Results for 'Roman Rakowski'

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  1.  13
    Kritická teorie v kontextu informačních a komunikačních technologií a velkých dat.Roman Rakowski - 2022 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 44 (2):253-265.
    The study analyzes the theory presented in the book Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification by Thomas Allmer. The primary goal of the study is to place this work in the broader context of the critical theory of technology. The first part analyzes the context and the requirement for the philosophy of technology in the current digital age. Subsequently, Allmer’s methodology is described as an offshoot of critical theory. This theory is set in the context of the (...)
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  2. The philosophy of simulation: hot new issues or same old stew?Roman Frigg & Julian Reiss - 2008 - Synthese 169 (3):593-613.
    Computer simulations are an exciting tool that plays important roles in many scientific disciplines. This has attracted the attention of a number of philosophers of science. The main tenor in this literature is that computer simulations not only constitute interesting and powerful new science , but that they also raise a host of new philosophical issues. The protagonists in this debate claim no less than that simulations call into question our philosophical understanding of scientific ontology, the epistemology and semantics of (...)
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    Mind the Gap: Boltzmannian versus Gibbsian Equilibrium.Charlotte Werndl & Roman Frigg - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1289-1302.
    There are two main theoretical frameworks in statistical mechanics, one associated with Boltzmann and the other with Gibbs. Despite their well-known differences, there is a prevailing view that equilibrium values calculated in both frameworks coincide. We show that this is wrong. There are important cases in which the Boltzmannian and Gibbsian equilibrium concepts yield different outcomes. Furthermore, the conditions under which equilibriums exists are different for Gibbsian and Boltzmannian statistical mechanics. There are, however, special circumstances under which it is true (...)
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  4. Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):439-457.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility performance is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Employing a matched sample of 434 firm-year observations from the Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini database over the period 2003–2009, our logit regression results show that the higher the level of CSR performance of a firm, the lower the likelihood of tax avoidance. Our results indicate that more socially responsible firms are likely to display less tax avoidance. Finally, the results from our additional analysis show that the (...)
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    Disjunctions with Stopping Conditions.Roman Kossak & Bartosz Wcisło - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):231-253.
    We introduce a tool for analysing models of$\text {CT}^-$, the compositional truth theory over Peano Arithmetic. We present a new proof of Lachlan’s theorem that the arithmetical part of models of$\text {CT}^-$are recursively saturated. We also use this tool to provide a new proof of theorem from [8] that all models of$\text {CT}^-$carry a partial inductive truth predicate. Finally, we construct a partial truth predicate defined for a set of formulae whose syntactic depth forms a nonstandard cut which cannot be (...)
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  6. Quest for the Essence of Language.Roman Jakobson - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (51):21-37.
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  7. Immortality, Identity, and Desirability.Roman Altshuler - 2015 - In Michael Cholbi (ed.), Immortality and the Philosophy of Death. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 191-203.
    Williams’s famous argument against immortality rests on the idea that immortality cannot be desirable, at least for human beings, and his contention has spawned a cottage industry of responses. As I will intend to show, the arguments over his view rest on both a difference of temperament and a difference in the sense of desire being used. The former concerns a difference in whether one takes a forward-looking or a backward-looking perspective on personal identity; the latter a distinction between our (...)
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  8.  41
    Board of Director Gender and Corporate Tax Aggressiveness: An Empirical Analysis.Roman Lanis, Grant Richardson & Grantley Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):577-596.
    This study examines the impact of board of director gender diversity on corporate tax aggressiveness. Based on a sample of 418 U.S. firms covering the 2006–2009 period, our ordinary least squares regression results show a negative and statistically significant association between female representation on the board and tax aggressiveness after controlling for endogeneity. Our results are consistent across several measures of tax aggressiveness and additional robustness checks.
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  9.  20
    On maximal subgroups of the automorphism group of a countable recursively saturated model of PA.Roman Kossak, Henryk Kotlarski & James H. Schmerl - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (2):125-148.
    We show that the stabilizer of an element a of a countable recursively saturated model of arithmetic M is a maximal subgroup of Aut iff the type of a is selective. This is a point of departure for a more detailed study of the relationship between pointwise and setwise stabilizers of certain subsets of M and the types of elements in those subsets. We also show that a complete type of PA is 2-indiscernible iff it is minimal in the sense (...)
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  10.  12
    Existential concept of science in Heidegger’s fundamental ontology.Roman Kobets - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:37-51.
