Results for 'Rolf Sältzer'

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  1. The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):123-137.
    Research seeking a scientific foundation for the theory of art appreciation has raised controversies at the intersection of the social and cognitive sciences. Though equally relevant to a scientific inquiry into art appreciation, psychological and historical approaches to art developed independently and lack a common core of theoretical principles. Historicists argue that psychological and brain sciences ignore the fact that artworks are artifacts produced and appreciated in the context of unique historical situations and artistic intentions. After revealing flaws in the (...)
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    Notes to Literature.Theodor W. Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann & Shierry Weber Nicholsen - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (3):334-336.
  3. Modeling Partially Reliable Information Sources: A General Approach Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni - 2006 - Information Fusion 7:361-379.
    Combining testimonial reports from independent and partially reliable information sources is an important epistemological problem of uncertain reasoning. Within the framework of Dempster–Shafer theory, we propose a general model of partially reliable sources, which includes several previously known results as special cases. The paper reproduces these results on the basis of a comprehensive model taxonomy. This gives a number of new insights and thereby contributes to a better understanding of this important application of reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information.
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    The feeling of fluent perception: A single experience from multiple asynchronous sources☆.Pascal Wurtz, Rolf Reber & Thomas D. Zimmermann - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):171-184.
    Zeki and co-workers recently proposed that perception can best be described as locally distributed, asynchronous processes that each create a kind of microconsciousness, which condense into an experienced percept. The present article is aimed at extending this theory to metacognitive feelings. We present evidence that perceptual fluency—the subjective feeling of ease during perceptual processing—is based on speed of processing at different stages of the perceptual process. Specifically, detection of briefly presented stimuli was influenced by figure-ground contrast, but not by symmetry (...)
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    A psycho-historical research program for the integrative science of art.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):163-180.
    Critics of the target article objected to our account of art appreciators' sensitivity to art-historical contexts and functions, the relations among the modes of artistic appreciation, and the weaknesses of aesthetic science. To rebut these objections and justify our program, we argue that the current neglect of sensitivity to art-historical contexts persists as a result of a pervasive aesthetic–artistic confound; we further specify our claim that basic exposure and the design stance are necessary conditions of artistic understanding; and we explain (...)
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    Simulating visibility during language comprehension.Richard H. Yaxley & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):229-236.
  7.  62
    Language Encodes Geographical Information.Max M. Louwerse & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):51-73.
    Population counts and longitude and latitude coordinates were estimated for the 50 largest cities in the United States by computational linguistic techniques and by human participants. The mathematical technique Latent Semantic Analysis applied to newspaper texts produced similarity ratings between the 50 cities that allowed for a multidimensional scaling (MDS) of these cities. MDS coordinates correlated with the actual longitude and latitude of these cities, showing that cities that are located together share similar semantic contexts. This finding was replicated using (...)
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  8.  41
    Immediate truth – Temporal contiguity between a cognitive problem and its solution determines experienced veracity of the solution.Sascha Topolinski & Rolf Reber - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):117-122.
  9.  38
    Processing of color words activates color representations.Tobias Richter & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):383-389.
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    Body posture facilitates retrieval of autobiographical memories.Katinka Dijkstra, Michael P. Kaschak & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2007 - Cognition 102 (1):139-149.
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    A Last Shot at Kant and Incongruent Counterparts.Paul Rusnock & Rolf George - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (3):257-277.
  12. Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates.Michael Knoll & Rolf Dick - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):349-362.
    Silence in organizations refers to a state in which employees refrain from calling attention to issues at work such as illegal or immoral practices or developments that violate personal, moral, or legal standards. While Morrison and Milliken (Acad Manag Rev 25:706–725, 2000) discussed how organizational silence as a top-down organizational level phenomenon can cause employees to remain silent, a bottom-up perspective—that is, how employee motives contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of silence in organizations—has not yet been given much research (...)
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    Plutarch gegen Kolotes; seine Schrift "Adversus Colotem" als philosophiegeschichtliche Quelle.Phillip de Lacy & Rolf Westman - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (4):433.
