Results for 'Sarah Harper'

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  1.  92
    Ethics versus morality: A problematic divide.Sarah J. Harper - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (9):1063-1077.
    I explicate the distinction between ethics and morality in terms of four central contrasts, and argue (1) that moral theories that embrace the implicit divide are both theoretically and practically problematic in their failure to meet certain widely accepted standards of theoretical coherence and in their resulting propensity to generate indeterminable conflicts among norms, and (2) that social roles represent one aspect of the moral life that cannot be understood in terms of this distinction. My suggestion will be that we (...)
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  2. Youth - A Scarce Commodity Within an Aging World.Sarah Harper - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 21 (2):479-492.
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    Sexuality Matters: Paradigms and Policies for Educational Leaders.Michael L. Dantley, James G. Allen, Dr Jeffrey S. Brooks, C. Cryss Brunner, Colleen A. Capper, Mary J. DeLeon, Renée DePalma, Robert E. Harper, Frank Hernandez, Grahaeme A. Hesp, Ian K. Macgillivray, Sarah A. McKinney, Erica Meiners, Therese Quinn, Karen Schulte & Michael Sharp (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book brings together scholars from a variety of epistemological perspectives to explore the multiple ways in which sexuality does indeed matter in the arena of public education.
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    Roles and the ethical life.Mengyao Yan - 2018 - Dissertation, Baylor University
    Role ethics, broadly speaking, is a normative ethical theory that has a prominent emphasis on roles. Although it was prominent in ancient cultures, such as in China and Greece, role ethics waned during the Enlightenment era. Not until very recently has role ethics been articulated in its own terms. Among current discussions on roles, the most systematic role ethics are Confucian role ethics, Epictetus’ role ethics, Sarah Harper’s rolecentered morality and Jeremy Evans’ role ethics. They are my primary (...)
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    Big ideas in social science.David Edmonds - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Nigel Warburton.
    Fields of enquiry. Rome Harré on What is social science -- Toby Miller on Cultural studies -- Lawrence Sherman on Criminology -- Jonathan Haidt on Moral psychology -- Robert J. Shiller on Behavioural economics -- Births, deaths and human population. Sarah Franklin on the Sociology of reproductive technology -- Ann Oakley on Women's experience of childbirth -- Sarah Harper on the Population challenge for the 21st century -- Steven Pinker on Violence and human nature -- Social science (...)
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    Too Many Cooks: Bayesian Inference for Coordinating Multi‐Agent Collaboration.Sarah A. Wu, Rose E. Wang, James A. Evans, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, David C. Parkes & Max Kleiman-Weiner - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):414-432.
    Collaboration requires agents to coordinate their behavior on the fly, sometimes cooperating to solve a single task together and other times dividing it up into sub‐tasks to work on in parallel. Underlying the human ability to collaborate is theory‐of‐mind (ToM), the ability to infer the hidden mental states that drive others to act. Here, we develop Bayesian Delegation, a decentralized multi‐agent learning mechanism with these abilities. Bayesian Delegation enables agents to rapidly infer the hidden intentions of others by inverse planning. (...)
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    Frames, Reasons, and Rationality.Sarah A. Fisher - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (2):162-173.
    In his recent book, Frame It Again: New Tools for Rational Decision-Making, J. L. Bermúdez argues that it can be rational to evaluate the same thing differently when it is described using alternati...
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  8. Does absence make atheistic belief grow stronger?Sarah Adams & Jon Robson - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (1):49-68.
    Discussion of the role which religious experience can play in warranting theistic belief has received a great deal of attention within contemporary philosophy of religion. By contrast, the relationship between experience and atheistic belief has received relatively little focus. Our aim in this paper is to begin to remedy that neglect. In particular, we focus on the hitherto under-discussed question of whether experiences of God’s absence can provide positive epistemic status for a belief in God’s nonexistence. We argue that there (...)
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    Applying futility in psychiatry: a concept whose time has come.Sarah Levitt & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):60-60.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, futility as a concept has held contested meaning and applications throughout medicine. There has been little discussion within the psychiatric literature about the use of futility in the care of individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), despite some tacit acceptance that futility may apply in certain cases of psychiatric illness. In this paper, we explore the literature surrounding futility and argue that its connotation within medicine is to describe situations where patients (or (...)
