Results for 'Sal Ferreras'

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  1. Accident by Design Creating and Discovering Beauty.Daniel Conrad, Jeanne Slater, Sal Ferreras, Bill T. Jones & J. Michael Bishop - 1997 - University of California Extension Center for Media and Independent Learning.
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  2. In Defense of Workplace Democracy: Towards a Justification of the Firm–State Analogy.Isabelle Ferreras & Hélène Landemore - 2015 - Political Theory 44 (1):53-81.
    In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, an important conceptual battleground for democratic theorists ought to be, it would seem, the capitalist firm. We are now painfully aware that the typical model of government in so-called investor-owned companies remains profoundly oligarchic, hierarchical, and unequal. Renewing with the literature of the 1970s and 1980s on workplace democracy, a few political theorists have started to advocate democratic reforms of the workplace by relying on an analogy between firm and state. To (...)
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    Politics, History and Logic in Max Weber.Maurizio Ferrera - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):4-19.
    The article illustrates the different meanings of the term “logic” in Weber's work and then proceeds to discuss his approach to the explanation of historical events and in particular to counterfactual analysis. Weber's epistemology is first situated within the neo-Kantian debates of his time as well as legal positivism and historical jurisprudence. The article then focuses on this author's conception of science as a value sphere, on the aims and methods of explanation in the social and historical sciences and on (...)
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    Ética vital en Ortega y Gasset.José Antonio Parra Ferreras - 2015 - Endoxa 36:213.
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  5. La vuelta de fray Luis a Salamanca en 1577: Edicción del Pleito por la hora de clase.José Manuel Ferreras & Guadalupe Sardiña - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (97):357-436.
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  6. No tener un hogar es mucho más que estar sin techo.Sonia Olea Ferreras - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):49-53.
    En los últimos meses no hay día que no leamos en las noticias o escuchemos en la radio la tragedia de una familia, grupos de jóvenes o de personas mayores que son expulsadas de sus viviendas. Incluso las redes sociales se hacen eco al instante de procesos de desahucio en muchos barrios de nuestras ciudades.
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    Reforming the European social model: dilemmas and perspectives.Maurizio Ferrera - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (5):587-598.
    The creation of the welfare state has been one of the most significant achievements of the “long” twentieth century, now come to a close. Yet, since at least the 1980s the welfare state has been the object of heated controversy. The capacity of social policy to reconcile economic growth with social justice has been put into serious question, especially in the light of the so-called “globalization” process. More and more frequently, efficiency and equality, growth and redistribution, competitiveness and solidarity are (...)
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  8. Chtoby vsegda po spravedlivosti.I︠U︡riĭ Salʹnikov - 1968 - Moskva,: "Mol. Gvardii︠a︡,".
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    Free Words to Free Manifesta: Some Experiments in Art as Gift.Sal Randolph - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):61-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 61-73 [Access article in PDF] Free Words to Free ManifestaSome Experiments in Art as Gift Sal Randolph Free Words It began this way. Standing nervously in a bookstore, in front of the section on literary theory, hidden from the eyes of the staff, I reached my hand into my bag like a thief and pulled out a hot pink book. I looked up (...)
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    Utopian Views of Spanish Zarzuela.Carlos Ferrera - 2015 - Utopian Studies 26 (2):366-382.
    Zarzuela, as a musical, humorous, and theatrical genre, was similar to operetta and weighed heavily in creating a utopian viewpoint in Spain at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. Such an assertion may contradict the widespread idea that utopian literature was scarce in the country and that the existence of some exceptions only confirms the rule. True, there are not many self-declared utopian works in the period in question. On the whole, utopian ideas were (...)
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  11. Memoire d'une splendeur. Memoire d'une passion.Gema Gonzalez Ferrera - 2009 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 122:187-199.
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    The Age of the Social: The Discovery of Society and the Ascendance of a New Episteme.Sal P. Restivo - 2018 - Routledge.
    The concept of society sui generis ¿ society as a level of reality which could be studied scientifically ¿ crystallized in the middle of the nineteenth century in Europe, with the work of Durkheim, Marx and Weber and today, more than at any other period in history, the idea of the social has gained a foothold in philosophy, biology, and neuroscience. However, this idea has emerged into prominence not through the historical or contemporary efforts of sociologists, but mainly through the (...)
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    Falter, G., Staatsideale unserer Klassiker.M. Salοmο - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
  14.  20
    Postmodern Mathematics.Mohammad Sal Moslehian - forthcoming - Epistemologia.
