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Sally Sheldon [16]Signy Sheldon [6]S. Sheldon [4]Sheldon Sheldon [2]
Sue Sheldon [2]Solomon Sheldon [1]
  1.  28
    Schema-related eye movements support episodic simulation.Jordana S. Wynn, Ruben D. I. Van Genugten, Signy Sheldon & Daniel L. Schacter - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 100 (C):103302.
  2. Beyond control: Medical power and abortion law (kate diesfeld).S. Sheldon - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (1):95-98.
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  3. Should selecting saviour siblings be banned?S. Sheldon - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):533-537.
    By using tissue typing in conjunction with preimplantation genetic diagnosis doctors are able to pick a human embryo for implantation which, if all goes well, will become a “saviour sibling”, a brother or sister capable of donating life-saving tissue to an existing child.This paper addresses the question of whether this form of selection should be banned and concludes that it should not. Three main prohibitionist arguments are considered and found wanting: the claim that saviour siblings would be treated as commodities; (...)
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    Guest editorial: Care not criminalisation; reform of British abortion law is long overdue.Sally Sheldon & Jonathan Lord - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):523-524.
    Megan1 is a young teenage patient who suffered a stillbirth at 28 weeks, leading to a year long police investigation dropped only after postmortem tests found that her pregnancy was lost due to natural causes. The stress of the investigation and her isolation from friends and support network following the seizure of her mobile and laptop compounded the trauma of the stillbirth, leaving her requiring emergency psychiatric care. Aisha1 is a vulnerable patient who suffered a premature delivery, having experienced similar (...)
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  5. Female Genital Mutilation and Cosmetic Surgery: Regulating Non‐Therapeutic Body Modification.Sally Sheldon & Stephen Wilkinson - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (4):263–285.
    In the UK, female genital mutilation is unlawful, not only when performed on minors, but also when performed on adult women. The aim of our paper is to examine several arguments which have been advanced in support of this ban and to assess whether they are sufficient to justify banning female genital mutilation for competent, consenting women. We proceed by comparing female genital mutilation, which is banned, with cosmetic surgery, towards which the law has taken a very permissive stance. We (...)
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    Altering access to autobiographical episodes with prior semantic knowledge.Signy Sheldon, Sarah Peters & Louis Renoult - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 86:103039.
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    Emotional cue effects on accessing and elaborating upon autobiographical memories.Signy Sheldon, Kayla Williams, Shannon Harrington & A. Ross Otto - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104217.
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  8. Reproductive technologies and the legal determination of fatherhood.Sally Sheldon - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (3):349-362.
    In Re D is the most recent in a line of cases to raise problems with the determination of legal fatherhood under s.28(3) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. The judgments in In Re D are interesting in particular because they demonstrate the growing currency of the idea that a child has a right to ‘genetic truth’. They also further evidence the ‘fragmentation of fatherhood’. This case is best understood as part of a complex and ongoing negotiation of (...)
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  9. Feminist perspectives on health care law.Sally Sheldon & Michael Thomson (eds.) - 1998 - London: Cavendish.
    This book brings together new work by some of the foremost writers in the health care law arena. It presents exciting new insights,drawing on feminist theory and methodology to further our understanding of health care law. Whilst the book makes a real contribution to both feminist debates and the analysis of this area of law, it is also accessible to the undergraduate student who is approaching this area of legal scholarship and feminist jurisprudence for the first time. Its focus is (...)
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    Gender Equality and Reproductive Decision-Making.Sally Sheldon - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (3):303-316.
    In Evans, both the U.K. High Court and Court of Appeal upheld Howard Johnston’s right to refuse Natallie Evans access to the stored embryos which represented her only hope of having a child which was genetically her own. In this note, I focus on claims of gender (in)equality in the resolution of Evans. My argument is that such claims are often made all too easily, without full consideration of the problems of advancing them in the context of procreative decision-making, where (...)
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    Targeting schema change in social anxiety via autobiographical memory reconstruction.Signy Sheldon, Luke Atack, Nguyet Ngo, Morris Moscovitch & David A. Moscovitch - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Negative self-schemas are fundamental to social anxiety disorder and contribute to its persistence, thus understanding how to change schemas is of critical importance. Memory-based interventions and associated theories propose that reconstructing autobiographical memories tethered to schemas with conceptual details that challenge the associated expectations will lead to schema change. Here, we test this proposal in a between-subjects behavioural experiment with undergraduate participants with social anxiety. All participants were asked to recall aversive social memories, evaluated these memories on a series of (...)
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  12.  77
    “No Father Required”? The Welfare Assessment in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008.Julie McCandless & Sally Sheldon - 2010 - Feminist Legal Studies 18 (3):201-225.
