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  1. Forms of Mathematization: (14th-17th Centuries).Sophie Roux - 2010 - Early Science and Medicine 15 (4-5):319-337.
    According to a grand narrative that long ago ceased to be told, there was a seventeenth century Scientific Revolution, during which a few heroes conquered nature thanks to mathematics. When this grand narrative was brought into question, our perspectives on the question of mathematization should have changed. It seems, however, that they were instead set aside, both because of a general distrust towards sweeping narratives that are always subject to the suspicion that they overlook the unyielding complexity of real history, (...)
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  2.  27
    The interaction between central and peripheral processes in handwriting production.Sébastien Roux, Thomas J. McKeeff, Géraldine Grosjacques, Olivia Afonso & Sonia Kandel - 2013 - Cognition 127 (2):235-241.
  3.  21
    Facial Expression Related vMMN: Disentangling Emotional from Neutral Change Detection.Klara Kovarski, Marianne Latinus, Judith Charpentier, Helen Cléry, Sylvie Roux, Emmanuelle Houy-Durand, Agathe Saby, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault, Magali Batty & Marie Gomot - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  4.  70
    Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts.Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    Thought experiments being central to contemporary philosophy and science, the following questions were asked in recent literature. What is their definition? Are they heuristic devices, arguments, paradoxes? Are they comparable to real experiments? Do intuition and conceivability intervene? Equally imaginative thought experiments are found in ancient, medieval, and Renaissance texts. Paying attention to prime historical examples of thought experiments, we show that historical perspectives help answer these general questions.
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  5.  15
    Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and in His Reception.Delphine Antoine-Mahut & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume explores the relationship between physics and metaphysics in Descartes' philosophy. According to the standard account, Descartes modified the objects of metaphysics and physics and inverted the order in which these two disciplines were traditionally studied. This book challenges the standard account in which Descartes prioritizes metaphysics over physics. It does so by taking into consideration the historical reception of Descartes and the ways in which Descartes himself reacted to these receptions in his own lifetime. The book stresses the (...)
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  6. Le scepticisme et les hypothèses de la physique.Sophie Roux - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (2-3):211-255.
    The History of scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza is often called upon to support three theses: first, that Descartes had a dogmatic notion of systematic knowledge, and therefore of physics; second, that the hypothetical epistemology of physics which spread during the xviith century was the result of a general sceptical crisis; third, that this epistemology was more successful in England than in France. I reject these three theses: I point first to the tension in Descartes’ works between the ideal of (...)
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  7.  45
    What to Do with the Mechanical Philosophy?Sophie Roux - 2021 - In David Marshall Miller & Dana Jalobeanu (eds.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The mechanical philosophy that emerged during the Scientific Revolution can be characterised as a reductionism according to which all physical phenomena are to be explained in terms of corpuscles of different sizes, shapes, and motions. It provided early modern natural philosophers with a unified view of nature that contrasted primarily with the Aristotelian view of nature, but also with other naturalist, hermetic, mystic, occultist, Paracelsian, and chymical accounts. Indeed, early modern natural philosophers devised mechanical explanations of almost every kind of (...)
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  8.  20
    The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy.Daniel Garber & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    The Mechanisation of Natural Philosophy is devoted to various aspects of the transformation of natural philosophy during the 16th and 17th centuries that is usually described as mechanical philosophy. Drawing the border between the old Aristotelianism and the « new » mechanical philosophy faces historians with a delicate task, if not an impossible mission. There were many natural philosophers who actually crossed the border between the two worlds, and, inside each of these worlds, there was a vast spectrum of doctrines, (...)
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  9. L'Essai de logique de Mariotte: archéologie des idées d'un savant ordinaire.Sophie Roux - 2011 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    On sait peu de choses d’Edme Mariotte, membre de l’Académie royale des sciences de 1668 à 1684. Une analyse de son Essai de logique montre cependant que, pour défendre ses pratiques expérimentales, il s’appropria des bribes venues de différentes traditions intellectuelles. Ainsi, ce livre examine ce qu’on entendait par « méthode » à la fin du XVIIe siècle, les épistémologies de la physique qui s’affrontaient alors, quelques débats ouverts par la gestion de l’héritage cartésien. Mais l’essentiel sera peut-être la question (...)
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  10.  24
    An empire divided: french natural philosophy (1670-1690).Sophie Roux - 2013 - In Garber and Roux (ed.), The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy. pp. 55-98.
