Results for 'S. Kenyon'

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  1.  7
    Contemporary Psychology of Sport.Gerald S. Kenyon & Tom M. Grogg (eds.) - 1970 - [Rome?]: Athletic Institute.
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    Aristotle on the Athenian Cons. Aristotle & Frederic G. S. Kenyon - 2016 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics and Moral Tolerance. [REVIEW]H. W. S. & Arthur Kenyon Rogers - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (6):165.
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    ""Ethical evaluation of" retainer fee" medical practice.M. H. Needell & J. S. Kenyon - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (1):72-84.
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    Why women consent to surgery, even when they don't want to: a qualitative study.M. Dixon-Woods, S. J. Williams, C. J. Jackson, A. Akkad, S. Kenyon & M. Habiba - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (3):153-158.
    Although there has been critical analysis of how the informed consent process functions in relation to participation in research and particular ethical 'dilemmas', there has been little examination of consenting to more routine medical procedures. We report a qualitative study of 25 women who consented to surgery. Of these, nine were ambivalent or opposed to having an operation. When faced with a consent form, women's accounts suggest that they rarely do anything other than obey professionals' requests for a signature. An (...)
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    Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens. Aristotle, Frederic George Kenyon & British Museum Dept of Manuscripts - 1892 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman. Edited by Edward Poste.
    1891. The recovered manuscript of Aristotle's Constitutional History of Athens, now for the first time given to the world from the unique text in the British...
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    Art & Dialogue: An Experiment in Pre-k Philosophy.Erik Kenyon & Diane Terorde-Doyle - 2017 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 37 (2):26-35.
    Early educators are in a bind. Teacher education programs are calling on them more and more to help students practice critical thinking and develop intellectual character ; yet school funding depends on meeting Common Core standards, which do not explicitly assess critical thinking until the high-school level. Add to that an over-engineered content curriculum, and thinking becomes a luxury that is quickly lost amid more immediate concerns. As a result, we are raising a generation of “excellent sheep” who flourish amid (...)
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  8.  38
    Ethics for the Very Young: A Philosophy Curriculum for Early Childhood Education.Erik Kenyon - 2019 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Can you be brave if you’re afraid? Why do we “know better” and do things anyway? What makes a family? Philosophers have wrestled with such questions for centuries. They are also the stuff of playground debates. Ethics for the Very Young uses the perplexities of young children’s lives to spark philosophical dialogue. Its lessons scaffold discussion through executive function games (Telephone, Red Light Green Light), dialogic reading of picture books and Reggio Emilia’s art-based inquiry. In the process, children develop skills (...)
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  9.  68
    Cynical Assertion: Convention, Pragmatics, and Saying "Uncle".Tim Kenyon - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):241-248.
    This paper begins by exploring a subspecies of assertion. Under some circumstances an utterance intuitively counts as an assertion, even though it is Cynical: that is, it is insincere, and made without the reasonable expectation of even appearing sincere to its audience. The paper explores the contextual and cognitive workings of Cynical assertion – directly, in part, but also by comparison with superficially similar but non-assertoric utterances, namely, those made under duress. Finally, the paper examines the broader relevance of Cynical (...)
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    Ethics in the age of the Spirit: race, women, war, and the Assemblies of God.Howard N. Kenyon - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Martin W. Mittelstadt.
    Chapter 1: Then . . . -- Chapter 2: In Search of the Fellowship's Ethical Pulse -- Chapter 3: The Fellowship's Roots -- Chapter 4: Development of the General Council -- Chapter 5: Building Blocks of a Pentecostal Worldview -- Chapter 6: Interracial Roots (prior to 1914) -- Chapter 7: Withdrawal and Separation (1914-38) -- Chapter 8: The Struggle for Inclusion (1939-62) -- Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Changing Society (1955-75) -- Chapter 10: Becoming a Church for All Peoples (1960-80s) (...)
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  11. (2 other versions)A student's history of philosophy.Arthur Kenyon Rogers - 1901 - London,: Macmillan & co..
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  12.  25
    Russell on Pastness.Timothy A. Kenyon - 1991 - Dialogue:57-59.
    In "On the Experience of Time", Russell claims that a knowledge of an objective earlier/later relation cannot establish our original awareness of "pastness". He proposes a special knowledge of pastness derived from introspection upon memory. My paper summarizes both accounts, examining Russell's rejection of the former. I conclude that the objective relation could indeed form the epistemic basis of pastness. Thus, for Russell's purposes, the psychological account is unnecessary.
