Results for 'Saul Becker'

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  1.  46
    Language, Feminism, and Racism.Cecilia Becker & Jennifer Saul - 2023 - Stance 16 (1):98-117.
    Jennifer Saul is Waterloo Chair in Social and Political Philosophy of Language at the University of Waterloo. Originally American, she spent twenty-four years at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. Her current focus is manipulative political language, which she explores in Dogwhistles and Figleaves: Linguistics Tricks for Racist and Conspiracist Discourse (forthcoming, Oxford, 2024). She has also written books and articles on feminism, lying and misleading, and implicit bias. She founded the blogs What is it Like to (...)
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    Evidence.Howard Saul Becker - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Howard S. Becker is a master of his discipline. His reputation as a teacher, as well as a sociologist, is supported by his best-selling quartet of sociological guidebooks: Writing for Social Scientists, Tricks of the Trade, Telling About Society, and What About Mozart? What About Murder? It turns out that the master sociologist has yet one more trick up his sleeve—a fifth guidebook, Evidence. Becker has for seventy years been mulling over the problem of evidence. He argues that (...)
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    Ethical Considerations When Conducting Pan-European Research with and for Adolescent Young Carers.Elizabeth Hanson, Feylyn Lewis, Francesco Barbabella, Renske Hoefman, Giulia Casu, Licia Boccaletti, Agnes Leu, Valentina Hlebec, Irena Bolko, Sara Santini, Miriam Svensson, Saul Becker & Lennart Magnusson - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):125-158.
    Adolescent young carers (AYCs) are a sub-group of young carers who carry out significant or substantial caring tasks and assume a level of responsibility which would usually be associated with an adult. They are a potentially vulnerable group of minors because of the risk factors associated with their caring role. AYCs face a critical transition phase from adolescence to adulthood often with a lack of tailored support from service providers. The recently completed European funded ‘ME-WE’ project, which forms the focus (...)
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  4. The denial of death.Ernest Becker - 1973 - New York,: Free Press.
    Drawing from religion and the human sciences, particularly psychology after Freud, the author attempts to demonstrate that the fear of death is man's central ...
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  5. Mathematische Existenz.Oskar Becker - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:154-155.
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    Sensitivity: Checking into Knowing?Kelly Becker - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):27-43.
    In this paper, I describe some of the highlights of Melchior’s checking account and then suggest that its explanatory value could be enhanced with a less analyzed concept of checking. This thought inspires a rearguard defense of sensitivity, by no means aiming to rescue it from all its well-known problems, wherein it is suggested that sensitivity fares better as a necessary condition for knowledge when all the bells and whistles with which it has been adorned over the years are stripped (...)
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  7. Logical anti‐exceptionalism meets the “logic‐as‐models” approach.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1211-1227.
    Logical anti‐exceptionalism is the view that logic is not special, it is continuous with science. This continuity is typically understood in terms of the use of the abductive method in logical theory choice, with logical knowledge resulting from our choice of the theory best accounting for the data. In this paper, we argue for two related claims: (i) that this understanding of the continuity between logic and science faces considerable challenges; and (ii) that such challenges may be avoided by elaborating (...)
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  8. Beyond a sunburnt country: Canberra members overseas.Prue Bindon, Eugene S. Becker & Liane Degville - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 229:8.
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    How Different Indicator-Dimension Ratios in Assessment Center Ratings Affect Evidence for Dimension Factors.Anne Buckett, Jürgen Reiner Becker, Klaus G. Melchers & Gert Roodt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Max Scheler's sociology of knowledge.Howard Becker & Helmut Otto Dahlke - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (3):310-322.
  11.  72
    Second Nature, Critical Theory and Hegel’s Phenomenology.Michael A. Becker - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (4):523-545.
    ABSTRACTWhile Hegel’s concept of second nature has now received substantial attention from commentators, relatively little has been said about the place of this concept in the Phenomenology of Spirit. This neglect is understandable, since Hegel does not explicitly use the phrase ‘second nature’ in this text. Nonetheless, several closely related phrases reveal the centrality of this concept to the Phenomenology’s structure. In this paper, I develop new interpretations of the figures ‘natural consciousness’, ‘natural notion’, and ‘inorganic nature’, in order to (...)
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    Libertad, Servitud Moral, e Influencia de la Voluntad en la Formación del Carácter.Silvério Becker - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e46197.
    El texto trae una traducción de tres capítulos de la obra Doctrina de la Voluntad. En ellos, Asa Mahan busca mostrar que, contrariamente a lo que podría pensarse, la doctrina de la Libertad no genera un espíritu de orgullo, altivez y autodependencia, sino que fomenta el surgimiento de un espíritu de humildad y dependencia de la Gracia Divina. Para ello, inicialmente retoma una distinción importante entre dos significados del término libertad: libertad entendida como lo opuesto a la Servidumbre Moral, y (...)
