Results for 'Rose Hudson-Wilkin'

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  1.  9
    The One Human Family.Rose Hudson-Wilkin - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (1):52-54.
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    ‘Adult’ Mythology - C. Kerényi: The Gods of the Greeks. Pp. xvi+304; 16 plates, 26 figs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1951. Cloth, 18s. net.H. J. Rose - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (01):36-.
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    Walter F. Otto (trans. Moses Hadas): The Homeric Gods: the spiritual significance of Greek religion. Pp. viii+310. London: Thames & Hudson, 1955. Cloth, 21s. net. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (02):162-.
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    Feminism and Natural Right in François Poulain de la Barre and Gabrielle Suchon.Rebecca Wilkin - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2):227-248.
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  5. Walls and borders: The range of place.Bruce Janz - manuscript
    Apparently, the wall was something of an engineering miracle even prior to the events that exposed it to the light of day. People used to go down to the basement where part of it was visible, and marvel at its ability to resist 3500 pounds per square inch of pressure over 3300 feet. When it was called upon to bear even more it rose to the challenge, anthropomorphically speaking. Now it is being compared to the Liberty Bell,1 a physical (...)
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    Chomsky and Foucault on Human Nature and Politics.Peter Wilkin - 1999 - Social Theory and Practice 25 (2):177-210.
  7.  52
    Essaying the Mechanical Hypothesis: Descartes, La Forge, and Malebranche on the Formation of Birthmarks.Rebecca Wilkin - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (6):533-567.
    This essay examines the determination by Cartesians to explain the maternal imagination's alleged role in the formation of birthmarks and the changing notion of monstrosity. Cartesians saw the formation of birthmarks as a challenge through which to demonstrate the heuristic capacity of mechanism. Descartes claimed to be able to explain the transmission of a perception from the mother's imagination to the fetus' skin without having recourse to the little pictures postulated by his contemporaries. La Forge offered a detailed account stating (...)
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    Naturalized Representations—a Useful Goal or a Useful Fiction?Piotr Wilkin - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 30:5-19.
    One of the key concepts of naturalized epistemology as well as the cognitive sciences that stem from it is the naturalized concept of mental representation. Within this naturalized concept, many attempts have been made to unify the notion of representation error. This text makes an attempt to argue against the adequacy of using a naturalized concept of representation error as well as casts doubt on the wide program of naturalizing concepts related to human conceptuality.
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    Reprezentacje znaturalizowane – użyteczny cel czy użyteczna fikcja.Piotr Wilkin - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne 31 (1):91-108.
    Jednym z kluczowych pojęć znaturalizowanej epistemologii, a także wyrastających z niej nauk kognitywistycznych jest znaturalizowane pojęcie reprezentacji poznawczej. W ramach tego znaturalizowanego pojęcia próbuje się jednolicie ująć pojęcie błędu reprezentacyjnego. W tekście pokazane są argumenty przeciwko adekwatności stosowania znaturalizowanego pojęcia błędu reprezentacyjnego oraz wątpliwości co do tak szerokiego programu naturalizacji zagadnień związanych z ludzką pojęciowością.
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    Sellars on Bradley's 'paradox'.James Jeffrey Wilkin - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (1):51 - 59.
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    Secrets of Women: Gender, Generation, and the Origins of Human Dissection.Rebecca Wilkin - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (4):447-449.
  12.  12
    What the papers say: Cell adhesion molecules and ion pumps – do ion fluxes regulate neuronal migration?Graham P. Wilkin & Rory Curtis - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):287-288.
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    Scientific Realism and International Relations.Peter Wilkin - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (3):413-416.
  14. Moses in the Letter to the Hebrews.Mary Rose D'Angelo - 1979
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    An introduction to the study of government.Lucius Hudson Holt - 1915 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    Excerpt from An Introduction to the Study of Government Since this book was conceived and written, events have come to pass which will ultimately be reflected in momentous political changes among the chief states of the modem world. Such changes, however, will certainly develop along the lines of liberal experiment in government as such experiment has been made in various democratic countries. A study of modern government in general will, therefore, have a value to the student in his consideration of (...)
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    The is-ought question: a collection of papers on the central problems in moral philosophy.William Donald Hudson - 1969 - London,: Macmillan.
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    The metaphysics of hyperspace.Hud Hudson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hud Hudson offers a fascinating examination of philosophical reasons to believe in hyperspace. He explores non-theistic reasons in the first chapter and theistic ones towards the end; in the intervening sections he inquires into a variety of puzzles in the metaphysics of material objects that are either generated by the hypothesis of hyperspace or else informed by it, with discussions of receptacles, boundaries, contact, occupation, and superluminal motion. Anyone engaged with contemporary metaphysics, and many philosophers of religion, will find (...)