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  10.  22
    Sovereignty beyond natural law: Adam Blackwood’s Catholic royalism.Sarah Mortimer - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):682-697.
    ABSTRACT The political works of Adam Blackwood offer a powerful defence of absolute monarchy, and one which explicitly sets political power within a religious framework. Critiquing the resistance theories of his contemporaries, Blackwood was sceptical about the political value of natural law and of any appeal to popular sovereignty, at least in contemporary Europe. Blackwood was deeply troubled by the way Christianity was being used to justify resistance, often in Protestant texts that aligned Christianity and natural law, and he insisted (...)
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  11. A social–emotional salience account of emotion recognition in autism: Moving beyond theory of mind.Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 42 (1):3-18.
  12.  48
    Introduction to symposium ‘Reimagining land: materiality, affect and the uneven trajectories of land transformation’.Sarah Ruth Sippel & Oane Visser - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):271-282.
    Over the past decade land has again moved to the centre of resource conflicts, agrarian struggles, and competing visions over the future of food and farming. This renewed interest in land necessitates asking the seemingly simple, but pertinent, question ‘whatisland?’ To reach a more profound understanding of the uniqueness of land, and what distinguishes land from other resources, this symposium suggests the notion of ‘land imaginaries’ as a crucial lens in the study of current land transformations. Political-economy, and the particular (...)
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  13. Rational belief change, Popper functions and counterfactuals.William L. Harper - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):221 - 262.
    This paper uses Popper's treatment of probability and an epistemic constraint on probability assignments to conditionals to extend the Bayesian representation of rational belief so that revision of previously accepted evidence is allowed for. Results of this extension include an epistemic semantics for Lewis' theory of counterfactual conditionals and a representation for one kind of conceptual change.
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  14. Losing the name of action : Shakespeare, Macbeth, and speech as action.Sarah Beckwith - 2017 - In Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau (eds.), Judgment and Action: Fragments toward a History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    The Mouse’s Tale: al-Jāḥiẓ, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, and Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī on Animal Thinking.Sarah Virgi - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (5):751-772.
    The present article explores the views of al-Jāḥiẓ, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, and Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī - three pre-modern thinkers of the Islamic world outside the Peripatetic tradition - on the question o...
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    The failures of functionalism.Sarah Robins - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:201-222.
    In Memory: A Self-Referential Account, Fernández offers a functionalist account of the metaphysics of memory, which is portrayed as presenting significant advantages over causal and narrative theories of memory. In this paper, I present a series of challenges for Fernández’s functionalism. There are issues with both the particulars of the account and the use of functionalism more generally. First, in characterizing the mnemonic role of episodic remembering, Fernández fails to make clear how the mental image type that plays this role (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Model selection, simplicity, and scientific inference.Wayne C. Myrvold & William L. Harper - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S135-S149.
    The Akaike Information Criterion can be a valuable tool of scientific inference. This statistic, or any other statistical method for that matter, cannot, however, be the whole of scientific methodology. In this paper some of the limitations of Akaikean statistical methods are discussed. It is argued that the full import of empirical evidence is realized only by adopting a richer ideal of empirical success than predictive accuracy, and that the ability of a theory to turn phenomena into accurate, agreeing measurements (...)
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  18. The Role of Memory Science in the Philosophy of Memory.Sarah Robins - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (10):e12880.
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    Risky‐choice framing and rational decision‐making.Sarah A. Fisher & David R. Mandel - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (8):e12763.
    This article surveys the latest research on risky-choice framing effects, focusing on the implications for rational decision-making. An influential program of psychological research suggests that people's judgements and decisions depend on the way in which information is presented, or ‘framed’. In a central choice paradigm, decision-makers seem to adopt different preferences, and different attitudes to risk, depending on whether the options specify the number of people who will be saved or the corresponding number who will die. It is standardly assumed (...)
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  20. Newton's argument for universal gravitation.William Harper - 2002 - In I. Bernard Cohen & George E. Smith (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. pp. 174--201.
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  21.  23
    Rethinking the 'Prejudice of Mark': Concepts of Race, Ancestry, and Genetics among Brazilian DNA Test-Takers.Sarah Abel - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):186-221.
