Results for 'Rong Tan'

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  1.  6
    Tan mei shi ling.Rong Li - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    本书收录了作者有关美学的论文30篇,前后时间跨越了30多年.这些文章,有的是论述"共同美"的,有的是探讨毛泽东美学思想和中西方审美差异的;还有关于美学基本理论辨析和中国古典美学(特别是玄学美学)思想研 究的;有些文章是有关美育和语文教学美感诱发的(中等学校课堂教学的有关问题);还有一部分,专门研究悲剧的成因,震撼力问题,其中涉及到苏轼,李清照等人的悲剧个案研究.
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  2.  29
    Effectiveness of Electroacupuncture and Electroconvulsive Therapy as Additional Treatment in Hospitalized Patients With Schizophrenia: A Retrospective Controlled Study.Jie Jia, Jun Shen, Fei-Hu Liu, Hei Kiu Wong, Xin-Jing Yang, Qiang-Ju Wu, Hui Zhang, Hua-Ning Wang, Qing-Rong Tan & Zhang-Jin Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Electroacupuncture (EA) and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are often used in the management of schizophrenia. This study sought to determine whether additional EA and ECT could augment antipsychotic response and reduce related side effects. In this retrospective controlled study, 287 hospitalized schizophrenic patients who received antipsychotics (controls, n = 50) alone or combined with EA (n = 101), ECT (n = 55) or both (EA+ECT, n = 81) were identified. EA and ECT were conducted for 5 and 3 sessions per week, (...)
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    Xin wu xiang rong chu tan: wai yi zhong.Tinghui Li - 1992 - Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju. Edited by Tinghui Li.
    Xin wu xiang rong chu tan -- Guo Dingtang zhu zi yan jiu jue yi.
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    She hui zhu yi rong ru guan xin tan.Hongyi Sun - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she.
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  5. "Bian zheng fa di yao su", "Tan tan bian zheng fa wen ti" nei rong jian jie.Yucai Huang - 1982 - [Nanjing shi]: Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Qingbao Wang.
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    Fa bu rong qing: fa jia si xiang de yan bian.Rongdong Jin - 2001 - [Shenyang]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Gen Guiguzi xue chu shi, gen Cai Gentan xue xiu shen.Jianbin Zheng - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo hua bao chu ban she.
    Ben shu rong hegui gu zi yucai gen tan liang bu zhu zuo de jing hua, Jiang yuan shu zhong yu chu shi, Xiu shen xiang guan de yuan wen jia yi jie xi, Yin shen, Jie he zhi cheng jing dian shi li jin xing chan shu.
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    Shao Yong yi xue yu xin ru xue si xiang yan jiu.Xitong Song - 2011 - Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong fen wei liu zhang, qi zhu yao bao kuo: xu lun ; Shao Yong sheng ping ji qi zhu zuo wen ben kao bian ; Shao Yong xue shu si xiang de li shi bei jing ji yuan yuan ; Shao Yong xue shu si xiang yuan yuan; shao yong yi shu yu yi tu si xiang tan jiu deng nei rong.
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    Zao qi ru jia wang ba zhi bian li lun yan jiu.Qiuyan Shao - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben cheng guo yi li lun jia gou er fei li shi xu shu de jiao du yan jiu zao qi ru jia de wang ba zhi bian, zong jie wang dao ba dao de zhu yao nei rong, shu li wang ba zhi bian suo guan zhu de si xiang zhu ti, fen xi qi si xiang luo ji jia gou, tan jiu wang ba zhi bian zai Zhongguo chuan tong zheng zhi zhe xue ji Zhongguo chuan tong (...)
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    Zhong wan Ming shi ren de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou: yi Li Cai (1529-1607) wei zhong xin de yan jiu.Yong Liu - 2015 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Ben shu yi Ming ru Li Cai de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou wei zhong xin, tan tao cong shi liu shi ji chu dao shi qi shi ji mo li xue qun ti zhong xin xing xue shuo he xue pai de chan sheng, chuan bo, kuo zhan yu chuan cheng de mo shi, bing zhuo zhong cong si xiang shi de jiao du jie shi zhe zhong mo shi chan sheng he yun xing de (...)
