Results for 'S. Ramasamy'

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  1.  14
    Robust dissipativity and passivity analysis for discrete-time stochastic neural networks with time-varying delay.G. Nagamani, S. Ramasamy & P. Balasubramaniam - 2016 - Complexity 21 (3):47-58.
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  2. Chinese Consumers’ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility.Bala Ramasamy & Mathew Yeung - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):119-132.
    The findings of this article increase our understanding of corporate social responsibility from the consumers' perspective in a Chinese setting. Based on primary data collected via a self-administered survey in Shanghai and Hong Kong and results of similar studies conducted in Europe and the United States, we provide evidence to show that Chinese consumers are more supportive of CSR. We also show that Carroll's pyramid of responsibilities can be applied in China. We evaluated the importance placed by Chinese consumers on (...)
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    Paving the way: Scientometrics of consumer behavior in sustainable fashion for future research agenda.Tamilarasan Brinda Sree & Ramasamy Kavitha - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (4):528-551.
    Research on sustainable consumer behavior has recently gained stream. An increasing number of academic articles seem to be focused on this subject. This study aims to identify and analyze the scientific literature using bibliometric analysis to identify the most cited articles, authors, and countries in the literature on consumer behavior in sustainable fashion. This study comprehensively investigates the topic by scrutinizing 759 publications between 1992 and 2024 sourced from the Scopus database. The study applied the VOSviewer to visualize and interpret (...)
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    Towards a žižekian critique of the indian ideology.Karthick Ram Manoharan - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (2).
    This paper attempts to critique the Indian ideology, its reproduction of caste identities, using the works of Slavoj Žižek. While Žižek’s direct engagement with anti-caste thinkers is minimal, Žižek’s works offers new dimensions of looking at social and political realities in India. This paper seeks to bring Žižek into a dialogue with the iconic Dalit leader BR Ambedkar and Periyar EV Ramasamy, the key leader of the non-Brahmin movement in South India, both of whom were trenchant critics of Indian (...)
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    Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S. Peirce.Richard S. Robin - 1967 - [Amherst] : University of Massachusetts Press.
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    “It’s Just Another Added Benefit”: Women’s Experiences with Employment-Based Egg Freezing Programs.S. A. Miner, W. K. Miller, C. Grady & B. E. Berkman - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (1):41-52.
    Background: In 2014, companies began covering the costs of egg freezing for their employees. The adoption of this benefit was highly contentious. Some argued that it offered women more reproductive...
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  7. Lessing's Theological Writings.Henry Chadwick, S. T. Coleridge, Joseph Henry Green, Sara Coleridge, H. St J. Hart & David Hume - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (132):83-86.
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    (1 other version)"Intentionality, Ascription, and Understanding: Remarks on Professor Hocutt's" Spartans, Strawmen, and Symptoms".William S. Robinson - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):157-162.
  9. Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural Context: Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the Romans.William S. Campbell - 1991
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    Hsün Tzu's Theory of Argumentation: A Reconstruction.A. S. Cua - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):867 - 894.
    HSÜN Tzu's essay on "Rectifying Terms" is justly considered a work of "great logical interest." For in this essay, one finds a remarkably modern concern with such topics as the rationale for having terms; the empirical and pragmatic bases for the classification of terms; the formation of generic and specific terms; the importance of observing established linguistic practices; the necessity of complying with proper standards for the institution, ratification, and regulation of the uses of language ; the nature of argumentative (...)
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  11. acoby's Herders und Kants Aesthetik.H. S. Shelton - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):43.
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    Jacques rancière's contribution to the ethics of recognition.Review author[S.]: Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (1):136-156.
  13.  5
    Demiryolu Yük Taşımacılığı Ekonomik Büyümeyi Etkiler Mi? ARDL Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı.Onur Yağış - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (2):384-404.
    Demiryolu yük taşımacılığı, yurtiçi ve yurtdışı ekonomik işlemlerin gerçekleştirilmesi bakımından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu taşımacılık türü ihracatçılara, ara malı tedariki ve tamamlanmış ürünlerin ihraç edilmesinde masrafların azalmasına ve daha fazla mal ihracı sağlaması açısından önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bu olumlu katkılar ise ekonomik büyümenin artmasını sağlayabilmektedir. Türkiye’ de demiryolu taşımacılığında en başarılı gelişmeler Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonraki kalkınma yıllarında yaşanmıştır. Demiryolu taşımacılığının kullanımı, tarihsel süreçte sanayi sektörünün, ekonomik ve sosyal yapının gelişmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye için demiryolu yük taşımacılığının ekonomik büyüme (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel’s En-cyclo-pedia: A circular approach to system.Sıla Özkara - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):105-113.