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  18. Folk Mereology is Teleological.David Rose & Jonathan Schaffer - 2017 - Noûs 51 (2):238-270.
    When do the folk think that mereological composition occurs? Many metaphysicians have wanted a view of composition that fits with folk intuitions, and yet there has been little agreement about what the folk intuit. We aim to put the tools of experimental philosophy to constructive use. Our studies suggest that folk mereology is teleological: people tend to intuit that composition occurs when the result serves a purpose. We thus conclude that metaphysicians should dismiss folk intuitions, as tied into a benighted (...)
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    Should We Strive to Make Science Bias-Free? A Philosophical Assessment of the Reproducibility Crisis.Robert Hudson - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (3):389-405.
    Recently, many scientists have become concerned about an excessive number of failures to reproduce statistically significant effects. The situation has become dire enough that the situation has been named the ‘reproducibility crisis’. After reviewing the relevant literature to confirm the observation that scientists do indeed view replication as currently problematic, I explain in philosophical terms why the replication of empirical phenomena, such as statistically significant effects, is important for scientific progress. Following that explanation, I examine various diagnoses of the reproducibility (...)
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  20.  23
    Lifelines: Biology, Freedom, Determinism.Steven Rose - 1997
    A discussion of Rose's new theory which argues that life depends on the interactions within cells, organisms and ecosystems and is not wholly dependent on DNA.
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    Kant's compatibilism.Hud Hudson - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    I begin this study with a review of the 18th-century figures, Leibniz, Wolff, Crusius, Hume and the pre-critical Kant concerning causation, free will and compatibilism. This review provides the background for an investigation into and a reconstruction of Kant's thesis of the compatibility of causal determinism and human freedom. I formulate Kant's argument for causal determinism and present his defense of that argument, devoting an extended discussion to the recent literature regarding its key premise, the Law of Universal Causation. Then (...)
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  22. Folk teleology drives persistence judgments.David Rose, Jonathan Schaffer & Kevin Tobia - 2020 - Synthese 197 (12):5491-5509.
    Two separate research programs have revealed two different factors that feature in our judgments of whether some entity persists. One program—inspired by Knobe—has found that normative considerations affect persistence judgments. For instance, people are more inclined to view a thing as persisting when the changes it undergoes lead to improvements. The other program—inspired by Kelemen—has found that teleological considerations affect persistence judgments. For instance, people are more inclined to view a thing as persisting when it preserves its purpose. Our goal (...)
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  23. Foucault and Political Reason: Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism and the Rationalities of Government.Andrew Barry, Thomas Osborne & Nikolas S. Rose (eds.) - 1996 - Chicago: Routledge.
    Foucault is often thought to have a great deal to say about the history of madness and sexuality, but little in terms of a general analysis of government and the state.; This volume draws on Foucault's own research to challenge this view, demonstrating the central importance of his work for the study of contemporary politics.; It focuses on liberalism and neo- liberalism, questioning the conceptual opposition of freedom/constraint, state/market and public/private that inform liberal thought.
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    Rebuttal to Douglas and Elliott.Robert Hudson - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (2):211-216.
    In “Should We Strive to Make Science Bias‑Free? A Philosophical Assessment of the Reproducibility Crisis”, I argue that the problem of bias in science, a key factor in the current reproducibility crisis, is worsened if we follow Heather Douglas and Kevin C. Elliott’s advice and introduce non-epistemic values into the evidential assessment of scientific hypotheses. In their response to my paper, Douglas and Elliott complain that I misrepresent their views and fall victim to various confusions. In this rebuttal I argue, (...)
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  25. Persistence through function preservation.David Rose - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):97-146.
    When do the folk think that material objects persist? Many metaphysicians have wanted a view which fits with folk intuitions, yet there is little agreement about what the folk intuit. I provide a range of empirical evidence which suggests that the folk operate with a teleological view of persistence: the folk tend to intuit that a material object survives alterations when its function is preserved. Given that the folk operate with a teleological view of persistence, I argue for a debunking (...)
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  26. Moving faster than light.Hud Hudson - 2002 - Analysis 62 (3):203-205.
  27. Folk intuitions of Actual Causation: A Two-Pronged Debunking Explanation.David Rose - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1323-1361.
