Results for 'Ruth Pliego'

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  1.  18
    Un precinto bilingüe de plomo de la conquista omeya de la península ibérica.Ruth Pliego & Tawfiq Ibrahim - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (2):15-15.
    This paper presents a hitherto unknown early Arabic-Latin bilingual lead seal depicting a peace pact. The similarities of the Latin signs on one of its faces with those found on a Visigothic monetary issue attributed to the city of Seville, lead us to suggest that this seal could be from the earliest phase of the Umayyad conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, and that it probably alludes to the first peace pact established by Mūsā b. Nuṣayr with that city.
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  2. White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1993 - MIT Press.
    This collection of essays serves both as an introduction to Ruth Millikan’s much-discussed volume Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories and as an extension and application of Millikan’s central themes, especially in the philosophy of psychology. The title essay discusses meaning rationalism and argues that rationality is not in the head, indeed, that there is no legitimate interpretation under which logical possibility and necessity are known a priori. In other essays, Millikan clarifies her views on the nature of mental (...)
  3.  64
    Beyond Concepts: Unicepts, Language, and Natural Information.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Ruth Garrett Millikan presents a strikingly original account of how we get to grips with the world in thought. Her question is Kant's 'How is knowledge possible?', answered from a contemporary naturalist standpoint. We begin with an understanding of what the world is like prior to cognition, then develop a theory of cognition within that world.
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  4. On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay About Substance Concepts.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2000 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by one of today's most creative and innovative philosophers, Ruth Garrett Millikan, this book examines basic empirical concepts; how they are acquired, how they function, and how they have been misrepresented in the traditional philosophical literature. Millikan places cognitive psychology in an evolutionary context where human cognition is assumed to be an outgrowth of primitive forms of mentality, and assumed to have 'functions' in the biological sense. Of particular interest are her discussions of the nature of abilities as (...)
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  5. Sleeping Beauty: a simple solution.Ruth Weintraub - 2004 - Analysis 64 (1):8-10.
    I defend the suggestion that the rational probability in the Sleeping Beauty paradox is one third. The reasoning in its favour is familiar: for every heads-waking, there are two tails-wakings. To complete the defense, I rebut the reasoning which purports to justify the competing suggestion – that the correct probability is half – by undermining its premise, that no new information has been received.
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  6. The Dark Side of Authority: Antecedents, Mechanisms, and Outcomes of Organizational Corruption.Ruth V. Aguilera & Abhijeet K. Vadera - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (4):431-449.
    Corruption poisons corporations in America and around the world, and has devastating consequences for the entire social fabric. In this article, we focus on organizational corruption, described as the abuse of authority for personal benefit, and draw on Weber’s three ideal-types of legitimate authority to develop a theoretical model to better understand the antecedents of different types of organizational corruption. Specifically, we examine the types of business misconduct that organizational leaders are likely to engage in, contingent on their legitimate authority, (...)
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    Studies in Cognitive Development: Essays in Honour of Jean Piaget.Ruth M. Beard, David Elkind & John H. Flavell - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):93.
  8. The father, the son, and the daughter: Sellars, Brandom, and Millikan.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (1):59-71.
    The positions of Brandom and Millikan are compared with respect to their common origins in the works of Wilfrid Sellars and Wittgenstein. Millikan takes more seriously the “picturing” themes from Sellars and Wittgenstein. Brandom follows Sellars more closely in deriving the normativity of language from social practice, although there are also hints of a possible derivation from evolutionary theory in Sellars. An important claim common to Brandom and Millikan is that there are no representations without function or “attitude”.
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  9. An Input Condition for Teleosemantics? Reply to Shea (and Godfrey-Smith).Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (2):436-455.
    In his essay "Consumers Need Information: Supplementing Teleosemantics with an Input Condition" (this issue) Nicholas Shea argues, with support from the work of Peter Godfrey-Smith (1996), that teleosemantics, as David Papinau and I have articulated it, cannot explain why "content attribution can be used to explain successful behavior." This failure is said to result from defining the intentional contents of representations by reference merely to historically normal conditions for success of their "outputs," that is, of their uses by interpreting or (...)
