Results for 'Sarah Hunger'

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  1. Commentary: Transgender People Are Not That Different after All.Sarah Hunger - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):287-289.
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    Philosophy of mind.Sarah Patterson - 2008 - In .
    A survey of developments in twentieth-century philosophy of mind in the analytic or Anglo-American tradition, focussing in particular on the fortunes of physicalist views of mind.
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  3. I. Interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinarity: (Why) is it still an issue?Sarah Maza - 2006 - In G. J. Mallinson (ed.), Interdisciplinarity: qu'est-ce que les lumières: la reconnaissance au dix-huitième siècle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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  4. On Frankfurt's Explanation of Respect for People.Sarah Buss & Lee Overton (eds.) - 2002 - MIT Press.
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    Ras les Cheveux!: Roman.Sarah Lalonde - 2007 - Éditions P. Tisseyre. Edited by Geneviève Couture.
    Mélia en a assez des sobriquets et remarques désobligeantes que lui valent quotidiennement ses cheveux extrêmement courts, qui entraînent de surcroît les gens à la confondre avec un garçon. "Pour avoir l'air d'une vraie fille" et séduire ainsi le beau Jérôme, la fillette se met donc en tête de prendre tous les moyens possibles pour faire allonger sa chevelure dans les plus brefs délais. Mais voilà, potions magiques et perruques causent des désagréments qu'elle n'avait pas envisagés... Et si la patience (...)
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  6. Refugees and the limits of political philosophy.Sarah Fine - 2020 - Ethics and Global Politics 13 (1):6-20.
    One thing that has to be considered in this process is the place of philosophy itself (Williams 2011 [1985], 4). Politicians often argue that they have no right to keep their hands clean, and that...
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  7. A New Paradox of Omnipotence.Sarah Adams - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):759-785.
    In this paper, I argue that the supposition of divine omnipotence entails a contradiction: omnipotence both must and must not be intrinsic to God. Hence, traditional theism must be rejected. To begin, I separate out some theoretical distinctions needed to inform the discussion. I then advance two different arguments for the conclusion that omnipotence must be intrinsic to God; these utilise the notions of essence and aseity. Next, I argue that some necessary conditions on being omnipotent are extrinsic, and that (...)
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  8. The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers' Ethical Decision-Making.Sarah Steenhaut & Patrick Van Kenhove - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (3):269 - 288.
    In this paper, we theorize that the anticipation of guilt plays an important role in ethically questionable consumer situations. We propose an ethical decision-making framework incorporating anticipated guilt as partial mediator between consumers' ethical beliefs (anteceded by ethical ideology) and intentions. In the first study, we compared several models using structural equation modeling and found empirical support for our research model. A second experiment was set up to illustrate how these new insights may be applied to prevent consumers from taking (...)
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  9. Explosion I: De l"Ecce Homo' de Nietzsche.Sarah Kofman - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 7:151-154.
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  10. Hume-and others-on marriage.Sarah M. S. Pearsall - 2005 - In Marina Frasca-Spada & P. J. E. Kail (eds.), Impressions of Hume. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  11. The Changing Character of Private Force.Sarah Percy - 2011 - In Hew Strachan & Sibylle Scheipers (eds.), The changing character of war. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Vulnerability in Resistance.Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti & Leticia Sabsay (eds.) - 2016 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Vulnerability and resistance have often been seen as opposites, with the assumption that vulnerability requires protection and the strengthening of paternalistic power at the expense of collective resistance. Focusing on political movements and cultural practices in different global locations, including Turkey, Palestine, France, and the former Yugoslavia, the contributors to Vulnerability in Resistance articulate an understanding of the role of vulnerability in practices of resistance. They consider how vulnerability is constructed, invoked, and mobilized within neoliberal discourse, the politics of war, (...)
  13. On euthanasia: Blindspots in the argument from mercy.Sarah Bachelard - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):131–140.
    In the euthanasia debate, the argument from mercy holds that if someone is in unbearable pain and is hopelessly ill or injured, then mercy dictates that inflicting death may be morally justified. One common way of setting the stage for the argument from mercy is to draw parallels between human and animal suffering, and to suggest that insofar as we are prepared to relieve an animal’s suffering by putting it out of its misery we should likewise be prepared to offer (...)
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    Six-year-olds' difficulties handling intensional contexts.Sarah Hulme, Peter Mitchell & David Wood - 2003 - Cognition 87 (2):73-99.
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  15. Kant, Justice, and the Augmentation of Ideal Theory.Sarah Williams Holtman - 1995 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    To isolate, analyze and explain their most basic commitments, theories of justice typically idealize. They assume for theoretical purposes, for example, that human beings possess far greater knowledge than they do, or that society's members strictly comply with just laws. Yet because it falsifies, idealization undermines the practical applicability of an ideal theory's principles. ;Although ideal theories are unsatisfactory as they stand, their fundamental principles may be invaluable in addressing our problems of justice. From such basic principles we may derive (...)
