Sahin Aksoy [10]S. Aksoy [4]Soner Aksoy [3]Sureyya Elif Aksoy [1]
Seda Aksoy [1]Sema Aksoy [1]Sena Dilek Aksoy [1]
  1. Paper: Brain death revisited: it is not ‘complete death’ according to Islamic sources.Ahmet Bedir & Şahin Aksoy - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):290-294.
    Concepts, such as death, life and spirit cannot be known in their quintessential nature, but can be defined in accordance with their effects. In fact, those who think within the mode of pragmatism and Cartesian logic have ignored the metaphysical aspects of these terms. According to Islam, the entity that moves the body is named the soul. And the aliment of the soul is air. Cessation of breathing means leaving of the soul from the body. Those who agree on the (...)
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    The compassion levels of midwives working in the delivery room.Ayla Ergin, Müesser Özcan & Sena Dilek Aksoy - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):887-898.
    Background: Compassion-based practices in midwifery are the most important expression of the depth of care quality. This concept is insufficiently represented in literature, therefore, studies on this subject are of utmost importance. Objectives: This study aims to determine the levels of compassion of midwives working in the delivery room and the factors affecting these levels. The study was carried out in Kocaeli, Turkey. Methods: This descriptive study was carried out from 1 February to 15 April 2019 in delivery rooms of (...)
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    A Critical Approach to the Current Understanding of Islamic Scholars on Using Cadaver Organs Without Prior Permission.Sahin Aksoy - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):461-472.
    Chronic organ diseases and the increasing demand for organ transplantation have become an important health care problem within the last few decades. Campaigns and regulations to encourage people to donate organs after their death have not met much success. This article discusses the subject from an Islamic perspective. It begins with some basic information on how Muslims reach legal rulings on a particular issue, and goes on to debate contemporary thinking among Islamic scholars on the ethical‐legal issues of organ donation (...)
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    The 'four principles of bioethics' as found in 13 th century Muslim scholar Mawlana's teachings.Sahin Aksoy & Ali Tenik - 2002 - BMC Medical Ethics 3 (1):1-7.
    Background There have been different ethical approaches to the issues in the history of philosophy. Two American philosophers Beachump and Childress formulated some ethical principles namely 'respect to autonomy', 'justice', 'beneficence' and 'non-maleficence'. These 'Four Principles' were presented by the authors as universal and applicable to any culture and society. Mawlana, a great figure in Sufi tradition, had written many books which not only guide people how to worship God to be close to Him, but also advise people how to (...)
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    Making regulations and drawing up legislation in Islamic countries under conditions of uncertainty, with special reference to embryonic stem cell research.S. Aksoy - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):399-403.
    Stem cell research is a newly emerging technology that promises a wide variety of benefits for humanity. It has, however, also caused much ethical, legal, and theological debate. While some forms of its application were prohibited in the beginning, they have now started to be used in many countries. This fact obliges us to discuss the regulation of stem cell research at national and international level. It is obvious that in order to make regulations and to draw up legislation at (...)
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    Response to: A rational cure for pre-reproductive stress syndrome.S. Aksoy - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):382-383.
    This response to “A rational cure for pre-reproductive stress syndrome” first suggests it is existence that is essential and prerequisite to everything good or bad, therefore it deserves to be protected and respected. Secondly, it argues that every life is worth living, even if it is worse than some other lives, if the only alternative is non-existence. Finally, it takes a critical view of and challenges Häyry’s suggestion that in a good clinical situation, the idea of the irrationality of having (...)
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    Kur’an’daki Cennet Tasvirlerinde Kültürel Unsurların Kurucu Etkisi: Nüzul Süreci Bağlamında Bir Okuma.Soner Aksoy - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):773-796.
    Kur’ân’da ahiret hayatının başlıca kısımlarından biri cennettir. Cennet, bu dünyada Allah’a inanan ve imanlarının bir sonucu olarak salih amel işleyenlerin ahirette nimetlerle ödüllendirileceği yer olarak ifade edilir. Bu açıdan Kur’ân’ın pek çok âyetinde cennet hayatına dair çeşitli nimetlerden bahsedilir. Özellikle Mekkî sûrelerde yoğun bir şekilde somut cennet tasvirleri yapılır. Bu tasvirlerin ise genellikle muhatapların kültürel alışkanlıklarıyla iç içe olduğu görülür. Diğer yandan Medenî sûrelerde ise somut cennet tasvirlerinin belirgin olarak azaldığı daha soyut ve evrensel temaların öne çıktığı fark edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla (...)