    How do we determine whether some candidate causal factor is an actual cause of some particular outcome? Many philosophers have wanted a view of actual causation which fits with folk intuitions of actual causation and those who wish to depart from folk intuitions of actual causation are often charged with the task of providing a plausible account of just how and where the folk have gone wrong. In this paper, I provide a range of empirical evidence aimed at showing just (...)
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    The curse of knowledge: First language knowledge impairs adult learners’ use of novel statistics for word segmentation.Amy S. Finn & Carla L. Hudson Kam - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):477-499.
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    Societal Inequality, Corruption and Relation-Based Inequality in Organizations.Sarah Hudson, Helena V. González-Gómez & Cyrlene Claasen - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (3):789-809.
    Our paper contributes to emerging management research on the effects of societal inequality. It aims to study the relationship between societal-level inequality and perceived unequal HR practices within organizations based on relationships which we term “relation-based inequality” (RBI). We further examine the moderating effect of country corruption on the RBI-employee commitment link. Thus, whereas previous research has looked at single countries, there is still much to know about societal effects of inequality and corruption on employee perceptions and attitudes at work (...)
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  30. Intentional action without knowledge.David Rose, Alfred Mele & Romy Vekony - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1231-1243.
    In order to be doing something intentionally, must one know that one is doing it? Some philosophers have answered yes. Our aim is to test a version of this knowledge thesis, what we call the Knowledge/awareness Thesis, or KAT. KAT states that an agent is doing something intentionally only if he knows that he is doing it or is aware that he is doing it. Here, using vignettes featuring skilled action and vignettes featuring habitual action, we provide evidence that, in (...)
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  31. What’s Really at Issue with Novel Predictions?Robert G. Hudson - 2007 - Synthese 155 (1):1-20.
    In this paper I distinguish two kinds of predictivism, 'timeless' and 'historicized'. The former is the conventional understanding of predictivism. However, I argue that its defense in the works of John Worrall and Patrick Maher is wanting. Alternatively, I promote an historicized predictivism, and briefly defend such a predictivism at the end of the paper.
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  32. From punishment to universalism.David Rose & Shaun Nichols - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (1):59-72.
    Many philosophers have claimed that the folk endorse moral universalism. Some have taken the folk view to support moral universalism; others have taken the folk view to reflect a deep confusion. And while some empirical evidence supports the claim that the folk endorse moral universalism, this work has uncovered intra-domain differences in folk judgments of moral universalism. In light of all this, our question is: why do the folk endorse moral universalism? Our hypothesis is that folk judgments of moral universalism (...)
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  33. Hume on is and ought.W. D. Hudson - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (56):246-252.
  34. 10 Social justice, self-interest and Salman Rushdie.Caroline Rose Nagel - 1999 - In James D. Proctor & David Marshall Smith (eds.), Geography and ethics: journeys in a moral terrain. New York: Routledge.
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    Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680): A Philosopher in her Historical Context Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680): A Philosopher in her Historical Context, edited by Sabrina Ebbersmeyer and Sarah Hutton. Women in the History of Philosophy and Science, vol. 9. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021, 218 pp., $64.99 (hb), ISBN 978-3-030-71526-7. [REVIEW]Rebecca Wilkin - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (2):494-497.
    Sabrina Ebbersmeyer and Sarah Hutton have assembled a rich collection of essays on Elisabeth of Bohemia that were initially presented at a 2018 conference at the Center for the History of Women Phi...
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    The Rational Content of Patriotism in the Philosophy of Right.Stephen Hudson - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):335-340.
    The thesis of my dissertation is that patriotism, and specifically Hegelian constitutional patriotism, is rational. I demonstrate from the standpoint of Hegel’s Logic that the state can have a greater or lesser degree of adequacy to its concept—which is freedom itself—and the more adequate it is, the more rational it is. I conclude that patriotic acts supporting such a state are rational if they give this rationality a practical expression.
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    The treaty of waitangi and research ethics in aotearoa.Maui L. Hudson & Khyla Russell - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (1):61-68.
    Researchers, when engaging with Māori communities, are in a process of relationship building and this process can be guided by the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, partnership, participation and protection. The main concerns for many indigenous peoples in research revolve around respect for their indigenous rights, control over research processes and reciprocity within research relationships to ensure that equitable benefits are realised within indigenous groups. Māori have identified similar issues and these concerns can be aligned with the principles of (...)
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  38.  19
    The Impacts of Incentives for International Publications on Research Cultures in Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences.Xin Xu, Alis Oancea & Heath Rose - 2021 - Minerva 59 (4):469-492.