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  15. Modern, modernizm, modernizat︠s︡ii︠a︡: po materialam konferent︠s︡ii Ėpokha "modern": normy i kazusy v evropeĭskoĭ kulʹture na rubezhe XIX-XX vekov: Rossii︠a︡, Avstrii︠a︡, Germanii︠a︡, Shveĭt︠s︡arii︠a︡.N. S. Pavlova & O. V. Pavlenko (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. gumanitarnyĭ universitet.
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  16. Understanding (other) minds : Wittgenstein's phenomenological contribution.Daniel Zahavi & Søren Overgaard - 2008 - In Edoardo Zamuner & David Kennedy Levy (eds.), Wittgenstein’s Enduring Arguments. Routledge.
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  17. Misconduct and departmental context-evidence from the acadia institute's graduate education project.M. S. Anderson - 1996 - Journal of Information Ethics 5 (1):15-33.
  18. Josiah Royce, California's Gift to Philosophy.D. S. Robinson - 1950 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 31 (4):352.
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  19.  12
    The philosophy of the Upaniṣads: a study based on the evaluation of the comments of Śaṁkara, Rāmānuja, and Madhva.Srinivasa Chari & M. S. - 2002 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: The Upanisads which contain lofty philosophical teachings of the great seers constitute the most authoritative sourcebook for the Vedanta system of philosophy. However, there is no unanimity among the ancient exponents of Vedanta regarding the nature of the philosophy adumbrated in the Upanisads. Dr. Chari's scholarly work attempts to make a dispassionate study of the philosophical passages of the fourteen Principal Upanisads by giving due consideration to not only the comments of Samkara, Ramanuja and Madhva, but more importantly, the (...)
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    Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty-first Century.S. Cromwell Crawford - 2003 - SUNY Press.
    Explores contemporary controversies in bioethics from a Hindu perspective. S. Cromwell Crawford breaks new ground in this provocative study of Hindu bioethics in a Western setting. He provides a new moral and philosophical perspective on fascinating and controversial bioethical issues that are routinely in the news: cloning, genetic engineering, the human genome project, reproductive technologies, the end of life, and many more. This Hindu perspective is particularly noteworthy because of India's own indigenous medical system, which is stronger than ever and (...)
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  21. Holborn, I. B. S.: The Need for Art in Life.T. S. Allen - 1916 - Classical Weekly 10:54-55.
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    To sparagmatiko maniphesto tēs meta-metamonternikēs technēs tēs plēgēs =.Dēmētrēs Sdrolias - 2021 - Athēna: Smilē. Edited by Dēmētrēs Sdrolias.
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  23. Paradoks bliznet︠s︡ov v teorii otnositelʹnosti.D. V. Skobelʹt︠s︡yn - 1966 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Beyond theism and atheism: Heidegger's significance for religious thinking.Robert S. Gall - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Through an analysis of key themes in Heidegger's work, the book challenges the traditional theological appropriation of Heidegger and the usual characterizations of religious thinking in terms of faith or belief in, or experience of, some ultimate reality. Heidegger, it is argued, offers a unique approach to a variety of issues and problems in contemporary religious thought and philosophy of religion that results in understanding religious thinking as a resolute openness to the holiness and meaningfulness of the world.
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    Newman's lapses into subjectivity.S. J. Thomas Gornall - 1982 - Heythrop Journal 23 (1):46–50.
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    Philosophie des milieux habités.Chris Younès - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):83-92.
    Le mot «milieu» est précieux pour souligner que les installations humaines – l’architecture, la ville – tiennent compte de leur environnement, naturel ou bâti. Avant de configurer «un monde», l’art humain configure un lieu et même l’élit et le transfigure en le métamorphosant, faisant de milieux donnés des «lieux» habitables voire mémorables aux multiples formes de délimitations, d’échanges et de devenir. La notion de milieu habité est mise en perspective et pensée en termes de limites, passages, liens et métamorphoses.
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    Művészet és tér: Hamvas Béla-konferencia balatonfüred, 2014. március 21-22.Krisztián Tóbiás, László Cserép & István Nádler (eds.) - 2014 - Balatonfüred: Balatonfüred Városért Közalapítvány.
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    Lexiko Vyzantinēs philosophias: hermēneia epistēmonikōn ennoiōn.Katelēs S. Vinklas - 2020 - Thessalonikē: Ekdotikos Oikos K. & M. Stamoulē.
