Results for 'Sandro Montalto'

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  1. Umberto Eco: l’uomo che sapeva troppo.Sandro Montalto (ed.) - 2007 - Edizioni ETS.
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  2. Gianluca scroccu Sandro pertini E il psi: Dal superamento Del «fronte popolare» al centro-sinistra (1955-1963).Sandro Pertini E. Il - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  3. Twigs, sequences and the temporal constitution of predicates.Sandro Zucchi & Michael White - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (2):223-270.
  4. The Meaning of Trust. A Content Analysis on the Diverse Conceptualizations of Trust in Scholarly Research on Business Relationships.Sandro Castaldo, Katia Premazzi & Fabrizio Zerbini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):657-668.
    Scholarly research largely converges on the argument that trust is of paramount importance to drive economic agents toward mutually satisfactory, fair, and ethically compliant behaviors. There is, however, little agreement on the meaning of trust, whose conceptualizations differ with respect to actors, relationships, behaviors, and contexts. At present, we know much better what trust does than what trust is. In this article, we present an extensive review and analysis of the most prominent articles on trust in market relationships. Using computer-aided (...)
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    Hypnotic susceptibility, baseline attentional functioning, and the Stroop task.Sandro Rubichi, Federico Ricci, Roberto Padovani & Lorenzo Scaglietti - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):296-303.
    According to the theoretical framework relating hypnosis to attention, baseline attentional functioning in highly hypnotizable individuals should be more efficient than in low hypnotizable individuals. However, previous studies did not find differences in Stroop-like tasks in which the measure indicative of the Stroop interference effect was based on response latencies. This study was designed to determine whether subjects with different levels of hypnotic susceptibility show differences in baseline attentional functioning. To assess this hypothesis, high, medium, and low hypnotizable subjects performed (...)
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    In Honor of Reinhart Koselleck.Sandro Chignola - 2006 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 2 (1):3-6.
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    Ermeneutica e politica: l'interpretazione come modello di razionalità.Sandro Ciurlia - 2007 - Saonara, Pd [i.e. Padova]: Il prato.
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    La sfera infinita: identità e differenza nel pensiero di Giordano Bruno.Sandro Mancini - 2000 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  9. Recensione a Karl Barth, pace E giustizia sociale, a cura di Francesco Saverio Festa, città aperta, troina (enna) 2008.Sandro Mancini - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Desire and Death, or Francesca and Guido Cavalcanti: Inferno 5 in its Lyric Context: Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 9.Sandro Sticca (ed.) - 2001 - The Bernardo Lecture Series.
    _Explores the lyric context of Inferno 5._.
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    Payment in challenge studies from an economics perspective.Sandro Ambuehl, Axel Ockenfels & Alvin E. Roth - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):831-832.
    We largely agree with Grimwade et al ’s1 conclusion that challenge trial participants may ethically be paid, including for risk. Here, we add further arguments, clarify some points from the perspective of economics and indicate areas where economists can support the development of a framework for ethically justifiable payment. Our arguments apply to carefully constructed and monitored controlled human infection model trials that have been appropriately reviewed and approved. Participants in medical studies perform a service. Outside the domain of research (...)
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  12. Critique of telic power.Sandro Guli' & Luca Moretti - manuscript
    Åsa Burman has recently introduced the important notion of telic power and differentiated it from deontic power in an attempt to build a bridge between ideal and non-ideal social ontology. We find Burman’s project promising but we argue that more is to be done to make it entirely successful. First, there is a palpable tension between Burman’s claim that telic power can be ontologically independent of deontic power and her examples, which suggests that these forms of power share the same (...)
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  13. The Missing Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Trust: The Case of Fair Trade Products.Sandro Castaldo, Francesco Perrini, Nicola Misani & Antonio Tencati - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):1-15.
    This paper investigates the link between the consumer perception that a company is socially oriented and the consumer intention to buy products marketed by that company. We suggest that this link exists when at least two conditions prevail: (1) the products sold by that company comply with ethical and social requirements; (2) the company has an acknowledged commitment to protect consumer rights and interests. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a survey among the clients of retail chains offering Fair Trade (...)
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    Imre Lakatos e il problema della demarcazione.Sandro Balletta - unknown
    The aim of the paper is resurrecting the “Demarcation Problem”, which was considered dead in a paper written by Larry Laudan in 1983. I will go through the analysis of Imre Lakatos’ thought, which represents the most mature synthesis between the fallibilism of science and the rationality of the demarcation attitude. Lakatos’ philosophical trick is directed to acknowledge the inclinations of the contemporary philosophers, to grasp the best they can offer, and to propose a more suitable philosophy of science. He (...)