  15.  20
    Platón: Posibilidad de la existencia de la doctrina no escrita.Florencia Sal - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 5:195-209.
  16. Sintaksicheskie poli︠a︡ i semanticheskoe modelirovanie: na baze znacheniĭ nemet︠s︡kikh pridatochnykh predlozheniĭ.D. A. Salʹkova - 1983 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  17. Role perceptions and job satisfaction of community college faculty.Sal Corbin - 2001 - Inquiry (ERIC) 6 (1):43-52.
  18. Women's agency in the context of neoliberalism.Marlene Ferreras - 2020 - In Philip Clayton, James W. Walters & John Martin Fischer, What's with free will?: ethics and religion after neuroscience. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    Dialogues with Scientists and Sages: The Search for Unity. Renee Weber.Sal Restivo - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):255-256.
  20.  34
    Mathematics as a Cultural System. Raymond L. Wilder.Sal Restivo - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):450-451.
  21.  18
    Red, Black, and Objective: Science, Sociology, and Anarchism.Sal P. Restivo - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Objectivity revisited and revised -- The social theory of objectivity and its problems -- Sociology : a Copernican revolution changes how we think about science and mathematics -- Science studies : sociological theory and social criticism -- Math studies and the anarchist agenda -- Anarchism and modern science -- What's mind got to do with it? -- Science, religion, and anarchism : the end of God and the beginning of inquiry -- A manifesto in anarcho-sociology -- Appendix. A dialogue on (...)
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  22. La concepción de la muerte en el Relato de Er en la República de Platón.Florencia Sal - 2000 - A Parte Rei 12:3.
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    Objectivity, Political Order, and Responsibility in Max Weber’s Thought.Maurizio Ferrera - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (3):256-293.
    Weber’s conception of politics has long been interpreted in relativistic and “agonistic” terms. Such interpretations neglect Weber’s notion of “objectivity” as well as the complex links between politics as “community,” on the one hand, and as “value sphere,” on the other. Seen against this backdrop, Berufpolitik becomes a balancing act in which the pursuit of subjective values is objectively constrained not only by the ethic of responsibility, but more generally by the political imperative to safeguard the preconditions for communal order (...)
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  24.  64
    The myth of the Kuhnian revolution.Sal Restivo - 1983 - Sociological Theory 1:293-305.
  25. Mathematics and Civilization.Sal Restivo & Randall Collins - 2010 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 25.
  26.  14
    Solidarity in Europe after the Crisis.Maurizio Ferrera - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):222-238.
  27.  65
    On Social Structure and Science. Robert K. Merton, Piotr Sztompka.Sal Restivo - 1998 - Isis 89 (1):172-173.
  28. The Sturm und Drang of Mathematics: Casualties, Consequences, and Contingencies in the Math Wars.Sal Restivo & Deborah Sloan - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 20.
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  29. De illusie van de ondergang.Sal Tas - 1946 - Amsterdam,: De Bezige bij.
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  30.  12
    Book Reviews : Zen and the Art of Science Studies Artificial Experts: Social Knowledge and Intelligent Machines, by H. M. Collins. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990. [REVIEW]Sal Restivo - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (3):402-405.
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    Miguel Ángel NÚÑEZ BELTRÁN (coord.): Synodicon Baeticum III: Constituciones conciliares y sinodales de las diócesis de Cádiz, Ceuta y Córdoba. Sevilla Universidad de Sevilla, 2017. 282 pp. + 642 (CD). [REVIEW]Lourdes Sivianes Ferrera de Castro - 2020 - Isidorianum 27 (53):203-205.
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    Il caso del Teatro Sociale di Sondrio per la fisionomia del pubblico teatrale otto-novecentesco.Giacomo Della Ferrera - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):147-166.
    Il Teatro Sociale di Sondrio, inaugurato nel 1824, rappresenta tra XIX e XX secolo il più importante centro teatrale dell’intera Valtellina. Considerando anche l’importanza che riveste nella storia locale, il teatro sondriese può essere preso come esempio attraverso cui riconoscere, da un punto di vista particolare, le evoluzioni a cui va incontro la drammaturgia italiana a cavallo dei due secoli. Lo studio dei manifesti conservati negli archivi e lo spoglio dei periodici locali hanno permesso di analizzare le modalità e le (...)
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    Introduction: Utopias and Dystopias in Modern Spain.Carlos Ferrera & Juan Pro - 2015 - Utopian Studies 26 (2):326-328.