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  11.  63
    The Signaling Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Economies.Weichieh Su, Mike W. Peng, Weiqiang Tan & Yan-Leung Cheung - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):479-491.
    What signals do firms in emerging economies send to stakeholders when they adopt corporate social responsibility practices? We argue that in emerging economies, firms that adopt CSR practices positively signal investors that their firms have superior capabilities for filling institutional voids. From an institution-based view, we hypothesize that the institutional environment moderates the signaling effect of CSR on a firm’s financial performance. Based on a sample of firms from ten Asian emerging economies, we find a positive relationship between CSR practices (...)
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  12.  11
    Rong Zhaozu quan ji.Zhaozu Rong - 2013 - Jinna Shi: Qi Lu shu she.
    volume 1. Zi zhuan ; Zhe xue si xiang shi juan -- volumes 2-4. Zhe xue si xiang shi juan -- volume 5. Yu yan li shi xue juan -- volume 6. Yu yan li shi xue juan ; Min su xue yu wen xue juan -- volume 7. Min su xue yu wen xue juan ; Mu lu wen xian xue juan -- volume 8. Mu lu wen xian xue juan ; Sui bi xin zha juan.
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    Huan Tan "Xin lun".Tan Huan - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. Edited by Zeyu Wu & Shouju Wu.
    是東漢哲學家、思想家桓譚的主要論着,但早己亡佚。今存之輯本有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本,及近人朱謙之輯本,但均有不足。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於1962年着有新輯本,收錄 二百餘條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文。 桓譚,后漢時人,官至給事中。博學多識,破讖緯迷妄,去虛妄偽飾,先於王充、張衡,具有唯物啟蒙學者之學識,是漢時哲學思想家。《新諭》是桓譚主要論着,但早已亡佚。據歷史記載,明有二卷本,清有孫之騌輯本,皆不 傳。另有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本及近人朱謙之輯本。從今日的學術、校勘、編排諸方面來看,諸本均有不足:或短椾零篇,漫無倫紀;或望文歸屬,強系篇名;或條目重復,內容雜陳 迭見;或引用刻本,多有遺漏;或雖沿用十七卷篇目之名稱,但其條目已不能再顯現原書各篇的思想內容。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於一九六二年着有新輯本,收錄二百余條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存 疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文;最后殿以輯校引用書目及版本之詳目,以便於讀者查閱與研究。此書成為目前桓譚《新論》集大成之著作。.
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  14. Rong Zhaozu ji.Zhaozu Rong - 1989 - Jinan: 1989..
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    Research on Multidomain Fault Diagnosis of Large Wind Turbines under Complex Environment.Rong Jia, Fuqi Ma, Jian Dang, Guangyi Liu & Huizhi Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  16. The Revolutionary Army.Zou Rong - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):32-38.
    Zou Rong received a classical education but, uninterested in an official career and frustrated by the irrelevance of his schooling to the day's issues, traveled to Japan in 1901 to further his studies. There he wrote The Revolutionary Army, which was published in Shanghai after his return to China in 1903. The Revolutionary Army, which was scathingly critical of the Manchu rulers of China, enraged government authorities who sought his immediate arrest. Zou was protected by authorities of the International (...)
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  17. Anorexia Nervosa as a Passion.Louis C. Charland, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Jacinta Tan - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (4):353-365.
    Contemporary diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa explicitly refer to affective states of fear and anxiety regarding weight gain, as well as a fixed and very strong attachment to the pursuit of thinness as an overarching personal goal. Yet current treatments for that condition often have a decidedly cognitive orientation and the exact nature of the contribution of affective states and processes to anorexia nervosa remains largely uncharted theoretically. Taking our inspiration from the history of psychiatry, we argue that conceptualizing anorexia (...)