    During the seventeenth century there were different ways of opposing the new mechanical philosophy and the old Aristotelian philosophy. Remarkably enough, one of this way succeeded in becoming stable beyond the moment of its formulation, one according to which Descartes would be the benchmark by which the works of other natural philosophers of the seventeenth century fall either on the side of the old or the new. I consequently examine the French debate where this representation emerges, a debate that took (...)
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  11.  21
    From the Mechanical Philosophy to Early Modern Mechanisms.Sophie Roux - 2017 - In Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 26-45.
    Early modern natural philosophers put forward the ontological program that was called "mechanical philosophy" and they gave mechanical explanations for all kinds of phenomena, such as gravity, magnetism, the colors of the rainbow, the circulation of the blood, the motion of the heart and the development of animals. For a generation of historians, the mechanical philosophy was regarded as the main alternative to Aristotelian orthodoxy during the so-called Scientific Revolution and mechanical explanations were presented as paving the way for the (...)
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  12. Introduction : the emergence of the notion of thought experiments.Sophie Roux - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
    Roux begins by exploring the texts in which the origins of the scientific notion of thought experiments are usually said to be found. Her general claim is simple: the emergence of the notion of thought experiments relies on a succession of misunderstandings and omissions. She then examines, in a more systematic perspective, the three characteristics of the broad category of thought experiments nowadays in circulation: thought experiments are counterfactual, they involve a concrete scenario and they have a well-delimited cognitive intention. (...)
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  13.  40
    Mechanics and natural philosophy before the scientific revolution.Walter Roy Laird & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2008 - London: Springer.
    This volume deals with a variety of moments in the history of mechanics when conflicts arose within one textual tradition, between different traditions, or ...
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    A Conceptual Framework to Enable the Changes Required for a One-Planet Future.Maria Honig, Samantha Petersen, Tom Herbstein, Saul Roux, Deon Nel & Clifford Shearing - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (5):663-688.
    We conceptualise a framework that incorporates psychological and non-psychological factors influencing pro-environmental behaviour. We conducted qualitative investigations in five sectors in South Africa, where individuals and groups are dealing with significant environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity loss and land-use change. We found three fundamental elements necessary for behavioural change to be realised: awareness (A) is defined as an understanding that society and earth systems are connected; motivation (M) involves the personal and operational drivers that encourage an individual or organisation (...)
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  15.  23
    Is Levinas a Platonist?Sylvain Roux - 2020 - Studia Phaenomenologica 20:263-280.
    Levinas’ relationship to Platonism is ambiguous. In Totality and Infinity, indeed, references to Plato’s writings are multiple and Levinas depicts Plato as following two diverging paths. On the one hand, Levinas considers Plato’s writings to be works that consecrate the primacy of identity over difference, of the Same over the Other. On the other hand, Platonism is presented as a philosophy of absolute transcendence due to its refusal to make the Good a simple ontological principle and to its attempt to (...)
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  16.  14
    L’union cartésienne à la lumière du problème du “défaut de connaissance”.Sandrine Roux - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (2):207-219.
  17.  73
    A French Partition of the Empire of Natural Philosophy (1670-1690).Sophie Roux - 2013 - In Garber and Roux (ed.), The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy. pp. 55-98.
    During the seventeenth century there were different ways of opposing the new mechanical philosophy and the old Aristotelian philosophy. Remarkably enough, one of this way succeeded in becoming stable beyond the moment of its formulation, one according to which Descartes would be the benchmark by which the works of other natural philosophers of the seventeenth century fall either on the side of the old or the new. I consequently examine the French debate where this representation emerges, a debate that took (...)
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  18. Cartesian Mechanics.Sophie Roux - 2004 - In Palmerino and Thijssen (ed.), The Reception of the Galilean Science of Motion in Europe. pp. 25-66.
    In the history of the scientific revolution, Descartes is often considered as the mechanical philosopher par excellence, and opposed as such to the founder of mechanical science, that is to say, Galileo: this cliché is not without foundation, but it must not make us forget that Descartes was himself a practitioner of mechanical science. In the article "Cartesian Mechanics" I detail the meaning and reach of "mechanics" in the Cartesian corpus, and do so in three steps. 1. I begin by (...)
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  19. Les lois de la nature à l''ge classique la question terminologique.Sophie Roux - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):531-576.
    Four propositions relative to the laws of nature in the classical period must be noted. 1. Certain regularities in phenomena had been discovered. 2. A concept of law had emerged. 3. Classical science is characterized by the introduction of the notion of the legality of nature. 4. New uses of the word «law» had appeared in scientific texts. This article is devoted to the analysis of only this last proposition, that is to say to a terminological problem. First we will (...)
