Results for 'Ruth Newberry'

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  1. Social conditions.Francisco Galindo, Ruth Newberry & Mike Mendl - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo (eds.), Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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  2. More about moral dilemmas.Ruth Barcan Marcus & H. E. Mason - 1996 - In H. E. Mason (ed.), Moral dilemmas and moral theory. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  3. Quantification and ontology.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1972 - Noûs 6 (3):240-250.
  4. Against Relativism: Cultural Diversity and the Search for Ethical Universals in Medicine.Ruth Macklin & John W. Cook - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):121-124.
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  5. Extensionality.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1960 - Mind 69 (273):55-62.
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    Everyday creativity and the arts.Ruth Richards - 2007 - World Futures 63 (7):500 – 525.
    Everyday artistic creativity is downplayed in our schools, our lives, our culture. Yet here is an essential language of our lives, opening us to important ways of knowing, truth, beauty, and means for creative coping, as individuals and as cultures. Views of John Dewey and Suzanne Langer are each considered. A devaluation of artistic creativity may also reflect unacknowledged biases related to emotional "versus" intellectual knowing, gender stereotyping, science "versus" art, individualism "versus" interdependence, false stereotypes of creative "unhealth," and eminent (...)
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  7. The Market for Bodily Parts: Kant and duties to oneself.Ruth F. Chadwick - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):129-140.
    The demand for bodily parts such as organs is increasing, and individuals in certain circumstances are responding by offering parts of their bodies for sale. Is there anything wrong in this? Kant had arguments to suggest that there is, namely that we have duties towards our own bodies, among which is the duty not to sell parts of them. Kant's reasons for holding this view are examined, and found to depend on a notion of what is intrinsically degrading. Rom Harré's (...)
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    Policy as Product: Morality and Metaphor in Health Policy Discourse.Ruth E. Malone - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):16-22.
    Where we once spoke in military terms, we now often wield the language of the market: health care is a “product” and we are its “providers” and “consumers.” The market metaphor constrains in various ways our vision of the goals we pursue in making health policy, of the options available to us in pursuing them, indeed—because policy implies a certain view of moral agency—of the way we relate to each other.
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  9. What can we Learn from Buridan's Ass?Ruth Weintraub - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):281-301.
    The mythical1 hungry ass, facing two identical bundles of hay equidistant from him, has engendered two related questions. Can he choose one of the bundles, there seemingly being nothing to incline him one way or the other? If he can, the second puzzle — pertaining to rational choice — arises. It seems the ass cannot rationally choose one of the bundles, because there is no sufficient reason for any choice.2In what follows, I will argue that choice is possible even when (...)
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    Splitting Embryos on the Slippery Slope: Ethics and Public Policy.Ruth Macklin - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (3):209-225.
    Neither the George Washington University embryo splitting experiment nor the technique of embryo splitting itself has ethical flaws. The experiment harmed or wronged no one, and the investigators followed intramural review procedures for the experiment, although some might fault them for failing to seek extramural consultation or for not waiting until national guidelines for research on preembryos were developed. Ethical objections to such cloning on the basis of possible loss of individuality, possible lessening of individual worth, and concern about potential (...)
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  11. (3 other versions)Modalities: Philosophical Essays.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (1):118-119.
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  12. Does the principle of substitutivity rest on a mistake?Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1975 - In Alan Ross Anderson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Richard Milton Martin & Frederic Brenton Fitch (eds.), The Logical enterprise. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  13.  34
    The Inner Workings of an Ethics Committee: Latest Battle over Jehovah's Witnesses.Ruth Macklin - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):15-20.
    Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds have long created ethical dilemmas for those in the medical profession trying to serve them. A bioethicist working in a clinical setting explores how one hospital ethics committee grappled with the additional problem of pregnant Jehovah's Witnesses, including the complex interdependence of maternal and fetal rights.
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  14. Modalities: Philosophical Essays.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1961 - New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    This collection of Marcus's non-technical essays include her earlier ground-breaking axiomatizations of quantified modal logic, and explore such topics as the necessity of identity, the directly referential role of proper names as "tags", the interplay of possibility and existence, and others viewed as iconoclastic when Marcus first addressed them, but now long incorporated into current discussion.
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    The Hebrew Version of De celo et mundo Attributed to Ibn Sīnā.Ruth Glasner - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1):89.
    The Hebrew text On the Heavens and the World, ascribed to Ibn S, is an interesting and intriguing composition. It dates from the 13th century and was quite influential. It is not a translation of any text of Ibn S known to us, but is related to the Latin De celo et mundo, which appears in the 1508 Venice edition of translations of Ibn S. The Latin and Hebrew texts differ widely and the relation between them is far from being (...)
