants is a key concern in patient care and research on humans. Yet, the legal doctrines of consent and informed consent differ in their applications. In patient care, the judicial doctrines of consent and informed (...)
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    Images of Government, Business, and Citizen Identity in the United States.Gill Steel - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 11 (1):99-123.
    This paper presents a country profile of the United States using data from the AsiaBarometer (2008) survey. I first examine how citizens see themselves, their government and big business. My findings show that Americans remain ambivalent toward politics, their government, and big business. Citizens overwhelmingly support democracy as a political system and are satisfied with a broad range of specific democratic rights, but, at the same time, they complain about the workings of their democratic system, policy output, and many distrust (...)
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  14.  47
    “Collective Monitoring, Collective Defense”: Science, Earthquakes, and Politics in Communist China.Fa-ti Fan - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (1):127-154.
    ArgumentThis paper examines the earthquake monitoring and prediction program, called “collective monitoring, collective defense,” in communist China during the Cultural Revolution, a period of political upheavals and natural disasters. Guided by their scientific and political ideas, the Chinese developed approaches to earthquake monitoring and prediction that emphasized mass participation, everyday knowledge, and observations of macro-seismic phenomena. The paper explains the ideas, practices, and epistemology of the program within the political context of the Cultural Revolution. It also suggests possibilities for (...)
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  15.  51
    “We the Scientists”: a Human Right to Citizen Science.Effy Vayena & John Tasioulas - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (3):479-485.
    The flourishing of citizen science is an exciting phenomenon with the potential to contribute significantly to scientific progress. However, we lack a framework for addressing in a principled and effective manner the pressing ethical questions it raises. We argue that at the core of any such framework must be the human right to science. Moreover, we stress an almost entirely neglected dimension of this right—the entitlement it confers on all human beings to participate in the scientific process (...)
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  16.  55
    The Broad Challenge of Public Engagement in Science.Rinie Est - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):639-648.
    Timely public engagement in science presents a broad challenge. It includes more than research into the ethical, legal and social dimensions of science and state-initiated citizen’s participation. Introducing a public perspective on science while safeguarding its public value involves a diverse set of actors: natural scientists and engineers, technology assessment institutes, policy makers, social scientists, citizens, interest organisations, artists, and last, but not least, politicians.
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  17.  27
    Citizen science and ecological democracy in the global science regime: The need for openness and participation.Michael A. Peters - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (3):221-226.
  18.  13
    Quasi-Science and the State: 'Governing Science' in Comparative Perspective.Stephen Turner - 2016 - In Nico Stehr, The Governance of Knowledge. New Brunswick, New Jersey, (U.S.A.): Routledge.
    This chapter shows that science and quasi-science are already largely subject to various forms of "governance," including forms of self-governance. In science, as with other debating societies, governance characteristically begins with the problem of membership and the problem of regulating participation in discussion. The standard solutions to the problem of governance in the external sense recognize the inability of public discussion of the sort "demanded" by Beck to deal effectively with science. The history of particular (...)
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  19.  10
    Mapping Approaches to ‘Citizen Science’ and ‘Community Science’ and Everything In-between: The Evolution of New Epistemic Territory?Nick Hacking, Jamie Lewis & Robert Evans - 2024 - Minerva 62 (4):549-572.
    Over the last decade or so, the rate of growth of academic publications involving discussion of ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’, and similar variants, has risen exponentially. These fluid terms, with no fixed definition, cover a continuum of public participation within a range of scientific activities. It is, therefore, apposite and timely to examine the evolving typologies of citizen science and community science and to ask how particular disciplinary actors are shaping content and (...)
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  20.  89
    Citizen Science and Scientific Objectivity: Mapping Out Epistemic Risks and Benefits.Baptiste Bedessem & Stéphanie Ruphy - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (5):630-654.
    . Given the importance of the issue of scientific objectivity in our democratic societies and the significant development of citizen science, it is crucial to investigate how citizen science may either undermine or foster scientific objectivity. This paper identifies a variety of epistemic risks and benefits that participation of lay citizens in scientific inquiries may bring. It also discusses concrete actions and pending issues that should be addressed in order to foster objectivity in citizen (...)
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  21.  33
    Idea of University and the Place of University in Society.Józef L. Krakowiak - 2012 - Dialogue and Universalism 22 (4):75-85.
    Any debate about the aim of university is a question of its place within the cultural and social whole of a given time, tradition and dominant ideology. In the first place this will feature concern about its autonomy from the state, Church, parties, capital, etc. The debate will go on to include the relationship between science and the education of citizens, science and industry and science versus capital. The dispute has included the participation of philosophy (...)
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  22.  45
    Citizen Science and Gamification.Karola V. Kreitmair & David C. Magnus - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):40-46.