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    Predication and cognitive context: Between minimalism and contextualism.Sandro Balletta & Filippo Domaneschi - 2019 - Ratio 32 (3):182-191.
    In this paper, we suggest a strategy for modelling cognitive context within a truth‐conditional semantics, using Asher's model of predication. This allows us to introduce the notion of type presupposition intended as a lexical constraint to the composition of the truth‐conditional content. More specifically, we suggest that this model of predication produces a notion of truth‐conditional meaning where the cognitive context fixes a set of lexical restrictions and forced modifications. We conclude that this model might offer an intermediate position between (...)
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    Logica della conoscenza scientifica.Sandro Bernardini - 1980 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Lezioni di sociologia: Vico e Kant.Sandro Bernardini - 2015 - Roma: Armando editore.
    Attraverso le teorie di Vico, Kant e Weber l’Autore ritiene di definire i primi contorni e gli orientamemnti epistemologici di fondo della Sociologia.L’origine della Scienza sociale è solitamente ancorata nella prima metà del XIX Secolo; Bernardini dimostra che bisogna risalire alle riflessioni vichiane e kantiane per trovare non solo i Padri nobili della disciplina, ma anche la stessa fondazione del sapere sociologico.
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    The Discovery of the Vector Representation of Moments and Angular Velocity.Sandro Caparrini - 2002 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 56 (2):151-181.
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    Update zur Technik: Zum neuesten Stand der philosophischen Technikforschung.Sandro Gaycken - 2011 - Philosophische Rundschau 58 (3):185 - 202.
  20. When nurses would have been called dispensatores.Sandro Geatti & Michela Lorenzon - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (3):204-208.
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    A persuasão eo dinamismo psíquico em sermões de Antônio Vieira.Sandro Rodrigues Gontijo & Marina Massimi - 2007 - Paideia 17:207-218.
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    Il trionfo di Proteo: tecnica e metamorfosi dell'umano.Sandro Gorgone - 2021 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    Eccl 12,1-1: L’interpretazione escatologica dei Padri e degli esegeti medievali.Sandro Leanza - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):191-207.
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    L’intervento di Dio nella storia secondo la dottrina crisostomica della condiscendenza divina.Sandro Leanza - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (1):125-134.
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    Introduzione al pensiero di Karl R. Popper.Sandro Lunghi - 1979 - Firenze: Le Monnier.
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    L'imprecisa contrazione dell'Uno: saggi su Cusano, Bruno, Montaigne.Sandro Mancini - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  27. Vialità e individuazione: l’eriugenismo di Nicola Cusano.Sandro Mancini - 2009 - Il Pensiero 1:25-40.
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  28. Direito de fuga.Sandro Mezzadra - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves, A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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    Free Will, Compatibilism, and Incompatibilism. A Dialogue with Daniel Dennett.Sandro Nannini - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):212-213.
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    Georges Bataille: il soggetto al limite.Sandro Pellarin - 2021 - Gorizia: Qudu.
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    An Axiomatic Theory of Law.Paolo Sandro - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (4):343-354.
    This paper presents in outline Luigi Ferrajoli’s axiomatic and general theory of law, as developed in his lifelong work Principia Iuris . The first section focuses on the three main aspects of the theory: the methodological, the theoretical and the pragmatic, which respectively represent the theory’s syntax, semantics and its pragmatics. Ferrajoli identifies three deontic gaps of norms: firstly, the one between their validity and efficacy ; secondly, the one between their justice and validity ; and finally, and most importantly, (...)
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    Entre o Dizer e o Dito: sobre a precariedade e a finitude de nosso saber em Emmanuel Levinas.Sandro Cozza Sayão - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (1):98-119.
    A crítica da verdade tem sido tônica do pensamento de muitos autores da contemporaneidade, e, dentre esses destacamos a obra do filósofo lituano/francês Emmanuel Levinas em sua Crítica à ontologia e na defesa da exterioridade como alteridade. Em seu escopo, o artigo que apresentamos traça uma análise da precariedade e finitude de nossos ditos, assim como da impossibilidade desses se darem conta da dimensão maior do dizer da vida. A ideia é dar ênfase à precariedade, à complexidade e à imponderabilidade (...)
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    Stratification theory and research in Weimar Germany.Sandro Segre - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (4):57-86.
    This article focuses on the sociological field of stratification theory and research in Weimar Germany, and pursues the following objectives: (1) to offer for consideration some of the most significant theoretical and empirical essays bearing on stratification that were produced in the German-speaking world during the Weimar period; (2) to classify their authors according to cultural, ideological and epistemological orientations; (3) to account by means of this classification for their propensity to conduct empirical research; and (4) to discuss the reasons (...)