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    The Recorded Sayings of Layman Pʿang, a Ninth-Century Zen ClassicThe Recorded Sayings of Layman Pang, a Ninth-Century Zen Classic.Philip Yampolsky, Ruth Fuller Sasaki, Yoshitaka Iriya & Dana R. Fraser - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):412.
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    Moral Concerns and Appeals to Rights and Duties.Ruth Macklin - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (5):31-38.
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    Lernen für die Auswanderung. Die jüdische Schule in Deutschland 1933-1942.Ruth Röcher - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 43 (3):266-281.
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  19. How Independent Are IRBs?Ruth Macklin - 2008 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 30 (3).
    What does it mean to say that ethics committees that provide prospective review of research involving human beings should be “independent”? In the United States, IRBs—which are typically located within and review research protocols at the institution for which most of their members work—cannot really be considered independent. Yet separating the IRB from the research institution may in turn mean less independence from a trial’s sponsors, as this kind of IRB is commercially motivated and paid directly by the sponsor. One (...)
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  20.  33
    Possibiha and Possible Worlds.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):107-133.
    Four questions are raised about the semantics of Quantified Modal Logic. Does QML admit possible objects, i.e. possibilia? Is it plausible to admit them? Can sense be made of such objects? Is QML committed to the existence of possibilia?The conclusions are that QML, generalized as in Kripke, would seem to accommodate possibilia, but they are rejected on philosophical and semantical grounds. Things must be encounterable, directly nameable and a part of the actual order before they may plausibly enter into the (...)
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    Dr. Margaret Macdonald.Ruth Saw - 1955 - Analysis 16 (4):73 - 74.
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    Hope and education.Ruth Levitas - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (2):269–273.
    This essay reviews David Halpin's Hope and Education, which aims to bring theories of hope and utopia to bear on the practical processes of schooling in contemporary Britain, and which sees education as an intrinsically hopeful and future-oriented process. It argues that the properly utopian character of Halpin's project is subverted by his espousal of a currently fashionable pragmatism, represented by Richard Rorty and Anthony Giddens, which insists that ‘good’ utopias must be realistic and practical. Utopian hope for a better (...)
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    What is Fair? Choice, Fairness, and Transparency in Access to Prescription Medicines in the United States and Australia.Ruth Lopert & Sara Rosenbaum - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):643-656.
    The role of government in assuring population access to affordable and appropriate health care represents a central question for any nation. Of particular concern is access to prescription drug coverage, not only because of the vital role played by drugs in modern medicine, but also because of their high costs. This article examines the sharply contrasting prescription drug coverage and payment policies found in Australia and the U.S. – strong political allies and international trading partners – and describes how key (...)
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    Modal logics I: Modalities and intensional languages'.Ruth Bar Can Marcus - forthcoming - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
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    It is likely misbelief never has a function.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):529-530.
    I highlight and amplify three central points that McKay & Dennett (M&D) make about the origin of failures to perform biologically proper functions. I question whether even positive illusions meet criteria for evolved misbelief.
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    Congo style: from Belgian art nouveau to African independence.Ruth Sacks - 2023 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Congo Style presents a postcolonial approach to discussing the visual culture of two now-notorious regimes: King Leopold II's Congo Colony and the state sites of Mobutu Sese Seko's totalitarian Zaïre. Readers are brought into the living remains of sites once made up of ambitious modernist architecture and art in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. From the total artworks of Art Nouveau to the aggrandizing sites of post-independence Kinshasa, Congo Style investigates the experiential qualities of man-made environments intended to entertain, (...)
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    Communist Existentialism.Christopher Ruth - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (1):149-162.
    Max Stirner pioneered a radically existentialist thinking in which the ego or the Unique One is able to appropriate its “predicates” or determinations as objects of consumption. In this sense the singular event is privileged over the intellectual “spooks” that express the predicate’s independence from and mastery over its subject. Karl Marx’s thinking was decisively altered by his encounter with Stirner, to whom he replied at length in The German Ideology. I propose that Marx and Engels’s critique and appropriation of (...)
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    Flannery O'Connor's Mrs. Turpin, Hannah Arendt's Adolf Eichmann, and Dreams of Boxcars.Jennifer Ruth - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):165-184.
    What I learned from you and what helped me in the ensuing years to find my way around in reality without selling my soul to it the way people in earlier times sold their souls to the devil is that the only thing of importance is not philosophies but the truth, that one has to live and think in the open and not in one's own little shell, no matter how comfortably furnished it is, and that necessity in whatever form (...)
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    Meaning in the Arts, By Louis Arnaud Reid. (London: Allen and Unwin, 1970. Pp. 317. £3.25p.).Ruth Saw - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (178):361-.
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  30. Nieuwe scheidslijnen tussen oude wetenschappen: Belief-desire psychologie als onderdeel van de biologie.A. Ruth Mackor - 1994 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 86 (2):128-147.
