Results for 'Salwa Beji'

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  1.  43
    Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from France.Rania Beji, Ouidad Yousfi, Nadia Loukil & Abdelwahed Omri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):133-155.
    This study analyzes how the board’s characteristics could be associated with globally corporate social responsibility CSR and specific areas of CSR. It is drawn on all listed firms, in 2016, on the SBF120 between 2003 and 2016. Our results provide strong evidence that diversity in boards and diversity of boards globally are positively associated with corporate social performance. However, they influence differently specific dimensions of CSR performance. First, we show that large boards are positively associated with all areas of CSR (...)
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    Islamism, Re-Islamization and the Fashioning of Muslim Selves: Refiguring the Public Sphere.Salwa Ismail - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (1).
    This article explores the political implications of Muslim public self-presentation and forms of self-fashioning associated with the ongoing processes of re-Islamisation in both Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority societies. It sketches how projects of the Muslim public self contribute to a refiguring of the public sphere. The argument put forward is that public practices of self-reform grounded in religion and presented in pietistic terms are political by virtue of being tied to projects of societal reform and because they have a bearing on (...)
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    La dépression démocratique.Hélé Béji - 2020 - Cahiers Philosophiques 160 (1):133-150.
    Hélé Béji est écrivain. Agrégée de lettres modernes, elle a enseigné la littérature à l'Université de Tunis avant de travailler à l'Unesco en tant que fonctionnaire internationale. En 1998, elle fonde le Collège international de Tunis, société littéraire où des penseurs tunisiens et étrangers viennent s’exprimer sur la culture et la politique contemporaines. Elle est l’auteur d´essais et récits qui brossent un portrait critique de la décolonisation et de l’identité culturelle. Elle consacre également des ouvrages à la question féminine, en (...)
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    Ethical issues related to human papillomavirus vaccination programs: an example from Bangladesh.Marium Salwa & Tarek Abdullah Al-Munim - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (S1).
    Background Human Papilloma Virus vaccine was introduced in Bangladesh through the arrangement of a demonstration project in Gazipur district in 2016, targeting grade five female students and non-school going girls. HPV vaccination is expected to be eventually included in the nationwide immunization program if the demonstration project is successful. However, introduction and implementation of such a vaccination program raises various ethical concerns. This review paper illustrates a step by step assessment of the ethical concerns surrounding the HPV vaccination implementation in (...)
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    Illusions in painting: an attempt at philosophical interpretation.Mateusz Salwa - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Katarzyna Krzyżagórska-Pisarek & Mateusz Salwa.
    This book aims to present trompe-l'oeil painting as an ambigous aesthetic ideal offered by early modern theory of art. It embodies the idea of an image identical to what it represents. It is interpreted in terms of perceptual and aesthetic illusion, mimesis, diegesis, play, irony and scientific illustration.
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  6. Świat pogański stary i nowy u włoskich nowelistów XV wieku.Piotr Salwa - 2002 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 47.
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    Dialogue with Nature and the Ecological Imperative.Mateusz Salwa - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):123-135.
    The aim of the paper is to discuss the idea of dialogue with nature. Even though the idea of dialogue with animals, plants – even objects of inanimate nature – is well known, it has usually been treated as an expression of a naive or folk view. Yet, it has recently gained in importance as an idea that is used to describe an ecological approach to natural environment and tends to be treated as a foundation for an ecological culture. A (...)
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  8. The Egyptian Revolution against the Police.Salwa Ismail - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (2):435-462.
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    Gardening: (De)Constructing Boundaries.Mateusz Salwa - 2022 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 6 (1):36-48.
    This paper discusses gardening as a practice that may be useful in reconsidering how landscape boundaries can be experienced. The assumption is that one should think of landscapes as “entities” which are material, but at the same time may be said to exist only insofar as they are experienced by humans. As such, they are always bounded. In order to show how gardening may be helpful in shaping the boundaries of landscapes two approaches to gardening are discussed: one treats gardening (...)