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    The linguistics of self-branding and micro-celebrity in Twitter: The role of hashtags.Ruth Page - 2012 - Discourse and Communication 6 (2):181-201.
    Twitter is a linguistic marketplace in which the processes of self-branding and micro-celebrity depend on visibility as a means of increasing social and economic gain. Hashtags are a potent resource within this system for promoting the visibility of a Twitter update. This study analyses the frequency, types and grammatical context of hashtags which occurred in a dataset of approximately 92,000 tweets, taken from 100 publically available Twitter accounts, comparing the discourse styles of corporations, celebrity practitioners and ‘ordinary’ Twitter members. The (...)
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  11.  27
    The Return of Feminist Liberalism.Ruth Abbey - 2011 - Routledge.
    While it is uncontroversial to point to the liberal roots of feminism, a major issue in English-language feminist political thought over the last few decades has been whether feminism's association with liberalism should be relegated to the past. Can liberalism continue to serve feminist purposes? This book examines the positions of three contemporary feminists - Martha Nussbaum, Susan Moller Okin and Jean Hampton - who, notwithstanding decades of feminist critique, are unwilling to give up on liberalism. This book examines why, (...)
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  12. Back toward a Comprehensive Liberalism?Ruth Abbey - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (1):5-28.
    This article examines the attempts by John Rawls in the works published after Political Liberalism to engage with some of the feminist responses to his work. Rawls goes a long way toward addressing some of the major feministliberal concerns. Yet this has the unintended consequence of pushing justice as fairness in the direction of a more comprehensive, rather than a strictly political, form of liberalism. This does not seem to be a problem peculiar to Rawls: rather, any form of liberalism (...)
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    ‘Men of Science’: Language, Identity and Professionalization in the Mid-Victorian Scientific Community.Ruth Barton - 2003 - History of Science 41 (1):73-119.
  14. Back to the Future: Marriage as Friendship in the Thought of Mary Wollstonecraft.Ruth Abbey - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (3):78-95.
    If liberal theory is to move forward, it must take the political nature of family relations seriously. The beginnings of such a liberalism appear in Mary Wollstonecraft's work. Wollstonecraft's depiction of the family as a fundamentally political institution extends liberal values into the private sphere by promoting the ideal of marriage as friendship. However, while her model of marriage diminishes arbitrary power in family relations, she seems unable to incorporate enduring sexual relations between married partners.
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    Complex texts: Analysing, understanding, explaining and interpreting meanings.Ruth Wodak - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):623-633.
    This article discusses different theoretical and methodological approaches in the humanities and social sciences which strive to analyse and understand, interpret and explain texts and discourses in systematic, qualitative ways. After reviewing some of the salient theories in the social sciences, I argue that critical discourse studies require a ‘trichotomy’ consisting of explanation, interpretation and critique. Other approaches such as Ricoeur’s ‘hermeneutic arc’ seem to neglect important structural and material dimensions of context as well as critical self-reflection. Moreover, I argue (...)
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  16. Awareness of Rhythm Patterns in Speech and Music in Children with Specific Language Impairments.Ruth Cumming, Angela Wilson, Victoria Leong, Lincoln J. Colling & Usha Goswami - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  17.  83
    An Eye for Artificial Intelligence: Insights Into the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Vision for Future Research.Ruth V. Aguilera & Deepika Chhillar - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1197-1241.
    In this 60th anniversary of Business & Society essay, we seek to make three main contributions at the intersection of governance and artificial intelligence. First, we aim to illuminate some of the deeper social, legal, organizational, and democratic challenges of rising AI adoption and resulting algorithmic power by reviewing AI research through a governance lens. Second, we propose an AI governance framework that aims to better assess AI challenges as well as how different governance modalities can support AI. At the (...)
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  18. Biomedical research policy : back to the future?Bartha Maria Knoppers, Ruth Chadwick & Michael Beauvais - 2022 - In G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne, Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Logic For Expressivists.Ruth Weintraub - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):601 - 616.
