Results for 'Sara Plakolm'

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  1.  55
    Multilevel Modeling and Policy Development: Guidelines and Applications to Medical Travel.Eduardo Garcia-Garzon, Peter Zhukovsky, Elisa Haller, Sara Plakolm, David Fink, Dafina Petrova, Vaishali Mahalingam, Igor G. Menezes & Kai Ruggeri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  2. Varieties of Envy.Sara Protasi - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):535-549.
    In this paper I present a novel taxonomy of envy, according to which there are four kinds of envy: emulative, inert, aggressive and spiteful envy. An inquiry into the varieties of envy is valuable not only to understand it as a psychological phenomenon, but also to shed light on the nature of its alleged viciousness. The first section introduces the intuition that there is more than one kind of envy, together with the anecdotal and linguistic evidence that supports it. The (...)
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  3. Grounding Is Not Causation.Sara Bernstein - 2016 - Philosophical Perspectives 30 (1):21-38.
    Proponents of grounding often describe the notion as "metaphysical causation" involving determination and production relations similar to causation. This paper argues that the similarities between grounding and causation are merely superficial. I show that there are several sorts of causation that have no analogue in grounding; that the type of "bringing into existence" that both involve is extremely different; and that the synchronicity of ground and the diachronicity of causation make them too different to be explanatorily intertwined.
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  4. Proof Analysis in Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5-6):507-544.
    A general method for generating contraction- and cut-free sequent calculi for a large family of normal modal logics is presented. The method covers all modal logics characterized by Kripke frames determined by universal or geometric properties and it can be extended to treat also Gödel-Löb provability logic. The calculi provide direct decision methods through terminating proof search. Syntactic proofs of modal undefinability results are obtained in the form of conservativity theorems.
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  5. The Metaphysics of Omissions.Sara Bernstein - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (3):208-218.
    Omissions – any events, actions, or things that do not occur – are central to numerous debates in causation and ethics. This article surveys views on what omissions are, whether they are causally efficacious, and how they ground moral responsibility.
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  6. Nowhere Man: Time Travel and Spatial Location.Sara Bernstein - 2015 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):158-168.
    This paper suggests that time travelling scenarios commonly depicted in science fiction introduce problems and dangers for the time traveller. If time travel takes time, then time travellers risk collision with past objects, relocation to distant parts of the universe, and time travel-specific injuries. I propose several models of time travel that avoid the dangers and risks of time travel taking time, and that introduce new questions about the relationship between time travel and spatial location.
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  7. Free will and mental quausation.Sara Bernstein & Jessica Wilson - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (2):310-331.
    Free will, if such there be, involves free choosing: the ability to mentally choose an outcome, where the outcome is 'free' in being, in some substantive sense, up to the agent of the choice. As such, it is clear that the questions of how to understand free will and mental causation are connected, for events of seemingly free choosing are mental events that appear to be efficacious vis-a-vis other mental events as well as physical events. Nonetheless, the free will and (...)
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  8. Anonymity and personhood: Merleau-Ponty’s account of the subject of perception.Sara Heinämaa - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (2):123-142.
    Several commentators have argued that with his concept of anonymity Merleau-Ponty breaks away from classical Husserlian phenomenology that is methodologically tied to the first person perspective. Many contemporary commentators see Merleau-Ponty’s discourse on anonymity as a break away from Husserl’s framework that is seen as hopelessly subjectivistic and solipsistic. Some judge and reproach it as a disastrous misunderstanding that leads to a confusion of philosophical and empirical concerns. Both parties agree that Merleau-Ponty’s concepts of anonymity mark a divergence from classical (...)
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    Reseña de "La utopía moral como eman-cipación del azar" de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 8:331-332.
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    Personal data are political. A feminist view on privacy and big data.Sara Suárez-Gonzalo - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):173-192.
    The second-wave feminist critique of privacy defies the liberal opposition between the public-political and the private-personal. Feminist thinkers such as Hanisch, Young or Fraser note that, according to this liberal conception, public institutions often keep asymmetric power relations between private agents away from political discussion and action. The resulting subordination of some agents to others tends, therefore, to be naturalised and redefined as a «personal problem». Drawing on these contributions, this article reviews the social and political implications of big data (...)
