Results for 'Sanna Karoliina Tirkkonen'

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  1.  21
    Existential injustice in phenomenological psychopathology.Daniel Vespermann & Sanna Karoliina Tirkkonen - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):209-245.
    In this article, we investigate how distressing background feelings can be subject to social injustice. We define background feelings as enduring feeling states that condition our perceptions of everyday situations, interpersonal dynamics, and the broader social milieu. While phenomenological psychopathology has long addressed such affective phenomena, including anxiety, guilt, and feelings of not belonging, the intersection with social injustice remains largely unexplored within the framework. To address this gap, we introduce the concept of existential injustice into phenomenological psychopathology. Existential injustice (...)
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    Kokemus Michel Foucault’n filosofiassa.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):501-514.
    Lectio Praecursoria 5.10.2018: Artikkeli on väitöstilaisuudessa esitetyn englanninkielisen lectio praecursorian käännös. Väitöskirja tutkii ranskalaisfilosofi Michel Foucault’n kokemuksen käsitteitä sekä teemoja, joita hän käsittelee näiden käsitteiden avulla. Analysoimalla eri kokemuksen käsitteitä Foucault'n filosofiassa voimme paitsi ymmärtää paremmin hänen länsimaiseen nykyajatteluun olennaisesti vaikuttanutta työtään myös peilata käsityksiämme terveydestä, mielenterveysongelmista ja itseen kohdistuvista käytännöistä. Usein häneen viitataan ajattelijana, joka kyseenalaistaa kokemusnäkökulman lähtökohtana tieteelliselle tiedolle. Kokemuksen käsitteillä on kuitenkin erityisasema Foucault’n varhaisissa, psykiatriaa ja psykologiaa käsittelevissä kirjoituksissa sekä hänen myöhäisissä etiikkaa tutkivissa teksteissään, joissa hän (...)
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    Yhteinen yksinäisyys - Koetun yksinäisyyden filosofia.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2019 - Ajatus 76 (1):37-59.
    Yksinäisyyttä pidetään yleisesti vakavana yhteiskunnallisena ongelmana. Yksinäisyys kuitenkin ymmärretään monin eri tavoin, mikä herättää filosofisia kysymyksiä siitä, minkälaisena ilmiönä sitä tulisi tutkia. Artikkelissa käsittelen erilaisia yksinäisyyden muotoja erityisesti koetun yksinäisyyden näkökulmasta. Tutkin yksinäisyyttä sellaisten tunteiden filosofian nykysuuntausten avulla, jotka painottavat tunteiden ja ilmapiirien vuorovaikutuksellista muodostumista. Väitän, etteivät koetun yksinäisyyden näkökulma ja tunteiden filosofinen lähestymistapa tarkoita ilmiön yhteiskunnallisten tekijöiden sivuuttamista. Koska yksinäisyyttä ei voi erottaa yhteiskunnallisesta tilanteestaan ja tavoista, joilla ihmissuhteet kulttuurisesti järjestyvät, käsittelen artikkelissa koettua yksinäisyyttä myös poliittisen filosofian konteksteissa.
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    (1 other version)What Is Experience? Foucauldian Perspectives.Sanna Tirkkonen - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):447-461.
    Michel Foucault’s (1926–1984) thought is widely used in the humanities and social sciences for investigating experiences of madness, illness, marginalization and social conflicts. However, the meaning of the word “experience” is not always clearly defined, and the French word expérience has a whole variety of meanings. In this article I explicate Foucault’s most relevant concepts of experience and their theoretical functions. He refers to experience throughout his career, especially in his early texts on existential psychiatry from the 1950s and 1960s (...)
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  5. The Rage of Lonely Men: Loneliness and Misogyny in the Online Movement of “Involuntary Celibates” (Incels).Ruth Rebecca Tietjen & Sanna K. Tirkkonen - 2023 - Topoi 42 (5):1229-1241.
    In this article, we investigate the relationship between loneliness and misogyny amongst the online movement of “involuntary celibates” (incels) that has become widely known through several violent attacks. While loneliness plays a prominent role in the incels’ self-descriptions, we lack a comprehensive analysis of their experience of loneliness and its role in their radicalization. Our article offers such an analysis. We analyze how loneliness is felt, described, and implicitly understood by incels, investigate the normative presumptions underlying their experiences, and critically (...)
