Results for 'Rui Linhares-Dias'

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    Linguistic Functions: The Vienna-Prague Circuit.Rui Linhares-Dias - 2006 - Brentano Studien 12:183-217.
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    The body is a flame: from actual design to the virtual body.Rui Dias - 2012 - Cultura:263-281.
    Tomando o corpo como campo de possibilidades perante um cenário actual de desassossegos e desafios – corpo em processo de construção social e de virtualização –, aponta-se para a necessidade de uma sua revisão crítica, nomeadamente por parte da cultura de Design. Porque todos os objectos se relacionam sempre com o corpo, há que descobrir e considerar ligações. A compreensão dessas ligações e a consideração de uma contínua teorização do corpo serão certamente da maior utilidade para a prática de uma (...)
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    Bion e uma mudança de paradigma na psicanálise.Aline Groff Vivian & Vera Lucia Linhares Dias - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:206-210.
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    (1 other version)Factors that contributes the willingness to stay in organisations.Rui Gonçalves, Mariana Cruz, Álvaro L. Dias, Leandro F. Pereira & Renato Lopes Da Costa - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Psychometric Properties of a Chinese Version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale.Rui Dong & Shiguang Ni - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (2):154-175.
    This study focuses on the reliability and validation of the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale. Factor analysis confirmed that the scale includes two factors: perceptual moral attentiveness and reflective moral attentiveness. Moral attentiveness is negatively correlated with normlessness and positively associated with internalization and symbolization, moral identity, and other academic dishonesty behaviors. Reflective moral attentiveness moderated the relationship between formalism and unethical decision making. All results showed that the Chinese version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale has satisfactory psychometric (...)
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    A glimpse at the metaphysics of Bongard problems.Alexandre Linhares - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 121 (1-2):251-270.
  7.  71
    An active symbols theory of chess intuition.Alexandre Linhares - 2005 - Minds and Machines 15 (2):131-181.
    The well-known game of chess has traditionally been modeled in artificial intelligence studies by search engines with advanced pruning techniques. The models were thus centered on an inference engine manipulating passive symbols in the form of tokens. It is beyond doubt, however, that human players do not carry out such processes. Instead, chess masters instead carry out perceptual processes, carefully categorizing the chunks perceived in a position and gradually building complex dynamic structures to represent the subtle pressures embedded in the (...)
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    "Community" Art by Dia Rowland.Dia Rowland - 2023 - Questions 23:37-37.
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  9. Ethical dimension of paediatric cochlear implantation.Rui Nunes - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (4):337-349.
    In congenitally or prelingually deaf childrencochlear implantation is open to seriousethical challenge. The ethical dimension ofthis technology is closely related to both asocial standard of quality of life and to theuncertainty of the overall results of cochlearimplantation. Uncertainty with regards theacquisition of oral communicative skills.However, in the western world, available datasuggest that deafness is associated with thelowest educational level and the lowest familyincome. Notwithstanding the existence of aDeaf-World, deafness should be considered as ahandicap. Therefore, society should provide themeans for the (...)
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    Law’s Cultural Project and the Claim to Universality or the Equivocalities of a Familiar Debate.José Manuel Aroso Linhares - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):489-503.
    Do our present circumstances allow us to defend a specific connection (that specific connection) between «legal rules», «moral claims» and «democratic principles» which we may say is granted by an unproblematic presupposition of universality or by an «acultural» experience of modernity? In order to discuss this question, this paper invokes the challenge-visée of a plausible reinvention of Law’s autonomous project (a reinvention which may be capable of critically re-thinking and re-experiencing Law’s constitutive cultural-civilizational originarium in a «limit-situation» such as our (...)
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  11. 03 programação E conteúdos Das aulas dia/mês conteúdo.Dias Das Aulas Presenciais - 2012 - Princípios 20:03.
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  12. O despertar do sonho dogmático.Orlando Bruno Linhares - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (2):53-81.