    Sociological accounts usually emphasise the primacy of phenotype (cor, colour) over ancestry for orienting concepts of ‘race’ in Brazil. In this paper, I present an alternative account of the cultural and political significance of ancestry in contemporary Brazil, drawing on qualitative interviews conducted with 50 Brazilians who had recently taken personalised DNA ancestry tests. The interviewees’ attitudes towards their ancestry are interpreted in relation to Brazil’s longstanding national myth of mestiçagem and the history of eugenic Whitening ideologies (ideologias do branqueamento) (...)
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    Agitation with—and of—Burke's Comic Theory.Sarah Elizabeth Adams - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (3):315-335.
    “Ambivalence” is the key word in much of this book; “comic” [is the book’s] most obscure and I think absolutely without use value. I don’t know what B[urke] means by “comic,” as a matter of fact. I wonder if he does, and could define it briefly. Readers of Kenneth Burke are well aware of the importance of comedy and its associated cluster of concepts in his work: comic, comic frame, comic attitude, comic corrective. This cluster of terms figures prominently in (...)
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  23. Be cool to the pizza dude.Sarah Adams - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    Differentiation of individual selves facilitates group-level benefits of ultrasociality.Sarah E. Ainsworth, Roy F. Baumeister & Kathleen D. Vohs - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Job Loss and Attempts to Return to Work: Complicating Inequalities across Gender and Class.Sarah Damaske - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (1):7-30.
    Drawing on data from 100 qualitative interviews with the recently unemployed, this study examines how participants made decisions about attempting to return to work and identifies how class and gender shape these decisions. Middle-class men were most likely to take time to attempt to return to work, middle-class women were most likely to begin a deliberate job search, working-class men were most likely to report an urgent search, and working-class women were most likely to have diverted searches. Financial resources, gendered (...)
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    Transmitting Passione: Emio Greco and the Ballet National de Marseille.Sarah Pini & John Sutton - 2021 - In Jill Nunes Jensen Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Ballet. Oxford University Press. pp. 594-612.
    This work addresses the case of the Ballet National de Marseille (BNM) and the 2017 recreation of the piece Passione, created by the artistic directors Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten. This study, informed by a phenomenological approach, adopts ethnographic methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and one researcher’s direct involvement with the practices of enculturation and enskillment in this dance form. It investigates how the dancers of the BNM articulate their diverse forms of agency in relation to the choreographer’s (...)
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    Three models for the regulation of polygenic scores in reproduction.Sarah Munday & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):91-91.
    The past few years have brought significant breakthroughs in understanding human genetics. This knowledge has been used to develop ‘polygenic scores’ (or ‘polygenic risk scores’) which provide probabilistic information about the development of polygenic conditions such as diabetes or schizophrenia. They are already being used in reproduction to select for embryos at lower risk of developing disease. Currently, the use of polygenic scores for embryo selection is subject to existing regulations concerning embryo testing and selection. Existing regulatory approaches include ‘disease-based' (...)
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    We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives, by Manon Garcia.Sarah Richmond - 2024 - Mind 133 (530):571-578.
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    Fictional Film in Engineering Ethics Education: With Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises as Exemplar.Sarah Jayne Hitt & Thomas Taro Lennerfors - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-16.
    This paper aims to call attention to the potential of using film in engineering ethics education, which has not been thoroughly discussed as a pedagogical method in this field. A review of current approaches to teaching engineering ethics reveals that there are both learning outcomes that need more attention as well as additional pedagogical methods that could be adopted. Scholarship on teaching with film indicates that film can produce ethical experiences that go beyond those produced by both conventional methods of (...)
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    Policy Intervention and Financial Sustainability in an Emerging Economy: A Structural Vector Auto Regression Analysis.Sarah Ahmed, Nazima Ellahi, Ajmal Waheed & Nida Aman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the study is to observe the impact of policy intervention on financial sustainability using the structural vector autoregression analysis. The population of the study is the manufacturing sector of Pakistan, which is an emerging economy. Data for 249 firms operating in the manufacturing sector are taken, collected from Datastream from 2005 to 2019, with total observations of 2,400. To conduct the analysis, R software is used for its better visualization. Results show that firm performance, corporate governance, and (...)
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  31.  12
    Emotional context can reduce the negative impact of face masks on inferring emotions.Sarah D. McCrackin & Jelena Ristic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:928524.