    In this paper I offer solutions to two problems which our moral practice engenders for expressivism, the meta-ethical doctrine according to which ethical statements aren't propositional, susceptible of truth and falsity, but, rather, express the speaker's non-cognitive attitudes. First, the expressivist must show that arguments which are valid when interpreted propositionally are valid when construed expressivistically, and vice versa. The second difficulty is the Frege-Geach problem. Moral arguments employ atomic sentences, negations, disjunctions, etc., and, by expressivist lights, the meaning of (...)
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  20.  41
    Basic auditory processing and sensitivity to prosodic structure in children with specific language impairments: a new look at a perceptual hypothesis.Ruth Cumming, Angela Wilson & Usha Goswami - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  21.  9
    Habermas, lifelong learning and citizenship education.Ruth Deakin Crick & Clarence Joldersma - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (2):77-95.
    Citizenship and its education is again gaining importance in many countries. This paper uses England as its primary example to develop a Habermasian perspective on this issue. The statutory requirements for citizenship education in England imply that significant attention be given to the moral and social development of the learner over time, to the active engagement of the learner in community and to the knowledge skills and understanding necessary for political action. This paper sets out a theoretical framework that offers (...)
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    Functional involvement of subcortical structures in global-local processing.Margarita Soloveichick, Ruth Kimchi & Shai Gabay - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104476.
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    Mediation between discourse and society: assessing cognitive approaches in CDA.Ruth Wodak - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (1):179-190.
    While reviewing relevant recent research, it becomes apparent that cognitive approaches have been rejected and excluded from Critical Discourse Analysis by many scholars out of often unjustified reasons. This article argues, in contrast, that studies in CDA would gain significantly through integrating insights from socio-cognitive theories into their framework. Examples from my own research into the comprehension and comprehensibility of news broadcasts, Internet discussion boards as well as into discourse and discrimination illustrate this position. However, I also argue that there (...)
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  24. Circles, Ladders and Stars: Nietzsche on friendship.Ruth Abbey - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):50-73.
    One of the major purposes of this article is to show that friendship was one of Nietzsche's central concerns and that he shared Aristotle's belief that it takes higher and lower forms. Yet Nietzsche's interest in friendship is overlooked in much of the secondary literature. An important reason for this is that this interest is most evident in the works of his middle period, and these tend to be neglected in commentaries on Nietzsche. In the works of the middle period, (...)
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  25.  57
    Plus Ça Change: Charles Taylor On Accommodating Quebec’s mInority Cultures.Ruth Abbey - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 99 (1):71-92.
    This article examines the 2008 report of the Quebec Government’s Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences which was co-authored by Charles Taylor. Summarizing its main themes, it identifies points of intersection with Taylor’s political thought. Issues of citizen equality, including gender equality, secularism, integration and interculturalism, receive special attention.
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    The Impact of Work-Related Values on the Readiness to Change in Estonian Organizations.Ruth Alas - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):113-124.
    This study contributes to our understanding of how work-related values, including ethics, are connected with the readiness to change in Estonian organizations. Research in Estonian companies involved 747 respondents. The author examined the influence of work-related values on attitude towards change and organizational learning. Empirical research in Estonian organizations indicates that work-related values predict attitude towards change and organizational learning. This study indicates the need for ethical conduct to achieve a competitive advantage in Estonia. Guidelines for managers and a model (...)
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    Conceptualizing the Dynamics of Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Case Study of Estonia.Ruth Alas & Külliki Tafel - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):371-385.
    During the last decade and a half, Estonia has concentrated predominantly on economic development in its narrowest sense. Currently, the emphasis is gradually moving towards a broader approach, including an increasingly social agenda. The research question here concerns the awareness of corporate social responsibility among Estonian owners and managers. Empirical research in Estonia indicates that there has been a shift towards recognizing the importance of social responsibility, but this primarily concerns the “lower layers” of social responsibility, recognizing the importance of (...)
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  28. Surrogate Motherhood and Abortion for Fetal Abnormality.Ruth Walker & Liezl van Zyl - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (8):529-535.
    A diagnosis of fetal abnormality presents parents with a difficult – even tragic – moral dilemma. Where this diagnosis is made in the context of surrogate motherhood there is an added difficulty, namely that it is not obvious who should be involved in making decisions about abortion, for the person who would normally have the right to decide – the pregnant woman – does not intend to raise the child. This raises the question: To what extent, if at all, should (...)