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    Kokemuksen feministinen filosofia. [REVIEW]Sanna Tirkkonen & Minna-Kerttu Vienola - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):423-436.
    Johanna Oksala, Feminist Experiences. Foucauldian and Phenomenological Investigations, Northwestern University Press. Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Evanston Illinois, 2016, 189 sivua.
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    Health as the Moral Principle of Post-Genomic Society: Data-Driven Arguments Against Privacy and Autonomy.Karoliina Snell - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (2):201-214.
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    The Value of Completeness: How Mendeleev Used His Periodic System to Make Predictions.Karoliina Pulkkinen - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1318-1329.
    Dmitrii Mendeleev’s periodic system is known for its predictive accuracy, but talk of its completeness is rarer. This is surprising because completeness was a quality that Mendeleev saw as important for a systematization of the chemical elements. Here, I explain how Mendeleev’s valuing of completeness influenced the development of his periodic system. After introducing five indicators of its completeness, I zoom into one in particular: Mendeleev’s inclusion of a schematic row of oxides. I then show how it guided Mendeleev’s predictions (...)
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  9.  31
    On Compatibility between Presentism and Anti-Presentism in History of Science.Karoliina Pulkkinen - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 17 (2):310-327.
    Presentism – the influence of the present on historians’ work – has been met with resistance among historians of science; many hold that excessive reference to the present can compromise the aim of understanding past practices in their own terms. In response to this concern, a number of authors have argued that not only is such influence inevitable, it can also be legitimate and helpful. In probing into the presentist and anti-presentist positions in histories of science, I argue here that (...)
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  10. Romanticism/anti-romanticism.Sanna Pederson - 2014 - In Stephen C. Downes, Aesthetics of Music: Musicological Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  11.  9
    Catalogo vichiano napoletano.Manuela Sanna & Centro di Studi Vichiani (eds.) - 1987 - [Napoli]: Bibliopolis.
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  12.  22
    Electronic medical records for appropriate timing of arthroplasty.Kari Tirkkonen, Saija Hurme, Päivi Rautava & Petri Virolainen - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1):209-213.
  13. The language of subtitles: A corpus compilation and research project.S. Tirkkonen-Condit & J. Mäkisado - 2008 - In B. . Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & M. Thelen, Translation and Meaning. Hogeschool Zuyd. pp. 8--345.
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    Avoiding Providing Solutions: Orienting to the Ideal of Students' Self-Directedness in Counselling Interaction.Sanna Vehviläinen - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (3):389-414.
    This article studies how counsellors in careers training respond to students' problematic advice requests. Conversation analysis is used to examine two strategies counsellors employ when students request advice regarding matters that, according to counselling concepts, they should deal with themselves. The counsellors manage this situation in two ways. They may respond to the request but sanction it afterwards - this happens when the counsellor has offered the student a chance to ask questions, and the student uses this opportunity to request (...)
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    Judith Butler's Critique of Violence and the Legacy of Monique Wittig.Sanna Karhu - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):827-843.
    Although Judith Butler's theorization of violence has begun to receive growing scholarly attention, the feminist theoretical background of her notion of violence remains unexplored. In order to fill this lacuna, this article explicates the feminist genealogy of Butler's notion of violence. I argue that Butler's theorization of violence can be traced back to Gender Trouble, to her discussion of Monique Wittig's argument that the binary categorization of sex can be conceived as a form of discursive violence. I contend, first, that (...)
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  16. On Hybrid Expressivism about Aesthetic Judgments.Sanna Hirvonen, Natalia Karczewska & Michał P. Sikorski - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (4):541-568.
    Contextualist accounts of aesthetic predicates have difficulties explaining why we feel that speakers are disagreeing when they make true and compatible but superficially contradictory aesthetic judgments. One possible way to account for the disagreement is hybrid expressivism, which holds that the disagreement happens at the level of pragmatically conveyed, clashing contents about the speakers’ conative states. Marques defends such a strategy, combining dispositionalism about value, contextualism, and hybrid expressivism. This paper critically evaluates the plausibility of the suggested pragmatic mechanisms in (...)
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  17.  36
    Analysis of graduating nursing students’ moral courage in six European countries.Sanna Koskinen, Elina Pajakoski, Pilar Fuster, Brynja Ingadottir, Eliisa Löyttyniemi, Olivia Numminen, Leena Salminen, P. Anne Scott, Juliane Stubner, Marija Truš, Helena Leino-Kilpi & on Behalf of Procompnurse Consortium - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (4):481-497.