    According to the mainstream conception of research involving human participants, researchers have been trained scientists acting within institutions and have been the individuals doing the studying, while participants, who are nonscientist members of the public, have been the individuals being studied. The relationship between the public and scientists is evolving, however, giving rise to several new concepts, including crowdsourcing and citizen science. In addition, the practice of gamification has been applied to research protocols. The role of gamified, crowdsourced (...)
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    Old and new differences: social (re)integration after the war.Volodymyr Fadieiev - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:99-116.
    This article examines the issues of social (re)integration in Ukraine, which were actualized during the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014-2022. The first part of the article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical issues related to the conceptualization of social integration in the social sciences and the role of the state in reproducing social relations. The author assumes that during the last decades, ideas about the role of the state in these processes have changed significantly, which was caused by (...)
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    Ethics and Citizen Participation in the uBiome Institutional Review Board Debate: Some Reflections on Social and Normative Analyses.Lorenzo Del Savio - 2018 - In Hauke Riesch, Nathan Emmerich & Steven Wainwright, Philosophies and Sociologies of Bioethics: Crossing the Divides. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp. 65-75.
    uBiome offers a gut bacteria sequencing service to consumers to entice data donation. It aims to establish a genomic repository for microbiomics. In 2013, some bloggers worried that uBiome operations had not received any Institutional Review Board ethics approval. uBiome co-founders Richman and Apte replied by effectively arguing that crony research agencies hamper innovation by requiring cumbersome for-fee IRBs to so-called “citizen science” projects. The debate soon ascended from ethics to appropriate institutional design for research and innovation. I (...)
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  25. Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors.Andrzej Klimczuk, Egle Butkeviciene & Minela Kerla (eds.) - 2022 - Lausanne: Frontiers Media.
    Social innovations are usually understood as new ideas, initiatives, or solutions that make it possible to meet the challenges of societies in fields such as social security, education, employment, culture, health, environment, housing, and economic development. On the one hand, many citizen science activities serve to achieve scientific as well as social and educational goals. Thus, these actions are opening an arena for introducing social innovations. On the other hand, some social innovations are further developed, adapted, or altered (...)
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  26.  18
    The Politics of State Legislature Web Sites: Making E-Government More Participatory.Rudy Pugliese, Franz Foltz & Paul Ferber - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (3):157-167.
    Web sites of the 50 state legislatures are evaluated on five criteria: content, usability, interactivity, transparency, and audience. An overall quality score for each site was computed. The evaluation revealed a wide range of quality in the sites, including that of features or aspects that could possibly foster citizen participation. The higher rated sites help define “best practices” in this regard and provide suggestions as to how other states' sites might make improvements and possibly increase participation.
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  27.  31
    Partnering, Not Enduring: Citizen Science and Research Participation.Lisa M. Rasmussen & Toby Schonfeld - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (9):44-45.
    Volume 19, Issue 9, September 2019, Page 44-45.
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    Citizen Science and the Politicization of Epistemology.Narcyz Ghinea - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):58-60.
    Wiggins and Wilbanks (2019) present citizen science as a range of “models” that fall under the rubric of public participation. They seem to have accepted what they call the “‘populist rhetoric’ tha...
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    Citizen science beyond invited participation: nineteenth century amateur naturalists, epistemic autonomy, and big data approaches avant la lettre.Dana Mahr & Sascha Dickel - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):1-19.
    Dominant forms of contemporary big-data based digital citizen science do not question the institutional divide between qualified experts and lay-persons. In our paper, we turn to the historical case of a large-scale amateur project on biogeographical birdwatching in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to show that networked amateur research can operate in a more autonomous mode. This mode depends on certain cultural values, the constitution of specific knowledge objects, and the design of self-governed infrastructures. We conclude (...)
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  30.  14
    Evaluating the First U.S. Consensus Conference: The Impact of the Citizens’ Panel on Telecommunications and the Future of Democracy.David H. Guston - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (4):451-482.
    Consensus conferences, also known as citizens’ panels—a collection of lay citizens akin to a jury but charged with deliberating on policy issues with a high technical content—are a potentially important way to conduct technology assessments, inform policy makers about public views of new technologies, and improve public understanding of and participation in technological decision making. The first citizens’ panel in the United States occurred in April 1997 on the issue of “Telecommunications and the Future of Democracy.” This article evaluates (...)
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    Mauro Dorato, Science and Representative Democracy: Experts and Citizens, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, 200pp., £85.00 (hbk), ISBN 9781350277724. [REVIEW]Bruno Borge - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (4):2024-0098.
