Results for 'Rosa Borge'

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  1.  30
    Ciencias de la complejidad: meterle al mundo lo que el mundo no tiene. Desentrañando la metáfora. Entrevista a Carlos Eduardo Maldonado.Rosa María Medina Borges - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 58:e50113590.
    No soy periodista. Debo confesar que tampoco he buscado, para mi primera ocasión como entrevistadora, ninguna información acerca de los procedimientos aceptados como válidos para esta forma de comunicación. Y menos aún, no pensaba saber cómo se hace una entrevista de corte académico o científico. Pero las cosas pasan por algo y no todo se resuelve dominando pasos o procedimientos. Dejarme llevar por la fluidez de verbo y pensamiento de mi entrevistado, me ha hecho sentirme muy cómoda. El tiempo transcurrió (...)
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  2.  18
    El impacto de Internet en la participación política: Revisando el papel del interés político.Rosa Borge, Ana Sofía Cardenal & Claudia Malpica - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):733-750.
    El objetivo de este artículo es investigar la relación entre el uso de Internet, la motivación y la participación política. En concreto nos interesa descubrir si el uso de Internet cambia la importancia que se da a la motivación política en las explicaciones clásicas de la participación. Para examinar esta cuestión, se ha empleado la encuesta 2736 del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) que versa sobre participación política y usos de Internet. Los análisis muestran que el uso de Internet tiene (...)
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    Uma leitura arendtiana sobre ação política e amor mundi no espaço público.João Victor Pinto Gonçalo de Souza, Rebeka Cristina Rosa Borges & Rita de Cássia Souza Tabosa Freitas - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):80-91.
    O presente artigo busca traçar um estudo político-filosófico e se dedica a articular as nuances do conceito arendtiano de ação, sobre o entendimento do agir humano dentro do espaço público. Observar as nuances e a imprevisibilidade pela qual a ação humana é expressa frente à convivência entre iguais e diferentes no espaço público é enxergar a forma com a qual as singularidades humanas e o fenômeno da revelação das identidades se tornam evidentes. Dessa maneira, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho (...)
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  4. Acerca de Borges y la posmodernidad.Rosa Helena Santos-Ihlau - 1989 - Ideas Y Valores 38 (81):27-28.
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    Proceedings from the IV Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (IV BRISPE): Goi'nia, Brasil. 17-18 November 2016. [REVIEW]A. S. C. Abreu, H. S. Selistre-de-Araujo, D. Guilhem, M. R. C. G. Novaes, N. R. A. Silva, M. Palácios, P. G. Camacho, M. Russo, A. Abreu, S. Cruz-Riascos, L. V. R. Rezende, A. C. Quintela, J. Leta, E. Damasio, H. H. Caiaffa Filho, R. M. Catarino, A. A. B. Almodóvar, A. P. Vicentini, B. C. Machado, M. M. Sorenson, J. R. Lapa E. Silva, A. Palma, R. M. V. R. Almeida, E. H. Watanabe, D. Foguel, S. M. R. Vasconcelos, C. A. Guimarães, A. Schtscherbyna, J. C. Amaral, H. G. Falcão, F. R. Mota, S. C. Bourguignon, R. Kant de Lima, S. Liskauskas, M. C. Cassimiro, J. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, M. Patrão Neves, F. M. Litto, M. D. P. Silva, L. S. Gracioso, A. C. Furnival, P. M. Lourenço, V. Ronchi, M. M. M. Machado, R. Amaral, M. D. Ribeiro, R. Neves, V. C. Garbocci, M. Fontes-Domingues, P. Biancovilli, R. T. Souza, P. V. S. Souza, D. C. Machado, C. C. Santos, A. M. Gollner, H. S. Pinheiro, G. A. Fófano, A. A. P. Santa Rosa, C. H. Debenedito Silva, A. M. M. Soares, M. M. P. Diós-Borges, E. Duarte & Gar - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (Suppl 1).
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  6. Metáfora y realidad en las poéticas de Leopoldo Marechal, Jorge Luis Borges y HA Murena.María Rosa Lojo - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):69-80.