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    Mladen Vuković, Matematička logika.Sandro Skansi - 2011 - Prolegomena 10 (1):138-141.
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    Neizrazito usvajanje jezika.Sandro Skansi - 2016 - Metodicki Ogledi 23 (1):27-36.
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  36. Convertere, vertere, transferre, interpretari and leonardo bruni's de Interpretatione recta.Sandro Sticca - 2005 - Mediaevalia 26 (2).
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    Metafisica ed etica in Kant.Sandro Travaglia - 1972 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Improvisation und Invention: Momente, Modelle, Medien.Sandro Zanetti (ed.) - 2014 - Zürich: Diaphanes.
    Wenn eine Kultur etwas als Erfindung akzeptiert, dann hat dieses Etwas bereits den Status einer Tatsache erhalten, die vorhanden ist und auf ihren Nutzen oder auf ihre Funktion hin befragt werden kann. Was aber geschieht davor? Wie gewinnt das Erfundene Wirklichkeit? Wie in der Kunst, wie im Theater, wie in der Literatur und Musik, wie in der Wissenschaft? Und mit welchen Folgen? Die Beiträge in diesem Band beschäftigen sich alle mit einem Moment oder einem bestimmten Modell der Invention. Ausgehend von (...)
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    Mohn und Gedächtnis. Weiterdenken nach Paul Celan und Jacques Derrida.Sandro Zanetti - 2007 - In Georg Christoph Tholen & Hans-Joachim Lenger, Mnema: Derrida Zum Andenken. Transcript Verlag. pp. 171-186.
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    Did Socrates Die? A Note on the Moment of Change.Sandro Zucchi - 2019 - In Daniel Altshuler & Jessica Rett, The Semantics of Plurals, Focus, Degrees, and Times: Essays in Honor of Roger Schwarzschild. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 259-281.
    When an event occurs which involves a change from a state ϕ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\phi $$\end{document} to a state not-ϕ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\phi $$\end{document}, when does the change occur? This is known in the philosophical literature as the problem of the moment of change. I discuss a puzzle based on this problem raised by Sextus Empiricus in Against the Physicists. I compare two lines of solution, one provided by (...)
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    Probing the mental representation of quantifiers.Sandro Pezzelle, Raffaella Bernardi & Manuela Piazza - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):117-126.
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  42. Property of the self, individual autonomy, and the modern european discourse of citizenship.Sandro Mezzadra - 2007 - In Paula Banerjee & Samir Kumar Das, Autonomy: beyond Kant and hermeneutics. New York: Anthem Press.
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    Semantics modulo satisfiability with applications: function representation, probabilities and game theory.Sandro Márcio da Silva Preto - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):264-265.
    In the context of propositional logics, we apply semantics modulo satisfiability—a restricted semantics which comprehends only valuations that satisfy some specific set of formulas—with the aim to efficiently solve some computational tasks. Three possible such applications are developed.We begin by studying the possibility of implicitly representing rational McNaughton functions in Łukasiewicz Infinitely-valued Logic through semantics modulo satisfiability. We theoretically investigate some approaches to such representation concept, called representation modulo satisfiability, and describe a polynomial algorithm that builds representations in the newly (...)
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  44. Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes: Niels Bohr and the Construction of a New Physics.Sandro Petruccioli - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):275-279.
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  45. Guide to Deep Learning Basics.Sandro Skansi (ed.) - 2020 - Springer.
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    Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione di Schopenhauer: introduzione alla lettura.Sandro Barbera - 1998 - Roma: Carocci.
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  47. The Nietzsche archive: Between nationalism and cosmopolitanism.Sandro Barbera - 2003 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 23 (1):21-40.
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    Critica della ragione filosofica.Sandro Bernardini - 2006 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Formação Ética no contexto filosófico da Educação Básica.Sandro Luiz Charnoski - forthcoming - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo.
    O objetivo deste artigo é apontar possibilidades de pensamento ético que possam ser apropriados pela Educação Básica de forma concreta e que auxiliem os processos de ensino e aprendizagem da Filosofia como momento ímpar da formação ética das juventudes nas escolas. Desenvolvemos uma abordagem teórica da Ética a partir conceitos fundamentais para a discussão atual, autenticidade e responsabilidade, com uma releitura para aproximar o campo teórico conceitual, próprio da filosofia, do campo vivencial tanto do professor da Educação Básica quanto dos (...)
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    Redescribing political concepts: History of concepts and politics.Sandro Chignola - 2005 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 1 (2):245-251.
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