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  13.  33
    Atomism and Infinite Divisibility.Ralph Edward Kenyon - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    This work analyzes two perspectives, Atomism and Infinite Divisibility, in the light of modern mathematical knowledge and recent developments in computer graphics. A developmental perspective is taken which relates ideas leading to atomism and infinite divisibility. A detailed analysis of and a new resolution for Zeno's paradoxes are presented. Aristotle's arguments are analyzed. The arguments of some other philosophers are also presented and discussed. All arguments purporting to prove one position over the other are shown to be faulty, mostly by (...)
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  14.  72
    Communism and the fall of man : the social theories of Thomas More and Gerrard Winstanley.Timothy Kenyon - unknown
    The thesis examines the thought of Thomas More and Gerrard Winstanley, emphasizing the concern of both theorists with the prevailing moral depravity of human nature attributable to the Fall of Man, and their proposals for the amendment of men's conduct by institutional means, especially by the establishment of a communist society. The thesis opens with a conceptual exploration of 'utopianism' and 'millenarianism' before discussing the particular forms of these concepts employed by More and Winstanley. The introductory section also includes an (...)
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  15. Philosophy at the Gym.Erik Kenyon - manuscript
    Ethical philosophy was born in the gyms of Athens. This book returns a body of abstract thought to its original context, to understand how training for the body sparked training for the mind. We will use archaeology to reconstruct the reality of ancient athletics and literary texts to critique philosophers’ idealized versions of this reality. We will explore a cluster of questions about the nature of happiness (eudaimonia), the role of human excellence (arete) in this life and what forms of (...)
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    Philosophy at the gymnasium.Erik Kenyon - 2024 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Philosophy at the Gymnasium sets Greek moral philosophy in its original context-Athenian gyms-to understand how training for the body sparked training for the mind. It explores Socratic dialogue set in gyms, civic and mental health in Plato's works, and Olympic victors as Aristotle's model for the happy life.
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  17. (1 other version)Augustine and the Dialogue.Erik Kenyon - 2012 - Dissertation,
    One cannot understand the literary form of a dialogue without understanding its philosophical project and vice versa. This dissertation seeks to establish how Augustine's Cassiciacum dialogues work as dialogues. Each of these works, Contra Academicos, De beata vita and De ordine, pursues two streams of inquiry: one dialectical, one self-reflexive. The first uses aporetic debates to identify problems with individuals' current beliefs. The second reflects on the act of debate as an instance of rational activity and through this draws attention (...)
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  18.  31
    Indeterminacy and realism.Timothy A. Kenyon - 2000 - In Don Ross, Andrew Brook & David Thompson (eds.), Dennett’s Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 77--94.
    This article considers a Quine-Dennett style of argument from the indeterminacy of intentional content against the reducibility of mental states to neurological states. The most compelling version of such an argument, I suggest, is one that exploits a semantic anti-realist notion of truth; this holds out the promise of a relatively sophisticated story about the respects in which mental state attributions may be true or false of physical systems, without those states themselves being physical states.
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    A Review Of Jose Luis Bermudez's The Paradox Of Self-consciousness. [REVIEW]Tim Kenyon - 2000 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 6.
  20.  17
    Global citizenship education through global children's literature: An analysis of the NCSS Notable Trade Books.Elizabeth Kenyon & Andrea Christoff - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (4):397-408.
    This research analyzes global children's literature from the National Council for Social Studies Notable Trade book lists from the past three years. The authors studied primary level texts that were either written by or about people and cultures from outside the United States. Using critical content analysis, the authors identified what aspects of global citizenship these books promote. The authors also analyzed the texts for dangers of representation as presented through various stereotypes or problematic tropes. This research critiques the NCSS (...)
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  21.  27
    Platonic Pedagogy in Augustine’s Dialogues.Erik Kenyon - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (1):151-168.
  22.  36
    The Order of Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues.Erik Kenyon - 2011 - Augustinian Studies 42 (2):173-188.
  23. Michael Foley, Against the Academics: St. Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 1. [REVIEW]Erik Kenyon - 2020 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1:36.
  24.  20
    Philosophy for All in Augustine’s Dialogues.Erik Kenyon - 2021 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 1 (3):21-39.
