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Rosa M. Calcaterra [24]Rosa Maria Calcaterra [12]Rosa Calcaterra [7]
  1.  10
    Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979). Übers.: Der Spiegel der Natur: Eine Kritik der Philosophie (1981).Rosa M. Calcaterra & Hans-Herbert Kögler - 2023 - In Martin Müller (ed.), Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 161-181.
    Rorty’s Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature presents the most thorough and sustained critique of Western epistemology and foundationalism in the second half of the twentieth Century. The work deconstructs philosophy as an autonomous discipline generating a “neutral matrix” to assess knowledge, truth, and rationality, offering philosophical analyses of the mind-body distinction, representation, reference, and truth, and ultimately the concept of knowledge as a “mirror of nature.” The deconstruction of Cartesian dualism undermines the mind as the immaterial ground of absolute (...)
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    Contingency and Normativity: The Challenges of Richard Rorty.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2019 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Contingentism depicts normativity as one of our human effective possibilities rather than as a metaphysical bottleneck which we should necessary fulfill. The book is a critical survey of Richard McKay Rorty’s “neo-pragmatism”, in the light of various theoretical arguments as well as of his own resourceful attempts to renew philosophy from within its practice.
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    Varieties of Synechism: Peirce and James on Mind–World Continuity.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2011 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 25 (4):412-424.
  4.  19
    New Perspectives on Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy.Rosa Maria Calcaterra (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    The strong influence of pragmatism in the early 20th-century international debate, its subsequent and apparently inexorable decline, and its recent revival are intertwined with the fate of other currents of thought that have marked the development of contemporary philosophy. This volume clarifies the most recent events of this development focusing on key theoretical issues common both to American classic philosophical tradition and analytical thought. Many essays in this volume belong to what we can call “new” pragmatism, namely a pragmatist perspective (...)
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    Introduction to Pragmatism and Psychologism.Rosa M. Calcaterra & Roberta Dreon - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (1).
    §1 According to the paradigmatic formula offered by Kant, the philosopher’s task consists of demonstrating “how we ought to think” as opposed to “how we do think” – that is, logical rules or norms must be separated from the functioning principles of the human mind or from psychological laws. As it is well-known, in the “Preface” to the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason, the German philosopher stands against “some moderns” who “have thought to enlarge” logic “interpolating psycholo...
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    Chance and Regularities.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (2).
    The relationship between regularity and chance, or necessity and contingency, is a common concern of classical pragmatists. The metaphysical quality of this issue flows into the construction of postmodern discourse, although in a very different framework and, paradoxically, under the auspices of the anti-metaphysics that such a discourse claims. This paper proposes at first a brief reconstruction of the chance and regularity issue in postmodernism; then Peirce’s cosmological-metaphysical theory of chance, namely his ‘tychism,’ is recalled as a fruitful suggestion to (...)
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    William James's Naturalism Within the Common Project of Pragmatist Philosophy.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (3):475-491.
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  8.  16
    Le naturalisme de William James.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 2:11-24.
    Dans cet article, l’auteur examine le naturalisme de James comme un exemple des intersections entre la biologie, la psychologie et la philosophie. L’article reconstruit les principaux arguments épistémologiques, éthiques et métaphysiques de James pour montrer comment sa philosophie s’inscrit dans la biologie de Darwin. Ainsi, le contingentisme de James devient cohérent avec sa critique de l’interprétation du principe darwinien de la « sélection naturelle » et avec l’idée de Darwin de l’ambiguïté comme marque de la réalité physique et humaine.
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    Pragmatismo. Dalle origini agli sviluppi contemporanei.Rosa Maria Calcaterra, Giancarlo Marchetti & Giovanni Maddalena (eds.) - 2015 - Roma: Carocci.
    Il pragmatismo svolge un ruolo particolarmente rilevante nel dibattito culturale odierno. Utilizzato come strumento da molte filosofie che caratterizzano l’eclettismo contemporaneo, avversato dalle scuole filosofiche più radicali, proposto come via originale della contemporaneità dai suoi difensori più estremi, esso dimostra la sua vitalità creando nuovi spazi integrativi sul piano sia teorico sia storiografico. Il volume, che raccoglie i contributi dei migliori specialisti italiani della materia, presenta una genealogia che parte dal protopragmatismo di Emerson e giunge fino ai nostri giorni. Si (...)