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  10. The Space of Art History. Mieke Bal\'s preposterousness'.Mateusz Salwa - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:159-174.
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    (1 other version)The Garden as a Performance.Mateusz Salwa - 2014 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 51 (1):42-61.
    The aim of this article is to suggest that one should think of gardens in terms of performances and not necessarily in terms of architecture, painting, or poetry, for it is possible to show that, strangely enough, gardens seem to share certain features with performance arts. Such an approach seems fruitful since it allows one both to grasp the fact that gardens combine culture and nature and to underline the role of the latter, which cannot be reduced to a sheer (...)
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  12.  18
    Philosophy and the Urban Everyday.Mateusz Salwa - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (2):1-8.
    Preview: It is not a gross exaggeration to state that philosophy is an inherently urban phenomenon. Born and largely practiced in the Greek polis, it was developed throughout the ages in various places that more often than not were situated within city walls. Even if, udoubtedly, philosophy has never been limited solely to urban spaces, it has become more and more embedded in cities over the centuries. Consequently, from the 19th century on it has been part and parcel of the (...)
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  13. Forma i fenomen : estetyka fenomenologiczna a interpretacja dzieł sztuki.Mateusz Salwa - 2012 - In Iwona Lorenc, Mateusz Salwa & Piotr Schollenberger, Fenomen i przedstawienie. Francuska estetyka fenomenologiczna - założenia/zastosowania/konteksty. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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  14. Metafizyczny manieryzm.Mateusz Salwa - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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  15.  37
    The Ontology of Landscapes.Adam Andrzejewski & Mateusz Salwa - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:164-182.
    The paper aims at an analysis of the concept of landscape, offering an ontological approach. Our claim is that such a perspective is hardly ever assumed in philosophical aesthetics, even if theories of landscape appreciation are in fact based on tacit ontological assumptions. We argue that having an explicit ontology of landscapes is important, for aesthetic theories of their appreciation are often attacked in terms of the problems caused by their tacit ontologies. Therefore, we sketch an “Experience Ontology” that serves (...)
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  16. Kiedy malowidło staje się obrazem?Mateusz Salwa - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):181-189.
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  17. Sprawozdanie z sesji (Re)discovering aesthetics 9–11.07.2004, University College Cork (Cork, Irlandia).Mateusz Salwa - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 25:254.
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  18. The Unknown Masterpiece by Honore Balzac, or the practical trap of theory.Mateusz Salwa - 2010 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 12:127-142.
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    (1 other version)Znaczenie estetyki przyrody dla etyki środowiskowej.Mateusz Salwa - 2018 - Etyka 56:29-50.
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  20.  31
    Wizualizacje w nauce jako dzieła sztuki.Mateusz Machalski, Mateusz Salwa & Piotr Welk - 2022 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (3).
    Poster ma na celu zaprezentowanie na konkretnym przykładzie wizualizacji w nauce jako dzieła sztuki. Składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza to skrócona wersja artykułu oraz graficzna prezentacji owego skrótu, wygenerowana za pomocą algorytmu uwzględniającego rozkład liter w tekście (kod został dołączony). Druga część to hasła zapisane krojem pisma tak dobranym, aby wywoływał napięcie między wizualną stroną hasła (emocjami, myślami, skojarzeniami związanymi z formą) a jego znaczeniem (treścią). Poster zasadza się na założeniach przedstawionych w artykule. Proponujemy mianowicie, aby spojrzeć na wizualizacje (...)
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  21. Demythicising Fair Trade in France: History of an Ambiguous Construction.Matthieu Gateau, A. Béji-Bécheur & N. Ozçaglar-Toulouse - forthcoming - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies.
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    Fair Trade in France: From Individual Innovators to Contemporary Networks.Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Amina Béji-Bécheur & Patrick E. Murphy - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S4):589-606.
