Results for 'Saadi Lahlou'

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    The propagation of social representations.Saadi Lahlou - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):157–175.
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    Women With Obesity Are Not as Curvy as They Think: Consequences on Their Everyday Life Behavior.Isabel Urdapilleta, Saadi Lahlou, Samuel Demarchi & Jean-Marc Catheline - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. An Introduction to the Theory of Human Innate Nature.Abbas Ahmadi Saadi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 3 (1):173-193.
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    La construction de l'identité de l'autre à travers des textes littéraires français, de Chateaubriand à Camus.Hacène Saadi - 2001 - Hermes 30:137.
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  5. Conceptual Metaphors in North African French-speaking News Discourse about COVID-19.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Abdul Rahim - 2022 - Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 11 (3):589-600.
    Conceptual metaphors have received much attention in research on discourse about infectious diseases in recent years. Most studies found that conceptual metaphors of war dominate media discourse about disease. Similarly, a great deal of research has been undertaken on the new coronavirus, i.e., COVID-19, especially in the English news discourse as opposed to other languages. The present study, in contrast, analyses the conceptual metaphors used in COVID-19 discourse in French-language newspapers. The study explored the linguistic metaphors used in COVID-19 discourse (...)
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  6. Culture and Conceptualisation of Scientific Terms: An Analysis of the Concepts "Weight" and "Mass" in Arabic and French.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Rahim - 2016 - Kemanusiaan 23 (Supp. 2):19-37.
    Studies on difficulties in understanding scientific terms have shown that the problem is more serious among non-Western learners. The main reasons for this are the learners' pre-existing knowledge of scientific terms, their native language incommensurability with Western languages, and the polysemy of the words used to denote scientific concepts. The current study is an analysis of the conceptualisation of scientific concepts in two culturally different languages, i.e. Arabic and French, which represent a non-Western language and a Western language respectively. Physics (...)
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  7. A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Concept TEMPERATURE in English and Arabic.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Rahim - 2013 - Arab World English Journal 2 (Special issue):118-128.
    For various historical, political as well as economic reasons, the English language is favoured as the universal language of science over other languages including French and German (Tardy, 2004). This naturally entails that students who are conversant in English have an advantage over those who are not in the acquisition of scientific knowledge. In relation to this, research on the misunderstanding of scientific terms in different languages shows that students who are speakers of non-western languages in particular face difficulties in (...)
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  8. Concepts in Physics: A Comparative Cognitive Analysis of Arabic and French Terminologies.Hicham Lahlou - 2021 - Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia Berhad (ITBM).
    This book offers substantial insight into students’ conceptualization of scientific terminology. The current book explores the commonalities and distinctions between Arabic and French physics terms, and the impact of the language disparities on students’ understanding of physics terms. This book adopts a novel approach to the problem of scientific terminology by exploring physics terms’ polysemy, prototypical meanings, and conceptual metaphor and metonymy, which motivates their extension of meaning. The book also investigates how the linguistic discrepancies and other variables affect the (...)
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  9. The fine line between compounds and portmanteau words in English: A prototypical analysis.Hicham Lahlou & Imran Ho Abdullah - 2021 - Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 17 (4):1684-1694.
    The current paper investigates two productive morphological processes, namely compounds and portmanteau words (or blends). While compounds, a productive, regular and predicable morphological process, have received much attention in the literature, little attention was paid to portmanteau words, a creative, irregular and unpredictable word formation process. The present paper aims to find the commonalities and differences between these morphological devices, using Rosch et al.’s (1975; 1976) theory of prototypes and basic-level categories to achieve this goal. This theory will also be (...)
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  10. The Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Concept of ‫سرعة‬ (Speed) in Arabic.Hicham Lahlou - 2023 - Awej 7 (1):21-32.
    Despite the wide range of studies on how students’ past knowledge influences their understanding of scientific terminology, few studies were conducted to compare non-scientific language with scientific language, or rather everyday language with scientific language, from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The present paper aims to determine the cognitive mechanisms, i.e., image schemas, conceptual metaphor, and conceptual metonymy, which underpin the conceptualisation of the Arabic term سرعة (speed), using a conceptual metaphor theory framework. Thus, the research question guiding this study is: (...)