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  11. Causal Idealism.Sara Bernstein - 2017 - In K. Pearce & T. Goldschmidt, Idealism: New Essays in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    This paper argues that causal idealism, the view that causation is a product of mental activity, should be considered a competetitor to contemporary views that incorporate human thought and agency into the causal relation. Weighing contextualism, contrastivism, or pragmatism about causation against causal idealism results in at least a tie with respect to the virtues of these theories.
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  12. Minima Philosophica: Taal en teken van een schilder.Sara van Epenhuysen - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (3).
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    Ethical violations in the clinical setting: the hidden curriculum learning experience of Pakistani nurses.Sara Rizvi Jafree, Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fischer & Muhammad Zakria Zakar - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):16.
    The importance of the hidden curriculum is recognised as a practical training ground for the absorption of medical ethics by healthcare professionals. Pakistan’s healthcare sector is hampered by the exclusion of ethics from medical and nursing education curricula and the absence of monitoring of ethical violations in the clinical setting. Nurses have significant knowledge of the hidden curriculum taught during clinical practice, due to long working hours in the clinic and front-line interaction with patients and other practitioners.
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    Religious Fundamentalism: An Empirically Derived Construct and Measurement Scale.Weston White, Sara Savage, Katherine A. O’Neill, Lucian Gideon Conway & José Liht - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (3):299-323.
    Items were generated to explore the factorial structure of a construct of fundamentalism worded appropriately for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Results suggested three underlying dimensions: External versus Internal Authority, Fixed versus Malleable Religion, and Worldly Rejection versus Worldly Affirmation. The three dimensions indicate that religious fundamentalism is a personal orientation that asserts a supra-human locus of moral authority, context unbound truth, and the appreciation of the sacred over the worldly components of experience. The 15-item, 3-dimension solution was evaluated across Mexican (...)
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  15.  30
    Using Argumentative Tools to Understand Inner Dialogue.Sara Greco - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (2):331-358.
    The starting point of this paper is the acknowledgement that individual reasoning, understood as inner dialogue, and social argumentation, albeit they are two different phenomena, share some similarities. On this basis, this paper sets out to apply instruments from argumentation theory to inner dialogue in order to better explain it. Within this framework, some limitations to the study of inner dialogue are also discussed; and methodological suggestions are provided in order to grasp what could be considered data on “inner dialogue” (...)
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  16. Roslyn Weiss, The Socratic Paradox and its Enemies Reviewed by.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (1):76-78.
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  17. Origen del lenguaje: un enfoque multidisciplinar.Angel Rivera Arrizabalaga & Sara Rivera Velasco - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31):103-141.
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  18. Internal States: From Headache to Anger. Conceptualization and Semantic Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - In Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio, Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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    Clinical Ethics on Film: A Guide for Medical Educators.M. Sara Rosenthal - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses feature films that enrich our understanding of doctor-patient dilemmas. The book comprises general clinical ethics themes and principles and is written in accessible language. Each theme is discussed and illuminated in chapters devoted to a particular film. Chapters start with a discussion of the film itself, which shares details behind the making of the film; critical reception; casting and other facts about production. The chapter situates the film in a history of medicine and medical sociology context, analyzes (...)
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    Exile, Ostracism and the Athenian Democracy.Sara Forsdyke - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (2):232-263.
    This paper addresses the question of the role of ostracism in democratic Athens. I argue that the frequent expulsion of aristocrats by rival aristocrats in the predemocratic polis is the key to understanding the function of ostracism in the democratic polis. I show that aristocratic "politics of exile" was a fundamental political problem in the archaic polis and that democratic political power, symbolized by the institution of ostracism, was the polis' solution to the problem. In the archaic polis, the expulsion (...)
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  21.  2
    Beautiful: do not touch.Sara Rodowicz-Ślusarczyk - forthcoming - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica.
    “Beautiful – do not touch” – this phrase, appearing in a seminar on the ethics of psychoanalysis, is one of the ways in which Jacques Lacan describes the operation in the human psyche of the phantasm principle. It is a construct that I will try to introduce the reader to in this article, describing the direct impact of beauty and the transgression of its principle through the lens of clinical experience. My goal in taking up this “beautiful – do not (...)