    While face masks prevent the spread of disease, they occlude lower face parts and thus impair facial emotion recognition. Since emotions are often also contextually situated, it remains unknown whether providing a descriptive emotional context alongside the facial emotion may reduce some of the negative impact of facial occlusion on emotional communication. To address this question, here we examined how emotional inferences were affected by facial occlusion and the availability of emotional context. Participants were presented with happy or sad emotional (...)
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    Moving Through Time: The Role of Personality in Three Real‐Life Contexts.Sarah E. Duffy, Michele I. Feist & Steven McCarthy - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (8):1662-1674.
    In English, two deictic space-time metaphors are in common usage: the Moving Ego metaphor conceptualizes the ego as moving forward through time and the Moving Time metaphor conceptualizes time as moving forward toward the ego . Although earlier research investigating the psychological reality of these metaphors has typically examined spatial influences on temporal reasoning , recent lines of research have extended beyond this, providing initial evidence that personality differences and emotional experiences may also influence how people reason about events in (...)
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    Isaac Newton on empirical success and scientific method.William Harper - 1997 - In John Earman & John D. Norton (eds.), The Cosmos of Science: Essays of Exploration. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 55--86.
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    Extended Mechanistic Explanations: Expanding the Current Mechanistic Conception to Include More Complex Biological Systems.Sarah M. Roe & Bert Baumgaertner - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (4):517-534.
    Mechanistic accounts of explanation have recently found popularity within philosophy of science. Presently, we introduce the idea of an extended mechanistic explanation, which makes explicit room for the role of environment in explanation. After delineating Craver and Bechtel’s account, we argue this suggestion is not sufficiently robust when we take seriously the mechanistic environment and modeling practices involved in studying contemporary complex biological systems. Our goal is to extend the already profitable mechanistic picture by pointing out the importance of the (...)
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    Re-inventing the Vegetable Soul? More’s Spirit of Nature and Cudworth’s Plastic Nature Reconsidered.Sarah Hutton - 2021 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Andreas Blank (eds.), Vegetative Powers: The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 291-304.
    My paper explores the extent to which More’s ‘Spirit of Nature’ and Cudworth’s ‘Plastic Nature’ incorporated the functions of the Aristotelian vegetable soul, and how far, if at all, each was indebted to Aristotle. I argue that, although, on the matter of vegetable life there is some overlap between the functions of the Aristotelian vegetative soul and those ascribed by Cudworth to Plastic Nature and More to the Spirit of Nature, Cudworth and More were not simply reviving Aristotle in new (...)
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  36.  21
    Self‐making in exile: Moral emplacement by syrian refugee women in Jordan.Sarah A. Tobin - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (4):664-687.
    This article brings an anthropology of ethics to bear on a case of forced migration and displacement among Syrian refugee women in Jordan. The case reveals how projects of Islamic self‐making in displacement become “emplacement” processes within the new state‐mediated context. Syrian women in Jordan engage in Islamic self‐making as part of their wider emplacement practices in two primary ways: first, operating more publicly in the material world through Islamically‐inspired actions and rituals than in Syria. Second, utilizing narratives of Islamic (...)
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  37.  25
    Understanding the role of wrongdoing in technological disasters: Utilizing ecofeminist philosophy to examine commemoration.Sarah M. Roe & Elyse Zavar - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 87 (C):158-167.
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    The Influence of Robot Verbal Support on Human Team Members: Encouraging Outgroup Contributions and Suppressing Ingroup Supportive Behavior.Sarah Sebo, Ling Liang Dong, Nicholas Chang, Michal Lewkowicz, Michael Schutzman & Brian Scassellati - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    As teams of people increasingly incorporate robot members, it is essential to consider how a robot's actions may influence the team's social dynamics and interactions. In this work, we investigated the effects of verbal support from a robot on human team members' interactions related to psychological safety and inclusion. We conducted a between-subjects experiment where the robot team member either gave verbal support or did not give verbal support to the human team members of a human-robot team comprised of 2 (...)
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    A Little History of the World.E. H. Gombrich & Clifford Harper - 2008 - Yale University Press.
    E. H. Gombrich’s bestselling history of the world for young readers tells the story of mankind from the Stone Age to the atomic bomb, focusing not on small detail but on the sweep of human experience, the extent of human achievement, and the depth of its frailty. The product of a generous and humane sensibility, this timeless account makes intelligible the full span of human history. In forty concise chapters, Gombrich tells the story of man from the stone age to (...)