    Incentives for improving research productivity at universities prevail in global academia. However, the rationale, methodology, and impact of such incentives and consequent evaluation regimes are in need of scrutinization. This paper explores the influences of financial and career-related publishing incentive schemes on research cultures. It draws on an analysis of 75 interviews with academics, senior university administrators, and journal editors from China, a country that has seen widespread reliance on international publication counts in research evaluation and reward systems. The study (...)
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    The Development of Temporal Concepts: Linguistic Factors and Cognitive Processes.Meng Zhang & Judith A. Hudson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Temporal concepts are fundamental constructs of human cognition, but the trajectory of how these concepts emerge and develop is not clear. Evidence of children’s temporal concept development comes from cognitive developmental and psycholinguistic studies. This paper reviews the linguistic factors (i.e., temporal language production and comprehension) and cognitive processes (i.e., temporal judgment and temporal reasoning) involved in children’s temporal conceptualization. The relationship between children’s ability to express time in language and the ability to reason about time, and the challenges and (...)
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    The diffraction analysis of vacancy loops in quenched aluminium—1% magnesium.B. Hudson & M. J. Makin - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (88):553-561.
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  41. Mentalizing Objects.David Rose - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy 4.
    We have a mentalistic view of objects. This is due to the interdependence of folk psychology and folk physics, where these are interconnected by what I call Teleological Commingling. When considering events that don’t involve agents, we naturally default to tracking intentions, goal-directed processes, despite the fact that agents aren’t involved. We have a deep-seated intentionality bias which is the result of the pervasive detection of agency cues, such as order or non-randomness. And this gives rise to the Agentive Worldview: (...)
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  42. Safety.Hud Hudson - 2007 - Analysis 67 (4):299-301.
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    2.5-Year-olds use cross-situational consistency to learn verbs under referential uncertainty.Rose M. Scott & Cynthia Fisher - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):163-180.
  44. Horror and Its Affects.Darren Hudson Hick - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):140-150.
    In this article, following a trajectory set out by Noël Carroll, Matt Hills, and Andrea Sauchelli, I propose a definition of horror, according to which something qualifies as a work of horror if and only if it centrally and demonstrably aims at provoking one or more of a particular set of negative affects. A catalog of characteristically negative affects is associated with horror—including terror, revulsion, the uncanny, and the abject—but which cannot be collapsed into any single affect. Further complicating matters (...)
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    Obstetric Sonar, Media Archaeology, Feminist Critique.Rose Rowson - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-10.
    The snub-nosed, reclining, and serene image of the fetus is commonplace in cultural representations and analyses of obstetric ultrasound. Yet following the provocation of various feminist scholars, taking the fetal sonogram as the automatic object of concern vis-à-vis ultrasound cedes ground to anti-abortionists, who deploy fetal images to argue that life begins at conception and that the unborn are rights bearing subjects who must be protected. How might feminists escape this analytical trap, where discussions of ultrasonics must always be engaged (...)
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    Nightlife Patrons’ Personal and Descriptive Norms Regarding Sexual Behaviors.Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester, Maria Allan & Alfred Allan - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (6):423-437.
    The behavior of some nightlife-setting patrons would be unacceptable in workplaces or public settings and could cause distress to other patrons. This quantitative study determined 381 young Australian’s descriptive and personal norms regarding four types of sexual behavior. Participants’ personal norms were that these behaviors are wrong, but they reported that the behaviors are common in a nightlife setting. Behaviors such as these could theoretically be prevented by modifying patrons’ descriptive norms with evidence that their beliefs are contrary to individuals’ (...)
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  47.  28
    How Can Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Used to Modulate Episodic Memory?: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Nicholas Yeh & Nathan S. Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. On the value of economic growth.Julie L. Rose - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):128-153.
    Must a society aim indefinitely for continued economic growth? Proponents of economic growth advance three central challenges to the idea that a society, having attained high levels of income and wealth, may justly cease to pursue further economic growth: if environmentally sustainable and the gains fairly distributed, first, continued economic growth could make everyone within a society and globally, and especially the worst off, progressively better off; second, the pursuit of economic growth spurs ongoing innovation, which enhances people’s opportunities and (...)
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  49. Living in a Land of Epithets: Anonymity in Judges 19-21.Don Michael Hudson - 1994 - Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 62:49-66.
    Judges is about loss: a loss of the individual which leads to a loss of the tribe, and, if circumstances remain unchecked, a loss of the nation.
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  50. Love, Power and Knowledge; Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences.Hilary Rose - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (1):205-205.
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