    Fair trade aims at humanising the capitalist economy by serving the community, instead of simply striving for financial profit. The current fair trade sector is an excellent example of an innovation where networks based on ethical principles can help to effectively serve this market. Our analysis is based on 48 interviews amongst fair trade innovators in France and illustrates the advent of a new type of entrepreneur, one that is grounded in the social and solidarity economy (SSE). Based on a (...)
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  23. Moving From Landscapes To Cityscapes And Back: Theoretical And Applied Approaches To Human Environments.Arto Haapala, Beata Frydrykczak & Mateusz Salwa (eds.) - 2020
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  24.  52
    Demystifying Fair Trade in France: The History of an Ambiguous Project.Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Amina Béji-Bécheur, Matthieu Gateau & Philippe Robert-Demontrond - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S2):205-216.
    In France, Fair Trade arrived on the scene in the late twentieth century, and since then has passed through several experimental phases before becoming an enduring "realistic" economic alternative. To understand the transformation, this article defines Fair Trade as a social construct issues and tensions of which change depending on the point of entry. By conducting a secondary analysis of several data sets from varied sources, including documentary material, interviews, and observations, the authors trace the history of Fair Trade in (...)
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  25.  71
    Patients' perception and actual practice of informed consent, privacy and confidentiality in general medical outpatient departments of two tertiary care hospitals of Lahore.Ayesha Humayun, Noor Fatima, Shahid Naqqash, Salwa Hussain, Almas Rasheed, Huma Imtiaz & Sardar Imam - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):14-.
    BackgroundThe principles of informed consent, confidentiality and privacy are often neglected during patient care in developing countries. We assessed the degree to which doctors in Lahore adhere to these principles during outpatient consultations.Material & MethodThe study was conducted at medical out-patient departments (OPDs) of two tertiary care hospitals (one public and one private hospital) of Lahore, selected using multi-stage sampling. 93 patients were selected from each hospital. Doctors' adherence to the principles of informed consent, privacy and confidentiality was observed through (...)
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  26.  55
    Moral Intensity, Issue Characteristics, and Ethical Issue Recognition in Sales Situations.Evelyne Rousselet, Bérangère Brial, Romain Cadario & Amina Béji-Bécheur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):347-363.
    Researchers have considered individual and organizational factors of ethical decision making. However, they have little interest in situational factors :101–125, 2013) which is surprising given the many situations sales persons face. We address this issue using two pilot qualitative studies successively and a 2 by 2 within-subject experiment with sales scenarios. Qualitative and quantitative data are obtained from front-line employees of the main French retail banks that serve low-income customers. We show that the recognition of an ethical issue differs depending (...)
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  27.  16
    (1 other version)Rosario Assunto, Filozofia ogrodu, przeł. M. Salwa.Dawid Winclaw - forthcoming - Ruch Filozoficzny:1.
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  28.  11
    Female physical illness and disability in Arab women’s writing.Abir Hamdar - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (2):189-204.
    This article focuses on the representation of female physical illness and disability in the works of two Arab women writers: Iraqi Alia Mamdouh’s Habbat al Naftalin [Mothballs] (1986) and Egyptian Salwa Bakr’s al ‘Arabah al Dhahabiyah la Tas‘ad ila al Sama’ [The Golden Chariot] (1991). It argues that the representation of female illness in these works centres upon the figure of the sick mother. Despite the limitations of this trope of illness, both novels offer a more complex illness narrative (...)
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  29.  21
    Introduction.Mario Terrone Slugan - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:3-4.
    It is often said that television series are nowadays as good as films, or even better than them, but the philosophical inquiry into the former remains much less developed than the philosophy of film. A handful of recent books (e.g., Nannicelli 2016, Shuster 2017, Andrzejewski and Salwa 2018, Bandirali and Terrone 2021) have tried to fill the gap, but there is much work still to be done. Significant contributions to the aesthetics of television series are coming from television studies (...)
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