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  11. A Corpus-based Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Pre-existing Knowledge of Scientific Terminology: The Case of English Energy and Arabic طَاقَة (ṭāqa).Hicham Lahlou - 2020 - Arab World English Journal for Translation and Literary Studies 4 (1):3-13.
    The present paper aims to broaden the current understanding of students’ misconception of scientific terminology by identifying the gaps between Arabic and English scientific terminologies and between everyday language and scientific language. The paper compares the polysemy, prototypes, and motivating factors of English energy with those of Arabic طَاقَة (ṭāqa), with more focus on students’ prior knowledge. The study employs Lakoff’s (1987) idealized cognitive models and Rosch’s (1975) prototype theory to reveal the radial members of both categories, i.e., energy and (...)
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  12. The Inclusion of Polysemes in Non-native English Textbooks: A Corpus-based Study.Hicham Lahlou & Hajar Abdul Rahim - 2023 - Arab World English Journal 14 (2):19-29.
    Despite the large number of studies conducted on polysemy, they mostly compare the different methods and techniques to learn a language and establish the extent to which particular sense relations facilitate the learning of second language vocabulary. To our best knowledge, no research has been conducted to determine whether or not polysemy is emphasized in non-native English textbooks. The objective of the present research was to determine the degree to which polysemy is incorporated in English textbooks. Thus, the research question (...)
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  13. A Cognitive corpus-based study of exocentric compounds in English.Hicham Lahlou & Imran Ho Abdullah - 2022 - Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 18 (1):1021-1032.
    Exocentric compounding is a creative morphological process that contributes to the English lexicon. However, because it lacks a syntactic or semantic head, it was deemed an exceptional case in most word-formation literature and hence neglected. Previous work has only been limited to syntax-based grammar and the notion of headedness and thus failed to address the other linguistic rules that constrain exocentric compounds. The current paper aims to identify the frequency of exocentric compounds and thus to determine their viability. The research (...)
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  14. A Cognitive Approach to Compounds and Blends: Revising the Linguistic Approach to Blends.Hicham Lahlou & Imran Ho Abdullah - 2012 - Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
    In the traditional view, blends, unlike compounds, are excluded from grammar and word-formation, so they are considered dichotomous under the either-or methodology. This research studies the nature of the relationship between compounds and blends from a cognitive linguistic perspective. A data set on both neologisms is investigated to determine whether the border between them is clear. Consequently, the researcher's first assumption is confirmed in that the boundaries between compounds and blends are blurred, finding out cases that belong to the fuzzy (...)
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  15. (1 other version)The influence of Prior Knowledge on Learning Scientific Terminology: A Corpus-based Cognitive Linguistic Study of ACCELERATION in Arabic and English.Hicham Lahlou - 2020 - Awej 4 (1):148-160.
    The current paper expands on previous work done on the influence of learners’ language and preexisting knowledge on understanding physics terminology by exploring the concept of ACCELERATION in Arabic and English. The study attempts to answer two questions: (1) what are the similarities and differences between the polysemy of Arabic تَسَارُع (tasāruʿ) (acceleration) and the polysemy of English acceleration, and (2) to what extent do prototypes and factors motivating the conceptualization of تَسَارُع (tasāruʿ) and the conceptualization of acceleration converge or (...)
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    Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?Ashrafee Hossain, Samir Saadi & Abu S. Amin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1171-1198.
    Does CEO tolerance to risk affect a firm’s long-run sustainability? Using CEO insider debt holding, we show that CEO’s risk-aversion encourages immoral yet rational decisions of emitting more greenhouse gas thereby adversely affecting the firm’s long-run sustainability. Our result is robust to several endogeneity tests including a quasi-natural experiment. Our finding also suggest that to mitigate potential adverse reactions from stakeholders, carbon emitting firms with risk-averse CEOs tend to spend more on CSR activities. Much of the heterogeneity in our results (...)
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  17. The conceptualisation of science terminology: A cognitive linguistic analysis of the categories electricity and light in Arabic.Hicham Lahlou - 2018 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research 4 (2):75-80.