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    Political Pathology in Plato’s Republic.Sara Brill - 2016 - Apeiron 49 (2).
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Parents', Students', and Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching Heritage Histories in Public School History Classrooms.Sara A. Levy - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (1):5-20.
    This qualitative study examines the expectations and beliefs parents, students, and teachers have about the teaching of heritage histories in public high schools. Students from three heritage groups, as well as their parents and teachers, were interviewed to shed light on this complex, often silent, relationship. This study is grounded in literature about the purposes of history education, historical distance, and collective memory/heritage, which give shape to and help to explicate some of the more complex issues inherent in the teaching (...)
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  24. Time, myth and the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns : Racine and Fontenelle.Sara E. Melzer - 2016 - In Nancy van Deusen & Leonard Michael Koff, Time: Sense, Space, Structure. Boston: E.J. Brill.
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    Firework: A Hawaiian Guidebook to the Goddess.Sara Spaulding-Phillips - 1997 - In Donald Sandner & Steven H. Wong, The sacred heritage: the influence of shamanism on analytical psychology. New York: Routledge. pp. 239.
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  26. Ramanuja siddhanta sangraha of Chandamaruta Srinivasaraghavacharya. Śrīnivāsarāghavācārya - 1992 - Titupati: Ramanuja Publications. Edited by T. V. Raghavacharyulu.
    On the Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy of Rāmānuja, 1017-1137.
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    Dante and Petrarch: The Earthly Paradise Revisited: Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 7.Sara Sturm-Maddox - 1999 - The Bernardo Lecture Series.
    Explores the nature and significance of Petrarch’s indebtedness to Dante in the Rime sparse.
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  28.  12
    Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason: Rationality, Argumentation, and Religious Authority in Śāntarakṣita's Tattvasaṅgraha and Kamalaśīla's Pañjikā.Sara L. McClintock - 2010 - Wisdom Publications.
    The great Buddhist writer Santaraksita (725-88) was central to the Buddhist traditions spread into Tibet. He and his disciple Kamalasila were among the most influential thinkers in classical India. They debated ideas not only within the Buddhist tradition but also with exegetes of other Indian religions, and they both traveled and nurtured Buddhism in Tibet during its infancy there. Their views, however, have been notoriously hard to classify. The present volume examines Santaraksita's encyclopedic Tattvasamgraha and Kamalasila's detailed commentary on that (...)
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    Identification Keys, the “Natural Method,” and the Development of Plant Identification Manuals.Sara T. Scharf - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (1):73-117.
    The origins of field guides and other plant identification manuals have been poorly understood until now because little attention has been paid to 18th century botanical identification guides. Identification manuals came to have the format we continue to use today when botanical instructors in post-Revolutionary France combined identification keys with the "natural method" and alphabetical indexes. Botanical works featuring multiple but linked techniques to enable plant identification became very popular in France by the first decade of the 19th century. British (...)
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  30. Origen del lenguaje: Un enfoque multidisciplinar Origin of language: A multidisciplinary approach Ludus Vitalis Vol. XVII/núm 31/2009.Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga & Sara Rivera Velasco - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31).
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  31.  61
    Rethinking Plato On Democracy.S. Sara Momoson - 2000 - Philosophical Inquiry 22 (4):111-111.
  32.  11
    Leo Marvel Pruden.Russell Webb & Sara Boin-Webb - 1991 - Buddhist Studies Review 8 (1-2):159-161.
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    Socratic ignorance and Platonic knowledge in the Dialogues of Plato.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Argues that Socrates’s fundamental role in the dialogues is to guide us toward self-inquiry and self-knowledge. In this highly original and provocative book, Sara Ahbel-Rappe argues that the Platonic dialogues contain an esoteric Socrates who signifies a profound commitment to self-knowledge and whose appearances in the dialogues are meant to foster the practice of self-inquiry. According to Ahbel-Rappe, the elenchus, or inner examination, and the thesis that virtue is knowledge, are tools for a contemplative practice that teaches us how (...)
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  34.  13
    Soul Matters: Plato and Platonists on the Nature of the Soul.Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Danielle A. Layne & Crystal Addey (eds.) - 2023 - Society for Biblical Literature.
