Results for 'Ronald Prather'

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  1.  45
    Ronald Prather. Computational aids for determining the minimal form of a truth function. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 7 , pp. 299–310. [REVIEW]Ann S. Ferebee - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):630.
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    A Primer to Multi-Group Invariance Testing Possibilities in R.Ronald Fischer & Johannes A. Karl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The evolution of languages of thought.Ronald J. Planer - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (5):1-27.
    The idea that cognition makes use of one or more “languages of thought” remains central to much cognitive-scientific and philosophical theorizing. And yet, virtually no attention has been paid to the question of how a language of thought might evolve in the first place. In this article, I take some steps towards addressing this issue. With the aid of the so-called Sender–Receiver framework, I elucidate a family of distinctions and processes which enable us to see how languages of thought might (...)
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    Towards an Evolutionary Account of Human Kinship Systems.Ronald J. Planer - 2020 - Biological Theory 16 (3):148-161.
    Kinship plays a foundational role in organizing human social behavior on both local and more global scales. Hence, any adequate account of the evolution of human sociality must include an account of the evolution of human kinship. This article aims to make progress on the latter task by providing a few key pieces of an evolutionary model of kinship systems. The article is especially focused on the connection between primate social cognition and the origins of kinship systems. I argue that (...)
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    Naturalized Epistemology and the Law of Evidence.Ronald Allen - unknown
    In «Naturalized Epistemology and the Law of Evidence Revisited», the original target article for the various refutations that I comment on here, I revisited through a slightly different lens the subject of the article that I coauthored with Brian Leiter close to twenty years ago. That article has prompted four responses from Professors Pardo, Spellman, Muffato, and Enoch. Professors Pardo and Spellman basically accept the implications of the original article and offer useful but friendly amendments. Prof. Muffato apparently does not (...)
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    Naturalized Epistemology and the Law of Evidence Revisited.Ronald J. Allen - unknown
    We revisit Naturalized Epistemology and the Law of Evidence, published twenty years ago. The evolution of the relative plausibility theory of juridical proof is offered as evidence of the advantage of a naturalized approach to the study of the field and law evidence. Various alternative explanations of aspects of juridical proof from other disciplines are examined and their shortcomings described. These competing explanations are similar in their reductive, a priori approaches that are at odds with an empirically oriented naturalized approach. (...)
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    Persuasions by Corporate and Activist NGO Strategic Website Communications: Impacts on Perceptions of Sustainability Messages and Greenwashing.Ronald J. Ferguson, Kaspar Schattke & Michèle Paulin - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):117-131.
    The present research was guided by the important need for a diversion from an economistic to a humanistic management perspective of sustainability. It concentrates on the current importance of digital strategic communication, particularly regarding the concept of corporate sustainability in the context of the conflict arena of the oil industry. The focus is on the comparison of the persuasive effectiveness of the framings of corporate versus activist NGO website communications and their impacts on the perception of the triple pillars of (...)
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    Advancing Our Understandings of Healthcare Team Dynamics From the Simulation Room to the Operating Room: A Neurodynamic Perspective.Ronald Stevens, Trysha Galloway & Ann Willemsen-Dunlap - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Debate: Legal Probabilism—A Qualified Rejection: A Response to Hedden and Colyvan.Ronald J. Allen - 2020 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (1):117-128.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  10.  42
    Dynamic perceptual completion and the dynamic snapshot view to help solve the ‘two times’ problem.Ronald P. Gruber, Ryan P. Smith & Richard A. Block - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):773-790.
    Perceptual completion fills the gap for discrete perception to become continuous. Similarly, dynamic perceptual completion provides an experience of dynamic continuity. Our recent discovery of the ‘happening’ element of DPC completes the total experience for dynamism in the flow of time. However, a phenomenological explanation for these experiences is essential. The Snapshot Hypotheses especially the Dynamic Snapshot View provides the most comprehensive explanation. From that understanding the ‘two times’ problem can be addressed. The static time of spacetime cosmologies has been (...)
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    What is Symbolic Cognition?Ronald J. Planer - 2019 - Topoi 40 (1):233-244.