    The philosophy for children (P4C) and public philosophy movements seek to extend philosophy to traditionally marginalized groups. Yet public perceptions of philosophy as an elite activity provide an obstacle to this work. Such perceptions rest, in part, on further assumptions about what philosophy is and how it is conducted. To address these concerns, I look to the early philosophical dialogues of Augustine of Hippo (Contra Academicos, De beata vita, De ordine, Soliloquia), which present an experimental philosophical community composed of teenagers, (...)
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  25. Analogues of knowability.David DeVide & Tim Kenyon - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (4):481 – 495.
    An interesting recent reply to the Paradox of Knowability is Neil Tennant's proposal: to restrict the anti-realist's knowability thesis to truths the knowing of which is logically consistent. However, this proposal is egregiously ad hoc unless motivated by something other than the wish to save anti-realism from embarrassment. We examine Tennant's argument that his restriction is motivated by parallel considerations in cases that are neutral with respect to debates about realism. We conclude that the cases are not neutral, nor the (...)
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    The problem of freedom and moral behavior in Thomas more's utopia.Timothy Kenyon - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (3):349-373.
  27. A Student's History of Philosophy. [REVIEW]Arthur Kenyon Rogers - 1902 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 12:310.
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    Aristoteles: Supplementum Aristotelicum. Pars I: Anonymi Londinensis ex Aristotelis Iatricis Menoniis et aliis medicis eclogae. Pars II: Aristotelis res publica Atheniensium.Hermann Diels & Fridericus G. Kenyon (eds.) - 1961 - De Gruyter.
    This supplement is of both the edition of Aristotle's works by the Berlin Academy (1831-1870) and of the Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca (1882-1909, reprinted 1976?).
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    Speaking of ‘violence’: Figleaf use in sexualized violence contexts.Madeleine Kenyon - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1207-1227.
    In this project, I develop the concept of a sexualized violence figleaf, a speech mechanism often used in sexualized violence discourse to dismiss or characterize assault as some other kind of thing: a misunderstanding, a change of heart by the victim, a mischaracterization of the perpetrator, or any other number of things which are not rape, or violence. Sexualized violence figleaves are an extension of Jennifer Saul's work on racial and gender figleaves, as the underlying mechanics of the utterance track (...)
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  30.  47
    Peer Idealization and Internal Examples in the Epistemology of Disagreement.Tim Kenyon - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (1):69-79.
    L’épistémologie du désaccord s’est développée autour d’une notion idéalisée de pairs épistémiques. L’analyse d’exemples dans la littérature a quelque peu enraciné cette idéalisation, surtout lorsque les exemples étudiés sont des désaccords tirés du canon philosophique contemporain et qu’ils opposent des interlocuteurs identifiés. Il est difficile, pour des raisons socio-professionnelles, de souligner les manières ordinaires par lesquelles ces collègues disciplinaires peuvent se tromper. Il est probablement d’autant plus facile de négliger ces possibilités que les attitudes concernant l’importance du génie dans la (...)
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    Searle rediscovers what was not lost.Tim Kenyon - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):117-130.
    We shall see that both these projects are deeply misguided. The first suffers from Searle’s misrepresentation, en masse and individually, of the various materialist theories. To show this, I will focus on the basic claims of token identity specifically, and draw out the inaccuracy of Searle’s straw materialism. This is a shortcut; by showing one conjunct to be false, we may show the conjunction of Searle’s summaries to be false. And, after all, token identity is the most widely held current (...)
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    Kalbfleisch's Papyri Argentoratenses Graecae Papyri Argentoratenses Graecae, editae a Carolo Kalbfleisch. (Rostock. Program. 1901.). [REVIEW]F. G. Kenyon - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (02):134-.
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  33.  20
    Joseph Pucci, Augustine’s Virgilian Retreat: Reading the Auctores at Cassiciacum. [REVIEW]Erik Kenyon - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):162-169.
  34.  13
    Social Class and State Power: Exploring an Alternative Radical Tradition.David M. Hart, Gary Chartier, Ross Miller Kenyon & Roderick T. Long - 2017 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This collection seeks to excavate the tradition of radical liberal class analysis, which predated and inspired Marx's reflections on class. Liberal class theory is distinctive because it regards relationship with the state as constitutive rather than just indicative of social class membership. Along with an introduction that frames the discussion historically and conceptually, Social Class and State Power provides readers with easy access to provocative texts from the early modern period to the present.