    The article explores specificities of thematization of science and scientific rationality in Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. This analysis focuses on the concept of scienticity, character- istic for Heidegger’s “early” line of thought, as well as continuation and divergence of exposition of “science” and the nature of “theoretical attitude” as the subject of interpretation of transcen- dental phenomenology of E. Husserl. This research places an emphasis on particularity of Hei- degger’s explication of existential concept of science as opposed to prevailing logico-epistemolog- (...)
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  11.  23
    An Inquiry Concerning the Persistence of Physical Information.Roman Krzanowski - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):41.
    Physical information is a property of nature. How does physical information persist over time? Does it do so as an object, process, or event, which are things considered in the current persistence theories? Physical information is none of these, however, this implies that persistence theories cannot explain the persistence of information. We therefore study the persistence of snowflakes, ephemeral natural structures, to better understand the persistence of natural things, such as physical information. The transitory nature of snowflakes suggests that physical (...)
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  12.  16
    Commentary on Thomasius's “Philosophical Dissertation on Literary Plagiarism”.Roman Kyselov - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):104-115.
    Commentary on the first Ukrainian translation of Thomasius’ work entitled “Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus”, which is one of the Appendices to the famous “Philosophical dissertation on literary plagiarism”.
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  13.  26
    The Impact of Corporate Tax Avoidance on Board of Directors and CEO Reputation.Roman Lanis, Grant Richardson, Chelsea Liu & Ross McClure - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):463-498.
    This study examines the impact of corporate tax avoidance on board of directors and chief executive officer reputation. Our regression results show that when firms engage in tax avoidance, both directors and CEOs, on average, are rewarded by improvements in their reputations as proxied by an increased number of outside board seats. In particular, both independent directors and non-CEO executive directors undergo positive changes in reputation. We also find that CEOs of tax-aggressive firms experience enhanced reputations by gaining extra board (...)
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  14. The Future of AI: Stanisław Lem’s Philosophical Visions for AI and Cyber-Societies in Cyberiad.Roman Krzanowski & Pawel Polak - 2021 - Pro-Fil 22 (3):39-53.
    Looking into the future is always a risky endeavour, but one way to anticipate the possible future shape of AI-driven societies is to examine the visionary works of some sci-fi writers. Not all sci-fi works have such visionary quality, of course, but some of Stanisław Lem’s works certainly do. We refer here to Lem’s works that explore the frontiers of science and technology and those that describe imaginary societies of robots. We therefore examine Lem’s prose, with a focus on the (...)
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  15. Teleology, Narrative, and Death.Roman Altshuler - 2015 - In John Lippitt & Patrick Stokes (eds.), Narrative, Identity and the Kierkegaardian Self. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 29-45.
    Heidegger, like Kierkegaard, has recently been claimed as a narrativist about selves. From this Heideggerian perspective, we can see how narrative expands upon the psychological view, adding a vital teleological dimension to the understanding of selfhood while denying the reductionism implicit in the psychological approach. Yet the narrative approach also inherits the neo-Lockean emphasis on the past as determining identity, whereas the self is fundamentally about the future. Death is crucial on this picture, not as allowing for the possibility of (...)
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    Relational Consequences of Perceived Deception in Online Shopping: The Moderating Roles of Type of Product, Consumer’s Attitude Toward the Internet and Consumer’s Demographics.Sergio Román - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (3):373-391.
    This study investigates the negative influence of consumer’s perceptions of online retailer’s deceptive practices on consumer’s relational variables. Also, the moderating role of product type, consumer’s attitude toward the Internet, and consumer’s demographics in the deception-relational outcomes link is considered. Data from 398 online consumers revealed that satisfaction totally mediated the influence of deception on loyalty. Furthermore, the deception-satisfaction link was moderated by all the hypothesized variables. Interestingly, a direct effect of deception on loyalty was found among more educated consumers, (...)
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    Undecidability of first-order intuitionistic and modal logics with two variables.Roman Kontchakov, Agi Kurucz & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):428-438.
    We prove that the two-variable fragment of first-order intuitionistic logic is undecidable, even without constants and equality. We also show that the two-variable fragment of a quantified modal logic L with expanding first-order domains is undecidable whenever there is a Kripke frame for L with a point having infinitely many successors (such are, in particular, the first-order extensions of practically all standard modal logics like K, K4, GL, S4, S5, K4.1, S4.2, GL.3, etc.). For many quantified modal logics, including those (...)
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  18.  33
    Grafting hypersequents onto nested sequents.Roman Kuznets & Björn Lellmann - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):375-423.
