Results for 'Ronald Haas'

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  1.  54
    The J.H.B. bookshelf.Shirley A. Roe, Ronald Rainger, John F. Cornell, James J. Bono, Pietro Corsi & William J. Haas - 1985 - Journal of the History of Biology 18 (3):439-446.
  2. Aristotle’s “De Anima”: A Critical Commentary.Ronald M. Polansky - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's De Anima is the first systematic philosophical account of the soul, which serves to explain the functioning of all mortal living things. In his commentary, Ronald Polansky argues that the work is far more structured and systematic than previously supposed. He contends that Aristotle seeks a comprehensive understanding of the soul and its faculties. By closely tracing the unfolding of the many-layered argumentation and the way Aristotle fits his inquiry meticulously within his scheme of the sciences, Polansky answers (...)
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    Europe and German Philosophy.Martin Heidegger & Andrew Haas - 2006 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6 (1):331-340.
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    The Ethics of Species: An Introduction.Ronald L. Sandler - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    We are causing species to go extinct at extraordinary rates, altering existing species in unprecedented ways and creating entirely new species. More than ever before, we require an ethic of species to guide our interactions with them. In this book, Ronald L. Sandler examines the value of species and the ethical significance of species boundaries and discusses what these mean for species preservation in the light of global climate change, species engineering and human enhancement. He argues that species possess (...)
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    Investigations in Cognitive Grammar.Ronald W. Langacker - 2009 - Mouton de Gruyter.
    Review text: "Ronald W. Langacker is universally acclaimed as one of the founding fathers of the cognitive linguistics movement. His pioneering efforts towards developing a meaning-oriented, usage-based theory of grammar have given cognitive linguistics many of its key concepts, and his theory of Cognitive Grammar is not only one of the cornerstones of cognitive linguistics, it is also a magnificent achievement in its own right." Dirk Geeraerts, January 2009.
  6.  79
    Knowledge and explanation in history: an introduction to the philosophy of history.Ronald F. Atkinson - 1978 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Toward a profile of student software piraters.Ronald R. Sims, Hsing K. Cheng & Hildy Teegen - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):839 - 849.
    Efforts to counter software piracy are an increasing focus of software publishers. This study attempts to develop a profile of those who illegally copy software by looking at undergraduate and graduate students and the extent to which they pirate software. The data indicate factors that can be used to profile the software pirater. In particular, males were found to pirate software more frequently than females and older students more than younger students, based on self-reporting.
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  8. Discussion note: Distributed cognition in epistemic cultures.Ronald N. Giere - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (4):637-644.
    In Epistemic Cultures (1999), Karin Knorr Cetina argues that different scientific fields exhibit different epistemic cultures. She claims that in high energy physics (HEP) individual persons are displaced as epistemic subjects in favor of experiments themselves. In molecular biology (MB), by contrast, individual persons remain the primary epistemic subjects. Using Ed Hutchins' (1995) account of navigation aboard a traditional US Navy ship as a prototype, I argue that both HEP and MB exhibit forms of distributed cognition. That is, in both (...)
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    Protolanguage Might Have Evolved Before Ostensive Communication.Ronald J. Planer - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (2):72-84.
    According to one currently influential line of thinking, the evolution of ostensive communication was a prerequisite for the evolution of human language. In this article, I distinguish between a strong and a weak version of this view and offer a sustained argument against the former. More specifically, the strong version of this view would have it that ostensive communication was a prerequisite not just for the evolution of fully modern language but for any language-like system of communication. I argue that (...)
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  10.  28
    Debate: Legal Probabilism—A Qualified Rejection: A Response to Hedden and Colyvan.Ronald J. Allen - 2020 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (1):117-128.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Art, truth and the education of subjectivity.Ronald W. Hepburn - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (2):185–198.
    Ronald W Hepburn; Art, Truth and the Education of Subjectivity, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 185–198, https://doi.
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    Probabilities on finite models.Ronald Fagin - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (1):50-58.
  13. Changing an organization's culture under new leadership.Ronald R. Sims - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (1):65 - 78.
    Turning around and changing an organization's culture does not happen by chance. The purpose of this paper is to offer insights into what is needed for an organization to successfully transform itself from a culture and experience that does not support individual ethical behavior. The recent bond trading scandal at Salomon Brothers will be used to demonstrate that a successful ethical turnaround does not just happen spontaneously. In particular, we argue that new leadership, altering policies, structure, behavior, and beliefs are (...)
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  14. Inner models and large cardinals.Ronald Jensen - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):393-407.
    In this paper, we sketch the development of two important themes of modern set theory, both of which can be regarded as growing out of work of Kurt Gödel. We begin with a review of some basic concepts and conventions of set theory.§0. The ordinal numbers were Georg Cantor's deepest contribution to mathematics. After the natural numbers 0, 1, …, n, … comes the first infinite ordinal number ω, followed by ω + 1, ω + 2, …, ω + ω, (...)