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  35.  21
    The foundations of modern political thought : Quentin Skinner . Vol. One. The Renaissance, xxiv + 305 pp., H.C. £12.50. S.C. £4.95. [REVIEW]Timothy Kenyon - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (2):181-187.
  36.  34
    Reinach's Greek and Demotic Papyri. [REVIEW]F. G. Kenyon - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (1):54-56.
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    Wattenbach's Anleitung Zur Griechischen Palaeographie. [REVIEW]F. G. Kenyon - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (9):465-466.
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  38.  53
    Wilcken's Griechische Ostraka. [REVIEW]F. G. Kenyon - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (3):168-174.
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    Wattenbach's Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. [REVIEW]F. G. Kenyon - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (8):411-412.
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    Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind Jennifer Hornsby Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997, xii + 265 pp. [REVIEW]Tim Kenyon - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (3):656-.
    Jennifer Hornsby has a distinct position on the metaphysics of mind and action, which she terms naïve naturalism. Her new book is a collection of essays, often illuminating, sometimes tantalizing and frustrating, in which she sketches the outlines of this position. The sketch is distributed over twelve essays in three main sections: Ontological Questions; Agency; and Mind, Causation, and Explanation. The discussions are far from introductory—they were mostly published in venues or read for audiences of a specialized nature—but they are (...)
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  41.  44
    Kenyon and Bells British Museum Pupyri: Facsimiles. Vol. iii. London: H. Froude and Others, 1907. Folio. With 100 collotypes. £3 3 s[REVIEW]A. S. Hunt - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (04):133-.
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    Corrections to Kenyon's Catalogue of Brit. Mus. Papyri (II.).B. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (09):434-436.
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    Kenyon's ΑΘΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ - ’Αθηναιων Πολιτε⋯α. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. Third and revised edition. 1892. 7 s. 6 d.Herbert Richards - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (07):319-320.
  44.  99
    Kenyon and Bell's British Museum Papyri- Greek Papyri in the British Museum: Catalogue, Vol. III. Edited by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell. London: H. Frowde and others, 1907. Pp. lxxiv+388. 100 Collotype Facsimiles, in Portfolio. £2 2 s. (without Facsimiles). [REVIEW]Arthur Hunt - 1907 - Classical Quarterly 1 (04):321-.
    Greek Papyri in the British Museum: Catalogue, Vol. III. Edited by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell. London: H. Frowde and others, 1907. Pp. lxxiv+388. 100 Collotype Facsimiles, in Portfolio. £2 2s.
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    Comments on Tim Kenyon's "Oral History and the Epistemology of Testimony".Ben Almassi - 2015 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
  46.  39
    Kenyon's Greek Papyri. [REVIEW]J. Rendel Harris - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (7):362-363.
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  47.  26
    SirFrederic Kenyon: The Western Text in the Gospels and Acts. Pp. 31. (From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. XXIV.) London: Milford, 1939. Paper, 2 s[REVIEW]J. M. Creed - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):219-.
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    Poetry ExplicationThe Kenyon CriticsIn Defense of ReasonClassics and CommercialsThe Pattern of CriticismClassical Myths in SculptureFlorence, Flower of the WorldVienna's Golden Years of Music 1850-1900.George Arms, Joseph M. Kuntz, John Crowe Ransom, Yvor Winters, Wilson Edmund, Victor M. Hamm, Walter Raymond Agard, Giovanni Papini, A. Soffici, P. Bargellini, G. Spadolini, A. P. Vacchelli, H. M. R. Cox, Eduard Hanslick & Henry Pleasants - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (2):186.
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  49. Review of Travis Tomchuck, "Transnational Radicals: Italian Anarchists in Canada and the U.S. 1915-1940," and Kenyon Zimmer, "Immigrants Against the State: Yiddish and Italian Anarchism in America". [REVIEW]Nathan Jun - 2016 - Altreitalie 52 (1):134-136.
  50.  80
    A Guide for Archaeologists - Kathleen M. Kenyon: Beginning in Archaeology. Pp. 203; 8 pp. of plates, 14 figs. London: Phoenix House, 1952. Cloth, 12 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]A. R. Burn - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):54-55.
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