Results for 'Sandra Joyce Mace Gaston'

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  1.  20
    HIIT the Road Jack: An Exploratory Study on the Effects of an Acute Bout of Cardiovascular High-Intensity Interval Training on Piano Learning.Dana Swarbrick, Alex Kiss, Sandra Trehub, Luc Tremblay, David Alter & Joyce L. Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Gaston Bachelard as a surrationalist: Zbigniew Kotowicz: Gaston Bachelard: A Philosophy of the Surreal. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016, 212pp, £70 HB.Sandra Pravica - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):51-54.
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  3. Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part Ii.Terrell M. Peace, Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones, Anne Chodakowski, Julia Cote, Cheryl J. Craig, Joyce M. Dutcher, Kieran Egan, Ginny Esch, Sharon Friesen, Brenda Gladstone, David Jardine, Kathryn L. Jenkins, Gillian C. Judson, Dixie K. Keyes, Beverly J. Klug, Chris Lasher-Zwerling, Teresa Leavitt, Shaun Murphy, Jacqueline Sack, Kym Stewart, Madalina Tanase, Kip Téllez, Sandra Wasko-Flood & Patricia T. Whitfield (eds.) - 2011 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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    Costumes of the Mind: Transvestism as Metaphor in Modern Literature.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):391-417.
    There is a striking difference, however, between the ways female and male modernists define and describe literal or figurative costumes. Balancing self against mask, true garment against false costume, Yeats articulates a perception of himself and his place in society that most other male modernists share, even those who experiment more radically with costume as metaphor. But female modernists like Woolf, together with their post-modernist heirs, imagine costumes of the mind with much greater irony and ambiguity, in part because women's (...)
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    Ação de desenhar na inf'ncia como iniciação aos segredos do mundo.Sandra Regina Simonis Richter & Márcia Vilma Murillo - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-27.
    In order to highlight the intimate relationship between imagining, drawing and making worlds, this essay questions the educational meaning of children to initiate in the action of drawing in face of the growing cultural tendency of the body being less and less required to produce senses. The incarnated action of drawing, as an aesthetic action of touching and being touched by the world when transposing the visible limits and entering into the intimacy of worldly invisibility, constitutes an experience that is (...)
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    Sandra Pravica, Bachelards tentative Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Wien: Passagen 2015 / Kaja Tulatz, Epistemologie als Reflexion wissenschaftlicher Praxen. Epistemische Räume im Ausgang von Gaston Bachelard, Louis Althusser und Joseph Rouse, (Edition panta rei) Bielefeld: transcript 2018.Monika Wulz - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):481-483.
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    Propuesta para protocolizar el abordaje de daños emocionales en investigación con seres humanos.Miguel Valencia-Contrera & Sandra Valenzuela-Suazo - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (2):e2628.
    Artículo teórico-reflexivo que responde al objetivo de generar lineamientos para el abordaje de daños en el ámbito emocional en investigaciones con seres humanos. Utilizando directrices de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, de la Asociación Profesional de Enfermeras de Ontario y, como referente, a la teorista Joyce Travelbee, se genera un diagrama de flujo como propuesta para protocolizar el abordaje de daños emocionales en investigación con seres humanos, con base en la formalidad, la rigurosidad y la empatía que requiere (...)
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  8. Meeting Our Standards for Educational Justice: Doing Our Best With the Evidence.Kathryn E. Joyce & Nancy Cartwright - 2018 - Theory and Research in Education 16 (1).
    The United States considers educating all students to a threshold of adequate outcomes to be a central goal of educational justice. The No Child Left Behind Act introduced evidence-based policy and accountability protocols to ensure that all students receive an education that enables them to meet adequacy standards. Unfortunately, evidence-based policy has been less effective than expected. This article pinpoints under-examined methodological problems and suggests a more effective way to incorporate educational research findings into local evidence-based policy decisions. It identifies (...)
