Results for 'Sarp Aksel'

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  1.  51
    Female genital cutting and other intra-vaginal practices: Implications for twoday method use.Sarp Aksel, Irit Sinai & Kimberly Aumack Yee - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (5):631-635.
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    Ethical Solutions to the Problem of Organ Shortage.Aksel Braanen Sterri, Sadie Regmi & John Harris - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (3):297-309.
    Organ shortage is a major survival issue for millions of people worldwide. Globally 1.2 million people die each year from kidney failure. In this paper, we critically examine and find lacking extant proposals for increasing organ supply, such as opting in and opt out for deceased donor organs, and parochial altruism and paired kidney exchange for live organs. We defend two ethical solutions to the problem of organ shortage. One is to make deceased donor organs automatically available for transplant without (...)
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    Aurora, eller morgenrøde: tolv indledende kapitler og en fuldstændig oversættelse af den forbudte tekst fra middelalderen med titlen Aurora consurgens.Aksel Haaning - 2021 - København: Forlaget Vandkunsten. Edited by Thomas.
    Aurora, eller Morgenrøde er en enestående tekst fra højmiddelalderen, der knytter tanker og billeder fra Bibelen sammen med naturfilosofiske forestillinger om naturens ånd. Denne sammenstillingvar ny og udfordrende for datidens tænkemåde. Derfor blev teksten forbudt, gemt af vejen og først genfundet og udgivet i moderne tid. Det forhold, at Aurora, eller Morgenrøde skulle være skrevet af den berømte middelalderfilosof, Thomas Aquinas, som dennes sidstevidnesbyrd kort før han døde i 1274, er blevet afvist, ikke mindst af kirken. Ny forskning åbner imidlertid (...)
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    M'türîdî Ahlakına Felsefi Bir Bakış: Sevgi.Ruveyda Aksel - 2023 - Atebe 9:177-190.
    Sevgi, Mâtürîdî ahlak anlayışının dayandığı genel karakterlerden biridir. Ahlak içerisinde iradi bir eylem ön planda yer almış olsa da aslında bu eylem sevgi temeline dayanaklık etmektedir. Mâtürîdî’nin sevgi anlayışının temelinde, varlıklara sevginin Allah tarafından verildiğinin bilinmesi gerekliliği vardır. Çünkü insan fıtratında olan bu duygunun yani sevginin, sıradan bir yönelimin dışına çıkması ve insanı yücelten bir nitelik kazandırması bu temele dayanmaktadır. Mâtürîdî, her insanda doğuştan gelen bir güzellik eğilimi ya da güzel olana sevgi besleme gibi bir yatkınlığın olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Allah (...)
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  5. Protiv idealizma.L. Akselʹrod - 1924
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    Endülüslü el-A’m' et-Tutaylî ve Şiirleri.Ebuzer Sarp - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):327-355.
    One of the most important poets of the Almoravid period, al-Tutili wrote poems on many subjects such as praise, elegy, depiction of nature, love and wine. In his poems, it can be stated that the poet, who is seen to have deficiencies in terms of description and imagination due to the effect of his blindness, is at a culturally advanced level. In addition to his poems in the classical ode form, the poet also praised many muwashshahs. al-Tutili is one of (...)
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    Why States Should Buy Kidneys.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (5):844-856.
    In this article, I argue we have collective duties to people who suffer from kidney failure and these duties are best fulfilled through a government-monopsony market in kidneys. A government-monopsony market is a model where the government is the sole buyer, and kidneys are distributed according to need, not ability to pay. The framework of collective duties enables us to respond to several of the most pressing ethical and practical objections to kidney markets, including Cécile Fabre's objection that it is (...)
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    A Global Redistributive Auction for Vaccine Allocation.Aksel Braanen Sterri & Peder Skjelbred - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The global allocation of vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic is widely perceived as unfair. Priority was given to countries that paid the most with little or no concern for who needed the vaccines the most. No satisfactory institutions have been established to allocate vaccines in a future pandemic. In this paper, we join reformers in proposing a new scheme for vaccine distribution: a global auction for vaccines where profits are distributed fairly to participating countries. Our proposal improves upon previous suggestions (...)
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    Ontological Turn in Anthropology of Religion: Confrontation with European Le-gacy.Hesna Serra Aksel - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):679-694.
    Criticism of post-modernizm and post-colonializm caused to question the mission of anthropology in terms of understanding different societies. Materialist, secular and anthropocentric anthropological approaches based on enlightenment and modern assumptions have faced criticism by many disciplines from philosophy and critical theory to science and quantum theory. Anthropology of religion which is a branch of cultural anthropology is also effected by changes within the broader field of anthropology. The aim of this project is to shed light on the potential of the (...)