    The present article focuses on the conceptual structures of two Arabic words which are used in both everyday life and science: كَهْرَبَاء (kahrabāʾ) (electricity) and ضَوْء (ḍawʾ) (light). Under a cognitive linguistics approach, the polysemy of these terms, revealed in the citations extracted from ArabiCorpus, is studied. More specifically, the analysis of the terms involves the polysemy or ‘radial category’ along with its prototypical and peripheral meanings, and the main factors in projecting the idealised cognitive models (ICMs) where the radial (...)
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  18. Multinational Visitors’ Framing of Al-Qarawiyyin University: An Analysis of Google Reviews.Hicham Lahlou - 2023 - Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences 5 (3):437-447.
    The present study investigated the viewpoints of visitors and their experiences with al-Qarawiyyin as conveyed through Google Reviews. The study aimed to determine the primary aspects that underlie the visitors’ experiences at al-Qarawiyyin and to examine these experiences through sentiment. This research examined both quantitative ratings and qualitative comments. The reviews were obtained from Google by utilizing the Google Review Downloader tool. The reviews underwent content analysis in order to categorize them into distinct aspects or categories. Subsequently, a sentiment analysis (...)
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  19. Image schemas in the Great Gatsby: A cognitive linguistic analysis of the protagonist’s psychological movement.Hicham Lahlou, Jun Zhou & Yasir Azam - 2023 - Cogent Arts and Humanities 10 (2):1-19.
    Most research on image schema examined the meaning configuration of words connotation. However, previous studies of adjectives are meaningful in cognitive linguistics because they provide insight into how those adjectives are involved with psychological movement. In this sense, from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, one’s conceptualization and cognition are closely associated with their bodily experience and surroundings; adjectives are no exception. The varieties of transformations of image schemas lay the foundation for the conception and perception. Accordingly, this study is an (...)
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  20. A Corpus-Based Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Taste Words: The Case of English “Bitter” and Chinese Ku.Hicham Lahlou, Zhang Ting & Yasir Azam - 2023 - KEMANUSIAAN the Asian Journal of Humanities 30 (Supp. 1):43–72.
    This study explores the polysemy of the word “bitter” in English and ku in Chinese. It examines the similarities and differences between their semantics and identifies the cognitive mechanisms that motivate their semantic expansion. The study attempts to answer two questions: (1) What are the similarities and differences between Chinese ku and English “bitter” in terms of meaning? (2) What cognitive mechanisms motivate meaning extensions of these two words? To this end, 汉语大词典 (Chinese Dictionary), 英汉大词典 (English-Chinese Dictionary), the British National (...)
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    A 3D Individual-Based Model to Study Effects of Chemotaxis, Competition and Diffusion on the Motile-Phytoplankton Aggregation.Ilhem Bouderbala, Nadjia El Saadi, Alassane Bah & Pierre Auger - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):257-278.
    In this paper, we develop a 3D-individual-based model to understand effect of various small-scale mechanisms in phytoplankton cells, on the cellular aggregation process. These mechanisms are: spatial interactions between cells due to their chemosensory abilities, a molecular diffusion and a demographical process. The latter is considered as a branching process with a density-dependent death rate to take into account the local competition on resources. We implement the IBM and simulate various scenarios under real parameter values for phytoplankton cells. To quantify (...)
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    Nafssiya, or Edward Said's Affective Phenomenology of Racism.Norman Saadi Nikro - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book adapts the Arabic term nafsiyya to trace the phenomenological contours of Edward Said’s analysis of the affective dimensions of colonial and imperial racism. Reflecting on what he called his “colonial education,” Said rendered his Palestinian/Arab background and experience of racism an enabling component of his academic work. The argument focuses on his “personal dimension” section in his introduction to his famous volume Orientalism, discussing key notions of Said’s oeuvre—such as ‘elaboration,’ ‘circumstance,’ ‘humanism,’ ‘worldliness,’ ‘inventory,’ and ‘critical consciousness.’ Providing (...)
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  23. Should doctors inform terminally ill patients? The opinions of nationals and doctors in the United Arab Emirates.A. Harrison, A. M. al-Saadi, A. S. al-Kaabi, M. R. al-Kaabi, S. S. al-Bedwawi, S. O. al-Kaabi & S. B. al-Neaimi - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (2):101-107.