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  10.  19
    Categorical Ways of Acting.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    This paper proposes the “conceptual pragmatism” of C. I. Lewis as a useful epistemological orientation for studying the relationship between the social and individual registers, in particular as it is set out in Bourdieu’s sociology of practice. Bourdieu’s concepts of habits based upon ‘social schematism’ and of culture as a ‘second nature,’ as well as Lewis’ conception of logical schemas constructed by humans are all formulated in the wake of Kant, and mediating between sensorial experience and the conceptual level is (...)
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  11.  30
    La lógica naturalista de Dewey.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (1).
    La elegante traducción al español de Lógica. Teoría de la investigación, realizada por Ángel Faerna, confirma la importancia cultural, y no sólo filosófica, del pensamiento de Dewey, uno de los autores norteamericanos más estudiados hasta la fecha. Considerado en muchos sentidos como un punto de referencia ricamente sugerente para abordar viejos y nuevos “problemas del hombre” – por utilizar el título de un conocido volumen de Dewey –, este autor se presta, en particular, a una fructífera con...
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    Richard Rorty: filosofia, letteratura, politica.Rosa Maria Calcaterra & Sarin Marchetti (eds.) - 2024 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Esperienza, contingenza, valori: saggi in onore di Rosa M. Calcaterra.Guido Baggio, Michela Bella, Giovanni Maddalena, Matteo Santarelli & Rosa Maria Calcaterra (eds.) - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Contingency and normativity: in dialogue with Richard Rorty.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2019 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    With its emphasis on indeterminacy, ambiguity, uncertainty, and chance, contingentism depicts normativity as one of our human practical possibilities rather than as a metaphysical bottleneck which we should necessary fulfill at the cost of repudiating concrete ways in which we grant epistemic and ethical meaning to our activities. Richard McKay Rorty's "neo-pragmatism" launched a powerful challenge to entrenched philosophical and pre-philosophical certainties of modernity, allowing us to articulate the powerful picture of normativity as a distinctive exercise and activity of human (...)
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    Etica, morale, politica: proposte deweyane.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 63:7-19.
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    Foreword.Rosa M. Calcaterra, Roberto Frega & Giovanni Maddalena - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1):1-1.
    Together with the members and promoters of the Associazione Culturale Pragma, we very pleased to celebrate the third anniversary of its foundation with the launching of a new journal devoted to the study of American philosophy, the European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. It is, in fact, a particularly important achievement which comes to strengthen our confidence in the positive relationships among a wide international group of academics and scholars that already produced a nu...
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  17.  9
    Filosofia della contingenza: le sfide di Richard Rorty.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2016 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
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    Introduction.Rosa M. Calcaterra, Roberto Frega & Giovanni Maddalena - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    The symposium “Peirce in the World” is a homage that EJPAP wants to pay to the Centenary of the death of the great American thinker Charles S. Peirce, one of the founding fathers of pragmatism. The idea of the symposium stems from observing that Peirce studies are nowadays spread out all over the world, and the scholarship that comes from outside the US is becoming more and more important in breadth and depth. This phenomenon is possibly the greatest change that (...)
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    Introduzione a il pragmatismo americano.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 1997 - Roma: Laterza.
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  20.  10
    Idee concrete: percorsi nella filosofia di John Dewey.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2011 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
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  21.  15
    Indivíduo e Socialidade na Ciência: O “Realismo Social” de GH Mead.Rosa Calcaterra - 2008 - Cognitio 9 (1):27-40.
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  22.  24
    Joseph Margolis’ Pragmatism between Narrative and Prophecy.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    It is common knowledge that pragmatism acquired a new and quite relevant space within European philosophical debate during the second half of Nineteen Century, and the leading actors of such a renewed interest for the classics of American thought have been Karl Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas. Especially in Italy, the so called revival of pragmatism took place via their neo-kantianianism, and actually one could say that the pragmatist thought has been, so to speak, cleared from previous discred...
