Results for 'Rosangela Xavier Costa'

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  1.  20
    Cuidar com arteterapia: Um caminho para a consciencia planetária.Rosangela Xavier Costa, Jacqueline Alves Carolino & Robson Xavier Costa - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):187-194.
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    Memórias e espelhamentos sobre “tornar-se negra” fazendo docência no ensino superior.Andressa de Sousa Santos Ferreira, Rosangela Janja Costa Araújo & Sofia Silva de Souza - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):114-133.
    Este artigo apresenta memórias da experiência docente de uma jovem que se tornou negra na Universidade, reconfigurando assim a forma de se posicionar no mundo acadêmico e na vida pessoal. Os relatos são apresentados em forma de carta, um recurso metodologicamente criativo, conforme Figueiredo (2015), que aproxima a narrativa de acontecimentos em diálogo com autoras negras, preferencialmente. Ao relatar sua experiência, a autora toma a ideia de espelhos que se constroem e são construídos a partir de vivências acadêmicas. Ao utilizar (...)
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    Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production.Jasmin Sadat, Clara D. Martin, James S. Magnuson, François-Xavier Alario & Albert Costa - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):1911-1940.
    Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large-scale picture-naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how individual characteristics of the participants and the linguistic properties of the words being spoken influence this performance cost. In particular, we focused on the contributions of lexical frequency and phonological similarity across translations. The naming performance of Spanish-Catalan bilinguals speaking in their dominant and non-dominant language was compared (...)
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    Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. Da Costa & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1430-1440.
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    Road Running as a Designed Experience.Filipe Campello Xavier da Costa & Celso Carnos Scaletsky - 2013 - Design Philosophy Papers 11 (1):51-63.
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  6. Cross-linguistic research on language production.Albert Costa, F.-Xavier Alario & Sebastián-Gallés & Núria - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Meeting of the Assocaition for Symbolic Logic: Caracas, Venezuela, 1983.Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chauqui, Newton C. D. da Costa & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1430 - 1440.
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    From literal meaning to veracity in two hundred milliseconds.Clara D. Martin, Xavier Garcia, Audrey Breton, Guillaume Thierry & Albert Costa - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    This moral coil: a cross-sectional survey of Canadian medical student attitudes toward medical assistance in dying.Eli Xavier Bator, Bethany Philpott & Andrew Paul Costa - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-7.
    Background In February, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the ban on medical assistance in dying. In June, 2016, the federal government passed Bill C-14, permitting MAiD. Current medical students will be the first physician cohort to enter a system permissive of MAiD, and may help to ensure equitable access to care. This study assessed medical student views on MAiD, factors influencing these views, and opportunities for medical education. Methods An exploratory cross-sectional survey was developed and distributed to (...)
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  10. Meeting of the association for symbolic logic: Bogotá, Colombia, 1981.Ayda I. Arruda, Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui & Newton C. A. Costa - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):884-892.
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    Family food insecurity and nutritional risk in adolescents from a low-income area of Rio de janeiro, Brazil.Taís S. Lopes, Rosely Sichieri, Rosana Salles-Costa, Gloria V. Veiga & Rosangela A. Pereira - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 1 (1):1-14.
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    Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Bogotá, Colombia, 1981.Ayda I. Arruda, Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui & Newton C. A. da Costa - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):884 - 892.
  13.  6
    Du jésuite Pierre-François-Xavier de charlevois.Silvia Fabrizio-Costa - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist (eds.), Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 797--215.
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    “Deiformity” and grace in the Theology of Xavier Zubiri.Jeferson da Costa Bello - 2014 - Synesis 6 (2):66-82.
  15. As interfaces entre a bioética e o direito.Judith Martins-Costa - 2012 - In Joaquim Clotet (ed.), Bioética: meio ambiente, saúde pública, novas tecnologias, deontologia médica, direito, psicologia, material genético humano. Porto Alegre: ediPUCRS.
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  16. The logic of conditionals.Horacio Arlo-Costa - 2007 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    entry for the Entry for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007.
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  17. Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social, histórica.Xavier Zubiri - 2006 - Madrid: Fundación Xavier Zubiri.
    En enero de 1974 Zubiri dio un breve curso en la Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones de Madrid sobre el tema Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social e histórica. Meses después publicó la última de esas lecciones bajo el título de La dimensión histórica del ser humano. El presente volumen recoge el texto de las tres conferencias, más la versión escrita de la última de ellas. La tesis que Zubiri desarrolla en estas lecciones es que el ser humano es (...)
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  18.  32
    Husserl: dell'intersoggettività a Dio. Un cammino non confessionale a Dio.Xavier Tilliette - 1989 - Idee 11:29-39.
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    Is there a zande logic?Newton C. A. Da Costa, Otávio Bueno & Steven French - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (1):41-54.
    The issue of what consequences to draw from the existence of non-classical logical systems has been the subject of an interesting debate across a diversity of fields. In this paper the matter of alternative logics is considered with reference to a specific belief system and its propositions :the Azande are said to maintain beliefs about witchcraft which, when expressed propositionally, appear to be inconsistent. When the Azande have been presented with such inconsistencies, they either fail to see them as such (...)