    Mauro Dorato's "Science and Representative Democracy" argues for the essential link between science and democracy. He posits both as problem-solving systems, advocating for representative democracy to integrate scientific knowledge into policy and emphasizing scientific literacy for informed citizen participation. Revisiting the Lippmann-Dewey debate, he champions education and utilizes Condorcet's jury theorem to highlight the potential of informed decision-making. He tackles challenges like scientific disinformation and advocates for scientific literacy. By comparing the principles of science and (...)
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  32.  14
    Citizen science in the digital age: rhetoric, science, and public engagement.James Wynn - 2017 - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
    James Wynn’s timely investigation highlights scientific studies grounded in publicly gathered data and probes the rhetoric these studies employ. Many of these endeavors, such as the widely used SETI@home project, simply draw on the processing power of participants’ home computers; others, like the protein-folding game FoldIt, ask users to take a more active role in solving scientific problems. In Citizen Science in the Digital Age: Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement, Wynn analyzes the discourse that enables these scientific (...)
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  33. The Democratization of Science.Faik Kurtulmus - 2021 - In David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen, Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. New York: Routeldge. pp. 145-154.
    The democratization of science entails the public having greater influence over science and that influence being shared more equally among members of the public. This chapter will present a thumbnail sketch of the arguments for the democratization of science based on the importance of collectively shaping science’s impact on society, the instrumental benefits of public participation in science, and the need to ensure that the use of science in politics does not undermine collective (...)
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  34.  15
    Science and Math Interest and Gender Stereotypes: The Role of Educator Gender in Informal Science Learning Sites.Luke McGuire, Tina Monzavi, Adam J. Hoffman, Fidelia Law, Matthew J. Irvin, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Adam Rutland, Karen P. Burns, Laurence Butler, Marc Drews, Grace E. Fields & Kelly Lynn Mulvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Interest in science and math plays an important role in encouraging STEM motivation and career aspirations. This interest decreases for girls between late childhood and adolescence. Relatedly, positive mentoring experiences with female teachers can protect girls against losing interest. The present study examines whether visitors to informal science learning sites differ in their expressed science and math interest, as well as their science and math stereotypes following an interaction with either a male or female educator. Participants (...)
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  35.  13
    “Data is the new oil”: citizen science and informed consent in an era of researchers handling of an economically valuable resource.Gerardine Doyle, Katie Kirkwood, Eamonn Ambrose, Aileen K. Ho, David M. Doyle, Ingrid Holme & Etain Quigley - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-13.
    As with other areas of the social world, academic research in the contemporary healthcare setting has undergone adaptation and change. For example, research methods are increasingly incorporating citizen participation in the research process, and there has been an increase in collaborative research that brings academic and industry partners together. There have been numerous positive outcomes associated with both of these growing methodological and collaborative processes; nonetheless, both bring with them ethical considerations that require careful thought and attention. This (...)
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    (1 other version)America's public philosopher: essays on social justice, economics, education, and the future of democracy.John Dewey - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Eric Thomas Weber.
    John Dewey was America's greatest public philosopher. A prolific and influential writer for both scholarly and general audiences, he stands out for the remarkable breadth of his contributions. Dewey was a founder of a distinctly American philosophical tradition, pragmatism, and he spoke out widely on the most important questions of his day. He was a progressive thinker whose deep commitment to democracy led him to courageous stances on issues such as war, civil liberties, and racial, class, and gender inequalities. This (...)
  37.  13
    Technology on trial: public participation in decision-making related to science and technology.K. Guild Nichols - 1979 - [Washington, D.C.: sold by OECD Publications and Information Center].
  38.  79
    Science and public reason.Sheila Jasanoff - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of essays by Sheila Jasanoff explores how democratic governments construct public reason, that is, the forms of evidence and argument used in making state decisions accountable to citizens.
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    Explaining World‐Wide Variation in Navigation Ability from Millions of People: Citizen Science Project Sea Hero Quest.Hugo J. Spiers, Antoine Coutrot & Michael Hornberger - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (1):120-138.
    Navigation ability varies widely across humans. Prior studies have reported that being younger and a male has an advantage for navigation ability. However, these studies have generally involved small numbers of participants from a handful of western countries. Here, we review findings from our project Sea Hero Quest, which used a video game for mobile and tablet devices to test 3.9 million people on their navigation ability, sampling across every nation-state and from 18 to 99 years of age. Results (...)
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    The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research.Andrea Wiggins & John Wilbanks - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):3-14.
    Citizen science models of public participation in scientific research represent a growing area of opportunity for health and biomedical research, as well as new impetus for more collaborative forms of engagement in large-scale research. However, this also surfaces a variety of ethical issues that both fall outside of and build upon the standard human subjects concerns in bioethics. This article provides background on citizen science, examples of current projects in the field, and discussion of established (...)