  19.  21
    Logic-based ontology comparison and module extraction, with an application to DL-Lite.Roman Kontchakov, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (15):1093-1141.
  20.  30
    Phronetic Ethics in Social Robotics: A New Approach to Building Ethical Robots.Roman Krzanowski & Paweł Polak - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1):165-183.
    Social robotics are autonomous robots or Artificial Moral Agents (AMA), that will interact respect and embody human ethical values. However, the conceptual and practical problems of building such systems have not yet been resolved, playing a role of significant challenge for computational modeling. It seems that the lack of success in constructing robots, ceteris paribus, is due to the conceptual and algorithmic limitations of the current design of ethical robots. This paper proposes a new approach for developing ethical capacities in (...)
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  21.  74
    A certain class of models of peano arithmetic.Roman Kossak - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):311-320.
  22.  46
    On two questions concerning the automorphism groups of countable recursively saturated models of PA.Roman Kossak & Nicholas Bamber - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (1):73-79.
  23.  28
    Maehara-style modal nested calculi.Roman Kuznets & Lutz Straßburger - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):359-385.
    We develop multi-conclusion nested sequent calculi for the fifteen logics of the intuitionistic modal cube between IK and IS5. The proof of cut-free completeness for all logics is provided both syntactically via a Maehara-style translation and semantically by constructing an infinite birelational countermodel from a failed proof search. Interestingly, the Maehara-style translation for proving soundness syntactically fails due to the hierarchical structure of nested sequents. Consequently, we only provide the semantic proof of soundness. The countermodel construction used to prove completeness (...)
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  24. Temporalising tableaux.Roman Kontchakov, Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (1):91 - 134.
    As a remedy for the bad computational behaviour of first-order temporal logic (FOTL), it has recently been proposed to restrict the application of temporal operators to formulas with at most one free variable thereby obtaining so-called monodic fragments of FOTL. In this paper, we are concerned with constructing tableau algorithms for monodic fragments based on decidable fragments of first-order logic like the two-variable fragment or the guarded fragment. We present a general framework that shows how existing decision procedures for first-order (...)
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  25. Evidence for Possibility.Rebecca Roman Hanrahan - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Consider the claim: Our actions are free if and only if we could have done otherwise; or the claim, We are essentially mental substances because we can exist without our bodies. Both of these claims, along with countless others, employ a notion of possibility. If this notion is to have a place in philosophy, we must be able to justify our modal claims. We need an epistemology of possibility. It is often assumed that the imagination is the key here. The (...)
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    Models with the ω-property.Roman Kossak - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (1):177-189.
    A model M of PA has the omega-property if it has a subset of order type omega that is coded in an elementary end extension of M. All countable recursively saturated models have the omega-property, but there are also models with the omega-property that are not recursively saturated. The papers is devoted to the study of structural properties of such models.
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    Training and Competition Load Monitoring and Analysis of Women's Amateur Basketball by Playing Position: Approach Study.María Reina Román, Javier García-Rubio, Sebastián Feu & Sergio José Ibáñez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. En-logic.Aileen Michaels & Roman Suszko - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (1):13.
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    Procrastination in Daily Working Life: A Diary Study on Within-Person Processes That Link Work Characteristics to Workplace Procrastination.Roman Prem, Tabea E. Scheel, Oliver Weigelt, Katja Hoffmann & Christian Korunka - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  30. Admisión a la comunión eucarística de los divorciados y casados civilmente de nuevo.José Román Flecha Andrés & Federico R. Aznar Gil - 1995 - Salmanticensis 42 (2):235-277.
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  31. Humanización del dolor en el cuidado de la salud: acogida y compasión.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (2):201-223.
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    Panorama de estudios morales.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1994 - Salmanticensis 41 (2):291-326.
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    Słownik filozofów polskich.Bolesław Andrzejewski & Roman Kozłowski (eds.) - 2006 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe UAM.
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    Ultimas teologías sobre Ultimidades.José Román Flecha Andrés - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25 (1):99.
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    Una mariología parenética: La Virgen María en los sermones de san Juan de Ávila.Álvaro Román Villalón - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (2):105-148.
    La doctrina mariana de san Juan de Ávila se encuentra recogida en sus sermones en su mayor parte, lo cual imprime en su exposición un fuerte carácter parenético, es decir, exhortativo e interpelante. En consecuencia, los temas mariológicos que trata procuran la conmoción del oyente para llamarle a la conversión.
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  36. Animal experimentation.Roman Kolar - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):111-122.
