Results for 'Samūʼīl Ḥabīb'

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  1.  13
    Levinas et Rosenzweig: philosophies de la révélation.Stéphane Habib - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le présent ouvrage propose d'articuler une réflexion autour de la Révélation, ce terme chargé d'étrangeté en référence aux oeuvres de Rosenzweig et Levinas. La Révélation y est abordée comme ce qui dérange, surprend et bouleverse, comme ce qui met en question en somme, bien davantage que comme une notion ou un concept fixe et figé une fois pour toutes, se laissant saisir dans et par une définition. Que disons-nous alors lorsque nous disons, pensons ou écrivons " la Révélation "? Qu'arrive-t-il (...)
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    Penser l'homme: treize études sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Claude Habib, Pierre Manent & Christophe Litwin (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Rousseau a bouleversé la compréhension du phénomène humain. Treize études prennent la mesure de cette révolution théorique qui touche l'image de soi, l'idée du bien, les attentes politiques, la perception de la société. Chacune scrute la radicalité de la science de l'homme qu'il a inaugurée.
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    Faire avec l'impossible: pour une relance du politique.Stéphane Habib - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Nous philosophons, psychanalysons et écrivons dans un monde. Il arrive qu'on l'oublie. On peut nommer politique l'inquiétude devant ce qui arrive dans le monde et au monde. A ce qui arrive au monde au nom du Califat, seul le politique peut faire réponse. Dans cette optique il s'agira de dégager le minimal du politique, en vue de sa relance. Apparaît alors une quasi synonymie entre psychanalyse et politique : l'une et l'autre ont en commun de faire avec l'impossible. Ni psychanalyse (...)
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    Augustin u misli Paula Ricœura.Jadranka Brncic - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):669-688.
    U članku se nastoji pokazati na koji način francuski filozof Paul Ricœur »prisvaja« neke od Augustinovih koncepcija – prvi grijeh, vrijeme, »nutarnji učitelj« i pamćenje – i uključuje ih u svoje promišljanje o razumijevanju i samorazumijevanju ljudskog »bitka u svijetu« posredstvom interpretacije teksta. Ricœurovo »prisvajanje« tekstova koji hrane i obogaćuju njegovo vlastito promišljanje, kompleksno je i slojevito. Pojedini stručnjaci, međutim, upućuju ovakvom »prisvajanju« kritike. Tako Isabelle Bochet u knjizi Augustin dans la pensée de Paul Ricœur , u preciznoj analizi Augustinova (...)
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    La philosophie dans la prédication du judaïsme espagnol du xiii e au xvi e siècle.Jean-Pierre Rothschild - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 98 (3):497-541.
    À la différence du sermon chrétien, le sermon juif n’est pas essentiel à la vie religieuse et le prédicateur n’a guère de statut. Il est pourtant une réalité sociale et littéraire de premier plan en Espagne. Que la philosophie ait place dans ce genre qui s’adresse à tous s’éclaire par trois choses : les textes que la liturgie amène à prendre pour occasions de la prédication ; la « reconfiguration rationaliste du judaïsme » par Maïmonide ; la résistance au prosélytisme. (...)
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  6. Szemere Samu kilencvenedik születésnapjára.Samu Szemere (ed.) - 1971 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  7. Szemere Samu.Samu Szemere (ed.) - 1971 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    A theory of religious accommodation.Paul Bou-Habib - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (1):109–126.
    This paper examines the moral case for a right to religious accommodation, which requires that religious conduct be free of any serious burdens placed on it by the state. Two different types of normative argument for this right are outlined and rejected. The first appeals to religion as a ‘basic good’, and the second to religion as an ‘intense preference’. In place of these, I suggest that a third type of argument has greater prospects of success. Religious accommodation is justified (...)
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  9. Who Should Pay for Higher Education?Paul Bou-Habib - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (4):479-495.
    Policies that shift the costs of higher education from the taxpayer to the university student or graduate are increasingly popular, yet they have not been subjected to a thorough normative analysis. This paper provides a critical survey of the standard arguments that have been used in the public debate on higher education funding. These arguments are found to be wanting. In their place, the paper offers a more systematic approach for dealing with the normative issues raised by the funding of (...)
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  10. Compulsory insurance without paternalism.Paul Bou-Habib - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):243-263.