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  18.  46
    The Hypothesis That Anorexia Nervosa Is a Passion: Clarifications and Elaborations.Louis C. Charland, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Jacinta Tan - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (4):375-379.
    We are grateful for these two insightful commentaries, which both see novelty and value in the manner in which we invoke the hypothesis that anorexia nervosa is a passion, to help explain data from the Anorexia Experiences Study, which provides the basis of our inquiry. In this response, we wish to clarify and elaborate on our hypothesis; in particular, the difference between passions and moods, the manner in which our hypothesis touches on issues of authenticity and identity, and the compelling (...)
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  19.  51
    Thinking Things Through: An Introduction to Analytical Skills Second Edition.Farber Ilya, Thomas Brian Mooney, Mark Nowacki, Yoo Guan Tan & John N. Williams - 2011 - McGraw-Hill.
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    Asymptotic Behavior of a Stochastic Two-Species Competition Model under the Effect of Disease.Rong Liu & Guirong Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  21. Zen yang xue xi zhe xue.Rong Jiang & Mo Qiao (eds.) - 1985 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  22.  18
    Higher Socioeconomic Status Predicts Less Risk of Depression in Adolescence: Serial Mediating Roles of Social Support and Optimism.Rong Zou, Xia Xu, Xiaobin Hong & Jiajin Yuan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:544056.
    Family socioeconomic status (SES) is known to have a powerful influence on adolescent depression. However, the mechanisms underlying this association are unclear. Here, we explore this issue by testing the potential mediating roles of social support (interpersonal resource) and optimism (intrapersonal resource), based on the predictions of the reserve capacity model (RCM). Participants were 652 adolescents [age range: 11–20 years old, M age = 14.55 years, SD = 1.82; 338 boys (51.80%)] from two junior and two senior high schools in (...)
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  23.  40
    All STEM fields are not created equal: People and things interests explain gender disparities across STEM fields.Rong Su & James Rounds - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  24. Justice Without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The cosmopolitan idea of justice is commonly accused of not taking seriously the special ties and commitments of nationality and patriotism. This is because the ideal of impartial egalitarianism, which is central to the cosmopolitan view, seems to be directly opposed to the moral partiality inherent to nationalism and patriotism. In this book, Kok-Chor Tan argues that cosmopolitan justice, properly understood, can accommodate and appreciate nationalist and patriotic commitments, setting limits for these commitments without denying their moral significance. This book (...)
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  25.  2
    Rong-ston on the Prajñāpāramitā philosophy of the Abhisamayālaṃkāra: his sub-commentary on Haribhadraʼs 'Sphuṭārtha'.Rong-Ston Shes-Bya-Kun-Rig - 1988 - New Delhi: Pal-lden Sakyaʼi-sung-rab Book Publisher. Edited by David Paul Jackson & Shunzō Onoda.
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  26.  33
    Based On The Narration Of Wahb Bın Munabbih, A Mathnawi: Dasıtan-ı Erve Hatun.Bünyamin Tan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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  27.  16
    Philosophical spirit in traditional Chinese drama.Rong Liu - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240063.
    Resumen: El teatro chino tiene sus orígenes en formas primitivas de canto y danza, y desde entonces ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una forma artística integral con una rica historia. Se considera una de las tres culturas dramáticas más antiguas, junto con la griega y la sánscrita de la India. Las distintas naciones tienen culturas diferentes con características nacionales únicas, mientras que los conceptos filosóficos personalizados desempeñan un papel destacado en la formación de la cultura. La ciencia, la literatura, el (...)
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  28. Justice, Institutions, and Luck: The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality.Kok-Chor Tan - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Kok-Chor Tan addresses three key questions in political philosophy: Where does distributive equality matter? Why does it matter? And among whom does it matter? He argues for an institutional site for egalitarian justice, a luck-egalitarian ideal of why equality matters, and a global scope for distributive justice.