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  29. A paradox of confirmation.Ruth Weintraub - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (2):169 - 180.
    I present a puzzle which seems simple, but is found to have interesting implications for confirmation. Its dissolution also helps us to throw light on the relationship between first- and second-order probabilities construed as rational degrees of belief.
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    Do utility comparisons pose a problem?Ruth Weintraub - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):307-319.
    Comparisons between utilities pose a pressing problem if, while incapable of being grounded, they are required in ethical deliberation. My aim is to consider whether there are epistemological impediments to implementing such ethical choices. Can we find ourselves being persuaded of the ethical need to compare utilities of different individuals, yet unable to do so because the comparisons cannot be warranted? I argue that the problem cannot arise; no plausible moral principle will invoke magnitudes which are inscrutable.
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  31. Women’s Human Rights, Then and Now: Symposium on Eileen Hunt Botting’s Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women’s Human Rights(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016).Ruth Abbey, Linda M. G. Zerilli, Alasdair MacIntyre & Eileen Hunt Botting - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (3):426-454.
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    Freedom – A silent but significant thread across Taylor’s oeuvre.Ruth Abbey - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):790-792.
    One important and consistent thread of Charles Taylor’s thought that has not yet received the attention it deserves is his philosophy of freedom. Taylor’s 1979 defense of positive liberty in response to Isaiah Berlin’s “Two Conceptions of Liberty” is, of course, well known. But there is a way of seeing reflection on freedom as a thread that runs, sometimes silently but always significantly, through his whole body of work. Taylor can be seen as asking what freedom means, how many varieties (...)
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    Wollen wir unsere Hande in Unschuld waschen? Gertrud Woker , Chemikerin und Internationale Frauenliga . Gerit von Leitner.Ruth Sime - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):839-840.
  34. The mediazation of culture: John Thompson and the vision of public service broadcasting.Ruth Tomaselli - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):124-132.
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    Organizational decision-making, discourse, and power: integrating across contexts and scales.Ruth Wodak, Ian Clarke & Winston Kwon - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (3):273-302.
    Research has downplayed the complex discursive processes and practices through which decisions are constructed and blurs the relationship between macro- and micro-levels. The article argues for a critical and ecologically valid approach that articulates how discursive practices are influenced by, and in turn shape, the organizational settings in which they occur. It makes a methodological contribution using decision-making episodes of a senior management team meeting of a multinational company to demonstrate the insights that can be obtained from embedding the Discourse-Historical (...)
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    Flourishing thought: democracy in an age of data hoards.Ruth Austin Miller - 2016 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Challenging the posthumanist canon which celebrates the pre-eminence of matter, Ruth Miller, inFlourishingThoughtargues that what nonhuman systems contribute to democracy is thought. Drawing on recent feminist theories of nonhuman life and politics, Miller shows that reproduction and flourishing are not antithetical to contemplation and sensitivity. After demonstrating processes of life and processes of thought are indistinguishable, Miller finds that four menacing accumulations of matter and information--global surveillance, stored embryos, human clones, and reproductive trash--are politically productive rather than threats to (...)
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    The Anatomy of Superstition: A Study of the Historical Theory and Practice of Pierre Bayle.Ruth Whelan - 1989
    This book investigates what actually happens when Pierre Bayle writes about the past and challenges the still prevalent view that he is dispassionate in the way he treats the subjects of the more than two thousand articles in his biographical Dictionnaire historique et critique. It opens with two case studies of the way he uses the sources available to him, which reveal a committed writer at work. Subsequent chapters explore the theory that shapes his erudition; the method that he devised (...)
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    What do displays of empathy do in palliative care consultations?Ruth Parry, Alexa Hepburn & Joseph Ford - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (1):22-37.
    Empathy is an important way for doctors to demonstrate their understanding of patients’ subjective experiences. This research considers the role of empathy in 37 doctor–patient palliative or end-of-life care consultations recorded in a hospice. Specifically, it focuses on four contexts in which there is a disparity between patients’ displayed experience of their illness and the doctor’s biomedical, expertise-driven perspective on their illness. These include cases in which the patient is sceptical of the medical perspective, cases in which the patient’s expectations (...)