    This article examines how a just society must address the needs of its imprudent members. I defend compulsory insurance as an answer to this question. It has been assumed that compulsory insurance can only be justified on paternalistic grounds. I argue that this assumption is incorrect, and defend non-paternalistic compulsory insurance. To display the merits of NPCI, I identify a trilemma that arises for views about how to address the needs of the imprudent, including libertarian and so-called ‘ luck -egalitarian’ (...)
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  11.  14
    Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought.Habib C. Malik - 1997 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    With a wealth of detail, this book traces the acceptance and rejection of Soren Kierkegaard's thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Engaging the reader with biographical sketches of Kierkegaard and his contemporaries, Habib Malik presents a fascinating historical narrative of the early reception of Kierkegaard's thought. At the center of this story is an exploration of how Kierkegaard's ideas moved from the relative obscurity of Copenhagen at the time of his death in 1855 to the center of (...)
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    Muḥammad Ibn Ḥabīb's "Matronymics of Poets"Muhammad Ibn Habib's "Matronymics of Poets".G. Levi Della Vida, Muḥammad Ibn Ḥabīb & Muhammad Ibn Habib - 1942 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 62 (3):156.
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    Permaculture: A Global Community of Practice.Benjamin Habib & Simin Fadaee - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):441-462.
    Permaculture design seeks to create sustainable communities, and over time has established itself as a transnational community of practice. Based on original interviews with permaculture practitioners from around the world, and drawing on the three core elements of communities of practice – shared domain, communality and shared practices – as our analytical framework, this paper makes three arguments. First, the shared domain of permaculture as a body of knowledge, a system of ethics and set of practical design principles creates an (...)
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  14. Liberal Egalitarianism and Workfare.Paul Bou-Habib & Serena Olsaretti - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (3):257-270.
    In this paper we ask whether liberal egalitarians can endorse workfare policies that require that welfare recipients should work in return for their welfare benefits. In particular, we focus on the fairness-based case for workfare, which holds that people should be responsible for their own welfare since they would otherwise impose unfair costs on others. Two versions of the fairness-based case are considered: The first defends workfare on the grounds that it would form part of an unemployment insurance scheme that (...)
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    The Case for Replacement Migration.Paul Bou-Habib - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (1):67-86.
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  16. State-civil society relations in post-apartheid South Africa.Adam Habib - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (3):671-692.
  17.  67
    Parental subsidies: The argument from insurance.Paul Bou-Habib - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (2):197-216.
    This article develops the argument that the state must provide parental subsidies if, and to the extent that, individuals would, under certain specified hypothetical conditions, purchase ‘insurance cover’ that would provide the funds they need for adequate childrearing. I argue that most citizens would sign up to an insurance scheme, in which they receive a guarantee of a means-tested parental subsidy in return for an obligation to pay a progressive income tax to fund the scheme. This argument from insurance bolsters (...)
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  18. Racial Profiling and Background Injustice.Paul Bou-Habib - 2011 - The Journal of Ethics 15 (1-2):33 - 46.
    Racial profiling appears to be morally more troubling when the racial group that is the object of the profile suffers from background injustice. This article examines two accounts of this intuition. The responsibility-based account maintains that racial profiling is morally more problematic if the higher offender rate within the profiled group is the result of social injustices for which other groups in society are responsible. The expressive harm based account maintains that racial profiling is more problematic if it makes background (...)
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    Distributive Justice, Dignity, and the Lifetime View.Paul Bou-Habib - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (2):285-310.
    This paper provides a critical examination of the strongest defenses of the pure lifetime view, according to which justice requires taking only people's whole lives as relevant when assessing and establishing their distributive entitlements and obligations. The paper proposes that we reject a pure lifetime view and replace it with an alternative view, on which some time-specific considerations--that is to say, considerations about how people fare at specific points in time--have nonderivative weight in determining what our obligations are to them.
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  20.  31
    Music and Dyslexia: A New Musical Training Method to Improve Reading and Related Disorders.Michel Habib, Chloé Lardy, Tristan Desiles, Céline Commeiras, Julie Chobert & Mireille Besson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Selected books and articles by Ferenc Kiefer in semantics and pragmatics.Samu Abraham - 2001 - In Robert M. Harrish & Istvan Kenesei (eds.), Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse. John Benjamins. pp. 90.
  22.  12
    The Extinct Language of Gurgān: Its Sources and Origins.Habib Borjian - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (4):681-707.
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    Equality and Value-holism.Paul Bou-Habib - 2007 - Ethics and Economics 5 (1).