    Background: Moral courage is defined as courage to act according to one’s own ethical values and principles even at the risk of negative consequences for the individual. In a complex nursing practice, ethical considerations are integral. Moral courage is needed throughout nurses’ career. Aim: To analyse graduating nursing students’ moral courage and the factors associated with it in six European countries. Research design: A cross-sectional design, using a structured questionnaire, as part of a larger international ProCompNurse study. In the questionnaire, (...)
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  18.  43
    Defensive Pessimism and Optimism: The Bitter-Sweet Influence of Mood on Performance and Prefactual and Counterfactual Thinking.Lawrence J. Sanna - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (5):635-665.
  19.  40
    An Elicited‐Production Study of Inflectional Verb Morphology in Child Finnish.Sanna H. M. Räsänen, Ben Ambridge & Julian M. Pine - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1704-1738.
    Many generativist accounts argue for very early knowledge of inflection on the basis of very low rates of person/number marking errors in young children's speech. However, studies of Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese have revealed that these low overall error rates actually hide important differences across the verb paradigm. The present study investigated children's production of person/number marked verbs by eliciting present tense verb forms from 82 native Finnish-speaking children aged 2;2–4;8 years. Four main findings were observed: Rates of person/number marking (...)
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  20.  13
    Translating from monosemiotic to polysemiotic narratives.Karoliina Louhema, Jordan Zlatev, Maria Graziano & Joost van de Weijer - 2019 - Sign Systems Studies 47 (3-4):480-525.
    Human communication can be either monosemiotic or polysemiotic, depending on whether it combines ensembles of representations from one or more semiotic systems such as language, gesture and depiction. Each semiotic system has its unique storytelling potentials, which makes intersemiotic translation from one system to another challenging. We investigated the influence of the source semiotic system, realised in speech and a sequence of pictures, respectively, on the way the same story was retold using speech and co-speech gestures. The story was the (...)
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  21.  35
    Values and periodicity: Mendeleev's reception of the equations of Mills, Chicherin, and Vincent.Karoliina Pulkkinen - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):405-423.
    This article focuses on the Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev's assessment of certain representations of various aspects of the periodic system that employed more mathematical methodology. The equations of interest were created by E. J. Mills, B. N. Chicherin, and J. H. Vincent. The English chemist Mills tried to find a firmer numerical basis for the periodicity of the elements. The Russian lawyer and political philosopher Chicherin was convinced of the existence of a mathematical law underlying the periodic system. The (...)
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  22.  35
    How Moderate Relativists Should Explain the Appearance of Disagreements About Taste.Sanna Hirvonen - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (2):223-240.
    How Moderate Relativists Should Explain the Appearance of Disagreements About Taste Moderate relativists such as Kölbel and Lasersohn have motivated the semantic framework by arguing that unlike contextualism, it can explain why there appear to be disagreements of taste. The solution relies on the relativist notion of a proposition whose truth depends on a judge parameter. This notion coupled with the view that contradicting propositions create an appearance of disagreement allegedly enables them to secure the right predictions. This paper questions (...)
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    Ritual Chant, Preservation and Change.Sanna Iitti - 2001 - Semiotics:411-419.
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    James O. Young. Critique of Pure Music. Reviewed by.Sanna Pederson - 2016 - Philosophy in Review 36 (2):89-90.
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    Carole Pateman, Le contrat sexuel.Maria Eleonora Sanna & Maria Eleonora Sanna - 2011 - Clio 34:16-16.
    Avec Le contrat sexuel, paru aux éditions Polity Press en 1988, Carole Pateman propose une analyse de la pensée libérale du contrat social à partir d’une perspective de genre. Cette grille de lecture permet d’interroger l’advenir, en Occident, de l’ordre social contractuel en posant la question des enjeux de justice qui le caractérisent. En effet, comme le montre C. Pateman, alors que, à partir du xviie siècle, le contrat social s’oppose au droit fondé sur l’autorité paternelle et institue la...
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  26. Inventio e verità nel percorso vichiano.Manuela Sanna - 2001 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 31:11-26.
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  27. Le epistole vichiane e la nascita dellżidea di scienza nuova.Manuela Sanna - 1994 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 24:119-130.