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  39. The Roots of Ressentiment.Ruth Abbey - 1999 - New Nietzsche Studies 3 (3-4):47-61.
    Despite its centrality for an understanding of Nietzsche's thought, the term ressentiment does not appear in his writings before Beyond Good and Evil. This article argues that the roots of the idea of ressentiment appear in his middle period writings when he discusses vanity [die Eitelkeit].
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  40. The Anatomy of Superstition: A Study of the Historical Theory and Practice of Pierre Bayle.Ruth Whelan - 1993 - Diderot Studies 25:252-254.
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    Forschung an humanen embryonalen Stammzellen: aktuelle ethische Fragestellungen.Johann S. Ach, Ruth Denkhaus & Beate Lüttenberg (eds.) - 2015 - Münster: Lit.
    Die Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen gehört in Deutschland seit Jahren zu den in der Öffentlichkeit besonders kontrovers diskutierten Fragen. Aus ethischer, rechtlicher und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive wirft die Verwendung von humanen embryonalen Stammzellen und induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen in der Grundlagenforschung, der sich abzeichnenden klinischen Anwendung oder auch der ebenfalls näher rückenden Nutzung von Stammzellen als Testsystemen eine Reihe von Fragen auf, die, neben eher allgemeinen Fragen der Ethik der Stammzellforschung, den Fokus der Beiträge des vorliegenden Sammelbandes bilden.
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  42. Legacy of the transputer.Cherry Hinton & Cambridge Ruth Ivimey - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization:19.
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  43. The chief inducement? The idea of marriage as friendship.Ruth Abbey & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2001 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (1):37–52.
    A combination of social forces has thrown marriage into question in westernised societies at the end of the millennium. This uncertainty creates space for new ways of thinking about marriage. In this context, we examine the idea of marriage as friendship. We trace its genealogy in the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor and then subject it to critical scrutiny using some of Michel de Montaigne’s ideas. We ask how applic- able the ideal of higher friendship (...)
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  44. Reviews : Richard Rorty, Contingency, Irony and Solidarity (Cambridge University Press, 1989).Ruth Abbey - 1990 - Thesis Eleven 25 (1):170-172.
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  45. Stefan Ramaekers and Judith Suissa , The Claims of Parenting: Reasons, Responsibility and Society . Reviewed by.Ruth Abbey - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (1):9-15.
  46.  21
    Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment and Gender History. Shaping the Future – Rethinking the Past.Ruth Edith Hagengruber - 2023 - In Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, and Gender History: Shaping the Future, Rethinking the Past. De Gruyter. pp. 1-12.
  47.  26
    Linguistics and Aphasia: Psycholinguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Intervention.Ruth Lesser & Lesley Milroy - 1993 - Routledge.
    _Linguistics and Aphasia_ is a major study of recent developments in applying psycholinguistics and pragmatics to the study of acquired language disorders and their remediation. Psycholinguistic analyses of aphasia interpret disorders in terms of damaged modules and processes within what was once a normal language system. These analyses have progressed to the point that they now routinely provide a model-based rationalefor planning patient therapy. Through a series of case studies, the authors show how the psycholinguistic analysis of aphasia can be (...)
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    Being a learner: A virtue for the 21st century.Ruth Deakin Crick & Kenneth Wilson - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (3):359-374.
    Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worth-whileness of 'being a learner' - a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential (...)
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    All Is Not Vanity.Ruth Abbey - 2000 - In Nietzsche's middle period. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Friedrich Nietzsche believes that self-love is a necessary ingredient for healthy individualism. This chapter explores the connections between his conceptions of egoism, self-love, and vanity in the middle period works. It is argued that the roots of Nietzsche’s later concept of ressentiment appear in these works, for several of the features associated with vanity, such as heteronomy and the absence of self-love, come to be characteristic of ressentiment. The chapter then moves into a discussion of what room there might be (...)
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    Conclusion.Ruth Abbey - 2000 - In Nietzsche's middle period. New York: Oxford University Press.
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