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    Competence to make treatment decisions in anorexia nervosa: thinking processes and values.Jacinta Oa Tan, Tony Hope, Anne Stewart & Raymond Fitzpatrick - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology: Ppp 13 (4):267.
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  30.  8
    Shi yu xuan ming, fan yu da tong: xuan xue yu Zhongguo mei xue.Rong Li - 2000 - Guangzhou Shi: Hua cheng chu ban she.
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    Temporal recall in the shadow of emotion: separate emotional contexts during encoding enhance the temporal source memory retrieval.Rong Pan, Jingwen di WuHu, Wenjie Dou, Chuanji Gao, Bao-Ming Li & Xi Jia - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
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  32.  46
    The Women's Movement In China Before and After The 1911 Revolution.Rong Tiesheng - 1983 - Chinese Studies in History 16 (3-4):159-200.
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  33.  10
    Makesi zhu yi yu er shi shi ji de Zhongguo =.Rong Wang (ed.) - 2011 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
  34. Chêng chü fa yao lun.Rong Zhou - 1937
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    Consensus Conference on Best Practices in Live Kidney Donation: Recommendations to Optimize Education, Access, and Care.D. LaPointe Rudow, R. Hays, P. Baliga, D. J. Cohen, M. Cooper, G. M. Danovitch, M. A. Dew, E. J. Gordon, D. A. Mandelbrot, S. McGuire, J. Milton, D. R. Moore, M. Morgievich, J. D. Schold, D. L. Segev, D. Serur, R. W. Steiner, J. C. Tan, A. D. Waterman, E. Y. Zavala & J. R. Rodrigue - unknown
    Live donor kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for most patients with late-stage chronic kidney disease; however, the rate of living kidney donation has declined in the United States. A consensus conference was held June 5-6, 2014 to identify best practices and knowledge gaps pertaining to live donor kidney transplantation and living kidney donation. Transplant professionals, patients, and other key stakeholders discussed processes for educating transplant candidates and potential living donors about living kidney donation; efficiencies in the living donor (...)
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  36. XR Embodiment and the Changing Nature of Sexual Harassment.Erick José Ramirez, Shelby Jennett, Jocelyn Tan, Sydney Campbell & Raghav Gupta - 2023 - Societies 13 (36).
    In this paper, we assess the impact of extended reality technologies as they relate to sexual forms of harassment. We begin with a brief history of the nature of sexual harassment itself. We then offer an account of extended reality technologies focusing specifically on psychological and hardware elements most likely to comprise what has been referred to as “the metaverse”. Although different forms of virtual spaces exist (i.e., private, semi-private, and public), we focus on public social metaverse spaces. We do (...)
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  37. ‘TaxTrack’: Introducing a Democratic Innovation for Taxation.Jean-Paul Gagnon, Paul Emiljanowicz, Lucy Parry, Bomikazi Zeka, Angela Tan-Kantor, Nick Vlahos, Adrian Bua, Alex Prior & John Hawkins - forthcoming - Australasian Parliamentary Review.
    Abstract: In this article we introduce an input-oriented democratic innovation – that we term ‘TaxTrack’ – which offers individual taxpayers the means to engage with their political economies in three ways. After joining the TaxTrack program, an individual can: (1) see and understand how much, and what types, of taxes they have contributed, (2) see and understand how their tax contributions are, or have been, used, and (3) control what their tax contributions can, or cannot, be spent on. We explain (...)
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    Differential Evolution Algorithm Combined with Uncertainty Handling Techniques for Stochastic Reentrant Job Shop Scheduling Problem.Rong Hu, Xing Wu, Bin Qian, Jianlin Mao & Huaiping Jin - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    This paper considers two kinds of stochastic reentrant job shop scheduling problems, i.e., the SRJSSP with the maximum tardiness criterion and the SRJSSP with the makespan criterion. Owing to the NP-complete complexity of the considered RJSSPs, an effective differential evolutionary algorithm combined with two uncertainty handling techniques, namely, DEA_UHT, is proposed to address these problems. Firstly, to reasonably control the computation cost, the optimal computing budget allocation technique is applied for allocating limited computation budgets to assure reliable evaluation and identification (...)