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  20. Littéraires et scientifiques: trivialiser n'est pas sans danger.Sophie Roux - 2007 - In Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: Harmattan. pp. 89--132.
    Sophie Roux confronte la critique du « sokalisme » qu’on trouve dans La Querelle des imposteurs d’Yves Jeanneret et la manière dont Impostures intellectuelles dessine le partage entre « littéraires » et « scientifiques ».
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  21.  8
    Le corps et l'esprit: problèmes cartésiens, problèmes contemporains.Sandrine Roux (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions des archives contemporaines.
    Les progrès de la physique et l’essor des sciences cognitives dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle ont remis au centre de la réflexion philosophique la question de la nature du mental et de sa relation avec le physique : et si Descartes s’était trompé en distinguant radicalement l’esprit et le corps? Si nos croyances, nos désirs, nos douleurs, nos craintes, nos espoirs, et plus généralement l’ensemble de notre vie mentale, n’étaient rien de plus que des processus physiques-cérébraux? Cela n’aurait-il (...)
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  22.  41
    Sustained attention and prediction: distinct brain maturation trajectories during adolescence.Alix Thillay, Sylvie Roux, Valérie Gissot, Isabelle Carteau-Martin, Robert T. Knight, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault & Aurélie Bidet-Caulet - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23. D'une affaire aux autres.Josquin Debaz & Sophie Roux - 2007 - In Sophie Roux (ed.), Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: Harmattan. pp. 1--48.
    L’article « D’une Affaire aux autres » de Josquin Debaz et Sophie Roux, montre combien il est difficile de délimiter ce qu’on appelle « l’Affaire Sokal » et analyse, par un recensement aussi systématique que possible des articles de presse, la différence entre l’affaire américaine et l’affaire française.
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  24.  36
    The Two Comets of 1664-1665 : A Dispersive Prism for French Natural Philosophy Principles.Sophie Roux - 2017 - In Peter R. Anstey (ed.), The Idea of Principles in Early Modern Thought: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 98-146.
    In November 1664, a comet appeared in the European skies; by early March 1665, it had disappeared, but, at this very moment, another comet appeared, which stayed among the stars until mid-April. Observations of these two comets were made all over Europe, and even beyond. Although most secondary literature dedicated to these two comets has been focused on England and Italy, France was not to be outdone in terms of observations, small talk and publications. In this paper, I would like (...)
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    Exact Experiences and Mathematical Deductions: Physics according to Mariotte.Sophie Roux - 2010 - In Felix Meiner Verlag (ed.), Departure for Modern Europ. Philosophy between 1400 and 1700. pp. 715-733.
    Leaving aside here the question of the author of the Essai de logique, I show that, if Mariotte insisted on the specificity of physics, he also sought a certain inspiration in mathematics as to the way in which to lay out the propositions in a proof. To do so, I start off from the ontological distinction made in the Essai among three types of possibles; next we will show that the three types of propositions correspond to three types of knowledge, (...)
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    Mechanism. A visual, lexical and conceptual history: by Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019, xii + 188 pp., $50.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-0-8229-4547-9.Sophie Roux - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (3):411-413.
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    A Deflationist Solution to the Problem of Forces.Sophie Roux - 2018 - In Delphine Antoine-Mahut & Sophie Roux (eds.), Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and in His Reception. New York: Routledge. pp. 141-159.
    The ontological status of forces and their causal role in Descartes’ physical world is debated among Descartes scholars. The question of forces is embedded in another more general question, namely to determine which causal activity should be attributed to God, and which causal activity should be attributed to physical bodies. Three distinct positions were attributed to Descartes: 1. he was an occasionalist and he attributed no causal power to forces, 2. he was a pure conservationist and he conceived forces as (...)
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  28.  34
    Une histoire intellectuelle de la tripartition notion, concept, idée selon les dictionnaires philosophiques.Sophie Roux - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 144 (3-4):279-322.
    Résumé Cet article esquisse une généalogie du privilège que le terme concept a acquis en français par rapport à notion et à idée en se fondant non seulement sur les ouvrages des philosophes, mais sur des dictionnaires de langue philosophique. Il comprend quatre parties chronologiques. Après avoir étudié l’introduction des termes concept, notion, idée dans la langue philosophique, la première partie répertorie leurs usages dans les dictionnaires scolastiques du SVIIe siècle. La deuxième montre que Descartes a imposé idée en donnant (...)
