Sam C. Brown [8]Samuel Brown [7]Samuel M. Brown [4]Sam Brown [2]
Samuel R. Brown [1]Samuel D. Brown [1]Samuel Morris Brown [1]Samantha Brown [1]

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  1.  71
    (1 other version)Withdrawal of Nonfutile Life Support After Attempted Suicide.Samuel M. Brown, C. Gregory Elliott & Robert Paine - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics: 13 (3):3 - 12.
    End-of-life decision making is fraught with ethical challenges. Withholding or withdrawing life support therapy is widely considered ethical in patients with high treatment burden, poor premorbid status, or significant projected disability even when such treatment is not ?futile.? Whether such withdrawal of therapy in the aftermath of attempted suicide is ethical is not well established in the literature. We provide a clinical vignette and propose criteria under which such withdrawal would be ethical. We suggest that it is appropriate to withdraw (...)
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  2.  45
    (1 other version)Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Withdrawal of Nonfutile Life Support After Attempted Suicide”.Samuel M. Brown, C. Gregory Elliott & Robert Paine - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics: 13 (3):W3 - W5.
    We are grateful for the careful reading and insightful responses of the several peer commentaries to our proposed approach to requests to withhold or withdraw life support therapies among patients...
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  3.  10
    Putting 'red alerts' in an ecological and evolutionary context.Marco Archetti & Sam P. Brown - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (9):959-959.
  4.  27
    Serial position and sequential associations in serial learning.William F. Battig, Sam C. Brown & Mary E. Schild - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (5):449.
  5.  24
    The importance of the within-trial interval in the superiority of the recall over anticipation method of paired-associate learning.Mitchell G. Brigell, Charles P. Thompson & Sam C. Brown - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):131-133.
  6.  26
    Addition of context cues to response terms of paired-associate lists.Sam C. Brown & J. D. Read - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (4p1):692.
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  7. Ethical behavior.Samuel D. Brown, Aaron Miller & Kristen Bell DeTienne - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks, Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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  8.  18
    Effect of successive addition of stimulus elements on paired-associate learning.Sam C. Brown, William F. Battig & Richard Pearlstein - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):87.
  9.  20
    Interpair interference as a function of level of practice in paired-associate learning.Sam C. Brown - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (4):316.
  10.  23
    Role of stimulus-term and serial-position cues in constant-order paired-associate learning.Sam C. Brown - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):269.
  11.  33
    The Meaning of “Counsellor”.Sam Brown - 2010 - Philosophical Practice 5 (1):549-66.
    The UK government intends to regulate mental health care professions by enforcing title protection of the terms “counsellor” and “psychotherapist.” The operational definition they have adopted for “counsellor”— a specialist in psychological therapy—is not recorded in any authoritative source as an exclusive,predominant or fundamental meaning of the term. In fact, there is no evidence that it is an independent sense in its own right, unlike the professional titles “psychotherapist,” “doctor,” and “psychologist.”It is only in recent decades that the term “counsellor” (...)
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  12.  8
    Through the valley of shadows: living wills, intensive care, and making medicine human.Samuel Morris Brown - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A culture in crisis -- The rise of the living will -- Empirical and ethical problems with living wills -- Living wills don't make decisions : human beings do -- The barbaric life of the ICU -- Life after the ICU -- Reform : the current state of the art -- Healing the intensive care unit.
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  13.  34
    Cue selection as a function of degree of learning and response similarity.William L. Davis, Sam C. Brown & Elaine Ritchie - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p1):323.
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  14.  19
    Multi-Trial Gait Adaptation of Healthy Individuals during Visual Kinematic Perturbations.Trieu Phat Luu, Yongtian He, Sho Nakagome, Kevin Nathan, Samuel Brown, Jeffrey Gorges & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  15.  16
    Bacterial Social Life: Information Processing Characteristics and Cooperation Coevolve.Livio Riboli-Sasco, Francois Taddei & Sam Brown - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser, Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 275.
  16.  26
    Constant versus varied serial order in paired-associate learning: The effect of formal intralist similarity.Eugene D. Rubin & Sam C. Brown - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (2):257.