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  20. Social Norms, Rational Choice and Belief Change.Horacio Arlo-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - unknown
    This article elaborates on foundational issues in the social sciences and their impact on the contemporary theory of belief revision. Recent work in the foundations of economics has focused on the role external social norms play in choice. Amartya Sen has argued in [Sen93] that the traditional rationalizability approach used in the theory of rational choice has serious problems accommodating the role of social norms. Sen's more recent work [Sen96, Sen97] proposes how one might represent social norms in the theory (...)
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  21. Another trip on the trolley.Michael J. Costa - 1987 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):461-466.
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  22.  12
    Cadernos de filosofia extravagante.António Telmo (ed.) - 2011 - Sintra: Zéfiro.
    CADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA EXTRAVAGANTE - ANTÓNIO TELMO Vários Autores Um dos sinais do Quinto Império é que ainda há andorinhas O provérbio diz que uma andorinha não faz a Primavera Mas eu acho que faz Enquanto houver um homem onde resida a espiritualidade há sempre um princípio do Quinto Império António Telmo Este terceiro volume dos Cadernos de Filosofia Extravagante é o primeiro que se publica após a partida de António Telmo, que os imaginou, concebeu e fundou Constitui por isso, (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Belief revision conditionals: basic iterated systems.Horacio Arló-Costa - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 96 (1-3):3-28.
    It is now well known that, on pain of triviality, the probability of a conditional cannot be identified with the corresponding conditional probability [25]. This surprising impossibility result has a qualitative counterpart. In fact, Peter Gärdenfors showed in [13] that believing ‘If A then B’ cannot be equated with the act of believing B on the supposition that A — as long as supposing obeys minimal Bayesian constraints. Recent work has shown that in spite of these negative results, the question (...)
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    Neo-Republicanism and the Domination of Immigrants.M. Victoria Costa - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (3):447-465.
    Neo-republicanism seems well suited to provide insight into current policies for the control and restriction of immigration. In this paper, I discuss three different accounts of domination to assess whether they can provide intuitively acceptable responses to the types of domination experienced by different groups of immigrants. First, I present and criticize an argument offered by Philip Pettit in support of the view that immigration restrictions could in principle avoid being dominating. My criticism focuses on Pettit’s account of non-arbitrary governmental (...)
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  25. Women intellectuals in the Middle Ages: Hildegard of Bingen - between medicine, philosophy and mysticism.Marcos Roberto Nunes Costa - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):187-208.
    É corrente se afirmar que antes da Modernidade não há registro de mulheres na construção do pensamento erudito. Que, se tomarmos, po exemplo, a Filosofia e a Teologia, que foram as duas áreas do conhecimento que mais produziram intelectuais, durante a Idade Média, não encontraremos aí a presença de mulheres. Entretanto, apesar de todas as evidências, se vasculharmos a construção do Pensamento Ocidental, veremos que é possível identificar a presença de algumas mulheres já nos tempos remotos, na Antiguidade Clássica e (...)
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  26. A semantical Analysis of the Calculi C n.Newton C. A. Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal Fo Formal Logic 18:621-630.
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    Inéditos de Filosofia da Biblioteca do Porto.M. Gonçalves De Costa - 1956 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 12 (1):55 - 94.
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    Os novos programas de filosofia e os exames nacionais do 11.º ano.António Paulo Costa - 2003 - Critica.
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    Undecidability, incompleteness and Arnol'd problems.Newton C. A. Costa & Francisco A. Doria - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (1):23-32.
    We present some recent technical results of us on the incompleteness of classical analysis and then discuss our work on the Arnol'd decision problems for the stability of fixed points of dynamical systems.
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  30. Democracy and democracies: between theory and facts // Democracia e democracias: entre teoria e fatos.Marta Rios Alves Nunes da Costa - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):135-146.
    Existem muitas teorias sobre democracia. Na verdade, enquanto se fala de “teoria democrática” como se existisse um consenso acerca do que esta poderia significar, a partir do momento em que nos debruçamos sobre diferentes autores, apercebemo-nos de que há tantas teorias quanto há perspectivas sobre o tema. Neste artigo tenho como interlocutores Robert Dahl, Benjamin Barber, Robert Goodin e David Plotke. O artigo tem três momentos. No primeiro, desenho o contexto geral para uma reflexão crítica sobre democracia, partindo da análise (...)
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    Relativity of the Real in Shankara's Thought (in Portuguese).Jose Miguel Dias Costa - 1992 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 48:485-495.
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    Conditionals and monotonic belief revisions: the success postulate.Horacio L. Arlo Costa - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):557-566.
    One of the main applications of the logic of theory change is to the epistemic analysis of conditionals via the so-called Ramsey test. In the first part of the present note this test is studied in the “limiting case” where the theory being revised is inconsistent, and it is shown that this case manifests an intrinsic incompatibility between the Ramsey test and the AGM postulate of “success”. The paper then analyses the use of the postulate of success, and a weakening (...)