    Utopianism has found expression in several ways throughout history and has reflected the peculiarities of the cultural, political, social, and economic settings in which it has come about. Spain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has been no exception, because while the country has not occupied a significant place in the dominant historical narrative of utopias, recent research has begun to show that it was indeed where many tracts with utopian—and, by way of correlation, dystopian—content came on the scene. Whether (...)
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    Mass democracy, the welfare state and European integration: A neo-Weberian analysis.Maurizio Ferrera - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (2):165-183.
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    The Partitocracy of Health. Towards a New Welfare Politics in Italy?Maurizio Ferrera - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (2):447-59.
    This article illustrates the relationships between political parties and the healthcare sector in Italy since the 1950s. The several was though which parties have "exploited" health policics are explored, ranging from the selective extension of care entitlements to the various occupational categories to the clientelistic ties with doctors, from the placement of party personnell in the various administrative posts to illegal financing. The author argues that the partitocratie exploitation of the health care sector has greatly contributed to the failure of (...)
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  36.  14
    Citation for Bernard Barber, 1995 Bernal Prize Recipient.Sal Restivo - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (3):340-341.
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    STS and the Unabomber: Personal Essays.Sal Restivo - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (1):87-105.
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  38.  36
    Math Worlds: Philosophical and Social Studies of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.Sal Restivo, Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Roland Fischer (eds.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    An international group of distinguished scholars brings a variety of resources to bear on the major issues in the study and teaching of mathematics, and on the problem of understanding mathematics as a cultural and social phenomenon. All are guided by the notion that our understanding of mathematical knowledge must be grounded in and reflect the realities of mathematical practice. Chapters on the philosophy of mathematics illustrate the growing influence of a pragmatic view in a field traditionally dominated by platonic (...)
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  39.  19
    Electrophysiological indices of pain expectation abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients.Paloma Barjola, Irene Peláez, David Ferrera, José Luis González-Gutiérrez, Lilian Velasco, Cecilia Peñacoba-Puente, Almudena López-López, Roberto Fernandes-Magalhaes & Francisco Mercado - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:943976.
    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by dysfunctional processing of nociceptive stimulation. Neuroimaging studies have pointed out that pain-related network functioning seems to be altered in these patients. It is thought that this clinical symptomatology may be maintained or even strengthened because of an enhanced expectancy for painful stimuli or its forthcoming appearance. However, neural electrophysiological correlates associated with such attentional mechanisms have been scarcely explored. In the current study, expectancy processes of upcoming laser stimulation (painful and non-painful) and (...)
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  40. La Vuelta De Fray Luis De León A Salamanca. Edición Del Pleito Por La Hora De Clase.J. Ferreras Fernandez & G. SardiÑa Gonzalez - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32:357-436.
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  41. All Human Beings as Mathematical Workers: Sociology of Mathematics as a Voice in Support of the Ethnomathematics Posture and Against Essentialism.Mônica Mesquita & Sal Restivo - 2013 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 27.
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    Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physics. Sharon Traweek. [REVIEW]Sal Restivo - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (3):507-509.
  43. The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics: Studies in Social Structure, Interests, and Ideas.Sal Restivo - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):226-228.
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  44.  50
    The Social Life of Mathematics.Sal Restivo - 1988 - Philosophica 42.
  45.  9
    Sociology, science, and the end of philosophy: how society shapes brains, gods, maths, and logics.Sal P. Restivo - 2017 - London, United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book offers a unique analysis of how ideas about science and technology in the public and scientific imaginations (in particular about maths, logic, the gene, the brain, god, and robots) perpetuate the false reality that values and politics are separate from scientific knowledge and its applications. These ideas are reinforced by cultural myths about free will and individualism. Restivo makes a compelling case for a synchronistic approach in the study of these notoriously 'hard' cases, arguing that their significance reaches (...)
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    La verità al potere: sei diritti aletici.Franca D'Agostini & Maurizio Ferrera (eds.) - 2019 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
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  47. Corporativismo e Parlamentarismo.Ugo Spirito, Sal Valitutti & Antimo Negri - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (3):353-355.
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    Citation for David Bloor.Sal Restivo - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (3):369-370.
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    Code of the Quipu: A Study in Media, Mathematics, and Culture. Marcia Ascher, Robert Ascher.Sal Restivo - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):296-297.
  50.  11
    Commentary: Some Perspectives in Contemporary Sociology of Science.Sal Restivo - 1981 - Science, Technology and Human Values 6 (2):22-30.
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