    : Neste artigo argumento contra a interpretação muito difundida segundo a qual o ano de 1769 representou um marco na formação da filosofia transcendental e a Dissertação de 1770 corresponde ao primeiro texto crítico. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a origem das antinomias nas Reflexões da década de 1770. Não se trata de esboçá-las, pois sobre elas Kant é reticente nesse período. Elas são objeto da atenção dele somente às vésperas da redação da Crítica da razão pura. Eu me (...)
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    Um pe na historia.Rui Estrada - 2004 - História 1:241-246.
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    Authentic assessment in Chinese secondary English classrooms: teachers’ perception and practice.Rui Huang & Lianjiang Jiang - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-14.
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    A Herança da fenomenologia Husserliana na Hermenêutica de Gadamer.João Caetano Linhares - 2016 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 7 (13):97.
    Uma questão que surge para aqueles que começam a trabalhar com a hermenêutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer consiste, em parte, na pergunta sobre os limites da relação da hermenêutica com a fenomenologia. Ou seja, até que ponto a hermenêutica expressa posições dependentes dos modos de pesquisa da fenomenologia. Neste texto, buscamos rastrear como essa relação acontece explicitamente nos textos de Gadamer, apontando que há uma consequencia prática da herança fenomenológica que é absorvida pela hermenêutica.
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    A Questão da distinção fato-valor e o Realismo Moral de Alasdair MacIntyre.João Caetano Linhares - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):258.
    Entre os vários problemas filosóficos que tem ocupado os filósofos envolvidos com a pesquisa ética está aquele da objetividade do valor. Alguns teóricos defendem que não há objetividade nos juízos valorativos. Outros, os realistas, defendem que os juízos valorativos são tão objetivos quanto os juízos factuais. Aqui abordaremos a postura realista, em especial o realismo naturalista de Alasdair MacIntyre, e como esta postura lida com a questão da distinção entre fato e valor.
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  17. A retórica como antístrofe da dialética em aristóteles.Paulo Afonso Linhares - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (1):32-50.
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    Dynamic sets of potentially interchangeable connotations: A theory of mental objects.Alexandre Linhares - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):389-390.
    Analogy-making is an ability with which we can abstract from surface similarities and perceive deep, meaningful similarities between different mental objects and situations. I propose that mental objects are dynamically changing sets of potentially interchangeable connotations. Unfortunately, most models of analogy seem devoid of both semantics and relevance-extraction, postulating analogy as a one-to-one mapping devoid of connotation transfer.
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    O binómio casos fáceis/casos difíceis e cateogria de inteligibilidade sistema jurídico: um contraponto indispensável no mapa do discurso jurídico contemporâneo?José Manuel Aroso Linhares - 2017 - [Coimbra]: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra/Coimbra University Press.
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  20.  21
    She deserved it: Analysis of variables that influence the accountability of victims of sexual violence.Layanne Linhares & Ana Raquel Rosas Torres - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):218-229.
    This article aims to analyze the effect of the combination of the variables - victim characteristics, observer sex, Belief in a Just World, and ambivalent sexism - on sexual violence victim blaming. Three studies were conducted with university students, who were asked to answer some items on victim blaming, Belief in a Just World, and Ambivalent Sexism. The ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses have shown that the combination of these variables resulted in higher black and counter-normative victim blaming. The results confirmed (...)
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  21.  3
    Translation, Intercultural Dialogue and the Mediation of Legal Semiotics.J. M. Aroso Linhares - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-19.
    Contemporary meta-dogmatic legal discourse has frequently mobilized the signifier “translation”, in different stages and to face diverse problems ─ the multidirectional interactions between _legal language_ and _ordinary language_, the plural network of (national and international, state and non-state) legal orders, the dialectics between presupposed legal materials and practical controversies, the intersubjective place of the judge as the impartial _third_, the invention of exemplarity as _concreteness ─_ always however with decisive projections in the understanding or experiencing of _juridicalness_ (its aspirations, categories (...)
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    The Limits of Law: Foreword.J. M. Aroso Linhares, Ana Margarida Gaudêncio & Inês Godinho - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):1-2.
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    The Limits of Law: Introducing a Rarely Frequented Topos.José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio & Inês Fernandes Godinho - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):3-11.
    This introductory chapter integrates two different steps: a global consideration of the problems which the “signifier” limits is able to include and a detailed mapping of the reflective path which the following thirteen chapters effectively pursue.