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    Goodbye or Identify: Detrimental Effects of Downsizing on Identification and Survivor Performance.Rolf van Dick, Frank Drzensky & Matthias Heinz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:170334.
    Research shows that after layoffs, employees often report decreased commitment and performance which has been coined the survivor syndrome. However, the mechanisms underlying this effect remain underexplored. The purpose of the paper is to show that reduced organizational identification can serve as an explanation for the survivor syndrome. We conducted a laboratory experiment, in which participants work as a group of employees for another participant who acts as employer. In the course of the experiment, the employer decides whether one of (...)
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  15.  12
    Foucault-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung.Clemens Kammler, Rolf Parr & Ulrich Johannes Schneider (eds.) - 2020 - J.B. Metzler.
    Foucaults Werk hat nicht nur die Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften entscheidend beeinflusst. Das Handbuch gibt einen systematischen Überblick über Foucaults Leben und Werk. Es stellt die Kontexte dar, aus denen heraus seine Werke entstanden sind und erklärt Grundbegriffe des Foucault‘schen Denkens wie Archiv, Biopolitik, Diskurs, Dispositiv, Genealogie, Körper und Macht. Mit einem umfangreichen Kapitel zur Rezeption in den verschiedenen Disziplinen. Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Handbuch durchgesehen und aktualisiert sowie um neue Artikel zu Foucaults journalistischen und medizingeschichtlichen Arbeiten sowie zu (...)
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  16.  42
    Life-world experience: existential-phenomenological research approaches in psychology.Rolf Von Eckartsberg (ed.) - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
  17.  8
    Die Schulordnung als Klang – und Zeit.Rolf Großmann - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):61-65.
    Schule und Hochschule sind als als dispositive Ordnung in diversen Texten thematisiert worden, etwa bei Michel Foucault und Michel Serres zum Spannungsfeld von Unterwerfung und Selbstbestimmung. Die performative Beschreibung der Schulsituation durch Elise v. Bernstorff ermöglicht dabei eine neue Perspektive auf das Dispositiv von Klang und Zeit, der hier nachgegangen wird.
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    Special Issue of Minds and Machines on Causality, Uncertainty and Ignorance.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni (eds.) - 2006 - Springer.
    In everyday life, as well as in science, we have to deal with and act on the basis of partial (i.e. incomplete, uncertain, or even inconsistent) information. This observation is the source of a broad research activity from which a number of competing approaches have arisen. There is some disagreement concerning the way in which partial or full ignorance is and should be handled. The most successful approaches include both quantitative aspects (by means of probability theory) and qualitative aspect (by (...)
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  19. Über Aristoteles. Nachgelassene Aufsätze.Franz Brentano & Rolf George - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (1):159-160.
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  20. Leiblichkeit und lntensität als radikal phanomenologische Identitätsbestimmung : Beitrag für ein erneuertes Denken spirituell-kultureller Existenz heute.Rolf Kühn - 2018 - In Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.), Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
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  21.  17
    Was ist normal?: eine Bibliographie der Dokumente und Forschungsliteratur seit 1945.Jürgen Link, Rolf Parr & Matthias Thiele - 1999 - Oberhausen: Athena Publishing. Edited by Rolf Parr & Matthias Thiele.
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    Biologie und Weltanschauung.Rolf Löther - 1972 - Berlin,: Urania-Verl..
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  23. Medizin in der Entscheidung.Rolf Löther - 1967 - Berlin,: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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  24. Lexical fields.Peter Rolf Lutzeier - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 79-87.
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    Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete.Rolf Schönberger (ed.) - 2011 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    v. 1. A-D -- v. 2. E-L -- v. 3. M-Z -- v. 4. Verzeichnisse.
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  26. Cadherins and tissue formation: integrating adhesion and signaling.Kris Vleminckx & Rolf Kemler - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):211-220.
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    Response activation and activation–transmission in response-based backward crosstalk: Analyses and simulations with an extended diffusion model.Valentin Koob, Rolf Ulrich & Markus Janczyk - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (1):102-136.