    OBJECTIVES: To study the opinions of nationals (Emiratis) and doctors practising in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with regard to informing terminally ill patients. DESIGN: Structured questionnaires administered during January 1995. SETTING: The UAE, a federation of small, rich, developing Arabian Gulf states. PARTICIPANTS: Convenience samples of 100 Emiratis (minimum age 15 years) and of 50 doctors practising in government hospitals and clinics. RESULTS: Doctors emerged as consistently less in favour of informing than the Emiratis were, whether the patient was (...)
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    Agreements of Yahya bin Hamza Al-Alawi (d. 749 AH) with Al-Zamakhshari (d. 538 AH) in his book Al-Azhar Al-Safiya in explaining the Muqaddima Al-Kafiya. [REVIEW]Sondos Ahmed Mohammed Al-Saadi & Dr Abdullah Ahmed Hamza Al-Nahari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1690-1712.
    The importance of this topic is manifested in its highlighting a facet of grammatical opinions in Arabic grammar that some grammarians uniquely held. It also showcases the critical personality that these grammarians possessed, which enabled them to present new views, even if they contradicted the grammatical school to which they belonged. An example of this is Al-Zamakhshari, whose grammatical opinions were recognized by Al-Alawi for their quality and precision, making them worthy of support. This led Al-Alawi to agree with Al-Zamakhshari, (...)
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    What do linker histones do in chromatin?Alan P. Wolffe, Saadi Khochbin & Stefan Dimitrov - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (3):249-255.
    Knockout experiments in Tetrahymena show that linker histone H1 is not essential for nuclear assembly or cell viability. These results, together with a series of biochemical and cell biological observations, challenge the existing paradigm that requires linker histones to be a key organizing component of higher‐order chromatin structure. The H1 Knockouts also reveal a much more subtle role for H1. Instead of acting as a general transcriptional repressor, H1 is found to regulate a limited number of specific genes. Surprisingly, H1 (...)
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  26.  67
    Fact and Fiction in Plato's Ion.Rana Saadi Liebert - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):179-218.
    Plato's Ion develops a concept of fiction distinct from the mimetic accounts of poetry found in the Republic and Aristotle's Poetics. The dialogue dramatically exposes the fictionality of poetry by (1) revealing a disparity between propositional and poetic semantics, (2) identifying the paradox of belief in imaginary worlds, and (3) showing that fictional constructions emerge from novel arrangements of real-world facts. Ultimately, the Ion examines the fraught relationship between literature and the real world, and the peculiar nature of literary knowledge, (...)
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    Tragic Pleasure From Homer to Plato.Rana Saadi Liebert - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a resolution of the paradox posed by the pleasure of tragedy by returning to its earliest articulations in archaic Greek poetry and its subsequent emergence as a philosophical problem in Plato's Republic. Socrates' claim that tragic poetry satisfies our 'hunger for tears' hearkens back to archaic conceptions of both poetry and mourning that suggest a common source of pleasure in the human appetite for heightened forms of emotional distress. By unearthing a psychosomatic model of aesthetic engagement implicit (...)
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  28. Interactional multimodal metadiscourse in public health posters during the COVID-19 pandemic.Aisha Saadi Al-Subhi - 2025 - Pragmatics and Society 16 (2):255-281.
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    Does Religion Matter to Equity Pricing?Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Yang Ni, Jeffrey Pittman & Samir Saadi - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):491-518.
    For a sample comprising 36,105 U.S. firm-year observations from 1985 to 2008, we find that firms located in more religious counties enjoy cheaper equity financing costs. This result is robust to a battery of sensitivity tests, including alternative assumptions and model specifications, additional controls for noise in analyst forecasts, and various approaches to addressing endogeneity. In another set of tests, we find that the equity pricing role that religion plays comes predominantly from Mainline Protestants. We also document that the effect (...)
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    Precaution : Do Not Proceed.Ahmed B. Al-Khafaji, Ali Moughania & Mohammed Al-Saadi - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):23-25.
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    Regulatory cross-talk between lysine acetylation and ubiquitination: role in the control of protein stability.C.�Cile Caron, Cyril Boyault & Saadi Khochbin - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):408-415.