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    Modal Epistemology.Kelly Becker & Bin Zhao - 2023 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    Modal epistemologies aim to explicate the necessary link between belief and truth that constitutes knowledge. This strain of epistemological theorizing is typically externalist; hence, it does not require that the agent know or understand the nature of the knowledge-constituting link. A central concern of modal epistemology is to articulate conditions on knowing such that no merely lucky true belief counts as knowledge. In the effort to eliminate luck, epistemic principles are often cast modally, requiring that an agent’s belief is true (...)
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    Religious Pluralism: Towards a Comparative Metaphysics of Religion.John Becker - 2024 - Process Studies 53 (2):295-298.
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    Strange Structures from Computable Model Theory.Howard Becker - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (1):97-105.
    Let L be a countable language, let I be an isomorphism-type of countable L-structures, and let a∈2ω. We say that I is a-strange if it contains a computable-from-a structure and its Scott rank is exactly ω1a. For all a, a-strange structures exist. Theorem : If C is a collection of ℵ1 isomorphism-types of countable structures, then for a Turing cone of a’s, no member of C is a-strange.
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    The Development, Implementation, and Oversight of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Legal and Ethical Issues.Jenna Becker, Sara Gerke & I. Glenn Cohen - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros, Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 441-456.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially of the machine learning (ML) variety, is used by health care organizations to assist with a number of tasks, including diagnosing patients and optimizing operational workflows. AI products already proliferate the health care market, with usage increasing as the technology matures. Although AI may potentially revolutionize health care, the use of AI in health settings also leads to risks ranging from violating patient privacy to implementing a biased algorithm. This chapter begins with a broad overview of (...)
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    Falsche Meinung und Wissen im Theätet.Alexander Becker - 2006 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88 (3):296-313.
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    Metric dynamic equilibrium logic.Arvid Becker, Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, Luis Farinas del Cerro, Torsten Schaub & Anna Schuhmann - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):495-519.
    1. Reasoning about action and change, or more generally reasoning about dynamic systems, is not only central to knowledge representation and reasoning but at the heart of computer science (Fisher e...
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  19. Indefinitely repeated games: A response to Carroll.Neal C. Becker & Ann E. Cudd - 1990 - Theory and Decision 28 (2):189-195.
  20. Friendship Between Women: A Phenomenological Study of Best Friends.Carol S. Becker - 1987 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 18 (1-2):59-72.
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    Method and the speculative sentence in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Michael A. Becker - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (3):450-470.
    While Hegel's discussion of the ‘speculative sentence’ occurs in the ‘Preface’ to the Phenomenology of Spirit, commentators rarely link it to the larger program of this text. Instead, this discussion has typically been received as a guide to the Science of Logic's presentation, as an independent theory of judgment, or as a reflection on the constraints and capacities of language generally. In this paper I argue that the speculative sentence can and should be linked to the Phenomenology itself. Specifically, I (...)
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    Non-reflexive Logics and Their Metaphysics: A Critical Appraisal.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2023 - In Cristián Soto, Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: In Honor of Roberto Torretti. Springer Verlag. pp. 367-389.
    Non-reflexive logics are systems of logic in which the reflexive law of identity is restricted or violated. The most well-known of such systems are Schrödinger logics and quasi-set theory; both are related with the metaphysics of quantum mechanics, aiming at formalizing the idea that quantum entities are non-individuals. We argue in this paper that non-reflexive logics may be seen as attempting to characterize two metaphysically incompatible notions of non-individuals: (i) non-individuals as violating self-identity and (ii) non-individuals as indiscernible entities. The (...)
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  23. Ergänzungen zu 5. Über gewisse Schwierigkeiten in der Transfinitentheorie und die Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Überwindung Über ein Verfahren zur systematischen Bezeichnung aller Transfiniten der zweiten Zahlklasse.Oskar Becker - 1927 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 8:796.
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  24. (1 other version)Ergänzungen zu 3. Zum Problem des "genügend kleinen" Endlichen in der Metamathematik.Oskar Becker - 1927 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 8:772.
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  25. Foreknowledge and predestination.Lawrence C. Becker - 1972 - Mind 81 (321):138-141.
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    Freewill and Responsibility. Anthony Kenny.Lawrence C. Becker - 1980 - Ethics 90 (2):313-314.
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    Feindesliebe - Nächstenliebe - Bruderliebe: Exegetische Beobachtungen als Anfrage an ein ethisches Problemfeld.Jürgen Becker - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 25 (1):5-18.
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  28. Frauen und Deklassierung.Regina Becker-Schmidt - 1987 - In Ursula Beer, Klasse Geschlecht: feministische Gesellschaftsanalyse und Wissenschaftskritik. Bielefeld: AJZ-Verlag.
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  29. Freiheit und Entfremdung bei Fichte.Franz Josef E. Becker - 1972 - Köln,:
  30.  30
    Introduction to the Special Section: Integrating Development Ethics and Climate Change Ethics.Christian Becker & Donald Brown - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (1):37-42.
    Climate change ethics is an emerging field of applied ethics that examines the ethical implications entailed in the various climate change effects on people around the world, future generations, an...