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    Transference of The Imām’s Authority to Jurists in the Occultation Period According to 5th Century Shīʿī-Uṣūli Scholars.Habib Kartaloğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):53-71.
    Imāmiyya holds that the theory of imāmate must rely on scriptural evidence and designation and that the Imām, the successor to Muḥammad, is in charge of all political and religious issues. The authority of the Imām includes some religious and social duties such as executing the legal punishments, collecting almsgiving, sustaining social order and declaring holy war. The fulfillment of these duties requires actual leadership of the Imām or his deputy. With the beginning of the great occultation in 329/941, there (...)
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    Anselm’s Predicament: The Proslogion and Anti-intellectual Rhetoric in the Aftermath of the Berengarian Controversy.Samu Niskanen - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (4):547-568.
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    Events of the Body Politic: A Nancian Reading of Asylum-seekers’ Bodily Choreographies and Resistance.Samu Pehkonen, Anitta Kynsilehto, Tarja Väyrynen & Eeva Puumala - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (4):83-104.
    This article thinks the place of the body, agency and movement in politics through the body of the asylum-seeker. Asylum-seekers do not have ample space to politically voice their experiences, but their bodies and ways of taking agency are fluid. The Agambenian idea of exceptional space and bare life privileges the power of the sovereign, leaving little space for agency for its subjects. It leads to an impasse, as it offers no viable option of thinking the possibilities of opposing sovereign (...)
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  27. Korrelation von Macht und Recht.Mihäly Samu - forthcoming - Rechtstheorie.
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    Exploring the Effect of Assisted Repeated Reading on Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy in an EFL Context.Habib Soleimani, Farnoosh Mohammaddokht & Jalil Fathi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of two types of repeated reading on incidental vocabulary learning of Iranian English as a Foreign Language learners. In so doing, a sample of 45 intermediate EFL students from two intact classes of a language institute were selected as the participants. The two classes were randomly assigned to an unassisted group who were required to just read and an assisted group who were asked to read and listen to 24 (...)
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    Hegel and the Foundations of Literary Theory.M. R. Habib - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Do the various forms of literary theory - deconstruction, Marxism, new historicism, feminism, post-colonialism, and cultural/digital studies - have anything in common? If so, what are the fundamental principles of theory? What is its ideological orientation? Can it still be of use to us in understanding basic intellectual and ethical dilemmas of our time? These questions continue to perplex both students and teachers of literary theory. Habib finds the answers in theory's largely unacknowledged roots in the thought of German philosopher (...)
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    The early T.S. Eliot and western philosophy.Rafey Habib - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Rafey Habib's book offers a comprehensive study of Eliot's philosophical writings and attempts to assess their impact on both his early poetry through 'The Waste Land' and the central concepts of his literary criticsm. Habib presents the first scholalrly analysis of Eliot's difficult unpublished papers on Kant and Bergson and establishes the nature of Eliot's connections with major figures in the Western philosophical tradition, including Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Hume, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Bradley and Russell. The Early T. S. Eliot and (...)
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    Locke, Sincerity and the Rationality of Persecution.Paul Bou-Habib - unknown
    According to the most influential contemporary reading of John Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration, his main argument against religious persecution is unsuccessful. That argument holds that coercion is ineffective as a means of instilling religious beliefs in its victims. I propose a different reading of the Letter. Locke's main consideration against persecution is not the unsuccessful belief-based argument just outlined, but what I call the sincerity argument. He believes that religious coercion is irrational because it is ineffective as a means of (...)
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  32.  49
    Hegel and Islam.M. A. R. Habib - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 68 (1):59-77.
    Hegel's philosophy is central to the very foundations of modern Western thought. His speculative system brought into confluence two movements—the Enlightenment and Romanticism—which have shaped modernity, and it gave rise to many streams of thought, including Marxism, Anglo-American Idealism, and various forms of historicism. Equally, his thought provoked widespread and pervasive reactions such as those embodied in positivism, realism, and existentialism.One of the more recent series of reactions—particularly within the areas of literary and cultural theory—has been against Hegel's Eurocentrism, which (...)
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  33. L'obstacle du style : remarques sur les contradictions.Claude Habib - 2014 - In Jean-François Perrin & Yves Citton (eds.), Jean-Jacques Rousseau et l'exigence d'authenticité: une question pour notre temps. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Sharing the Earth: Sustainability and the Currency of Inter-Generational Environmental Justice.Allen Habib - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (6):751-764.