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    What Is a "Work of Art"?Ruth Saw - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (136):18 - 29.
    This examination of the concept “work of art” has been prompted by the desire to find a starting point for aesthetic inquiry which, to begin with at any rate, will arouse no dispute. A claim for general agreement such as Clive Bell's: “The starting point for all systems of aesthetics must be the personal experience of a pecular emotion”, is countered by I. A. Richards's “the phantom aesthetic state”, and any attempt to claim “beauty” as the central concept is straightway (...)
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  32. Property Rights and the Political Philosophy of John Locke.Ruth J. Sample - 1995 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    The ultimate aim of this dissertation is to determine whether libertarian theories of property can be adequately grounded in Locke's theory of natural rights. I defend the thesis that Locke's theory has no room for a fundamental commitment to natural rights, including property rights. ;In the first three chapters, I challenge each component of the dominant interpretation of Locke's theory of property in this century, viz., that of C. B. Macpherson. In Chapter One, I criticize Macpherson's claim that Locke's view (...)
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    Actions, consequences and ethical theory.Ruth Macklin - 1967 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1 (1):72-80.
  34. On the overlap of pragmatics and semantics.Ruth Manor - 2001 - Synthese 128 (1-2):63 - 73.
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    Pragmatics and the Logic of Questions and Assertions.Ruth Manor - 1982 - Philosophica 29:45-96.
  36. Are possible, non actual objects real?Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 51 (200):251-257.
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    The sovereignty of miracles:Pentecostal political theology in nigeria.Ruth Marshall - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):197-223.
  38. Moral Issues in Human Genetics: Counseling or Control?Ruth Macklin - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (3):375-396.
    … [T]he question “valuable to what end?” is one of extraordinary complexity. For example, something obviously valuable in terms of the longest possible survival of a race would by no means have the same value if it were a question of developing a more powerful type. The welfare of the many and the welfare of the few are radically opposite ends.There is no question that genetic engineering in many forms… will come about. It is a general rule that whatever is (...)
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    Cloning and Public Policy.Ruth Macklin - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 206–215.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Public Policy Actions Strong Reactions to Human Cloning A Rational Approach to Public Policy.
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    Doing and Happening.Ruth Macklin - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):246 - 261.
    IT IS A COMMONLY HELD VIEW that a clear distinction can be made between what a person does and what happens to him. This distinction is usually assumed, rather than argued for, and it is made to do some work--a load it seems unable to bear--in contemporary philosophy of action. Minimally, the thesis asserts that a man's actions are those things he does. This thesis is used to support the view that it is a conceptual error or otherwise inappropriate to (...)
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    Disagreement, consensus, and moral integrity.Ruth Macklin - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (3):289-311.
    : The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments experienced some disagreements among its members in the course of its work. An epistemological controversy over the nature and degree of evidence required to draw ethical conclusions pervaded the committee's deliberations. Other disagreements involved the proper role of a governmental advisory committee and the question of when it is appropriate to notify people that they were unknowing subjects of radiation experiments. In the end, the Committee was able to reach consensus on almost (...)
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    Equal Access to Professional Services.Ruth Macklin - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (3-4):1-12.
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    Good in Theory: Can It Work in Practice?Ruth Macklin - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (12):55-56.
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    Limits to stochastic dynamic programming.Ruth H. Mace & William J. Sutherland - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):101-101.
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    Man's "animal brains" and animal nature: Some implications of a psychophysiological theory.Ruth Macklin - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (2):155-181.
  46.  33
    Norm and law in the theory of action.Ruth Macklin - 1968 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (1-4):400 – 409.
    An examination is made of the dispute between the proponents of rational explanation of actions and of the deductive nomological pattern of explanation. A rapprochement between these two positions is suggested, with the aim of accounting for the normative character of reasons for acting. It is argued that the disputed area is an area of intersection between facts and values, and that far from it being the case that the normative and descriptive components can be separated or isolated, the underlying (...)
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    No Shortage of Dilemmas: Comment on “They Call It ‘Patient Selection’ in Khayelitsha”.Ruth Macklin - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (3):313-321.
    Any program seeking to provide antiretroviral treatment to the many patients in need is bound to confront ethical dilemmas. Dilemmas, as we know, are situations in which decisionmakers are faced with a choice between equally unsatisfactory alternatives. Yet those in charge must make a decision or establish a policy that takes one pathway to the exclusion of another. Reasonable people may disagree over the choice, arguing that an alternative selection would have been ethically superior.
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  48. Ruthless?Ruth Macklin - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (6):6-6.
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    2 The Experience of the National Board of Medical Examiners.Ruth Maciuin & Johana Jones - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):23-25.
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    The Experience of the National Board of Medical Examiners.Ruth Macklin & Johanna Jones - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):23.
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