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    Amanhã pode acontecer tudo, inclusive nada.Josué Borges de Araújo Godinho - 2021 - Perspectivas 5 (2):87-99.
    O ensaio propõe a leitura de duas estórias de Guimarães Rosa, “A terceira margemdo rio”, de Primeiras estórias, e “Desenredo”, de Tutameia, as quais, em algum momento, serãocotejadas com Bartleby, o escrivão, de Melville. Partindo dos títulos rosianos, deduzir-se-ãoduas potências, uma neutralizadora que abdica de tudo, a outra, também neutralizadora, quequer tudo, propondo, por fim, uma ideia de leitura que se encerra nas estórias.
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  8. An Agon Aesthetics of Football.Steffen Borge - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):97-123.
    In this article, I first address the ethical considerations about football and show that a meritocratic-fairness view of sports fails to capture the phenomenon of football. Fairness of result is not at centre stage in football. Football is about the drama, about the tension and the emotions it provokes. This moves us to the realm of aesthetics. I reject the idea of the aesthetics of football as the disinterested aesthetic appreciation, which traditionally has been deemed central to aesthetics. Instead, I (...)
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  9.  37
    Hacia una ontología sin objetos: una defensa del realismo estructural óntico en el nivel metodológico.Bruno José Borge - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (1).
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  10.  82
    Watching Sport: Aesthetics, Ethics and Emotion.Steffen Borge - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (3):401-406.
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 401-406, August 2012.
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    Sport Records Are Social Facts.Steffen Borge - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (4):351-362.
    In this paper I address the topic of sport records and concentrate on the ontology of sport records. I argue that sport records are social facts in the sense that sport records not only depend on the physical facts of sport competitions, but also on the attitude we take towards the phenomenon—our attitude is partly constitutive of the phenomenon of sport records. In particular, the Mieto–Wassberg incident and the Larsson–McKee incident show that performance records should also be regarded as social (...)
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  12.  33
    Ventajas y tensiones en la perspectiva del Estructuralismo Empirista.Bruno Borge & Susana Lucero - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 43 (2):315-338.
    En el presente trabajo analizamos críticamente el modo en que el Estructuralismo Empirista de van Fraassen caracteriza la relación de representación entre las teorías y los fenómenos. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer argumentos que destaquen el papel del objeto en la construcción de modelos de datos. Asimismo, nos proponemos mostrar que la opción metodológica sugerida en su obra reciente resulta insuficiente para recuperar un vínculo plausible entre los modelos de datos y los fenómenos.
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  13.  61
    A critical note on sporting supererogation.Steffen Borge - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (2):247-261.
    Alfred Archer recently argued that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. In the present paper, I take a closer look at Archer’s two key cases from association football...
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  14.  79
    ¿Soluciona el descriptivismo causal el problema de la referencia de los términos teóricos?Bruno Borge - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):125-151.
    Las teorías de la referencia puramente descriptivistas o causales fracasan a la hora de dar cuenta del modo en que se fija y puede rastrearse la referencia de los términos teóricos. Psillos propuso dos versiones del descriptivismo causal que recogen argu-mentos presentes en defensas previas de dicha posición. Se trata de una teoría mixta que pretende solucionar el problema y acomodarse a intuiciones presentes en enfo-ques alternativos, como el que apela a oraciones de Ramsey. El artículo se propone mostrar la (...)
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    Fernández Druetta, Lelio. Un claro laberinto. Compilador y editor Jean-Paul Margot.Andrés Lema - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:281-293.
    Tanto le debo a Lelio Fernández... La enumeración incompleta de esa deuda me lleva a mis años de filosofía en Cali, Colombia, de 1985 a 1989. En sus clases, gracias al placer por la lectura en detalle, Lelio contagiaba con la emoción de querer entender; lograba conectarnos con la historia de la cultura sin desplegar ninguna ayuda “audio-visual”; transmitía su deseo de estar siempre saboreando las obras de Baruch Spinoza (1632‒1677) y de Jorge Luis Borges (1899‒1986); se limitaba a sentarse (...)