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  28. Vico e lo" scandalo" della metafisica alla moda lockiana".Manuela Sanna - 2000 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 30:31-50.
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  29.  20
    Living with Urban Everyday Technologies.Sanna Lehtinen - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):81-89.
    New and complex technologies are exceedingly present and in widespread use in contemporary cities globally. The urban lifeworld is saturated with various applications of information and computing technologies, but also more rudimentary forms of technology construct and create the urban everyday life as we know it. Many forms of urban technologies are perceived first through their everyday aesthetic qualities: how they look, feel, sound, or are otherwise encountered within the streetscape. Philosophical aesthetics, however, has tended to overlook everyday technologies as (...)
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    Collaborative partnership and the social value of clinical research: a qualitative secondary analysis.Sanna-Maria Nurmi, Arja Halkoaho, Mari Kangasniemi & Anna-Maija Pietilä - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):57.
    Protecting human subjects from being exploited is one of the main ethical challenges for clinical research. However, there is also a responsibility to protect and respect the communities who are hosting the research. Recently, attention has focused on the most efficient way of carrying out clinical research, so that it benefits society by providing valuable research while simultaneously protecting and respecting the human subjects and the communities where the research is conducted. Collaboration between partners plays an important role and that (...)
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  31. Computer-Based Assessment: Dual-Task Outperforms Large-Screen Cancellation Task in Detecting Contralesional Omissions.Sanna Villarreal, Matti Linnavuo, Raimo Sepponen, Outi Vuori, Mario Bonato, Hanna Jokinen & Marja Hietanen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Traditionally, asymmetric spatial processing has been assessed with paper-and-pencil tasks, but growing evidence indicates that computer-based methods are a more sensitive assessment modality. It is not known, however, whether simply converting well-established paper-and-pencil methods into a digital format is the best option. The aim of the present study was to compare sensitivity in detecting contralesional omissions of two different computer-based methods: a “digitally converted” cancellation task was compared with a computer-based Visual and Auditory dual-tasking approach, which has already proved (...)
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    Doing without judge dependence.Sanna Hirvonen - 2016 - In Cécile Meier & Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink, Subjective Meaning: Alternatives to Relativism. de Gruyter Mouton. pp. 47-68.
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  33. An Intergenerational Approach to Urban Futures: Introducing the Concept of Aesthetic Sustainability.Sanna Lehtinen - 2020 - In Arto Haapala, Beata Frydrykczak & Mateusz Salwa, Moving From Landscapes To Cityscapes And Back: Theoretical And Applied Approaches To Human Environments. pp. 111–119.
    The experienced quality of urban environments has not traditionally been at the forefront of understanding how cities evolve through time. Within the humanistic tradition, the temporal dimension of cities has been dealt with through tracing urban or architectural histories or interpreting science-fiction scenarios, for example. However, attempts at understanding the relation between currently existing components of cities and planning based on them, towards the future, has not captured the experience of the temporal layers of cities to a satisfying degree. Contemporary (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Ruins, Monuments and Memorials.Sanna Lehtinen - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (4):596-599.
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  35. Rethinking the urban sublime.Sanna Lehtinen, Brit Strandhagen & Matti Tainio - 2023 - In Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokacka, Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  36. Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies.Sanna Lehtinen & Vesa Vihanninjoki - forthcoming - Springer.
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    Belief updating in the face of misinformation: The role of source reliability.Greta Arancia Sanna & David Lagnado - 2025 - Cognition 258 (C):106090.
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  38. Catalogo vichiano napoletano.Manuela Sanna - 1986 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 16:493-659.
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    (1 other version)John Dewey e la lettura fenomenologica di una soggettivitÀ drammatica.Gian Luca Sanna - 2009 - Società Degli Individui 35:95-112.
    - L'articolo assume come sfondo specifico le dinamiche della relazione uomo-natura in John Dewey, cercando di ricostruire in chiave drammatica il problema della personalitÀ individuale. Attraverso l'utilizzo di un metodo di tipo fenomenologico, vengono messe in luce le tappe che conducono l'individuo a un processo di realizzazione etica di sé. Particolare risalto viene dato al dramma che il soggetto vive nella scelta razionale dei valori. Dramma che induce il filosofo americano a trovare nell'etica lo sviluppo finale della logica. Questa svolta (...)