    Of all the changes to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 that were introduced in 2008 by legislation of the same name, foremost to excite media attention and popular controversy was the amendment of the so-called welfare clause. This clause forms part of the licensing conditions which must be met by any clinic before offering those treatment services covered by the legislation. The 2008 Act deleted the statutory requirement that clinicians consider the need for a father of any potential (...)
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  13.  88
    Consent agreements for cryopreserved embryos: the case for choice.Peter D. Sozou, Sally Sheldon & Geraldine M. Hartshorne - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):230-233.
    Under current UK law, an embryo cannot be transferred to a woman's uterus without the consent of both of its genetic parents, that is both of the people from whose gametes the embryo was created. This consent can be withdrawn at any time before the embryo transfer procedure. Withdrawal of consent by one genetic parent can result in the other genetic parent losing the opportunity to have their own genetic children. We argue that offering couples only one type of consent (...)
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  14. A missed opportunity to reform an outdated law.Sally Sheldon - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):3-5.
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  15.  96
    The regulatory cliff edge between contraception and abortion: the legal and moral significance of implantation.Sally Sheldon - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):762-765.
  16.  20
    Reward at encoding but not retrieval modulates memory for detailed events.Kevin da Silva Castanheira, Azara Lalla, Katrina Ocampo, A. Ross Otto & Signy Sheldon - 2022 - Cognition 219 (C):104957.
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  17. Acosta, MGP, 99 Bottomley, A., 85 Conaghan, J., 203 Dearden, N., 317.K. Diesfeld, E. V. Fegan, D. Gadd, K. Green, A. Griffiths, S. Kirvan, H. Lim, E. Rackley, J. Richardson & S. Sheldon - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (371).
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    Becoming a PersonLearning to ThinkGrowing up in a Changing Society.Martin Richardson, M. Woodhead, R. Carr, P. Light & S. Sheldon - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (1):88.
  19.  25
    Multiple pregnancy and reproductive choice R v. Queen Charlotte Hospital, Professor Phillip Bennett, North Thames Regional Health Authority and Social Services of Brentford and Hounslaw LBC, ex parte SPUC, ex parte Philys Bowman.Sally Sheldon - 1997 - Feminist Legal Studies 5 (1):99-106.
  20. Reproductive choice : Men's freedom and women's responsibility?Sally Sheldon - 2006 - In John R. Spencer & Antje Du Bois-Pedain, Freedom and responsibility in reproductive choice. Portland, Or.: Hart.
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    Women's Daily Lives and Equal Opportunity Policies: Central and Eastern European Societies in Transition.Sally Sheldon - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):116-118.
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  22. Emotional events induce retrograde memory impairments on conceptually-related neutral events.Jamie Snytte, Ting Ting Liu, Renée Withnell, M. Natasha Rajah & Signy Sheldon - 2025 - Cognition 259 (C):106103.
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  23.  36
    Personal view: Withdrawal of consent by sperm donors.Peter D. Sozou, Sally Sheldon & Geraldine M. Hartshorne - unknown
    Since 1991, sperm donors in the UK have had the legal right to withdraw consent for the use of their sperm in fertility treatment. This has the potential to adversely affect patients. It may mean that previous recipients of a donor’s sperm cannot have further children who are full biological siblings to an existing child, and that embryos created from the donor’s sperm and a patient’s eggs must be destroyed.
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  24.  43
    Considering the roles of affect and culture in the enactment and enjoyment of cruelty.Kosloff Spee, Greenberg Jeff & Solomon Sheldon - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):232.
    Research on aggression and terror management theory suggests shortcomings in Nell's analysis of cruelty. Hostile aggression and exposure to aggressive cues are not inherently reinforcing, though they may be enjoyed if construed within a meaningful cultural framework. Terror management research suggests that human cruelty stems from the desire to defend one's cultural worldview and to participate in a heroic triumph over evil.
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  25. “Who is the mother to make the judgment?”: The constructions of woman in English Abortion law. [REVIEW]Sally Sheldon - 1993 - Feminist Legal Studies 1 (1):3-22.
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  26. Unmarried Fathers and Parental Responsibility: A Case for Reform? [REVIEW]Sally Sheldon - 2001 - Feminist Legal Studies 9 (2):93-118.
    Following a Consultation exercise conducted by the Lord Chancellor's Department, the U.K. Government has announced its intention to amend the Children Act 1989 so that the unmarried father who jointly registers the birth with the mother will acquire parental responsibility automatically. In this paper, I draw on the responses made to the L.C.D. Consultation, in order critically to evaluate the arguments for and against reform. A poverty of relevant empirical research makes it impossible to reach a properly informed view on (...)
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  27.  59
    Delivering Democracy to Abortion Politics: Bowman v. United Kingdom (European Court of Human Rights, Case No. 141/1996/762/959, 19 February 1998, (1998) 26 E.H.R.R. 1). [REVIEW]Susan Millns & Sally Sheldon - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (1):63-73.