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    In defense of the received view.Steffen Borge - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (6):863 - 887.
    In the paper, I present Christopher Gauker's critique of the view that we talk to each other as a way to make ourselves understood (the received view of linguistic communication) and his alternative theory. I show that both his critique and his alternative fail, and defend the received view of linguistic communication.
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  17. Counterpart Theory and the Argument from Modal Concerns.Steffen Borge - 2006 - Theoria 72 (4):269-285.
    Kripke complained that counterpart theory makes modal claims be about counterparts and not about us, and that it is a misguided model of modality since we do not care about counterparts in the same way we care about ourselves. The first part of the complaint, I argue, has been met by Hazen and Lewis, while the second can be countered by observing that most of our modal concerns are about role‐fillers and that counterparts are well‐suited to such concerns. The role‐filler (...)
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  18.  23
    ¿Fue Lakatos un realista epistémico?: el rol de la verdad en la metodología de los programas de investigación científica.Bruno Borge - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):47-72.
    Resumen Un diagnóstico más que difundido acerca de la obra de Lakatos señala que su proyecto soslayó por completo la cuestión de la verdad como parte central del análisis del conocimiento científico. En una línea semejante, Hacking afirma que Lakatos encontró en la metodología un sustituto para la verdad. Incluso quienes descreen de estas interpretaciones acuerdan respecto de que Lakatos falla en dar cuenta de la relación entre el desarrollo del conocimiento y el aumento de la verosimilitud. En el presente (...)
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  19.  24
    Verdad y leyes de la naturaleza en la metodología de los programas de investigación científica.Bruno Borge - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (37):146-169.
    Resumen En la filosofía de Lakatos existe una tensión entre falibilismo y optimismo epistemológico. En el presente artículo propongo la reconstrucción de dos elementos clave para resolver positivamente esa tensión: una noción de verdad empírica, que neutralice el convencionalismo, y una noción de verdad parcial, que dé cuenta de la creciente verosimilitud de los programas de investigación. Para esto último, reviso un aspecto de la obra de Lakatos frecuentemente ignorado por los críticos: su posición en el debate acerca de las (...)
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  20.  82
    Critical Notice Defending the Martian Argument.Steffen Borge - 2006 - Disputatio 1 (20):336-345.
    The Chomskian holds that the grammars that linguists produce are about human psycholinguistic structures, i.e. our mastery of a grammar, our linguistic competence. But if we encountered Martians whose psycho-linguistic processes differed from ours, but who nevertheless produced sentences that are extensionally equivalent to the set of sentences in our English and shared our judgements on the grammaticality of various English sentences, then we would count them as being competent in English. A grammar of English is about what the Martians (...)
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  21.  54
    Desacuerdos Profundos Sobre Ontología Científica.Bruno Borge, Sasha D. ́Onofrio & Ignacio Madroñal - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 40:139-156.
    Disagreements about scientific ontology have frequently been reconstructed as the result of a dispute between rival epistemic stances. In this paper, (i) we characterize some of these disagreements as deep disagreements. In addition, we show that deep disagreements about scientific ontology can arise not only from the adoption of different epistemic stances, but also between positions that fall within the same stance. The development of this point allows us, in turn, to establish a distinction between types of deep disagreement and (...)
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    Sobre la relación entre Los realismos científico, modal Y nomológico.Bruno Borge - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):619-639.
    RESUMO Os debates sobre o Realismo Científico não só tiveram um começo e um desenvolvimento contemporâneos aos do Realismo Modal e Realismo Nomológico, mas suas temáticas estiveram também profundamente entrelaçadas. Certa atitude realista em relação às teorias científicas tem sido muitas vezes acompanhada pela adoção de compromissos com a modalidade objetiva e as leis naturais. No entanto, as relações entre estas três posições têm sido pouco exploradas. Neste artigo defendo que manter o RC indiretamente envolve assumir compromissos com o RM (...)