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    Philosophical Medical Ethics.Sarah Haddon Furness - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (4):218-218.
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    The Babylonian Zodiac: Speculations on its invention and significance.Lis Brack-Bernsen & Hermann Hunger - 1999 - Centaurus 41 (4):280-292.
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    Managing Corporate Sustainability with a Paradoxical Lens: Lessons from Strategic Agility.Sarah Birrell Ivory & Simon Bentley Brooks - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):347-361.
    Corporate sustainability introduces multiple tensions or paradoxes into organisations which defy traditional approaches such as trading-off contrasting options. We examine an alternative approach: to manage corporate sustainability with a paradoxical lens where contradictory elements are managed concurrently. Drawing on paradox theory, we focus on two specific pathways: to the organisation-wide acceptance of paradox and to paradoxical resolution. Introducing the concept of strategic agility, we argue that strategically agile organisations are better placed to navigate these paradox pathways. Strategic agility comprises three (...)
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  19. Diggers and Dreamers 98/99.Sarah Bunker, Chris Coates, Jonathan How, Lee Jones & William Morris - 1999 - Utopian Studies 10 (1):169-171.
  20. Of cholc9/by James Miller.Sarah Minden, Sankar Muthu, Richard Shusterman, Gerald Woolfson & Bernard Yack - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66:4.
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  21. 3 “Adapt, Adjust, Accommodate”.Sarah Strauss - 2008 - In Mark Singleton & Jean Byrne (eds.), Yoga in the modern world: contemporary perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 7--49.
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    Grammatical aspect and temporal distance in motion descriptions.Sarah E. Anderson, Teenie Matlock & Michael Spivey - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    (1 other version)Christine Adams, Poverty, Charity, and Motherhood: Maternal Societies in Nineteenth-Century France.Sarah A. Curtis - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Depuis quelques années, les historiens critiquent l’idée que la France ait développé tardivement l’État providence en mettant en avant le rôle joué par les associations et la coopération privé-public dans la charité auprès des indigents au XIXe siècle. Ce système d’assistance élaboré peu à peu était plus répandu que l’on n’imagine et il a également façonné la nature de l’État providence au XXe siècle. Christine Adams se situe dans cette approche renouvelée par des études sur la plus important...
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  24. The affective turnabout's fair play.Sarah Keller - 2022 - In Kyle Stevens (ed.), The Oxford handbook of film theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris.Sarah Kennel, Anne de Mondenard, Peter Barberie, Françoise Reynaud & Joke de Wolf - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Charles Marville is widely acknowledged as one of the most talented photographers of the nineteenth century. Accompanying a major retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in honor of Marville's bicentennial, Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris surveys the artist's entire career. This beautiful book, which begins with the city scenes and architectural views Marville made throughout France and Germany in the 1850s, also explores his portraits and landscapes s before turning to his photographs of Paris made both before and (...)
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    Deubiquitinating Enzymes in Model Systems and Therapy: Redundancy and Compensation Have Implications.Sarah Zachariah & Douglas A. Gray - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1900112.
    The multiplicity of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) encoded by vertebrate genomes is partly attributable to whole genome duplication events that occurred early in chordate evolution. By surveying the literature for the largest family of DUBs (the ubiquitin-specific proteases), extensive functional redundancy for duplicated genes has been confirmed as opposed to singletons. Dramatically conflicting results have been reported for loss of function studies conducted through RNA interference as opposed to inactivating mutations, but the contradictory findings can be reconciled by a recently proposed (...)
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    The Persona of the Woman Philosopher in Eighteenth‐Century England: Catharine Macaulay, Mary Hays, and Elizabeth Hamilton.Sarah Hutton - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (3):403-412.
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    Pupillary responses reveal infants’ discrimination of facial emotions independent of conscious perception.Sarah Jessen, Nicole Altvater-Mackensen & Tobias Grossmann - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):163-169.
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  29. On the path to understanding on-line processing of grammatical aspect.Sarah Anderson, Teenie Matlock, Caitlin Fausey & Michael J. Spivey - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Maintaining credibility when communicating uncertainty: the role of directionality.Sarah C. Jenkins & Adam J. L. Harris - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):97-123.
    Risk communicators often need to communicate probabilistic predictions. On occasion, an event with 10% likelihood will occur, or one with 90% likelihood will not – a probabilistically unexpected ou...
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    Counterfactual Thinking.Sarah R. Beck, KevinJ Riggs & Patrick Burns - 2011 - In Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Sarah R. Beck (eds.), Understanding Counterfactuals, Understanding Causation: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford:: Oxford University Press. pp. 110.