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    Modular control architecture for safe marine navigation: Reinforcement learning with predictive safety filters.Aksel Vaaler, Svein Jostein Husa, Daniel Menges, Thomas Nakken Larsen & Adil Rasheed - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 336 (C):104201.
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  11. Budizm’in Batı’dan Doğuşu: Modern ve Postmodern Budizm.Hesna Serra Aksel - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 54:85-107.
    Batı’da Budizm’i bir din olarak benimsemeden Budist teori ve pratikler ile çeşitli şekillerde ilişki kurarak Budizm’i hayat tarzına ve düşünce dünyasına dâhil eden kişilerin sayısı hızlı bir artış göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, Budizm’in Batı’da edindiği yerin anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmak için, Budizm’in 19. yüzyılda Batı’ya taşınmasından itibaren geçirdiği değişim evrelerini ele alınarak bugün gelinen noktanın arka planına ışık tutmak amaçlanmıştır. İlk olarak modernitenin revaçta olduğu dönemde Budizm’in ‘rasyonel’ ve ‘bilimsel’ bir gelenek olarak okunma çabaları ve bunu ortaya çıkaran faktörler incelenmiştir. Ardından bu (...)
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    Deleuze’ın Felsefesi Bağlamında İrade Kavramı: Müslüman Kadına Dair Sorular.Hesna Serra Aksel - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):1009-1025.
    Müslüman kadınların İslami gelenekler tarafından bastırılmış mı özgürlüğe kavuşturulmuş mu olduğuna dair pek çok çalışma bulunmakta. Bu çalışmalardan bazıları başörtüsü gibi İslami geleneklerin bir baskı unsuru olarak görürken, bazıları da Müslüman kadınların bu gelenekleri uygularken kendi iradelerini ortaya koyduğunu, dolayısıyla bu geleneklerin bir baskı emaresi olarak görülemeyeceğini savunur. Bu çalışmada, Müslüman kadınların hayatlarının çok yönlü, ilişkisel ve mekân bağlamında şekillendiğini incelememizi sağlayacak, Deleuze felsefisi bağlamında ele alınan irade ve özgürlük kavramlarını kullanmak amaçlanmıştır. Diğer bir ifade ile Fransız filozof Gilles Deleuze (...)
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  13. Filosofskīe ocherki.L. Akselʹrod - 1906
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  14. The ethics of emergencies.Aksel Braanen Sterri & Ole Martin Moen - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (8):2621-2634.
    Do we have stronger duties to assist in emergencies than in nonemergencies? According to Peter Singer and Peter Unger, we do not. Emergency situations, they suggest, merely serve to make more salient the very extensive duties to assist that we always have. This view, while theoretically simple, appears to imply that we must radically revise common-sense emergency norms. Resisting that implication, theorists like Frances Kamm, Jeremy Waldron, and Larry Temkin suggest that emergencies are indeed normatively exceptional. While their approach is (...)
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  15. Provokativ offentlig filosofi.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 12 (2):105-128.
    English summary: Provocative Public Philosophy In 2017, I argued that people with Down syndrome cannot live full lives. This sparked a heated debated in the Norwegian public sphere. This gave rise to a debate over what academics should and should not say in public. A certain form of public philosophy, what I will call provocative public philosophy, was criticized for being harmful, imperialistic, for eroding trust in philosophers, and for creating too much noise. In this article I will, in light (...)
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  16. Prize, not price: reframing rewards for kidney donors.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e57-e57.
    Worldwide 1.2 million people are dying from kidney failure each year, and in the USA alone, approximately 100 000 people are currently on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. One possible solution to the kidney shortage is for governments to pay donors for one of their healthy kidneys and distribute these kidneys according to need. There are, however, compelling objections to this government-monopsony model. To avoid these objections, I propose a small adjustment to the model. I suggest we reward (...)
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  17. O "Problemakh idealizma.".L. Akselʹrod - 1905
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    Producing the category of ‘Islamist’ women: a Deleuzian perspective.Hesna Serra Aksel - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (1):129-148.
    When addressing the Muslim women question, one of the problematic issues is the centrality of a religious tradition or a political ideology as a primary subject of inquiry. Muslim women are seen as the embodiment of a singular tradition or ideology, as in the case of Turkey, where the contemporary headscarf-wearing women are represented as ‘Islamist’. In this project, I aim to problematise this stereotyping categorisation through ontological conceptualisations, inspired by the French thinker Gilles Deleuze. To implement the relational ontology (...)
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  19. Sex selection in India: Why a ban is not justified.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (3):150-156.