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    Spinozistic expression as signification.Antonio Salgado Borge - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (1):24-47.
    I propose a new interpretation of Spinoza’s obscure but important concept of ‘expression’. Any account of Spinozistic expression must be able to fulfil two principal requirements. First, it must be...
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    Experiences in Nature and Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: Setting the Ground for Future Research.Claudio D. Rosa & Silvia Collado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    There is empirical evidence suggesting a positive link between direct experiences in nature and people’s environmental attitudes (EA) and behaviors (EB). This has led researchers to encourage more frequent contact with nature, especially during childhood, as a way of increasing pro-environmentalism (i.e., pro-EA and pro-EB). However, the association between experiences in nature and EA/EB is complex, and specific guidelines for people’s everyday contact with nature cannot be provided. This article offers an overview of the research conducted until know about the (...)
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  25.  35
    Sobre la crítica de Mumford al realismo nomológico.Bruno Borge - 2015 - Manuscrito 38 (3):59-80.
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    Modelos y representación en el estructuralismo empirista de Bas vanFraassen.Bruno Borge - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 41:27-42.
    El problema de cómo un modelo teórico —i.e., una entidad matemática—puede representar algo en la naturaleza es central para el EstructuralismoEmpirista (EE) de van Fraassen. Su solución consiste en identificar unelemento indexical presente en toda aserción de la forma “X representa aY”. El presente trabajo pretende mostrar que: (a) dicho problema no es unobstáculo para el realismo más de lo que lo es para el EE; (b) la soluciónde van Fraassen deja al defensor del EE ante un dilema fatal: o (...)
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    Nature Experiences and Adults’ Self-Reported Pro-environmental Behaviors: The Role of Connectedness to Nature and Childhood Nature Experiences.Claudio D. Rosa, Christiana Cabicieri Profice & Silvia Collado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. A Call for a Possible World Argument in Ethics.Steffen Borge - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):105-117.
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  29. Actualised infinity: before-effect and nullify-effect.Steffen Borge - 2003 - Disputatio 1 (14):21-38.
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    (1 other version)A Modal Defence of Strong AI.Steffen Borge - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 6:127-131.
    John Searle has argued that the aim of strong AI to create a thinking computer is misguided. Searle's "Chinese Room Argument" purports to show that syntax does not suffice for semantics and that computer programs as such must fail to have intrinsic intentionality But we are not mainly interested in the program itself, but rather the implementation of the program in some material. It does not follow by necessity from the fact that computer programs are defined syntactically that the implementation (...)
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    El criterio de empirical grounding en el Estructuralismo Empirista.Bruno Borge & Susana Lucero - 2017 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (3):473-482.
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    El estatus epistémico de Los experimentos mentales en ciencias fácticas.Bruno Borge & Guadalupe Mettini - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (140):341-364.
    RESUMEN Un experimento mental en ciencias fácticas consiste en la representación de un escenario imaginario. A partir de la presentación de condiciones iniciales y la postulación de una situación hipotética o contrafáctica, se solicita al lector que realice mentalmente alguna operación, manipule ciertas variables o ponga en funcionamiento algún aparato o instrumento. En virtud de este ejercicio sería posible, en principio, obtener nuevo conocimiento acerca de algún aspecto del mundo natural. El debate acerca de las funciones de los experimentos mentales (...)
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  33.  12
    En studie av studentenes vurdering av læringsmål i Tromsøvarianten av examen philosophicum.Steffen Borge - 2016 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 51 (2):109-120.
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    (1 other version)Intentions and Compositionality.Steffen Borge - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 39:13-19.
    It has been argued that philosophers that base their theories of meaning on communicative intentions and language conventions cannot accommodate the fact that natural languages are compositional. In this paper I show that if we pay careful attention to Grice’s notion of “resultant procedures” we see that this is not the case. The argument, if we leave out all the technicalities, is fairly simple. Resultant procedures tell you how to combine utterance parts, like words, into larger units, like sentences. You (...)