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  29.  72
    L’ennemi cartésien. Cartésianisme et anti-cartésianisme en philosophie de l’esprit et en sciences cognitives.Sandrine Roux - 2013 - Astérion 11 (11).
    Reference to Cartesianism is a permanent feature of the contemporary works in the fields of philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Its function is not so much to provide a historical exegesis of Descartes as to highlight some supposed aspects of the Cartesian theory of mind, more precisely those that are still reported to inform the current philosophical and scientific research and that remain to be improved on. Thus not only is the adjective Cartesian used to refer directly to Descartes, (...)
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    La mathématisation comme problème.Hugues Chabot & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2011 - Paris (France): Édiitons des Archives contemporaines.
    L'histoire des sciences suffit à réfuter la thèse de la mathématisation impossible, selon laquelle la mathématisation procéderait d'un formalisme abstrait manquant les choses mêmes ou la spécificité d'un domaine d'objets. Cette histoire montre en effet qu'on n'a pas cessé de mathématiser des choses dont il avait été longtemps dit qu'elles devaient, étant donné leur nature, éternellement résister à la mathématisation. À la thèse de la mathématisation impossible, il est dès lors tentant d'opposer la thèse de la mathématisation inéluctable, selon laquelle (...)
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    Regulation of enzymes in isolated plant nuclei.Neeraj Datta & Stanley J. Roux - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (3):120-123.
    Purified nuclei are being used as a test system to study the regulation of nuclear enzymes in plants. Regulatory agents such as light, hormones and polyamines can stimulate kinases or phosphatases that control nuclear protein phosphorylation and they can modulate the activity of as yet unidentified enzymes required for transcript synthesis and/or stabilization. This essay summarizes current findings and discusses the advantages and pitfalls of using isolated nuclei to investigate how nuclear functions are controlled.
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    Histoire de la philosophie.Laurence Devillairs, Sophie Roux, Pascal Séverac, Gabrielle Radica, Luc Ruiz, Mai Lequan, Jean-François Goubet, Jean-Marc Rohrbasser & Sophie Nordmann - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (1):207-232.
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    Un colloque international « L'automate: modèle, machine, merveille ».Aurélia Gaillard, Jean-Yves Goffi, Bernard Roukhomovsky & Sophie Roux - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (1):217-219.
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    Histoire des sciences.Stéphane Gioanni, Simone Roux, Pierre Pellegrin, Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, Catherine Goldstein, Nicolas Piqué, Philippe Drieux, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Edouard Mehl, Monique Cottret, Alain Firode, Christelle Rabier, Cédric Crémière & François Laplanche - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (1-2):174-213.
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  35. On the very idea of a thought experiment.Jean-Yves Goffi & Sophie Roux - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
    Goffi and Roux are interested in what makes some thought experiments work, while others do not work. They do not attempt to draw an a priori line between two types of thought experiments, but rather ask the following question: inasmuch as thought experiments are arguments, and notwithstanding the fact that some of them might involve the contemplation of an imaginary scenario, how is it that some of them work, while others do not? Taking inspiration from a counterfactual thought experiment presented (...)
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    Physics and metaphysics in Descartes and in his reception.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    This volume explores the relationship between physics and metaphysics in Descartes’ philosophy. According to the standard account, Descartes modified the objects of metaphysics and physics and inverted the order in which these two disciplines were traditionally studied. This book challenges the standard account in which Descartes prioritizes metaphysics over physics. It does so by taking into consideration the historical reception of Descartes and the ways in which Descartes himself reacted to these receptions in his own lifetime. The book stresses the (...)
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  37. Thought experiments: methodological and historical perspectives.C. Palmerino & S. Roux (eds.) - forthcoming - Brill, Leiden.
  38.  33
    Présentation.Irène Passeron & Sophie Roux - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):271-286.
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    Anne-Claude Ambroise-Rendu, Histoire de la pédophilie, XIXe-XXIe siècle.Sébastien Roux - 2015 - Clio 42:244-247.
    À quelques exceptions près (dont la thèse de sociologie soutenue en 2012 par Guillaume Brie, à l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Traitement social de la criminalité sexuelle pédophile. Rapports de pouvoir et lutte des représentations entre agents chargés du contrôle et condamnés), rares sont les auteur.e.s en sciences sociales à avoir interrogé les violences sexuelles sur mineurs. L’intensité des émotions qu’elles suscitent aujourd’hui rend tout propos distancié difficilement audi...