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    On a Different Scale: Movement(s) in a Pandemic.Sarah K. Burgess - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (3):232-238.
    ABSTRACT This essay walks through the ways the pandemic structures and limits our movement in cities. It suggests that our well-worn tropes for walking, in this moment, shore up the power of the state over individual bodies. To imagine the possibility of how bodily movement might resist this power, the essay turns to a rhetorical conception of scale.
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    Dementia, Care and Time in Postwar Japan: The Twilight Years, Memories of Tomorrow and Pecoross’ Mother and Her Days.Sarah Falcus & Katsura Sako - 2015 - Feminist Review 111 (1):88-108.
    As the number of people affected by dementia increases rapidly, dementia has been transformed into an epidemic which endangers global health and wealth, and many populations are now living in what Jain terms a time of prognosis, in fear of the disease. Through its strong association with ageing and memory loss, dementia is conceived of as a linear decline into loss of self and death, and those with dementia as other. More significantly, imagined as a threat that signifies both a (...)
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    Genealogy, Terrorism, and the "Relays" of Thought.Sarah K. Hansen - 2020 - Foucault Studies 1 (28):10-16.
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    The Global Christian Forum, A Narrative History: ‘Limuru, Manado and Onwards’.Sarah Rowland Jones - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (4):226-242.
    The Global Christian Forum’s international gathering in Limuru, Kenya, in 2007, affirmed the value of this initiative for promoting relationships between Christian traditions with little if any mutual encounter. With this fresh mandate, the Forum organized further regional meetings and extended its methodology into other contexts. Following a second global gathering at Manado, Indonesia, in 2011, it continues to develop its activities. Though its minimal structures and staffing bring challenges, it still aims to deliver what has been described as ‘the (...)
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  44. A Feminist Engagement with Forst's Transnational Justice.Sarah Miller - 2019 - In Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.), Justification and Emancipation: The Political Philosophy of Rainer Forst. pp. 125-144.
    This article offers a feminist engagement with and evaluation of Rainer Forst’s concept of transnational justice, especially as he articulates it in his most recent book, Normativity and Power: Analyzing Social Orders of Justification. While focusing on this book, the analysis I offer also builds on his earlier writings on a critical theory of transnational justice and the concept of the right to justification. Feminist theoretical resources, including current transnational feminist theory, provide a series of lenses that bring into focus (...)
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    Case Report of Dual-Site Neurostimulation and Chronic Recording of Cortico-Striatal Circuitry in a Patient With Treatment Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.Sarah T. Olsen, Ishita Basu, Mustafa Taha Bilge, Anish Kanabar, Matthew J. Boggess, Alexander P. Rockhill, Aishwarya K. Gosai, Emily Hahn, Noam Peled, Michaela Ennis, Ilana Shiff, Katherine Fairbank-Haynes, Joshua D. Salvi, Cristina Cusin, Thilo Deckersbach, Ziv Williams, Justin T. Baker, Darin D. Dougherty & Alik S. Widge - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  46.  8
    Resurrection and Moral Imagination.Sarah Bachelard - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book explores the significance of the Resurrection for human moral imagination and moral life. It shows that the Resurrection, contemplatively apprehended, shifts our ethically conditioned understanding of what it means to be human. It shifts our relationship to mortality and finitude, and opens up new possibilities and sources for human life and hope. It thereby transforms the picture of human being operative in moral thinking about justice and personal relations, as well as some of our fundamental moral concepts.
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    Introduction.Sarah De Vogüé - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    The Impact of Different System Call Representations on Intrusion Detection.Sarah Wunderlich, Markus Ring, Dieter Landes & Andreas Hotho - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (2):239-251.
    Over the years, artificial neural networks have been applied successfully in many areas including IT security. Yet, neural networks can only process continuous input data. This is particularly challenging for security-related, non-continuous data like system calls of an operating system. This work focuses on five different options to preprocess sequences of system calls so that they can be processed by neural networks. These input options are based on one-hot encodings and learning word2vec, GloVe or fastText representations of system calls. As (...)
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  49. Noῦs and Nature in De Anima III.Sarah Broadie - 1996 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 12 (1):163-176.
  50. Saadya and Jewish Kalam.Sarah Stroumsa - 2003 - In Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.), The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 121--46.
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