    Humans’ capacity for so-called symbolic cognition is often invoked by evolutionary theorists, and in particular archaeologists, when attempting to explain human cognitive and behavioral uniqueness. But what is meant by “symbolic cognition” is often left underspecified. In this article, I identify and discuss three different ways in which the notion of symbolic cognition might be construed, each of them quite distinct. Getting clear on the nature of symbolic cognition is a necessary first step in determining what symbolic cognition might plausibly (...)
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    Religion without God.Ronald Dworkin - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Religious atheism? -- The universe -- Religious freedom -- Death and immortality.
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    The Plague of Bannonism.Ronald Beiner - 2019 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 31 (3-4):300-314.
    ABSTRACT Donald Trump’s thinking is too erratic and scattershot to count as a real system of ideas. Steve Bannon’s version of populism seems significantly more focused, more self-conscious, and hence more open to theory-based critical analysis, which this paper attempts to provide. That is not at all to say, however, that Bannon’s ideas achieve intellectual coherence or consistency. Close examination of the defining components of his worldview suggest the opposite. Still, engagement with contemporary right-populism cannot, or should not, avoid Bannon (...)
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  14.  29
    Engineering Practice and Engineering Ethics.Ronald Kline & William T. Lynch - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (2):195-225.
    Diane Vaughan’s analysis of the causes of the Challenger accident suggests ways to apply science and technology studies to the teaching of engineering ethics. By sensitizing future engineers to the ongoing construction of risk during mundane engineering practice, we can better prepare them to address issues of public health, safety, and welfare before they require heroic intervention. Understanding the importance of precedents, incremental change, and fallible engineering judgment in engineering design may help them anticipate potential threats to public safety arising (...)
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    Images of natural evil.Ronald L. Hall - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 87 (3):213-216.
  16.  26
    Freedom of the Will and Consumption Restrictions.Ronald Paul Hill - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (2):311-324.
    There is a long-standing interest in business ethics around the concept of free will, but study of its possible influence on consumer behavior is only in the nascent stage. This lack of research is particularly acute in certain consumption contexts, especially ones based on highly restricted access that appear to suggest abrogation of the will. In this paper, we offer a novel approach that involves reexamination of qualitative/ethnographic research that has chronicled consumption restrictions without consideration of potential implications for free (...)
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    A retrospective look at the common sense nutrition disclosure act: Small business lifeline or an impediment to informed consumer decision making?Ronald Adams - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (4):515-522.
    As consumer lifestyles have changed over recent decades, people have increasingly turned to meals prepared away from home. A major consequence of this shift in eating patterns has been a concomitant rise in obesity rates worldwide. Research has consistently documented that consumers tend to make less healthy choices when purchasing prepared meals away from home. In part, this can be attributed to inadequate information at the time of purchase; both nutrition experts and lay consumers tend, for example, to underestimate calories (...)
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  18.  54
    Revisiting Existential Marxism.Ronald Aronson - 2019 - Sartre Studies International 25 (2):92-98.
    Alfred Betschart has claimed that the project of existential Marxism is a contradiction in terms, but this argument, even when supported by many experts and quotes from Sartre’s 1975 interview, misses the point of my Boston Review article, “The Philosophy of Our Time.” I believe the important argument today is not about whether we can prove that Sartre ever became a full-fledged Marxist, but rather about the political and philosophical possibility, and importance today, of existentialist Marxism.
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    The infinite epistemic regress problem has no unique solution.Ronald Meester & Timber Kerkvliet - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):4973-4983.
    In this article we analyze the claim that a probabilistic interpretation of the infinite epistemic regress problem leads to a unique solution, the so called “completion” of the regress. This claim is implicitly based on the assumption that the standard Kolmogorov axioms of probability theory are suitable for describing epistemic probability. This assumption, however, has been challenged in the literature, by various authors. One of the alternatives that have been suggested to replace the Kolmogorov axioms in case of an epistemic (...)
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  20. Freedom And Receptivity In Aesthetic Experience.Ronald Hepburn - 2006 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 3 (1):1-14.