    When widespread use of sex‐selective abortion and sex selection through assisted reproduction lead to severe harms to third parties and perpetuate discrimination, should these practices be banned? In this paper I focus on India and show why a common argument for a ban on sex selection fails even in these circumstances. I set aside a common objection to the argument, namely that women have a right to procreative autonomy that trumps the state's interest in protecting other parties from harm, and (...)
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  20. Pedophilia and Computer-Generated Child Pornography.Ole Martin Moen & Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 369-381.
    In this chapter, we ask three questions about pedophilia: Is it immoral to be a pedophile? Is it immoral for pedophiles to seek out sexual contact with children? Is it immoral for pedophiles to satisfy their sexual preferences by using computer-generated graphics, sex dolls, and/or sex robots that mimic children? We argue that it is not immoral to be a pedophile, it is immoral for pedophiles to seek out sexual contact with children because of the expected harm to children, and (...)
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    Den kristne mystik: fra middelalderens verden.Aksel Haaning - 2011 - København: Forlaget Vandkunsten. Edited by Jørgen Pedersen.
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  22. Heller velferdsstat enn borgerlønn.Aksel Braanen Sterri - 2020 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 55 (2-3):126-140.
  23.  29
    Youth representation in the European Parliament: The limited effect of political party characteristics.Aksel Sundström & Daniel Stockemer - 2018 - Intergenerational Justice Review 4 (2).
    Which party characteristics contribute to the representation of young legislators? We examine this question quantitatively, focusing on the European Parliament, and gauge the influence of the age of the party leader, the age of the party, the size of its support, party ideology and party nomination procedures on the age of politicians, based on data of all members who have served in the EP. We find that none of these characteristics matter substantively in explaining young representatives’ presence and discuss ways (...)
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    Book Review: Analog Days: The Invention and Impact of the Moog Synthesizer. [REVIEW]Aksel Hagen Tjora - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (2):317-320.
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    Youth’s underrepresentation in the European Parliament: Insights from interviews with young Members of the European Parliament.Daniel Stockemer & Aksel Sundström - 2019 - Intergenerational Justice Review 5 (1).
    Why do political parties elect so few young deputies? Given that the quantitative literature has at best only partially answered this question, we decided to conduct a qualitative investigation. Taking the European Parliament as a case for study, we examined this question through interview research with some of the young MEPs who served between 2014 and 2019. Our respondents, who answered various open-ended questions, suggest that the young are so few in number both because they lack contacts within the party (...)
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  26. Eksistensialfilosofien som fundamentalontologi for åpenbaringsteologien.Aksel Valen-Sendstad - 1969 - Oslo,: Universitetsforlaget.
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    Filosofi til kristentroen.Aksel Valen-Sendstad - 1973 - [Stavanger]: Nomi.
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    Kaos og kausalitet: om kaos-teorien og dens betydning for filosofi og teologi.Niels Henrik Gregersen & Aksel Wiin Nielsen - 1992
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  29. Bootstrapping Information Technology Innovations Across Organisational and Geographical Boundaries: Lessons from an mHealth Implementation in Malawi.Tiwonge Davis Manda & Terje Aksel Sanner - 2014 - Iris 35.
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  30. Bootstrapping Information Technology Innovations Across Organisational and Geographical Boundaries: Lessons from an mHealth Implementation in Malawi.Tiwonge Davis Manda and Terje Aksel Sanner - 2014 - Iris 35.
  31.  4
    Aksel Frederik Andersen (1891--1972).Henrik Kragh Sã¸Rensen - 2008 - In Fulvia Furinghetti & Livia Giacardi, The First Century of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (1908--2008): Portrait Gallery.
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    Aksel E. Christensen, Kalmarunionen og nordisk politik, 1319–1439. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1980. Pp. 324; 23 illustrations on 8 plates, 2 facsimiles in endpaper flap. [REVIEW]Sidney L. Cohen - 1982 - Speculum 57 (3):680.
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    Ole Martin Moen og Aksel Braanen Sterri: Aktivdødshjelp – Etikk ved livets slutt.Amanda Schei - 2020 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 55 (1):93-96.
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    Türkiye Gürcistan Ekonomik Ve Siyasi İlişkiler Kapsamında Sarp Sınır Kapısının Analizi.Ahmet Deni̇z - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):539-539.
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    Ethical concepts in Russian Marxism of the first quarter of the twentieth century: A. Bogdanov, L. Aksel’rod, A. Lunacharsky. [REVIEW]Vladimir V. Sidorin - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (3):487-503.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian Marxism, which was rapidly gaining intellectual and political influence, faced the need to develop its ethical concepts, since the “atheistic ethics,” represented by the philosophy of Russian narodniki and European social democrats, were found to be ideologically unacceptable. The subject of this article is an attempt to comprehend the moral problems addressed in the heterogeneous circles of Russian Marxism in the first three decades of the twentieth century. The concepts introduced by A. (...)