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    Politisches Handeln in der Bürgergesellschaft.Sandra Seubert - 2012 - In Georg Weisseno & Hubertus Buchstein (eds.), Politisch Handeln: Modelle, Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzen. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 105--118.
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    (1 other version)L'activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine.Gaston Bachelard - 1951 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    En 32 romans, publiés entre 1934 et 1982, cet auteur d'origine australienne a élaboré autour de son protagoniste principal, l'inspecteur Roderick Allen de Scotland Yard, un ensemble de romans policiers d'enquête dans la meilleure tradition britannique.
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    Logic from Kant to Russell.Sandra Lapointe (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The scope and method of logic as we know it today eminently reflect the ground-breaking developments of set theory and the logical foundations of mathematics at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately, little effort has been made to understand the idiosyncrasies of the philosophical context that led to these tremendous innovations in the 19thcentury beyond what is found in the works of mathematicians such as Frege, Hilbert, and Russell. This constitutes a monumental gap in our understanding of the central (...)
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  12. What Is the Monumental?Sandra Shapshay - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):145-160.
    The aesthetic category of the sublime has been theorized (especially in the Kantian tradition) as integrally intertwined with the moral. Paradigmatic experiences of the sublime, such as gazing up at the starry night sky, or out at a storm-whipped sea, lead in a moral or religious direction depending on the cognitive stock brought to the experience, since they typically involve a feeling of awe and reflection on the peculiar situation of the human being in nature. The monumental is a similar (...)
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  13. Music lessons from infants.Sandra E. Trehub - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  14. The death of privacy: The lively debate in the Washington Post (1974-1998).Joyce H. S. Li - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (1):63-88.
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    Experience, Experimentalism, and Religious Overbelief: James and Dewey.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 8:129-134.
    William James and John Dewey hold the view that all knowledge and experience are experimental. Within this common pragmatic context, James's theism and Dewey's atheism offer contrasting - indeed, contradictory - interpretations of the object of religious experience. This essay explores the intertwining of their common pragmatic context and differing objects of religious belief to show the way in which this intertwining gives rise to a unique position which can appeal to theists and atheists alike.
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    Contradictions of archaeological theory: engaging critical realism and archaeological theory.Sandra Wallace (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Archaeological theory -- Philosophy and archaeology -- Critical realism as critique of Western philosophy -- Critical realism as philosophical underlabourer -- Diversity and impasse in current archaeological theorising -- The contradictions of archaeological theory -- The material in archaeological theory -- Critical realism, the material, and absence -- Time, scale, and the ontology of the material -- Conclusions, implications, and further research.
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    Obligations of the “Gift”: Reciprocity and Responsibility in Precision Medicine.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):57-66.
    Decades of public investment in molecular technologies and data integration techniques have fueled promises of precision medicine (PM) as a novel, targeted, and data-driven approach that takes into...
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  18. (1 other version)Essai sur la connaissance approchée.Gaston Bachelard - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (3):2-3.
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    Speculative pragmatism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1986 - La Salle, Ill.: Open Court.
    Introduction CLASSICAL American pragmatism represents a historical period in American philosophy, spanning a particular time frame and including the ...
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  20.  8
    Descartes savant.Gaston Milhaud - 1921 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
  21.  86
    Accountability in a Global Economy: The Emergence of International Accountability Standards.Sandra Waddock - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):23-44.
    ABSTRACT:This article assesses the proliferation of international accountability standards (IAS) in the recent past. We provide a comprehensive overview about the different types of standards and discuss their role as part of a new institutional infrastructure for corporate responsibility. Based on this, it is argued that IAS can advance corporate responsibility on a global level because they contribute to the closure of some omnipresent governance gaps. IAS also improve the preparedness of an organization to give an explanation and a justification (...)
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    The Lonely mirror: Italian perspectives on feminist theory.Sandra Kemp & Paola Bono (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction Without a leg to stand on Sandra Kemp and Paola Bono The project that became The Lonely Mirror had been to edit an international collection of ...