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  35. (1 other version)In Defense of Maradonas Hand of God.Steffen Borge - 2007 - In William John Morgan, Ethics in Sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
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    La huella filosófica de Pablo Melogno: Ciencia, cambio teórico e inconmensurabilidad.Bruno Borge, Leandro Giri & Angel Rivera-Novoa - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
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  37. Navigating word association norms to extract semantic information.Javier Borge-Holthoefer & Alex Arenas - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 621--2777.
  38.  43
    Ryktenes og sladderens pragmatikk.Steffen Borge - 2011 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 46 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I address the topics of the pragmatics of rumours and gossip, on the one hand, and the question of unwarranted questions, on the other. I briefly introduce the case of Bill Clinton who got asked by the press about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, before I turn to an analysis of rumours and gossip. Sometimes lack of openness gives rise to rumours and gossip, while other times it is enough that something is mentioned for it to give (...)
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    Tranöys dilemma.Steffen Borge - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (3):257-259.
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    The Syntactic Approach as a Framework for Ontic Structural Realism.Bruno Borge - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:279-312.
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  41. High-Speed Society: Social Acceleration, Power, and Modernity.Hartmut Rosa & William E. Scheuerman (eds.) - 2009 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Examines the processes of acceleration in politics, economic, culture, and society at large.
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    Sensitive periods for social development: Interactions between predisposed and learned mechanisms.Orsola Rosa-Salva, Uwe Mayer, Elisabetta Versace, Marie Hébert, Bastien S. Lemaire & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104552.
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    Cultural relativism and social criticism from a Taylorian perspective.Hartmut Rosa - 1996 - Constellations 3 (1):39-60.
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    Spontaneous preference for visual cues of animacy in naïve domestic chicks: The case of speed changes.O. Rosa-Salva, M. Grassi, E. Lorenzi, L. Regolin & G. Vallortigara - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):49-60.
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    The philosophy of Proclus.Laurence Jay Rosán - 1949 - New York,: Cosmos. Edited by Marinos.
  46. Evolutionary Developmental Biology.Laura Nuño De La Nuño De La Rosa & G. Müller (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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    Explaining Rationality with Attributions of Knowledge-How.Luis Rosa - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (3):500-526.
    In the first part of this paper, we argue that the claim that a subject S believes that ϕ on the basis of good reasons cannot be the only type of explanation why S rationally believes that ϕ. Explaining attributions of rationality only by means of the notion of a belief being based on good reasons generates one version of the problem of regress of reasons. In the second part we flesh out a hypothesis according to which some beliefs are (...)
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  48. The Benefit to Philosophy of the Study of its History.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):161-184.
    This paper advances the view that the history of philosophy is both a kind of history and a kind of philosophy. Through a discussion of some examples from epistemology, metaphysics, and the historiography of philosophy, it explores the benefit to philosophy of a deep and broad engagement with its history. It comes to the conclusion that doing history of philosophy is a way to think outside the box of the current philosophical orthodoxies. Somewhat paradoxically, far from imprisoning its students in (...)
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    From Environmental Ethics to Nature Conservation Policy: Natura 2000 and the Burden of Proof.Humberto Rosa & Jorge Silva - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2):107-130.
    Natura 2000 is a network of natural sites whose aim is to preserve species and habitats of relevance in the European Union. The policy underlying Natura 2000 has faced widespread opposition from land users and received extensive support from environmentalists. This paper addresses the ethical framework for Natura 2000 and the probable moral assumptions of its main stakeholders. Arguments for and against Natura 2000 were analyzed and classified according to “strong” or “weak” versions of the three main theories of environmental (...)
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  50. XII—The Distinction in Kind between Knowledge and Belief.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2021 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 120 (3):277-308.
    Drawing inspiration from a well-attested historical tradition, I propose an account of cognition according to which knowledge is not only prior to belief; it is also, and crucially, not a kind of belief. Believing, in turn, is not some sort of botched knowing, but a mental state fundamentally different from knowing, with its own distinctive and complementary role in our cognitive life. I conclude that the main battle-line in the history of epistemology is drawn between the affirmation of a natural (...)
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