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  33. On the Logic of Belief.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (3):431 - 446.
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    Persuasion, not coercion or incentivisation, is the best means of promoting COVID-19 vaccination.Susan Pennings & Xavier Symons - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):709-711.
    Savulescu argues that it may be ethically acceptable for governments to require citizens be vaccinated against COVID-19. He also recommends that governments consider providing monetary or in-kind incentives to citizens to increase vaccination rates. In this response, we argue against mandatory vaccination and vaccine incentivisation, and instead suggest that targeted public health messaging and a greater responsiveness to the concerns of vaccine-hesitant individuals would be the best strategy to address low vaccination rates.
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    Comparison of two distinct approaches for wind turbines control design.Haritza Camblong, Xavier Guillaud & Vincent Rogez - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 100--4.
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    Alterità.Vincenzo Costa - 2011 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  37. A Conjectura Filosófica.Claudio Ferreira Costa - 1995 - Princípios 2 (2):20-45.
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  38. A perfeição humana na perspectiva católica de D. João Becker no período de 1912 a 1946.Cláudia Regina Costa Pacheco, Elomar Antônio Calegaro Tambara & Jorge Luiz da Cunha - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2).
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  39. Cogito e linguagem privada.Cf De Costa - 1998 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 39 (98).
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  40. El método fenomenológico.Margarita Costa - 1972 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 12 (17):93.
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    Il carattere distruttivo: Walter Benjamin e il pensiero della soglia.Maria Teresa Costa - 2008 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  42. Leibniz and the art machine the ship of theseus and the epistemic identity of Leibniz's aggregates.Andrea Costa - 2012 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 41 (4).
  43. VATTIMO, G. Dopo la cristianita: per un cristanesimo non religioso. Milano: Garzanti, 2002.Claudio F. Costa - 2002 - Princípios 9 (11):252-256.
    Resenha do livro de: COLLIN, McGinn, The Making ofa Philosopher: My Journey through Twentieth-Centurv Philosophy. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. 241 paginas.
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    A filosofia de L'Action como intelectualismo ou realismo integral.Manuel da Costa Freitas - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (3):325-338.
    Na sua tese de 1893, L'Action, Maurice Blondel tenta demonstrar a implicação mútua do agir, do conhecer e do ser. A acção revela-se penetrada de pensamento, o qual, por sua vez, se desdobra forçosamente para a sua realização efectiva, constituindo os dois (acção e pensamento) o nó ontológio do ser. Portanto, o ensaio de Blondel merece a designação de intelectualismo ou realismo integral que lhe foi atribuído por H. Duméry e Paul Archambault. /// Dans sa thèse de 1893, L'Action, Maurice (...)
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  45. Gödel incompleteness in analysis, with an application to the forecasting problem in the social sciences.Newton C. A. da Costa & FranciscoAntonio Doria - 1994 - Philosophia Naturalis 31 (1):1-24.
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    REGINALDO, Lucilene. Os Rosários dos Angolas: Irmandades de africanos e crioulos na Bahia setecentista.Ênio José da Costa Brito - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):814-824.
    Os Rosários dos Angolas realiza um estudo da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos das Portas do Carmo( Bahia) A novidade do estudo está nos subsidios coletados na Africa, Portugal e Brasil , no resgate da presença banto na Bahia e na abertura para um dialogo das cosmovisões banto e cristã. REGINALDO, Lucilene. Os Rosários dos Angolas : Irmandades de africanos e crioulos na Bahia setecentista. São Paulo: Alameda, 2011. 416p. ISBN 978-85-7939-082-1.
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    Paraconsistent logic.Newton da Costa & Otávio Bueno - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 215–229.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Paraconsistent Logic and Latin America Thinking about Logic The Nature of Paraconsistent Logic A History of Paraconsistent Logic Philosophical Aspects of Paraconsistent Logic References Further Reading.
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    Fusions of Modal Logics and Fitch’s Paradox.Alexandre Costa-Leite - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):281-290.
    This article shows that although Fitch’s paradox has been extremely widely studied, up to now no correct formalization of the problem has been proposed. The purpose of this article is to present the paradox front the viewpoint of combining logics. It is argued that the correct minimal logic to state the paradox is composed by a fusion of modal frames, and a fusion of modal languages and logics.
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    Fenomenologia dell'intersoggettività: empatia, socialità, cultura.Vincenzo Costa - 2010 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Fast and frugal heuristics: rationality and the limits of naturalism.Horacio Arló-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - 2013 - Synthese 190 (5):831-850.
    Gerd Gigerenzer and Thomas Sturm have recently proposed a modest form of what they describe as a normative, ecological and limited naturalism. The basic move in their argument is to infer that certain heuristics we tend to use should be used in the right ecological setting. To address this argument, we first consider the case of a concrete heuristic called Take the Best (TTB). There are at least two variants of the heuristic which we study by making explicit the choice (...)
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