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    El término bárbaros: un análisis discursivo de los testimonios tempranos.Gastón Javier Basile - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (2):113-134.
    El artículo reexamina individualmente los escasos testimonios pre-clásicos en los que se verifica por primera vez el término bárbaros. Se instrumentará un enfoque discursivo en relación con la ocurrencia del término en las fuentes arcaicas -atento al plano morfosintáctico, semántico y pragmático- con el objeto de obtener indicios y formulaciones de conjunto que puedan enriquecer el debate en torno a la génesis de la voz bárbaros y, en especial, contribuir a echar luz sobre las múltiples connotaciones semánticas que adquirirá el (...)
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  24.  13
    Un éducateur.Gaston Berger - 1947 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (2):158 - 159.
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    The Many Layers of Meaning in Moral Arguments.Sandra Lee Dixon - 1993
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  26. Dysfunctional universality claims? Scientific, epistemological, and political issues.Sandra Harding - 2003 - In Robert C. Scharff & Val Dusek (eds.), Philosophy of technology: the technological condition: an anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 154--169.
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  27. "Science is Good is" good to think with.Sandra Harding - 1996 - In Andrew Ross (ed.), Science wars. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 23.
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  28. Educación de pacientes Y familias como estándar de cali-dad.Sandra Hernández & Claudio Robles - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    La reintegración socioambiental derivada de la negación de la voluntad de vivir.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2013 - Dilemata 12:199-214.
    Por ser Schopenhauer un pensador que aboga expresar sensu stricto la misma conclusión racional que se hallaría sensu allegorico en algunas sabidurías de oriente que acaban en la mística, nos valdremos de su cosmovisión para luego de reflexionar sobre el camino de la negación de la voluntad de vivir, no abandonarlo, sino señalar desde éste una vía aplicada a la problemática socioambiental global mediante un vuelco crítico, impulsado por una conciencia que reintegra pacífica y activamente al renunciante de la voluntad (...)
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    Church, State, and Citizen: Christian Approaches to Political Engagement.Sandra Fullerton Joireman - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    The history of Christianity's relationship to government is long and complex. This book will attempt to bring order to the chaos by offering essays on how particular branches of the Christian tradition-Catholic, reformed, evangelical, etc.-view the institution of the modern state. The essays will not be limited geographically, but will rather look at each tradition as broadly as possible, from the institutionalized churches of Europe, to the independent Christian movements of Africa, to the vibrant religious marketplace of the United States.
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    Writings on Writing.Sandra Kemp & Lisa Lewis (eds.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Unlike his contemporaries Virginia Woolf and Henry James, Kipling always denied he was a critic. But his letters, speeches, and stories are full of comments on writing and writers. This collection, including many formerly unpublished private letters and papers, details Kipling's response to the commercialisation of literature and the emerging role of the writer as celebrity in the turbulent literary world of the 1890s and beyond. They reveal a mind intensely concerned with questions of literary value, with language and imagination, (...)
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    Carnap et la construction logique du monde.Sandra Laugier & Anouk Barberousse (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Livre fondateur de R. Carnap, "Der logische Aufbau der Welt" (1928) est une oeuvre philosophique allemande centrale du XXe siècle.Cet ouvrage veut montrer l'actualité de l'"Aufbau" tout en présentant la logique de pensée de Carnap et ses conséquences philosophiques.
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    Urteil und Fehlurteil.Sandra Lehmann & Sophie Loidolt (eds.) - 2011 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Wie hilfreich sind „ethische Richtlinien“ am Einzelfall?: Eine vergleichende kasuistische Analyse der Deutschen Grundsätze, Britischen Guidelines und Schweizerischen Richtlinien zur Sterbebegleitung.Sandra Bartels, Mike Parker, Tony Hope & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):191-205.