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    Alexandra Michalewski, La Puissance de l’intelligible. La théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l’héritage médioplatonicien.Sylvain Roux - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:288-291.
    L’ouvrage que présente Alexandra Michalewski reprend et articule trois questions classiques dans les études plotiniennes. La première est celle des origines et des sources de la doctrine des Formes intelligibles dans la pensée de Plotin. Si cette doctrine puise dans la pensée platonicienne ses éléments principaux, elle ne peut pourtant s’expliquer entièrement par elle. Cette dernière a connu, en effet, de multiples remaniements et adaptations, elle a suscité de multiples débats, de sorte qu’e...
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    Conscience et image.Sylvain Roux - 2011 - Chôra 9:81-102.
    Cet article étudie le rapport particulier établi par Plotin entre deux notions, l’antilêpsis et la phantasia, pour penser la prise de conscience par l’âme de certains «objets» et de certaines activités. Car celle-ci pose un problème que Plotin a formulé clairement, à la fin du traité 10 (V, 1), sans lui trouver encore de solution absolument satisfaisante. Si l’antilêpsis a besoin de la phantasia pour s’exercer, peut-il en être de même pour les activités supérieures de l’âme dont elle voudrait prendre (...)
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  42. Discipline and educate : contradictions within the juvenile justice system.Sébastien Roux - 2015 - In Didier Fassin (ed.), At the heart of the state: the moral world of institutions. London: Pluto Press.
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    De Descartes à la science cognitive cartésienne : les analyses de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler.Sandrine Roux - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’examiner certains des usages qui sont faits de Descartes en sciences cognitives. Il s’agit plus précisément de s’attacher à la façon dont se trouve pensé l’héritage du cartésianisme dans la science cognitive orthodoxe, souvent conçue comme « cartésienne ». Comment en vient-on à former cette idée de science cognitive cartésienne? Nous répondons en nous appuyant sur deux analyses, celles de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler, avec pour objectif de mettre au jour les aspects (...)
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    From Descartes to Cartesian cognitive science: Timothy van Gelder’s and Michael Wheeler’s analyses.Sandrine Roux - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’examiner certains des usages qui sont faits de Descartes en sciences cognitives. Il s’agit plus précisément de s’attacher à la façon dont se trouve pensé l’héritage du cartésianisme dans la science cognitive orthodoxe, souvent conçue comme « cartésienne ». Comment en vient-on à former cette idée de science cognitive cartésienne? Nous répondons en nous appuyant sur deux analyses, celles de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler, avec pour objectif de mettre au jour les aspects (...)
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    De l’intellect a l’un: la notion de “συνυποστασις” chez Plotin.Sylvain Roux - 2020 - Chôra 18:501-514.
    At the end of Treatise 38, Plotinus presents an original analysis of the activity of the intellect. The intellectual activity of the soul cannot produce its object and thinks what is in the Intellect from which it comes. On the contrary, the Intellect produces its object and its intellection is not the act of a substrate, as in the preceding case. In this context, Plotinus uses, to account for this particular form of intellect, a very rare notion in his work, (...)
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    Georges Bataille et la question de l'impersonnel. Une expérience néoplatonicienne?Sylvain Roux - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie 76 (3):407-423.
  47.  20
    Histoire économique.Simone Roux, Henri Morsel, Rémi Mallet, Andrée Corvol-Dessert, Joël Cornette & Jacques Portes - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (1-2):157-174.
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    Histoire du corps et des maladies.Simone Roux, Laura Lee Downs, Alain Roux & Marie Jaisson - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (4):637-656.
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    Introduction to the volume The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy.Sophie Roux & Daniel Garber - unknown
    The mechanical (or corpuscular philosophy) has been well-established as a historiographical category for some years now. While it certainly began as an actor’s category, it has slipped into being something else, a kind of broad catch-all category that is taken to include most of those who opposed the Aristotelian philosophy of the schools throughout the entire seventeenth century, part of a broad master narrative about the demise of the scholastic Aristotelian philosophy of the schools and the rise of modern mathematical (...)
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    L'empreinte cartésienne: l'interaction psychophysique, débats classiques et contemporains.Sandrine Roux - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Steven M. Nadler.
    Addressing the mind-body problem in light of the difficulties raised by Cartesianism, this work traces a route leading from Descartes to contemporary philosophy of mind along with an evaluation of positions that focuses on certain facts and asks whether these positions do or do not make it possible to explain them.
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