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    Knowing ourselves and recognizing others: reading Rorty’s contribution to the epistemology of the self.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2020 - Cognitio 21 (1):25-33.
    Neste ensaio, enquadro a narrativa de Rorty com relação ao ego na história das filosofias moderna e contemporânea. Minha tese é que sua rejeição tanto do introspectivismo cartesiano quanto das explicações reducionistas psico-biológicas nasce originalmente de uma epistemologia do ego que está alinhada aos insights de Hume sobre a contingência da individualidade, mas também, introduz uma abordagem complexa à questão filosófica sobre a relação entre os reinos estético e racional. Além disso, avanço em uma leitura anticética, dinâmica e normativa do (...)
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  24.  9
    Pragmatismo e filosofia analitica: differenze e interazioni.Rosa Maria Calcaterra (ed.) - 2006 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  25.  19
    Post-filosofia e migliorismo La sfida estetica di Richard Rorty.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 44:7-24.
    La centralitÀ della categoria temporale del futuro e la preminenza della "conversazione umana" sono gli aspetti basilari della versione rortiana del pensiero democratico americano e della filosofia pragmatista. Nel rinnovare gli assunti di base del migliorismo statunitense, Rorty chiama in causa le consonanze tra autori come John Dewey e William James e le istanze anti-fondazionaliste provenienti dall'Europa, in vista di un ripensamento radicale della pratica filosofica. Essa va intesa non piů alla stregua di una ricerca dei fondamenti ultimi della realtÀ (...)
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    Risposte.Rosa Maria Calcaterra - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Ringrazio molto Guido Baggio e Maria Regina Brioschi per aver voluto organizzare e curare questo simposio sulla raccolta di saggi da poco pubblicata dalla casa editrice Carabba, che ha generosamente accolto il progetto del volume. A Michela Bella, Giovanni Maddalena e Marco Stango va la mia sincera gratitudine per l’attenzione puntuale e la cura con cui hanno letto i miei scritti, per i commenti e le questioni sicuramente importanti che hanno presentato e che continueranno ad alimentare le mi...
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    Replies to Michela Bella, William Curtis, and Emil Višňovský.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    I am very grateful to Michela Bella, William Curtis, and Emil Višňovský for their thorough and generous interventions on my latest work. I would also like to thank EJPAP’s executive editors, Roberta Dreon and Sarin Marchetti, for hosting a symposium on this book and Michela Bella for her editorial work. Each of the three contributions to the symposium grasps some key features of my work, indeed the spirit that animated it, even if, at times, my statements are not entirely explicit. (...)
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    Scientific Method and Juridical Accountability in Mario Calderoni’s Pragmatism.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (1).
    The paper firstly reconstructs Mario Calderoni’s criticism of the Jamesian version of pragmatism, which corresponds to his philosophical choice in favor of the ethical value assigned by Peirce to the scientific-experimental method. In this light, I propose a reading of some Calderoni’s arguments concerning the link between the construction of beliefs, practical norms and moral or legal responsibility, trying to reassess his criticisms of James and then his conception of philosophy as a practical and therapeutic activity. The latter will be (...)
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    El James de Putnam.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2010 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 22 (2):189-208.
    El presente trabajo busca reconstruir la posición de Hilary Putnam en torno a la filosofía de James, analizando los aspectos que han contribuido principalmente a la evolución del realismo putnamiano. Luego de precisar la afinidad entre Wittgenstein y James que guía el interés de Putnam por el pragmatismo de James, la autora recorre los temas éticos, epistemológicos y metafísicos a partir de los cuales surgen los aspectos más fructíferos de la filosofía pragmatista. Algunos de ellos son: la conjunción entre antidogmatismo (...)
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    rocci, 2003, pp. 174. Considerare l'esperienza come il cuore della conoscenza sembra affermazione ovvia, ma non lo è affatto. Dal punto di vista dell'epi-stemologia si tratta di una proposizione che ha rappresentato e po. [REVIEW]Rosa M. Calcaterra & Ca Roma - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (3).
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