  32. Refusal first, then re-imagination: presenting the burn in flames post-patriarchal archive in circulation.Sarah Browne & Jesse Jones - 2020 - In Davina Cooper, Nikita Dhawan & Janet Newman (eds.), Reimagining the state: theoretical challenges and transformative possibilities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Resurrection and Moral Imagination.Sarah Bachelard - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book explores the significance of the Resurrection for human moral imagination and moral life. It shows that the Resurrection, contemplatively apprehended, shifts our ethically conditioned understanding of what it means to be human. It shifts our relationship to mortality and finitude, and opens up new possibilities and sources for human life and hope. It thereby transforms the picture of human being operative in moral thinking about justice and personal relations, as well as some of our fundamental moral concepts.
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    Agnes Goes to Prison: Gender Authenticity, Transgender Inmates in Prisons for Men, and Pursuit of “The Real Deal”.Sarah Fenstermaker & Valerie Jenness - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):5-31.
    Historically developed along gender lines and arguably the most sex segregated of institutions, U.S. prisons are organized around the assumption of a gender binary. In this context, the existence and increasing visibility of transgender prisoners raise questions about how gender is accomplished by transgender prisoners in prisons for men. This analysis draws on official data and original interview data from 315 transgender inmates in 27 California prisons for men to focus analytic attention on the pursuit of “the real deal”—a concept (...)
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    The Importance of Prior Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Statistics: Demonstrations Using an Interactive Shiny App.Sarah Depaoli, Sonja D. Winter & Marieke Visser - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current paper highlights a new, interactive Shiny App that can be used to aid in understanding and teaching the important task of conducting a prior sensitivity analysis when implementing Bayesian estimation methods. In this paper, we discuss the importance of examining prior distributions through a sensitivity analysis. We argue that conducting a prior sensitivity analysis is equally important when so-called diffuse priors are implemented as it is with subjective priors. As a proof of concept, we conducted a small simulation (...)
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    Monitoring the Self in Schizophrenia.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore - 2000 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 185.
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    The Role, Remit and Function of the Research Ethics Committee — 1. The Rationale for Ethics Review of Research by Committee.Sarah J. L. Edwards - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (4):147-150.
    This is the first in a series of five papers on the role, remit and function of research ethics committees which are intended to provide for REC members a broad understanding of the most important issues in research ethics and governance. The first considers the rationale for having ethics review by committee at all; seeking to explain why ethics committees, as we currently have them, are so important to the wider system of governing research.
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    A call for comparing theories of consciousness and data sharing.Sarah L. Eagleman, David M. Eagleman, Vinod Menon & Kimford J. Meador - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Merker, Williford, and Rudrauf make several arguments against the integrated information theory of consciousness; whereas some have merit, their conclusion that the theory should be discarded is premature. Coming years promise advances in the empirical study of consciousness, and only after theories are independently tested with shared data can they be ruled in or out. We propose future research directions.
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    The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association at University of Aberdeen July 2008.Sarah Broadie (ed.) - 2008 - Aristotelian Society.
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    (1 other version)Moderately Insensitive Semantics.Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2007 - In G. Preyer (ed.), Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 133--168.
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    Mastery Imagery Ability Is Associated With Positive Anxiety and Performance During Psychological Stress.Sarah E. Williams, Mary L. Quinton, Jet J. C. S. Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Jack Davies, Clara Möller, Gavin P. Trotman & Annie T. Ginty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:568580.
    Mastery imagery (i.e., images of being in control and coping in difficult situations) is used to regulate anxiety. The ability to image this content is associated with trait confidence and anxiety, but research examining mastery imagery ability's association with confidence and anxiety in response to a stressful event is scant. The present study examined whether trait mastery imagery ability mediated the relationship between confidence and anxiety, and the subsequent associations on performance in response to an acute psychological stress. Participants (N= (...)
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    Positive Emotional Language in the Final Words Spoken Directly Before Execution.Sarah Hirschmüller & Boris Egloff - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  43. A posthumanist critique of de-extinction science.Sarah Bezan - 2022 - In Danielle Sands (ed.), Bioethics and the Posthumanities. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Practical‐Political Jurisprudence and the Dual Nature of Law.Sarah Nason - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (3):430-455.
    Law contains many dualities, though most, if not all, of these dualities resolve into one complex puzzle: To what extent is law a matter of pure social facts, or moral value untethered to social facts? I argue that each concept of law reconciles this duality in a different way on the basis of certain beneficial consequences that might result. Instead of pitting concepts against one another universally, we should accept that the balance between law's social fact and moral value dimensions (...)
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    Einleitung.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-16.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 221-231.
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    Call for papers: hotel psychoanalysis.Sarah Wood - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (1):1 – 2.
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    Derrida's 'Writing and Difference': A Reader's Guide.Sarah Wood - 2009 - Continuum.
    Context -- Overview of themes -- Reading the text -- Reception and influence.
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    When Complementarianism becomes Gender Apartheid: Feminist Philosophers’ Objections to the Christian Right.Sarah H. Woolwine & E. M. Dadlez - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (1):195-203.
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    Plato, Imitation, and Narration: a look into the narrative effects of literature.Sarah E. Worth - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (2):162-173.
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