    ZusammenfassungEntscheidungen der Therapiebegrenzung und in der Betreuung am Lebensende sind häufig komplex und von ethischen Problemen begleitet. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die entscheidende Frage, wie hilfreich existierende „Ethik-Richtlinien“, die eine ethische Orientierung bei solchen Entscheidungen geben sollen, in der klinischen Praxis tatsächlich sind. Die Frage, welchen Nutzen „Ethik-Richtlinien“ bei der Entscheidungsfindung haben oder haben können, wird hier exemplarisch an einem klinischen Fallbeispiel aus einer Ethik-Kooperationsstudie in der Intensivmedizin analysiert. Vergleichend werden hierzu „Ethik-Richtlinien“ aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und aus Großbritannien (...)
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    Poetry Beyond Philosophy? Ibn Tufayl’s Alternative Schema.Sandra Field - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):48-54.
    James articulates and defends a Spinozist view of the interplay between poetry and philosophy: philosophy has an ineliminably poetic content, and poetry is an aid and support to philosophy. In this piece, I juxtapose James’s Spinozist schema with another schema available within Spinoza’s historical milieu. In Ibn Tufayl’s view, rather than poetry being an aid to philosophy, poetry opens to a world of experience that even the best philosophy cannot grasp. For flat-footed philosophers who think that philosophy can in principle (...)
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  36. Marx, Spinoza, and 'True Democracy'.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Jason Maurice Yonover & Kristin Gjesdal (eds.), Spinoza in Germany: Political and Religious Thought across the Long Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press. pp. 212-237.
    It is common to assimilate Marx’s and Spinoza’s conceptions of democracy. In this chapter, I assess the relation between Marx’s early idea of “true democracy” and Spinozist democracy, both the historical influence and the theoretical affinity. Drawing on Marx’s student notebooks on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, I show there was a historical influence. However, at the theoretical level, I argue that a sharp distinction must be drawn. Philosophically, Spinoza’s commitment to understanding politics through real concrete powers does not support with Marx’s (...)
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    Film as Moral Education.Sandra Laugier - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):263-281.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 263-281, February 2021.
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  38. The Textual Transmission.Joyce Leeuwen & Joyce van Leeuwen - 2016 - In The Aristotelian Mechanics: Text and Diagrams. Springer Verlag.
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  39. (1 other version)Le nouvel esprit scientifique.Gaston Bachelard - 1934 - Paris: PUF.
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    Wisdom and responsible leadership: Aesthetic sensibility, moral imagination, and systems thinking.Sandra Waddock - forthcoming - Aesthetics and Business Ethics.
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    Bdelí spáči – snenie pri vedomí.Gaston Bachelard - 2013 - Ostium 9 (4).
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  42. La poétique de l'espace, « Bibliothèque de Philosophie contemporaine ».Gaston Bachelard - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (4):392-392.
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  43. Philosophy of No. Preface. Philosophical Thought and Scientific Spirit.Gaston Bachelard - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (3):33-41.
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  44. Luxembourg 1867: Gaming communities, co-production, and engagement with the imagined past [Luxembourg].Sandra Camarda - 2025 - In Michal Mochocki, Paweł Schreiber, Jakub Majewski & Yaraslau I. Kot (eds.), Central and Eastern European histories and heritages in video games. New York: Routledge.
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  45. Los usos de lo normal.Sandra Nc Caponi - 1998 - Manuscrito 21:189.
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  46. (2 other versions)La psychologie de l'amour.Gaston Danville - 1894 - The Monist 5:431.
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  47. How should evidence inform educational policy?Kathryn Joyce & Nancy Cartwright - 2022 - In Randall R. Curren (ed.), Handbook of philosophy of education. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Reviewing the aps code of ethics with young people in mind.Marie Joyce - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love (eds.), Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley. pp. 123--134.
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  49. Warren, MA-Moral Status.R. Joyce - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:194-195.
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  50. Bolzano on Mathematical Knowledge.Sandra Lapointe - 2011 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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