    Philosophers often understand environmental sustainability as a duty of distributive justice between the generations of the earth. Since every generation is equally entitled to the bounty of the natural environment (the thinking goes) every generation should have a fair share of that bounty. But since generations precede each other in time, it is the duty of earlier generations to ensure that later generations receive their fair share. Acting sustainably is the way of meeting this duty, since sustainable practices are those (...)
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  35. Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations.Paul Bou-Habib - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (1):151-153.
  36.  39
    (2 other versions)The brain drain as exploitation.Paul Bou-Habib - forthcoming - Sage Journals: Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Ahead of Print. When skilled individuals emigrate from developing states to developed states, they leave a burdened state behind and bring their valuable human capital to a state that enjoys vast advantages by comparison. Most of the normative debate to date on this so-called ‘brain drain’ has focused on the duties that skilled emigrants owe to their home state after they emigrate. This article shifts the focus to the question of whether their host state acquires special (...)
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    Climate Matters for Future People.Paul Bou-Habib - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):143-157.
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    S À Écrire.Stéphane Habib - 2006 - Rue Descartes 52 (2):64-73.
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  39. The Early T.S. Eliot and Western Phibsophy.M. Habib - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (2):399-400.
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  40. Állam- és jogelmélet.Mihály Samu & György Antalffy (eds.) - 1970 - Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó.
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    Towards quality Pacific services: the development of a service self‐evaluation tool for Pacific addiction services in New Zealand.Kathleen S. Samu, Amanda Wheeler, Lanuola Asiasiga, Synthia M. Dash, Gail Robinson, Lucy Dunbar & Tamasailau Suaalii-Sauni - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1036-1044.
  42.  19
    Correction: Christian-Buddhist Relations Revealed in Art.Samu Sunim - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5.
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    Methods That Religious Culture And Moral Knowledge Teachers’ Preferred in Concept Teaching Process.Habibe Erva UÇAK & Recai DOĞAN - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):321-347.
    It is thought that determining which methods and techniques are used by teachers to teach concepts, which is one of the important dimensions of religious teaching, will contribute to the science of religious education and practice of religious teaching. In this context, the problematic of the study is based on the question of the methods preferred by the Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge teachers in their concept teaching activities. Therefore, the aim of the study is to try to reveal the (...)
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    Dishonesty and research misconduct within the medical profession.Habib Rahman & Stephen Ankier - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-6.
    While there has been much discussion of how the scientific establishment’s culture can engender research misconduct and scientific irreproducibility, this has been discussed much less frequently with respect to the medical profession. Here the authors posit that a lack of self-criticism, an encouragement of novel scientific research generated by the recruitment policies of the UK Royal Training Colleges along with insufficient training in the sciences are core reasons as to why research misconduct and dishonesty prevail within the medical community. Furthermore, (...)
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    Sosa on Circularity and Coherence.Allen Habib & Keith Lehrer - 2004 - In John Greco (ed.), Ernest Sosa: And His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 106–111.
  46.  46
    Biodiversity and Values in Science.Allen Habib - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (1):30-33.
    In 1985, wildlife biologist Michael Soulé wrote a manifesto for the new field of Conservation Biology. In it he offered ‘Diversity of organisms is good’ and ‘Ecological complexity is...
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  47. Promises.Allen Habib - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  48.  48
    Persecution and the Art of Freedom: Alexis de Tocqueville on the Importance of Free Press and Free Speech in Democratic Society.Khalil M. Habib - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):190-208.
    According to Tocqueville, the freedom of the press, which he treats as an extension of the freedom of speech, is a primary constituent element of liberty. Tocqueville treats the freedom of the press in relation to and as an extension of the right to assemble and govern one’s own affairs, both of which he argues are essential to preserving liberty in a free society. Although scholars acknowledge the importance of civil associations to liberty in Tocqueville’s political thought, they routinely ignore (...)
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  49. Promises to the self.Allen Habib - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (4):pp. 537-557.
    I Can we make promises to ourselves? This is a question that has not received much consideration in the large body of philosophical work on promising. And in what commentary there is, the answer is uniformly negative. I think this negativity is a mistake, and that the conventional view that we can't make reflexive promises is wrong. I also think that this has some important implications for promissory theory in general. In what follows, I will attempt to argue for the (...)
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  50. Comparative study of mental health condition of divorced women and widowed (the charity comiteh of emdad).Habib Aghabakhshy, Fard Mojtaba Sedaghaty & Arezo Vahid - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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