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    Hannah Arendt and Participatory Democracy: A People’s Utopia.Shmuel Lederman - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book centers on a relatively neglected theme in the scholarly literature on Hannah Arendt's political thought: her support for a new form of government in which citizen councils would replace contemporary representative democracy and allow citizens to participate directly in decision-making in the public sphere. The main argument of the book is that the council system, or more broadly the vision of participatory democracy was far more important to Arendt than is commonly understood. Seeking to demonstrate the close (...)
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    A Survey Study of Voting Behavior and Political Participation in Zhejiang.Baogang He - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (3):225-250.
    Two existing models are used to conceptualize the constrained and limited participation in the communist system. The mobilization model suggests that participation was so mobilized by the party/state that it was largely meaningless, while the disengagement model supports the idea that many communist citizens adopted non-participatory behaviors such as non-voting as a means of protest. This paper attempts to demonstrate the importance of a third model – the emergent democratic culture model. The survey results show that the (...)
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    SBCS Participation in Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens and Visit to Sogang University Reports.Leo D. Lefebure & Kunihiko Terasawa - 2024 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 44 (1):237-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SBCS Participation in Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens and Visit to Sogang University ReportsLeo D. Lefebure and Kunihiko TerasawaOn August 21–22, 2023, Mark Unno, Carolyn Jones Medine, Kunihiko Terasawa, Grace Song, and Leo D. Lefebure participated in the historic first in-person meeting of the ICCGC in Seoul, organized by our Won Buddhist colleagues with support from the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the Republic of (...)
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  44. Constitutional Moments in Governing Science and Technology.Sheila Jasanoff - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):621-638.
    Scholars in science and technology studies (STS) have recently been called upon to advise governments on the design of procedures for public engagement. Any such instrumental function should be carried out consistently with STS’s interpretive and normative obligations as a social science discipline. This article illustrates how such threefold integration can be achieved by reviewing current US participatory politics against a 70-year backdrop of tacit constitutional developments in governing science and technology. Two broad cycles of constitutional adjustment (...)
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    Science and Orthodox Christianity: An Overview.Efthymios Nicolaidis, Eudoxie Delli, Nikolaos Livanos, Kostas Tampakis & George Vlahakis - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):542-566.
    This essay offers an overview of the history of the relations between science and Eastern Christianity based on Greek-language sources. The civilizations concerned are the Byzantine Empire, the Christian Orthodox communities of the Ottoman Empire, and modern Greece, as a case study of a national state. Beginning with the Greek Church Fathers, the essay investigates the ideas of theologians and scholars on nature. Neoplatonism, the theological debates of Iconoclasm and Hesychasm, the proposed union of the Eastern and Western (...)
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    Staff decision making patterns, village leadership performance, and local institutionalization processes in agricultural and rural development programs.V. G. Dhanakumar & Boyd Rossing - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):168-177.
    While today an often stated concern of development planning in the Third World is the participation of people in the decision-making process, in many cases the nature of popular participation in the planning process is generally limited in its jurisdictional scope and restricted in its application. This article explores perceptions of development professionals and local citizens regarding barriers and willingness to participate in decision making, local leadership, and local institutionalization processes across three types (state agricultural universities, central (...)
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    Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts.Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.) - 2018 - Philadelphia ;: John Benjamins.
    The relationship between science and democracy has become a much-debated issue. In recent years, we have even seen an exponential growth in literature on the subject. No doubt, the interest has partly been justified by the concern of public opinion over the technological repercussions of scientific research. Moreover, there are scientific theories that, if they were accepted, would allegedly imply the adoption of policies that have wide social consequences, as well as a rethinking of deeply-rooted habits on the part (...)
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    Science and certainty.John D. Norton - 1994 - Synthese 99 (1):3 - 22.
    I am grateful to Peter Achinstein, Don Howard, and the other participants at the conference, 'The Role of Experiments in Scientific Changer', Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 30 March to 1 April, 1990, for helpful discussion, and especially to Ron Laymon for his discussion comments presented at the conference on an earlier version of this paper.
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  49. Dr. Theodosius Dobzhansky is a native Russian who came to the united states at the age of 27 and remained to become a united states citizen ten years later. Twenty-eight years later he received the national medal of science from president Lyndon B. fohnson. He Began his teaching career at the university of leningrad in 1924 and his trip to. [REVIEW]Education Board - 1969 - In John D. Roslansky & Ernan McMullin, The uniqueness of man. London,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 42.
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  50. Online citizen science : participation, motivation, and opportunities for informal learning.Vickie Curtis, Richard Holliman, Ann Jones & Eileen Scanlon - 2018 - In Christothea Herodotou, Mike Sharples & Eileen Scanlon, Citizen inquiry: synthesising science and inquiry learning. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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