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  8. Abortion: The destruction of life.Sahin Aksoy - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (2):53-54.
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    Antenatal screening and its possible meaning from unborn baby's perspective.Sahin Aksoy - 2001 - BMC Medical Ethics 2 (1):1-11.
    In recent decades antenatal screening has become one of the most routine procedure of pregnancy-follow up and the subject of hot debate in bioethics circles. In this paper the rationale behind doing antenatal screening and the actual and potential problems that it may cause will be discussed. The paper will examine the issue from the point of wiew of parents, health care professionals and, most importantly, the child-to-be. It will show how unthoughtfully antenatal screening is performed and how pregnancy is (...)
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  10. Can Euthanasia be part of ‘Good-Doctoring?’.Sahin Aksoy - 2000 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 10 (5):152-153.
    Euthanasia is a popular subject that health care professionals, lawyers and theologians has dealt with for a long time. While it was an extreme and exceptional case to support and argue in favour of euthanasia among health care professionals and lay public, it becomes more and more common to see supporters of this act especially among health care professionals.In this article euthanasia is examined from different perspectives, and tried to draw a conclusion that may be helpful to clarify our thinking (...)
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  11. Can Islamic Texts Help To Resolve The Problem Of The Moral Status Of The Prenate?Sahin Aksoy - 1998 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 8 (3):76-79.
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  12. Ethics in international research.N. Aksoy, Z. Edisan, E. Çevik & S. Aksoy - forthcoming - Bioethics Congress.
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    Kral Tanrı Allah’ın Krallığı, Halil Hacımüftüoğlu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017, 280 s.Soner Aksoy - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:327-331.
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  14. Personhood: A Matter Of Moral Decisions.Sahin Aksoy - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (1):3-4.
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    Structural properties and magnetic interactions in martensitic Ni-Mn-Sb alloys.Seda Aksoy, Mehmet Acet, Eberhard F. Wassermann, Thorsten Krenke, Xavier Moya, Lluís Mañosa, Antoni Planes & Pascal P. Deen - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):2093-2109.
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    Some principles of Islamic ethics as found in Harrisian philosophy.S. Aksoy - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):226-229.
    John Harris is one of the prominent philosophers and bioethicists of our time. He has published tens of books and hundreds of papers throughout his professional life. This paper aims to take a ‘deep-look’ at Harris' works to argue that it is possible to find some principles of Islamic ethics in Harrisian philosophy, namely in his major works, as well as in his personal life. This may be surprising, or thought of as a ‘big’ and ‘groundless’ claim, since John Harris (...)
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  17. To Value Life And Existence.Sahin Aksoy - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (4):102-104.
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    Yusuf Bahri Gündoğdu. Alak Suresinin İlk Beş Ayetinin Eğitimsel Değeri İlk Vahyin İzinde.Soner Aksoy & Abdurrahman Hendek - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:299-306.
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    Evaluation of Inflammatory Disease Activity in the Sacroiliac Joints Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Comparative Analysis of Short-Tau Inversion Recovery, Post-Contrast, and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging –Preliminary Study.Elif Hocaoglu, Sema Aksoy & Ercan Inci - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Introduction: It is essential to detect sacroiliitis earlier to decrease morbidity and unwanted complications such as ankylosing of sacroiliac joints. In recent studies, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) serves as a key diagnostic tool for identifying sacroiliitis and is now included in the diagnostic criteria. We aim to detect the utility of diffusion-weighted imaging on the MRI in diagnosing sacroiliitis and measure ADC values for the response to treatment in future studies. Materials -methods: There were 39 patients (16 male, 20 female). (...)
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  20. Children Rights And A Sample Study On Accidents In Children Groups Aged 0-5 Years Old In The Light Of Parents' Responsibilty In Turkey. [REVIEW]Omar Elcioglu, Sahin Aksoy & Tarok Gandaz - 2003 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 13 (5):183-186.
    The most frequent reasons of the accidents seen at children at the ages of 0-5 who have a right to be cared and protected are negligence and carelessness. In this study, judicial cases compiled from children between 0-5 years of age, who had been injured due to severe family negligence and were referred to the Osmangazi University Training, Practice and Research Hospital between the dates of September 1999 and March 2001, were examined. 40 of 113 cases were due to poisoning (...)
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