    No-one can read far into our subject without finding an author linking aesthetic experience and freedom in one sense or another: Kant, notably of course, but also Schopenhauer, Schiller, and many more. In this article I want first [A] to remind you in a sentence or two of those by now classic ways of connecting concepts of freedom and aesthetic experience, and then [B] to outline some thoughts of my own. Section [C] opens up in more detail a less frequented (...)
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  21. Adaptive information and animal behaviour: Why motorists stop at red traffic lights.Ronald W. Templeton & James Franklin - 1992 - Evolutionary Theory 10:145-155.
    Argues that information, in the animal behaviour or evolutionary context, is correlation/covariation. The alternation of red and green traffic lights is information because it is (quite strictly) correlated with the times when it is safe to drive through the intersection; thus driving in accordance with the lights is adaptive (causative of survival). Daylength is usefully, though less strictly, correlated with the optimal time to breed. Information in the sense of covariance implies what is adaptive; if an animal can infer what (...)
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  22.  36
    How disunity matters to the history of cybernetics in the human sciences in the United States, 1940–80.Ronald Kline - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):12-35.
    Rather than assume a unitary cybernetics, I ask how its disunity mattered to the history of the human sciences in the United States from about 1940 to 1980. I compare the work of four prominent social scientists – Herbert Simon, George Miller, Karl Deutsch, and Talcott Parsons – who created cybernetic models in psychology, economics, political science, and sociology with the work of anthropologist Gregory Bateson, and relate their interpretations of cybernetics to those of such well-known cyberneticians as Norbert Wiener, (...)
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  23.  36
    The law's Aversion to Naked Statistics and Other Mistakes.Ronald J. Allen & Christopher K. Smiciklas - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (3):179-209.
    A vast literature has developed probing the law's aversion to statistical/probability evidence in general and its rejection of naked statistical evidence in particular. This literature rests on false premises. At least so far as US law is concerned, there is no general aversion to statistical forms of proof and even naked statistics are admissible and sufficient for a verdict when the evidentiary proffer meets the normal standards of admissibility, the most important of which is reliability. The belief to the contrary (...)
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  24.  82
    Sellars’ Theory of We-Intentions and Gilbert’s Theory of Joint Commitment: A critical notice of Jeremy R. Koons, The Ethics of Wilfrid Sellars.Ronald Loeffler - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (1):114-127.
    Volume 28, Issue 1, February 2020, Page 114-127.
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    Challenges associated with the use of information and communication technologies in information sharing by fish farmers in the Southern highlands of Tanzania.Ronald Benard, Frankwell Dulle & Hieromin Lamtane - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):44-61.
    Purpose This paper aims to examine the challenges facing fish farmers in the use of information and communication technology in information sharing on fish farming. Design/methodology/approach This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. It involved 240 fish farmers who were randomly selected. Questionnaires, focus group discussions, observation and key informant’s interviews were used as methods of data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse quantitative data, while content analysis was used for qualitative data. Findings It was (...)
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  26.  24
    Snapshot: Robert Brandom.Ronald Loeffler - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 87:38-46.
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    Shishak and Shoshenq: A Disambiguation.Ronald Wallenfels - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2):487.
    The conventional history of the ancient Near East at large, including Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean basin, contains several “Dark Ages,” poorly documented transitional periods of uncertain length. James et al. 1991 have argued that the most significant of these Dark Ages—the transition from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age during the last two centuries of the second millennium BCE—is largely an artifact of an overly long reconstruction of the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period, and that this Dark Age presents (...)
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    Peg Brand Weiser, "Camus’s The Plague: Philosophical Perspectives." & Alice Kaplan and Laura Marris, "States of Plague: Reading Albert Camus in a Pandemic.".Ronald Aronson - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (2):41-48.
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    Kotzen, Conditional Relevancy, and the Difficulties of Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue.Ronald J. Allen - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (2):215-225.
    Forty years ago, Vaughn Ball demonstrated that the then received notion of conditional relevance served no useful purpose, as it would only come into effect if the probability of an element were 0.0. But, if the probability of an element were 0.0, a directed verdict would be in order and so once again conditional relevancy was doing no work. I extended that analysis to include the relationship between proffers of evidence and facts of consequence to demonstrate that the work that (...)