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    Ideen und Sprache.Alexander Becker - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (6):1057-1083.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 6 Seiten: 1057-1083.
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    „Ich will nicht die Frau meiner Frau sein“. Zur Funktion von Ich-Aussagen bei Martial.Maria Becker - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):282-293.
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  33. Kant as a Natural Philosopher.G. F. Becker - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7:657.
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    Knowledge as Doubly Anchored True Belief.Lawrence C. Becker - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:223-241.
    Some ambiguities in the verb ‘to know’ are analyzed, and it is argued that “undefeatably justified true belief” is the meaning of most philosophical interest with respect to specifying truth conditions for ‘S knows that p’. Two general conditions for an adequate definition of ‘S knows that p’ are discussed. Then a proposal for a quasi-causal theory of knowledge is introduced and defended.
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  35. Kurt Reidemeister, Das exakte Denken der Griechen.Oskar Becker - 1953 - Philosophische Rundschau 1 (2/3):185.
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    Kirchliche Zeitpolitik.Uwe Becker - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 54 (2):89-104.
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  37. Le Principe de causalité d'après la philosophie scolastique.F. Becker & P. Mansion - 1877 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3:545-545.
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    Lebenswelt und Mathematisierung

    Zur Phänomenologie der Übergänge.
    Ralf Becker - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (2):235-253.
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    Lebenswelt und Mathematisierung.Ralf Becker - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (2):10-28.
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    Living Without a Why: Mysticism, Pluralism, and the Way of Grace by Paul O. Ingram.John Becker - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):140-143.
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    Methoden und Praxis der Filmanalyse: Untersuchungen zum Spielfilm und seinen Interpretationen.Wolfgang Becker - 1983 - Opladen: Leske Verlag + Budrich. Edited by Norbert Schöll.
    "Mancher, der am Film interessiert ist, hat vielleicht schon vor dem Problem gestanden,,analytisch' mit Filmen umgehen zu mussen - sei es, daj3 er einfach auf eine genauere Erkliirung neugierig war, sei es, daj3 er die Filme anderen erkliiren muj3te. Er mag sich dann vielerorts umgesehen haben, in der Vielfalt von methodischen Hinweisen zur Filmanalyse, moglicherweise auch in sogenannten,exemplarischen' Einzelanalysen, urn schliej3lich - einigermaj3en verwirrt - zu der Einsieht gelangt zu sein, daj3 Filmanalyse ein schwieriges Unterfangen sei. In dieser (resignierten) Ein­ (...)
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    Nothing but Unworthy Servants? Kierkegaard and Tauler on Grace, Striving and Cooperation.Hjördis Becker-Lindenthal - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (4):729-747.
    To counteract the antinomian tendencies of nineteenth-century secular Protestantism, Søren Kierkegaard turns to Johannes Tauler's sermons, which vividly express a dialectics of works and grace, attacking an inflated asceticism as much as idleness. For reasons of reception history and because of the similarity of the images Kierkegaard and Tauler use, particularly servitude as expressed in Luke 17:10, this article proposes to understand Kierkegaard's account of grace as ‘Taulerian’ rather than ‘Arminian’. To show the intertwined agency of the human and the (...)
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    (1 other version)4. Normative Logic.Lawrence C. Becker - 1998 - In A New Stoicism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 35-42.
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    Natureza, ética E sociedade em Rousseau.Evaldo Becker - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:31-42.
    Nosso objetivo é analisar alguns elementos do pensamento do filósofo suíço, sobretudo no que se refere às formulações teóricas que envolvem os conceitos de estado de natureza, desnaturação do homem, responsabilidade ética e participação política.
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    Optimization of Pearl's method of conditioning and greedy-like approximation algorithms for the vertex feedback set problem.Ann Becker & Dan Geiger - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 83 (1):167-188.
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    Review symposium : Toward the merger of animal and human studies.Ernest Becker - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (2):235-254.
  47. (1 other version)Susette Kelo, et al. v. City of New London, Connecticut.J. F. Becker - 2005 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 19 (4):59.
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    Spatial relationship to the goal during acquisition and extinction of a five-part response chain.Paul W. Becker - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):57.
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    The Arti Minori in Florentine Politics, 1342-1378.Marvin B. Becker & Gene A. Brucker - 1956 - Mediaeval Studies 18 (1):93-104.
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    Talking back to frida: Houses of emotional mestizaje.Marjorie Becker - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (4):56–71.
    “Talking Back to Frida: Houses of Emotional Mestizaje” is, in part, a historical meditation on the silencing of three women, Frida Kahlo, Maria Enríquez, a Mexican woman who was sexually assaulted in 1924, and me. Written in an innovative historical fashion that joins techniques drawn from fiction, journalism, and history, the article attempts to understand specific assaults on women’s voices by drawing readers into the historical worlds of the protagonists. “Talking Back” also seeks to respond to Hans Kellner’s incisive theoretical (...)
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