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    Using Scott domains to explicate the notions of approximate and idealized data.Ronald Laymon - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (2):194-221.
    This paper utilizes Scott domains (continuous lattices) to provide a mathematical model for the use of idealized and approximately true data in the testing of scientific theories. Key episodes from the history of science can be understood in terms of this model as attempts to demonstrate that theories are monotonic, that is, yield better predictions when fed better or more realistic data. However, as we show, monotonicity and truth of theories are independent notions. A formal description is given of the (...)
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  16. Newton's bucket experiment.Ronald Laymon - 1978 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (4):399--413.
  17.  33
    Galileo: Real Experiment and Didactic Demonstration.Ronald Naylor - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):398-419.
  18. Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice.Ronald L. Sandler - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the field, Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice helps students develop the analytical skills to effectively identify and evaluate the social and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. Covering a wide variety of theories and critical perspectives, author Ronald Sandler considers their strengths and weaknesses, emphasizes their practical importance, and grounds the discussions in a multitude of both classic and contemporary cases and examples. FEATURES * Discusses a wide range of theories of environmental ethics, representing (...)
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  19.  33
    Financial Disclosure and Customer Satisfaction: Do Companies Talking the Talk Actually Walk the Walk?Ronald J. Balvers, John F. Gaski & Bill McDonald - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (1):29-45.
    Using the emerging technology of large-scale textual analysis, this study examines the use of the term ‘customer satisfaction’ and its variants in the annual reports issued by publicly traded U.S. corporations and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as Form 10-K. We document the frequency of the term’s occurrence in 10-Ks over the 1995–2013 period and the differences in usage across industries. We then relate the term’s usage in 10-Ks to subsequent scores from the American Customer Satisfaction Index to (...)
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  20.  12
    Jean-Paul Sartre, Philosophy in the World.Ronald Aronson - 1980 - London: NLB.
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  21. What is an inference rule?Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):1018-1045.
    What is an inference rule? This question does not have a unique answer. One usually finds two distinct standard answers in the literature; validity inference $(\sigma \vdash_\mathrm{v} \varphi$ if for every substitution $\tau$, the validity of $\tau \lbrack\sigma\rbrack$ entails the validity of $\tau\lbrack\varphi\rbrack)$, and truth inference $(\sigma \vdash_\mathrm{t} \varphi$ if for every substitution $\tau$, the truth of $\tau\lbrack\sigma\rbrack$ entails the truth of $\tau\lbrack\varphi\rbrack)$. In this paper we introduce a general semantic framework that allows us to investigate the notion of inference (...)
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  22.  34
    Towards an Evolutionary Account of Human Kinship Systems.Ronald J. Planer - 2020 - Biological Theory 16 (3):148-161.
    Kinship plays a foundational role in organizing human social behavior on both local and more global scales. Hence, any adequate account of the evolution of human sociality must include an account of the evolution of human kinship. This article aims to make progress on the latter task by providing a few key pieces of an evolutionary model of kinship systems. The article is especially focused on the connection between primate social cognition and the origins of kinship systems. I argue that (...)
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  23.  59
    The evolution of languages of thought.Ronald J. Planer - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (5):1-27.
    The idea that cognition makes use of one or more “languages of thought” remains central to much cognitive-scientific and philosophical theorizing. And yet, virtually no attention has been paid to the question of how a language of thought might evolve in the first place. In this article, I take some steps towards addressing this issue. With the aid of the so-called Sender–Receiver framework, I elucidate a family of distinctions and processes which enable us to see how languages of thought might (...)
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  24.  39
    Galileo's Method of Analysis and Synthesis.Ronald Naylor - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):695-707.
  25.  31
    Working memory updating and the development of rule-guided behavior.Dima Amso, Sara Haas, Lauren McShane & David Badre - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):201-210.
  26.  54
    Following instructions.Ronald Amerine & Jack Bilmes - 1988 - Human Studies 11 (2-3):327 - 339.
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    What is Symbolic Cognition?Ronald J. Planer - 2019 - Topoi 40 (1):233-244.
    Humans’ capacity for so-called symbolic cognition is often invoked by evolutionary theorists, and in particular archaeologists, when attempting to explain human cognitive and behavioral uniqueness. But what is meant by “symbolic cognition” is often left underspecified. In this article, I identify and discuss three different ways in which the notion of symbolic cognition might be construed, each of them quite distinct. Getting clear on the nature of symbolic cognition is a necessary first step in determining what symbolic cognition might plausibly (...)
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    A sixteenth-century war of ideas: Science against the church.Ronald A. Sarno - 1969 - Annals of Science 25 (3):209-227.
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    A Brief Review and Assessment of the Leegin Decision: Who Wins and Who Loses When Manufacturers Are Free to Set Retail Prices?Ronald J. Adams - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (2):213-236.