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    Mathematical Knowledge: A Dilemma.Rui Vieira - 2010 - Philosophy Now 81:17-18.
  25. Zhongguo si xiang de qi yuan.Rui Wu - 2003 - Jinan Shi: Shangdong jiao yu chu ban she.
    di 1 juan. Qian shen shou--shen shou shi dai -- di 2 juan. She ji shou shi dai -- di 3 juan. Zhu zi shi dai.
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    Evidence-Based Medicine: A new tool for resource allocation?Rui Nunes - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (3):297-301.
    Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) is defined as the conscious, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The greater the level of evidence the greater the grade of recommendation. This pioneering explicit concept of EBM is embedded in a particular view of medical practice namely the singular nature of the patient-physician relation and the commitment of the latter towards a specific goal: the treatment and the well being of his or her client. Nevertheless, (...)
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    What if the Father Commits a Crime?Rui Zhu - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):1-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 1-17 [Access article in PDF] What if the Father Commits a Crime? Rui Zhu Apparently, Socrates and Confucius respond similarly to the question if a son should turn in his father in the case of the father's misdemeanor. When Euthyphro, flaring his pride of his moral impartiality, tells Socrates that he is on his way to report his father because he (...)
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    Creativity, Proactive Personality, and Entrepreneurial Intention: The Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness.Rui Hu, Li Wang, Wei Zhang & Peng Bin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Defying catastrophic forgetting via influence function.Rui Gao & Weiwei Liu - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 339 (C):104261.
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  30. Portugal, 0 desafio nacionalista-psicologia E identidade nacionais, lisboa.Rui Aragão - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  31. Ma Yifu yu xian dai Zhongguo.Rui Chen - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Comment on “Contrast Between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China”.Rui Gao - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400257.
    Commented article: ZHANG, F. H. Contrast Between Chinese and Western Cultural Values and Its Effects on English Learning in China. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, v. 47, n. 4, “Eastern thought”, e0240062, 2024. Available at:
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    La Nouvelle Rhétorique devant la tradition rationaliste Occidentale.Rui Alexandre Lalanda M. Grácio - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (3):503-510.
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    Jokes, Transgression, and Laughter.Rui-Hong Guo - 1988 - Semiotics:553-558.
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    A Gênese da Filosofia Crítica.O. B. Linhares - 2012 - Páginas de Filosofía 4 (1):7-16.
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    Portinari e a cultura brasileira: um convite à educação a contrapelo.Célia Frazão Soares Linhares & Ana Lúcia Coelho Heckert (eds.) - 2011 - Nitéroi: Editora da UFF.
  37.  15
    Human Motion Gesture Recognition Based on Computer Vision.Rui Ma, Zhendong Zhang & Enqing Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Human motion gesture recognition is the most challenging research direction in the field of computer vision, and it is widely used in human-computer interaction, intelligent monitoring, virtual reality, human behaviour analysis, and other fields. This paper proposes a new type of deep convolutional generation confrontation network to recognize human motion pose. This method uses a deep convolutional stacked hourglass network to accurately extract the location of key joint points on the image. The generation and identification part of the network is (...)
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  38. Adding the missing link back into mate choice research.Rui Mata, Andreas Wilke & Peter M. Todd - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):289-289.
    Evolutionary psychologists should go beyond research on individual differences in attitudes and focus more on detailed models of psychological mechanisms. We argue for complementing attitude research with agent-based computational modeling of mate choice. Agent-based models require detailed specification of individual choice mechanisms that can be evaluated in terms of both their psychological plausibility and the population-level outcomes they produce.
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    Steam city kits.Rui Raposo & Mario Vairinhos - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-15.
    This paper presents a comprehensive description of the STEAM City Kit project, an exploratory project developed according to a Framework for Innovation process model, as part of the Aveiro Tech City project, and designed for primary school students and teachers. The kit, which consists of 2 children’s stories with hands-on activities, an Arduino, and a wide range of sensors, was developed by a transdisciplinary team from the University of Aveiro and distributed to over 30 schools in the municipality of Aveiro, (...)