    Platonic discourses concerning the soul are incredibly rich and multitiered. Plato's own diverse and disparate arguments and images offer competing accounts of how we are to understand the nature of the soul. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the accounts of Platonists who engage Plato’s dialogues are often riddled with questions. This volume takes up the theories of well-known philosophers and theologians, including Plato, Plotinus, Proclus, the emperor Julian, and Origen, as well as lesser-known but equally important figures (...)
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  35. Playing your self : modern rhetorics of play and subjectivity.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2017 - In Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean, The Philosophy of Play as Life: Towards a Global Ethos of Management. New York: Routledge.
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    Variations on the ethics of mourning in modern literature in French.Carole Bourne-Taylor & Sara-Louise Cooper (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    How does modern writing in French grapple with the present absence and absent presence of lost loved ones? How might it challenge and critique the relegation of certain deaths to the realm of the unmournable? What might this reveal about the role of the literary in the French and francophone world and shifting conceptions of the nation state? Essays from the Revolution to the present day explore these questions from a variety of perspectives, bringing out the ways in which mourning (...)
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    Wives of High Pasture: Worth Tuttle Hedden and Her Novel of the Oneida Community.P. V. LeForge & Sara Warner - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (2):347 - 364.
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  38. Queer subversion or heteronormative reinforcement? Linguistic performativity in the identity constructions of a young, bisexual-identified Brazilian LGBT activist.Elizabeth Sara Lewis - 2013 - In Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish, Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
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    Unsettling experiences: A qualitative inquiry into young peoples’ narratives of diagnosis for common skin conditions in the United Kingdom.Abigail McNiven & Sara Ryan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis are relatively prevalent health concerns in children, adolescents and young adults. Experiences of these dermatology diagnoses in adolescence have hitherto not been the focus of research, perhaps owing to assumptions that these diagnoses are not particularly impactful or intricate processes, events or labels. We draw on a thematic secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 42 adolescents and young people living in the United Kingdom and, influenced by the sociologies of diagnosis and time, highlight (...)
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    Chapter six. Philosopher as parrhe¯siaste¯s.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson, Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 154-180.
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    (1 other version)Pragmatic Language Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease and the Potential Effect of Cognitive Reserve.Sonia Montemurro, Sara Mondini, Matteo Signorini, Anna Marchetto, Valentina Bambini & Giorgio Arcara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Sartre à Cuba : Le chemin se fait en marchant.Lisandro Otero & Sara Vassallo - 2005 - Rue Descartes 47 (1):116-123.
  43.  21
    El cuerpo albergado del caos al habla de los árboles.Sara Reyes Vera - 2020 - Laguna 46:47-56.
    Chaos, considered a generating principle since Hesiod, is the basis in which we think the existence of the body as a locus of wisdom - but also vulnerability. Language represents a shelter for this fragility, and its place in books molds the way to express wisdom as intelligibility which projects itself into said chaos. Books speak for trees and Earth for them, in this metaphor the idea of caring for the body is the same as caring for Earth. Human species (...)
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    Cover.Taryn Sara Skikne - 2013 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 6 (2).
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    Textual Exhibitionism.Susanne Sara Thomas - 1998 - Mediaevalia 22 (1):133-147.
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    Self-Associations Influence Task-Performance through Bayesian Inference.Sara L. Bengtsson & Will D. Penny - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  47.  8
    Udanavarga - Chapter V.Sara Boin-Webb - 1985 - Buddhist Studies Review 2 (1-2):1-3.
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    (7 other versions)In the literature.Marna Howarth & Sara Swenson - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (6):30-31.
  49. Erratum to: Overdetermination Underdetermined.Sara Bernstein - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (1):183-183.
    Widespread causal overdetermination is often levied as an objection to nonreductive theories of minds and objects. In response, nonreductive metaphysicians have argued that the type of overdetermination generated by their theories is different from the sorts of coincidental cases involving multiple rock-throwers, and thus not problematic. This paper pushes back. I argue that attention to differences between types of overdetermination discharges very few explanatory burdens, and that overdetermination is a bigger problem for the nonreductive metaphysician than previously thought.
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  50. What is Property P, anyway?Sara Worley - 2000 - Analysis 60 (1):58-62.
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