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    Treatment refusal in anorexia nervosa : a challenge to current concepts of capacity.Jacinta Tan & Tony Hope - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 187--210.
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    A model for the dynamics of loop drag by a gliding dislocation.Z. Rong, Y. N. Osetsky † & D. J. Bacon * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (14):1473-1493.
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    The Becker-DeGroot-Marschak mechanism and generalized utility theories: Theoretical predictions and empirical observations.L. Robin Keller, Uzi Segal & Tan Wang - 1993 - Theory and Decision 34 (2):83-97.
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    Antecedents of electric vehicle purchasing behaviors: Evidence from Türkiye.Veland Ramadani, Barış Armutcu, Nail Reshidi, Ahmet Tan & Ercan İnce - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The present study aims to determine the key antecedents that affect consumers' electric vehicle (EV) purchasing behavior. In this context, the study expanded the existing framework of TPB (attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control) by incorporating four new variables (product attributes, cognitive status, monetary incentive policies, and nonmonetary incentive policies). At this point, the study is of great importance in terms of understanding consumers' perspectives on EV purchasing behavior and to help policymakers, businesses, and marketers support sustainable production and consumption (...)
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    Gen Wang Yangming xue xin xue.Rong Yang - 2012 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo hua qiao chu ban she.
  44.  32
    Knowledge sharing among Malaysian universities' students: do personality traits, class room and technological factors matter?Chin Wei Chong, Pei-Lee Teh & Booi Chen Tan - 2014 - Educational Studies 40 (1):1-25.
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    Distributed containment control of second-order multiagent systems with input delays under general protocols.Lina Rong & Hao Shen - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):112-120.
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    Treatment of dorsal perilunate dislocations and fracture–dislocations using a standardized protocol.John T. Capo, Sandro J. Corti, Ben Shamian, Ali Nourbakhsh, Virak Tan, Neil Kaushal & Monika Debkowska - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 380-387.
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    Contraceptive method switching over women's reproductive careers: evidence from Malaysian life history data, 1940s–70s.Julie Da Vanzo, David Reboussin, Ellen Starbird, Boon Ann Tan & S. Abdullah Hadi - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (S11):95-116.
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    BRIEF REPORT Dyadic effects in nonverbal communication: A variance partitioning analysis.Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Maw Der Foo, Jennifer Boldry & Hwee Hoon Tan - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):149-159.
    Using Kenny's (1994) Social Relations Model, a block-round robin design provided the first reported evidence for dyadic effects in nonverbal communication. That is, some dyads were systematically more or less accurate than the individual-level skill of perceivers and expressors would predict. This dyadic effect appears to be similar in magnitude to individual differences in emotional perception, a topic garnering extensive research attention over several decades. Results generally replicated for judgements across genders and across two cultural groups. These preliminary findings have (...)
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    Dr. Levent SEVİNÇOK, Dr. Yaşar KÜÇÜKARDALI, Dr. Çiğdem DEREBOY, Dr. Ferhan DEREBOY.Çevrimiçi Yayıncılık, Yayınlanmamış Makaleler, Tüm Metin, Genç Erkeklerde Madde Kullanımı, Sosyodemografik Özellikler & Psikiyatrik Tanılar - 2000 - Substance 11 (1):40-48.
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    Toward improving control performance of myoelectric arm prosthesis by adding wrist position feedback.Yue Zheng, Lan Tian, Xiangxin Li, Yingxiao Tan, Zijian Yang & Guanglin Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Wearing a myoelectric prosthesis is a basic way for limb amputees to restore their lost limb functions in the activities of daily living. However, it is estimated that around 40% of amputees refuse the prosthesis. One of the primary reasons would be that the current prostheses lack appropriate sensory feedback. Currently, the amputees only depend on their visual feedback when using their arm prostheses. It would be difficult for them to accurately control the wrist position, which is vital for flexible (...)
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