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    "Kairos": Between Cosmic Order and Human Agency: A Comparative Study of Aurelius and Confucius.Rui Zhu - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (1):115 - 138.
    In nontheistic moral traditions, there is a typical ethical conundrum concerning the relation between cosmic order and human agency. Within those traditions, it is generally recognized that the universe has its own order and history that are independent of human will. A moral discourse has to find space to accommodate human agency in the midst of the iron grid of cosmic law. Both Confucius and Aurelius use the concept of timeliness (kairos) to resolve the difficult issue. But their philosophies take (...)
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    Tourism in Beichuan and Its Religious Involvement.Hu Rui - 2009 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 4:029.
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    Managerialism Rhetorics in Portuguese Higher Education.Rui Santiago & Teresa Carvalho - 2012 - Minerva 50 (4):511-532.
    In Portugal, as elsewhere, the rhetoric of managerialism in higher education is becoming firmly entrenched in the governmental policymakers’ discourse and has been widely disseminated across the institutional landscape. Managerialism is an important ideological support of New Public Management policies and can be classified as a narrative of strategic change. In this paper, we analyse how far the managerialism narrative has been injected into the discursive repertory of Portuguese academics in their role as the co-ordinators of the higher education institutions’ (...)
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    Behavioral Advantages of the First-Person Perspective Model for Imitation.Rui Watanabe & Takahiro Higuchi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Path Analysis of Greenwashing in a Trust Crisis Among Chinese Energy Companies: The Role of Brand Legitimacy and Brand Loyalty.Rui Guo, Lan Tao, Caroline Bingxin Li & Tao Wang - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):523-536.
    For many energy companies in China, green brand strategy is becoming an important approach to enhance competitive advantage. However, greenwashing behaviors result in a crisis of trust. Existing research focuses on green marketing, but is silent on the institutional view of the trust crisis resulting from greenwashing by energy brands. Thus, this study takes a decoupling perspective from institutional theory and considers legitimacy, energy policy management, and green brand theories to shed light on the path from the decoupling of an (...)
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  45.  28
    Understanding Our Understanding of Strategic Scenarios: What Role Do Chunks Play?Alexandre Linhares & Paulo Brum - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (6):989-1007.
    There is a crucial debate concerning the nature of chess chunks: One current possibility states that chunks are built by encoding particular combinations of pieces-on-squares (POSs), and that chunks are formed mostly by “close” pieces (in a “Euclidean” sense). A complementary hypothesis is that chunks are encoded by abstract, semantic information. This article extends recent experiments and shows that chess players are able to perceive strong similarity between very different positions if the pieces retain the same abstract roles in both (...)
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    Altered states of consciousness are related to higher sexual responsiveness.Rui M. Costa, José Pestana, David Costa & Marc Wittmann - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42 (C):135-141.
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    A Family-Oriented Decision-Making Model for Human Research in Mainland China.Deng Rui - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):400-417.
    This essay argues that individual-oriented informed consent is inadequate to protect human research subjects in mainland China. The practice of family-oriented decision-making is better suited to guide moral research conduct. The family’s role in medical decision-making originates from the mutual benevolence that exists among family members, and is in accordance with family harmony, which is the aim of Confucian society. I argue that the practice of informed consent for medical research on human subjects ought to remain family-oriented in mainland China. (...)
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    Standard Setting with Considerations of Energy Efficiency Evolution and Market Competition.Rui Dai, Jianxiong Zhang & Shichen Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-21.
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  49. Ceteris Paribus Laws and the Human Sciences.Rui Silva - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (34):851-867.
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    The Trickle-Down Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Unethical Employee Behavior: A Cross-Level Moderated Mediation Model.Jiang Rui & Lin Xin Qi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Authoritarian leadership is of great significance to eastern countries, including China. Meanwhile, unethical employee behavior also exists in all types of social organizations. The relationship between authoritarian leadership and unethical employee behavior is worth studying. Senior leaders often do not have a direct influence on employees except for through their immediate supervisors. The leadership style of senior leaders also influences the leadership style of their subordinates. This paper studies how authoritarian manager leadership trickles down to unethical employee behavior through authoritarian (...)
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