  29. The Evolution of Plato's Republic.F. C. S. Schiller - 1934 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 15 (4):327.
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  30. Sterrett, Homer's Iliad.F. S. Scott - 1908 - Classical Weekly 2:196.
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    Illusion and Imagination: Derrida's Parergon and Coleridge's Aid to Reflection. Revisionary readings of Kantian formalist aesthetics.Elinor S. Shaffer - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 138.
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  32. Perspectives on Greek Philosophy S.V. Keeling Memorial Lectures in Ancient Philosophy, 1992-2002.R. W. Sharples & S. V. Keeling - 2003
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    Sócrates y Jesús ante la muerte.Luís Felipe Alarco - 1972 - Lima,: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Dirección Universitaria de Biblioteca y Publicaciones.
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  34. Syntomē historia tēs philosophias.Sōkratēs Gkikas - 1972 - Athēnai,:
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  35. Samuel Hellman and Deborah S. Hellman.Deborah S. Hellman - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 324:163.
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    Dēmētrēs Kitsikēs: geōpolitikē viographia.Ēsaias Kōnstantinidēs - 2013 - Athēna: Ekdoseis "Hidryma Dēmētrē Kitsikē" (IDKF).
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  37. Edith Stein's Trinitarian Ontology.C. P. S. Marian Maskulak - 2015 - In Mette Lebech & John Haydn Gurmin (eds.), Intersubjectivity, humanity, being: Edith Stein's phenomenology and Christian philosophy. Oxford: Peter Lang.
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    Iszlám és politikaelmélet.Miklós Maróth - 2013 - Budapest: Akadémiai kiadó.
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  39. Ta bēmata tēs philosophias.Kōstēs Melissaropoulos - 1968
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  40. (1 other version)Qābūsʹnāmah.Kaykāvūs ibn Iskandar ibn Qābūs & ʻUnṣur al-Maʻālī - 1967 - Tihrān: Bungāh Tarjamah va-Nashr Kitāb. Edited by Ghulām Ḥusayn Yūsufī.
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  41. Problemy leninskoĭ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii razvitii︠a︡.O. S. Zelʹkina & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1967
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  42. Pope Francis and Economic Democracy: Understanding Pope Francis’s Radical (yet) Practical Approach to Political Economy.Stewart Braun & S. Stewart Braun - 2020 - Theological Studies 81 (1):203-224.
    This article explains how Pope Francis’s economic views are both radical and practical. His views are practical in the sense that they are sensitive to social realities, not theoretical abstractions; and they are radical in the sense that they undermine traditional economic ideologies. To demonstrate these points, I show how Francis’s pronouncements are consistent with “economic democracy.” In economic democracy efforts are made to create a more equal dispersal of capital assets and the economy is more squarely oriented around fundamental (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Augustine's City of God.S. J. Meconi (ed.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Augustine of Hippo's The City of God is generally considered to be one of the key works of Late Antiquity. Written in response to allegations that Christianity had brought about the decline of Rome, Augustine here explores themes in history, political science, and Christian theology, and argues for the truth of Christianity over competing religions and philosophies. This Companion volume includes specially-commissioned essays by an international team of scholars that provide new insights into The City of God. Offering commentary on (...)
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  44. A psychologist's point of view.S. Ervin-Tripp - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson (eds.), Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
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    Peter Van Inwagen's material beings.Review author[S.]: Eli Hirsch - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (3):687-691.
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    Safe Enough Spaces: A Pragmatist’s Approach to Inclusion, Free Speech, and Political Correctness on College Campuses.Michael S. Roth - 2019 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    _From the president of Wesleyan University, a compassionate and provocative manifesto on the crises confronting higher education_ In this bracing book, Michael S. Roth stakes out a pragmatist path through the thicket of issues facing colleges today to carry out the mission of higher education. With great empathy, candor, subtlety, and insight, Roth offers a sane approach to the noisy debates surrounding affirmative action, political correctness, and free speech, urging us to envision college as a space in which students are (...)
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  47. Raționalitatea științifică în perspectivă disciplinară.Cosmin Georgescu și Mario Georgescu - 1983 - In Angela Botez (ed.), Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  48. On Leszek Ko akowski's Philosophy of Religion.M. Prze Ecki & S. Rainko - 1986 - Dialectics and Humanism 13 (1):143-155.
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    Business, time, and thought: selected papers of G.L.S. Shackle.G. L. S. Shackle - 1988 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Stephen F. Frowen.
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    Hart, Dworkin, és a jogelmélet posztmetafizikai fordulata.Mátyás Bódig - 2000 - Budapest: Osiris.
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