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  40.  10
    Misurare la distanza: note sul rapporto tra sguardo e verità nella filosofia moderna.Manuela Sanna - 2020 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Editorial Introduction to the Topical Issue “Philosophy of the City”.Sanna Lehtinen - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):730-735.
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  42.  36
    Introversion and Social Engagement: Scale Validation, Their Interaction, and Positive Association With Self-Esteem.Sanna Tuovinen, Xin Tang & Katariina Salmela-Aro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Learning through social interaction has been documented widely; however, how introverted people are socially engaged in learning is largely unknown. The aim of this study was, first, to examine the reliability and validity of the social engagement scale among students at Finnish comprehensive schools. Then, we aimed to examine the interaction effect of introversion and social engagement on self-esteem, schoolwork engagement, and school burnout. Based on a sample of 862 ninth grade students in Finland, we found that a two-factor model (...)
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  43.  23
    Aesthetic Perspectives on Urban Technologies: Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Technology-Driven Changes in the Urban Everyday Experience.Sanna Lehtinen & Vesa Vihanninjoki - 2021 - In Michael Nagenborg, Taylor Stone, Margoth González Woge & Pieter E. Vermaas, Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies. Springer Verlag. pp. 13-35.
    The pervasiveness of technology has changed the way urban everyday is structured and experienced. An understanding of the deep impact of this development on everyday experience and its foundational aesthetic components is necessary in order to determine how skills and capacities can be improved in coping with such change, as well as managing it. Urban technology solutions—how they are defined, applied and used—are changing the sphere of everyday experience for urban dwellers. Philosophical and applied approaches to urban aesthetics offer perspectives (...)
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    Towards Weather Ethics: From Chance to Choice with Weather Modification.Sanna Joronen, Markku Oksanen & Timo Vuorisalo - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):55-67.
    The field of weather and climate ethics is a novel branch of applied ethics, based on environmental sciences and philosophy. Due to recent scientific findings concerning climate change, intentional weather and climate modification schemes have become even more relevant to finding feasible ways to moderate climate change and therefore are in need of careful analysis. When, if ever, can weather modification be deemed morally acceptable? The risks and adverse side-effects as well as indifference with regard to the limits of intervention (...)
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  45. Antropologia Del desiderio E ontologia trinitaria.Ignazio Sanna - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):327-346.
  46. Rosmini and the German philosophy (Antonio Rosmini).Gian Luca Sanna - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (3):751-754.
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    When imagination is difficult: Metacognitive experiences at the fault lines of reality.Lawrence J. Sanna - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):464-465.
    Imagination and rational thought may be guided by identical principles, and Byrne's (2005) analysis expertly synthesizes a diverse literature on counterfactual thinking. Further attention should be paid to metacognitive experiences, like ease or difficulty of thought generation, which accompany the imaginative process. Only by considering metacognitive experiences along with the content of what people imagine can we fully understand imagination.
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  48. Excursions into Everyday Spaces: Mapping Aesthetic Potentiality of Urban Environments through Preaesthetic Sensitivities.Sanna Lehtinen - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This study examines the complex relation between spatial experience and aesthetic experience. It is argued that spatial experience specifically in the context of everyday spaces makes it possible to experience them aesthetically as well. A wide selection of research ranging from environmental and philosophical aesthetics to architectural theory, psychology, human geography, and other relevant disciplines is employed in order to achieve a more detailed picture of how spatial experience is formed in the first place. This experience is described mainly in (...)
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  49. Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man.Sanna Karkulehto, Aino-Kaisa Koistinen & Nóra Ugron - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (4):577-592.
    We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for humans and nonhumans alike, the ways in which many human beings – particularly in the wealthy parts of the world, infested with Eurocentrism, colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism – inhabit this planet requires radical, ethical, and political transformation. In this article, we (...)
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    New Public Monuments: Urban Art and Everyday Aesthetic Experience.Sanna Lehtinen - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):30-38.
    The role and function of public art is currently undergoing some large-scale changes. Many new artworks which are situated within the already existing urban sphere, seem to be changing the definition of public art, each in their own way. Simultaneously, there exists a trend that endorses more traditional forms of public art. Juxtaposing and comparing the aesthetic implications of different types of artworks, it is possible to see how they contribute to the contemporary understanding of the urban sphere. In this (...)
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