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    The viral control of cellular acetylation signaling.Cécile Caron, Edwige Col & Saadi Khochbin - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (1):58-65.
    It is becoming clear that the post‐translational modification of histone and non‐histone proteins by acetylation is part of an important cellular signaling process controling a wide variety of functions in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Recent investigations designate this signaling pathway as one of the primary targets of viral proteins after infection. Indeed, specific viral proteins have acquired the capacity to interact with cellular acetyltransferases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs) and consequently to disrupt normal acetylation signaling pathways, thereby affecting viral (...)
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    Asymmetric nuclear reprogramming in somatic cell nuclear transfer?Pasqualino Loi, Nathalie Beaujean, Saadi Khochbin, Josef Fulka & Grazyna Ptak - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (1):66-74.
    Despite the progress achieved over the last decade after the birth of the first cloned mammal, the efficiency of reproductive cloning remains invariably low. However, research aiming at the use of nuclear transfer for the production of patient‐tailored stem cells for cell/tissue therapy is progressing rapidly. Yet, reproductive cloning has many potential implications for animal breeding, transgenic research and the conservation of endangered species. In this article we suggest that the changes in the epi‐/genotype observed in cloned embryos arise from (...)
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  34.  30
    Positive emotions in the ancient world - Caston, kaster hope, joy, and affection in the classical world. Pp. XII + 282. New York: Oxford university press, 2016. Cased, £47.99, us$74. Isbn: 978-0-19-027829-8. [REVIEW]Rana Saadi Liebert - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (2):545-548.
  35.  48
    Histone crotonylation specifically marks the haploid male germ cell gene expression program.Emilie Montellier, Sophie Rousseaux, Yingming Zhao & Saadi Khochbin - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):187-193.
    The haploid male germ cell differentiation program controls essential steps of male gametogenesis and relies partly on a significant number of sex chromosome‐linked genes. These genes need to escape chromosome‐wide transcriptional repression of sex chromosomes, which occurs during meiosis and is largely maintained in post‐meiotic cells. A newly discovered histone lysine modification, crotonylation (Kcr), marks X/Y‐linked genes that are active in post‐meiotic male germ cells. Histone Kcr, by conferring resistance to transcriptional repressors, could be a dominant element in maintaining these (...)
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    Investigating Four English Translations of Selected Poems from the Bustan of Saadi Using Catford’s theory of Shifts.Enayat A. Shabani - 2021 - Literary Interdisciplinary Research 3 (5):191-214.
    Using Catford’s shifts (1965), this study is an attempt to investigate four English translations by Clarke (1879), Davie (1882), Edwards (1911) and Wickens (1984) of selected poems from the Bustan of Saadi, the eminent Persian poet and writer. Five poems were randomly selected from the Bustan. Every line of the selected poems was investigated by the raters and placed in the related shift type specified by Catford (1965), namely level shift and category shift which in turn includes class shift, (...)
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  37.  22
    Tragic Pleasure from Homer to Plato by Rana Saadi Liebert.Eirene Visvardi - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (1):167-171.
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    Religious and Political Dimensions of the Battle of Wadi Al-Makhazin.Fatima Salim Altarawneh - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):215-227.
    European nations like Portugal and Spain, driven by its crusading zeal, carried out their religious and political agenda by spreading Catholicism in the Maghreb and stopping the pursuit of fugitives (Muslims and Jews). The current study aims to narrate the events of the Battle of Wadi al-Makhazin and its religious and political dimensions, which deprived the Papacy of regaining its glory in activating the Inquisition, and forcing Muslims and Jews in Spain and Portugal to convert to Catholicism. Adopting a historical (...)
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    El conjunto religioso de Bāb Dukkāla: Levantamiento y análisis.Iñigo Almela Legorburu - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (2):333-386.
    The present research studies with depth the mosque of Bāb Dukkāla at Marrakech, an architectural masterpiece created under the Saadian dynasty during the sixteenth century. The main aim of this study is to complete an accurate survey, by photogrammetry process, of the main building, but also of the related and adjoining buildings. These documentation and global analysis allow us to recognize a clearly religious complex designed to be well integrated in its urban context. In addition, spatial, constructive and ornamental aspects (...)
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