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    A geometric approach to revealed preference via Hamiltonian cycles.Jan Heufer - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (3):329-341.
    It is shown that a fundamental question of revealed preference theory, namely whether the weak axiom of revealed preference (WARP) implies the strong axiom of revealed preference (SARP), can be reduced to a Hamiltonian cycle problem: A set of bundles allows a preference cycle of irreducible length if and only if the convex monotonic hull of these bundles admits a Hamiltonian cycle. This leads to a new proof to show that preference cycles can be of arbitrary length for more (...)
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  37. La dimension maternelle de la sensibilité pittoresque chez Mary Wollstonecraft et Elizabeth Simcoe.Eric Miller - 2023 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 42:109-138.
    Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) et Elizabeth Simcoe (1762-1850) ont écrit des récits de voyage, récits influencés par la théorie du pittoresque, en particulier telle qu’elle a été formulée par William Gilpin. Wollstonecraft a publié ses Lettres écrites pendant une courte résidence en Suède, en Norvège et au Danemark en 1796 ; Simcoe, une artiste douée, a tenu un journal écrit et visuel de son séjour dans le Bas et le Haut-Canada entre 1791 et 1796, alors qu’elle était l’épouse du premier lieutenant-gouverneur (...)
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    Plac miejski – ewolucja przestrzeni publicznych na przykładzie miasta Częstochowy.Nina Sołkiewicz-Kos - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (3):93-112.
    Częstochowa to miasto o bogatej historii i czytelnej strukturze przestrzennej. Istotne miejsce zajmują w nim tereny śródmiejskie. Stanowią przestrzeń o szczególnych walorach estetycznych i funkcjonalnych. Ich sposób zagospodarowania podkreśla znaczenie miasta i jest przykładem współczesnej kontynuacji miejskiej tradycji. Autorka prezentuje w artykule przestrzenie placów miejskich, które należą do obszarów śródmiejskich. Każdy z nich jest próbą odwołania się do przeszłości i nawiązania do teraźniejszości. Architektura tych miejsc i kontekst urbanistyczny o szczególnej wartości historycznej, kulturowej i społecznej zobowiązują do rzetelnej analizy działań (...)
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    Institucije slobode - Hegelova filozofija prava u danasnjim diskusijama.Mirko Wischke - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (2):29-48.
    Donedavno, u diskusijama o politickoj filozofiji i etici nije imalo mnogo smisla postavljati pitanje o tome da li citanje Hegelove Filozofije prava jos moze necemu da nas nauci. Shvatanje da Hegelova filozofija prava ne daje supstancijalan doprinos aktuelnim diskusijama i danasnjim tezisnim problemima relativisao je, u svojim predavanjima o moralnoj filozofiji, Dzon Rols, dok je Aksel Honet to shvatanje doveo u pitanje odlucnim rehabilitovanjem sredisnjih motiva Hegelove filozofije prava. A svojom kritikom Honetovog pokusaja reaktualizacije, Ridiger Bubner otvorio je diskusiju (...)
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    Filosofiens rolle i det offentlige ordskifte.Bjørn Hofmann & Siri Granum Carson - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:87-103.
    _Filosofi og etikk har fått en stadig større plass i det offentlige rom i Norge. 2017 ble et år der filosofer sørget for overskrifter i en rekke norske medier. En av sakene som fikk størst oppmerksomhet, var debatten om sorteringssamfunnet og Aksel Braanen Sterris påstand om at personer med Downs syndrom ikke kan leve fullverdige liv. Utsagnet skapte en voldsom debatt og kraftige reaksjoner. Temaet for debatten er interessant i seg selv, men den reiser også spørsmål om hvordan slike (...)
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    Obligations in public philosophical discourse.Allen Alvarez, May Thorseth & Siri Granum Carson - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:7-9.
    Four papers are included in this November 2018 special issue Open Section. First is by Bjørn Hofmann and Siri Granum Carson titled _Filosofiens rolle i det offentlige ordskiftet: Hvordan har debatten om sorteringssamfunnet i 2017 påvirket forholdet mellom filosofi og samfunn? En innholdsanalyse_. Second, _Provokativ offentlig filosofi_ by Aksel Braanen Sterri. Third, Steinar Bøyum’s _The Democratic Duty to Educate Oneself._ And fourth, Jonas Jakobsen and Kjersti Fjørtoft’s _In defence of moderate Inclusivism: Revisiting Rawls and Habermas._.
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