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    Personal Identity and Self-Constitution.Ronald G. Alexander - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):83-89.
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  31. Alleviating World Suffering: The Challenge of Negative Quality of Life.Ronald E. Anderson (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This is the first volume on the subject of the alleviation of world suffering. At the same time it is also the first book framing the fields of global socio-economic development, world health, human rights, peace studies, sustainability, and poverty within the challenge of alleviating suffering and improving quality of life. Both international studies and global development have become specialized and fragmented, whereas this work assembles all of these development fragments together in order to determine whether common ground exists to (...)
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    Religion and Teaching.Ronald D. Anderson - 2007 - Routledge.
    This text engages preservice and practicing teachers in considering some of the complex issues related to religion and teaching that all educators face in their interactions with students, parents, administrators, and fellow teachers. The questions are not just about what is legal and what is not, but how a teacher should act in the best interests of all students, both those who are religious and those who are not. This book does not provide answers. Its goal is to cause readers (...)
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  33.  57
    The Whewell-Faraday exchange on the application of the concepts of momentum and inertia to electromagnetic phenomena.Ronald Anderson - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (4):577-594.
  34.  22
    Transfer of information from manual to oculomotor control system.Ronald W. Angel & Harry Garland - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):92.
  35. Constructivism and meaning construction.Ronald Arendt - 2008 - In B. van Oers (ed.), The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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  36. Robot ethics.Ronald C. Arkin - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (4):305-318.
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    L'Idiot de la famille: The Ultimate Sartre?Ronald Aronson - 1974 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1974 (20):90-107.
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    14. Theorie und Praxis des Kirchenregiments in England seit der Reformation: Der Kontext des Erastianismus bei Thomas Hobbes.Ronald G. Asch - 2018 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Thomas Hobbes: De Cive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 207-220.
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    Ethical Review: Barrier or Facilitator to Research?Ronald Atkinson - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (1):27-28.
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    Neurochemistry and psychological “diseases”.Ronald Baenninger - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):369-370.
  41. Critical professionalism in an age of supercomplexity.Ronald Barnett - 2008 - In Bryan Cunningham (ed.), Exploring professionalism. London: Institute of Education, University of London.
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    Realising the ecological university: eight ecosystems, their antagonisms and a manifesto.Ronald Barnett - 2024 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book charts the university's entanglement with eight mega-ecosystems - knowledge, learning, persons, social institutions, culture, the economy, the polity and nature - and offers principles through which universities can imaginatively explore possibilities. This book sets out, in broad terms, what it is to realise the idea of the ecological university. Barnett draws together relevant contemporary scholarship from philosophy, social theory, comparative higher education, ethics, and theology. He advances thinking in each of the ecosystems the book looks at and develops (...)
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    Response to Pavel Zgaga’s Review of Being a University.Ronald Barnett - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (4):427-429.
  44.  12
    Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism.Ronald C. Den Otter - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Americans cannot live with judicial review, but they cannot live without it. There is something characteristically American about turning the most divisive political questions - like freedom of religion, same-sex marriage, affirmative action and abortion - into legal questions with the hope that courts can answer them. In Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism Ronald C. Den Otter addresses how judicial review can be improved to strike the appropriate balance between legislative and judicial power under conditions of (...)
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  45.  56
    Husserl's phenomenological conception of intentionality and its difficulties.Ronald McIntyre - 1982 - Philosophia 11 (3-4):223-248.
  46. Comparing different stimulus configurations for population receptive field mapping in human fMRI.Ivan Alvarez, Benjamin de Haas, Chris A. Clark, Geraint Rees & D. Samuel Schwarzkopf - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ On Mixture and Growth.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. & Frans A. J. De Haas (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    This collection of essays presents a novel interpretation of a signature work of Alexander of Aphrodisias, and of the Stoic philosophy he seeks to refute. It covers all chapters of the work, challenging existing scholarship in significant ways.
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    Selective removal of reward and nonreward odors to assess their control of patterned responding in rats.Ronald D. Taylor & H. Wayne Ludvigson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (2):101-104.
  49. Leaders as moral role models: The case of John gutfreund at Salomon Brothers. [REVIEW]Ronald R. Sims & Johannes Brinkman - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (4):327-339.
    The paper describes and discusses unethical behavior in organizations, as a result of (interacting) disputable leadership and ethical climate. This paper presents and analyzes the well-known bond trading scandal at Salomon Brother to demonstrate the development of an unethical organizational culture under the leadership of John Gutfreund. The paper argues that leaders shape and reinforce an ethical or unethical organizational climate by what they pay attention to, how they react to crises, how they behave, how they allocate rewards, and how (...)
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  50. Methods and Software for Computing Mathematical Functions-A Matlab Implementation of an Algorithm for Computing Integrals of Products of Bessel Functions.Joris Van Deun & Ronald Cools - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 284-295.
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