    Millions of animals are used every year in oftentimes extremely painful and distressing scientific procedures. Legislation of animal experimentation in modern societies is based on the supposition that this is ethically acceptable when certain more or less defined formal (e.g. logistical, technical) demands and ethical principles are met. The main parameters in this context correspond to the “3Rs” concept as defined by Russel and Burch in 1959, i.e. that all efforts to replace, reduce and refine experiments must be undertaken. The (...)
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  37. Fiction and value.Roman Bonzon - 2003 - In Matthew Kieran & Dominic McIver Lopes (eds.), Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Routledge. pp. 160--176.
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    Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry.Roman Kossak - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This textbook is a second edition of the successful, Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry. It retains the original two parts found in the first edition, while presenting new material in the form of an added third part to the textbook. The textbook offers a slow introduction to mathematical logic, and several basic concepts of model theory, such as first-order definability, types, symmetries, and elementary extensions. Part I, Logic Sets, and Numbers, shows how mathematical logic is used to (...)
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  39. 2. Remarks On The Structuralistic Epistemology Of Mathematics.Izabella Bondecka-Krzykowska & Roman Murawski - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49:85-93.
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  40. Structuralism and category theory in the contemporary philosophy of mathematics.Izabela Bondecka-Krzykowska & Roman Murawski - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (204):365.
  41.  37
    On Cofinal Submodels and Elementary Interstices.Roman Kossak & James H. Schmerl - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (3):267-287.
    We prove a number of results concerning the variety of first-order theories and isomorphism types of pairs of the form $(N,M)$ , where $N$ is a countable recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic and $M$ is its cofinal submodel. We identify two new isomorphism invariants for such pairs. In the strongest result we obtain continuum many theories of such pairs with the fixed greatest common initial segment of $N$ and $M$ and fixed lattice of interstructures $K$ , such that $M\prec (...)
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  42.  48
    Undefinability of truth and nonstandard models.Roman Kossak - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):115-123.
    We discuss Robinson's model theoretic proof of Tarski's theorem on undefinability of truth. We present two other “diagonal-free” proofs of Tarski's theorem, and we compare undefinability of truth to other forms of undefinability in nonstandard models of arithmetic.
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    Personality Traits and Postnatal Depression: The Mediated Role of Postnatal Anxiety and Moderated Role of Type of Birth.Maria Roman, Cristina Maria Bostan, Loredana R. Diaconu-Gherasim & Ticu Constantin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Multicomponent proof-theoretic method for proving interpolation properties.Roman Kuznets - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1369-1418.
  45.  27
    Recursively saturated $\omega_1$-like models of arithmetic.Roman Kossak - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (4):413-422.
  46.  7
    Das Wesen der Technik des Menschen als Gegenstand der Technikphilosophie und als Problem einer Didaktik der Technik.Roman van Gyseghem - 1978 - Las Vegas: Lang.
    Der Autor untersucht als Berufspadagoge, Technologe und Technikphilosoph die gegenwartig zu losenden Erziehungs- und Bildungsproble- me unter dem Aspekt des Wesens der Technik. Die mit der Technikent- wicklung entstandenen Grundfragen des individuellen und gesellschaft- lichen Lebens und die notwendig gewordene Regelung desselben werden unter soziotechnischen und bildungsintentionalen Gesichtspunkten analysiert und in systemtheoretische Blickwinkel geruckt. Die Untersuchung richtet sich an alle, die aktiv an der Menschenbildung, an kulturpolitischen Entscheidungen und an der technikphilosophischen Diskussion beteiligt sind.".
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    A Radio Interview with Jouko Väänänen.Andrés Villaveces, Roman Kossak, Juha Kontinen & Åsa Hirvonen - 2015 - In Asa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andres Villaveces (eds.), Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 417-422.
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    Una aproximación a las sabidurías orientales no duales.María Teresa Román López - 2010 - Endoxa 25:103.
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    Would the real human embryonic stem cell please stand up?Ben Zhang, Roman Krawetz & Derrick E. Rancourt - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (7):632-638.
    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are now classified into two types of pluripotency: “naïve” and “primed” based upon their differing characteristics. Conventional human ESCs have much more in common with mouse epiblast stem cells and are now deemed to be primed. Naïve human ESCs that resemble mouse ESCs have recently been generated from their primed counterpart by cellular reprogramming. Isolation of naïve hESCs from human embryos has proven to be difficult. Is the inability to capture naïve hESCs the result of suboptimal (...)
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  50.  22
    Weak arithmetical interpretations for the Logic of Proofs.Roman Kuznets & Thomas Studer - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):424-440.
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