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  30. Decentered scientific agendas and decentralized actors and capacities in Patagonian science.Ronald Cancino, Cristina Flores, Elías Barticevic & Hebe Vessuri - 2025 - In Leandro Rodriguez Medina & Sandra G. Harding, Decentralizing knowledges: essays on distributed agency. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  31. Origins of the Enlightenment in Scotland: the Universities.Ronald G. Cant - 1982 - In Campbell & Skinner, The Origins and Nature of the Scottish Enlightenment. pp. 43--64.
  32.  15
    Amidst children and witnesses: Reflections on death.Ronald A. Carson - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  33. Book Reviews-Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Year Retrospective and Critical Appraisal.Ronald A. Carson, Chester R. Burns & Merle Spriggs - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (2):175-177.
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    Case Studies: Does 'Doing Everything' Include CPR?Ronald A. Carson & Mark Siegler - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (5):27.
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    Case study: Research with brain-dead children.Ronald Carson - 1981 - Journal of Medical Humanities 3 (1):50-53.
    The esophageal obturator airway is a device used throughout the United States to facilitate artificial respiration of critically ill patients who are not hospitalized. Its use is restricted to persons who are over 15 years old because obturators for children are not available. A protocol submitted to an institutional review board intended to develop EOAs suitable for use in children. The investigators proposed to perform preliminary testing of these devices on children who had sustained irreversible loss of brain function. In (...)
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    Death Is That Man Taking Names.Ronald A. Carson & Robert Burt - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (2):46.
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    Erik Parens (ed.) Enhancing human traits: Ethical and social implications.Ronald A. Carson - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (6):613-616.
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    Jean Paul Sartre.Ronald A. Carson - 1974
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    On Making Compassion Tangible.Ronald A. Carson - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (5):46-46.
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    Patient Wishes and Physician Obligations.Ronald A. Carson, Richard C. Reynolds & Harold Gene Moss - 1978
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    Research with Brain-Dead Children.Ronald A. Carson, Jaime L. Frias & Richard J. Melker - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (1):5.
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  42.  13
    Sensibility and Rationality in Bioethics.Ronald A. Carson - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):23-24.
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  43.  31
    The Ontological Significance of Deleuze and Guattari's Concept of the Body Without Organs.Ronald M. Carrier - 1998 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 29 (2):189-206.
  44. The applicability of copyright to synthetic biology : the intersection of technology and the law.Ronald Laymon - 2020 - In Andrew Wells Garnar & Ashley Shew, Feedback Loops: Pragmatism about Science and Technology. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  45.  17
    (2 other versions)An anthropological investigation of cruelty and its contrasts.Ronald Stade & Nigel Rapport - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (10):1262-1285.
    In liberal political philosophy, from Michel de Montaigne to Judith Shklar, cruelty – the wilful inflicting of pain on another in order to cause anguish and fear – has been singled out as ‘the most evil of all evils’ and as unjustifiable: the ultimate vice. An unconditional rejection and negation of cruelty is taken to be programmatic within a liberal paradigm. In this contribution, two anthropologists triangulate cruelty as a concept with torture (Stade) and with love (Rapport). Treating the capability (...)
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  46. Emergent concept chains and scenarios of depoliticization : the case of global governance as a future past.Ronald Stade - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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  47. Jacob Böhme (155-1624) : ein Mitwisser Gottes.Ronald Steckel - 2019 - In Armin Morich, Aussenseiter, Sinnsucher, Visionäre. Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
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    Professional ethics in university administration.Ronald H. Stein & M. Carlota Baca (eds.) - 1981 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  49.  16
    Moral Reflections on Foreign Policy in a Religious War.Ronald H. Stone - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Stone argues that religion must be understood in its connections with world politics for the successful conduct of foreign policy. Without peace among religions, there can be no peace, and without understanding the role of religion in politics, there can be neither peace nor successful foreign policy.
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  50. Professor Reinhold Niebuhr: A Mentor to the Twentieth Century.Ronald H. Stone - 1992
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