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    Understanding Curved Spacetime.Magdalena Kersting & Rolf Steier - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (7-8):593-623.
    According to general relativity, we live in a four-dimensional curved universe. Since the human mind cannot visualize those four dimensions, a popular analogy compares the universe to a two-dimensional rubber sheet distorted by massive objects. This analogy is often used when teaching GR to upper secondary and undergraduate physics students. However, physicists and physics educators criticize the analogy for being inaccurate and for introducing conceptual conflicts. Addressing these criticisms, we analyze the rubber sheet analogy through systematic metaphor analysis of textbooks (...)
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    Bolzano as logician.Paul Rusnock & Rolf George - 2004 - In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods & Akihiro Kanamori (eds.), Handbook of the history of logic. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 3--177.
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    WeightedA∗search – unifying view and application.Rüdiger Ebendt & Rolf Drechsler - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (14):1310-1342.
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    A single-locus model of speciation.Hans-Rolf Gregorius - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (4):313-319.
    The crucial phase of speciation is argued to be the evolution of mating cross-incompatibility (prezygotic incompatibility) between the genotypes distinguishing the prospective species populations. Based on this idea, a single-locus model of speciation is presented, which is shown to be biologically plausible and may help to settle the controversy as to the biological significance of single-locus modes of speciation. The model involves three alleles, two of which characterize in homozygous state the prospective species populations and in heterozygous state their hybrids. (...)
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    Der Erst-Lebendige: Christologie leiblicher Ursprungswahrheit.Rolf Kühn - 2021 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Neuromonitoring for awareness during surgery.Claes Lennmarken & Rolf Sandin - 2004 - Lancet 363 (9423).
  34.  32
    How many signals does it take?T. V. Venkatesh & Rolf Bodmer - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (9):754-757.
    Although the genetics of dorsal‐ventral polarity which leads to mesoderm formation in Drosophila are understood in considerable detail, subsequent molecular mechanisms involved in patterning the mesoderm primordium into individual mesodermal subtypes are poorly understood. Two papers published recently (1,2) suggest strongly that an inductive signal from dorsal ectoderm is involved in subdividing the underlying mesoderm, and present evidence that one of the signalling factors is Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a member of the bone morphogenetic protein subgroup of the Transforming Growth Factor‐β (TGF‐β) (...)
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    Toward an Ecological Social Psychology of The Individual and The Idea of Life Style.Rolf von Eckartsberg - 1971 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1:373-384.
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    Seasonal Variations in Color Preference.B. Schloss Karen, Rolf Nelson, Laura Parker, A. Heck Isobel & E. Palmer Stephen - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1589-1612.
    We investigated how color preferences vary according to season and whether those changes could be explained by the ecological valence theory. To do so, we assessed the same participants’ preferences for the same colors during fall, winter, spring, and summer in the northeastern United States, where there are large seasonal changes in environmental colors. Seasonal differences were most pronounced between fall and the other three seasons. Participants liked fall-associated dark-warm colors—for example, dark-red, dark-orange, dark-yellow, and dark-chartreuse—more during fall than other (...)
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  37. Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music.Theodor W. Adorno & Rolf Tiedemann - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):254-256.
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  38. An Approach to Experiential Social Psychology.Rolf von Eckartsberg - 1971 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1:325-372.
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    Naturvetenskapens ursprung.Rolf Ejvegård - 1968 - [Solna,: Seelig].
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    Sound-action awareness in music.Rolf Inge Godøy - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 231.
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    The Effects of Type of Event, Proximity and Repetition on Children’s Attention to and Learning from Television news.Randall P. Harrison, Rolf T. Wigand & Akiba A. Cohen - 1977 - Communications 3 (1):30-46.
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    Refined Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Doping Survey Among Recreational Triathletes: Support for the Nutritional Supplement Gateway Hypothesis.Sebastian Heller, Rolf Ulrich, Perikles Simon & Pavel Dietz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hegels Logik der Philosophie: Religion und Philosophie in der Theorie des absoluten Geistes.Dieter Henrich & Rolf-Peter Horstmann (eds.) - 1984 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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  44. (1 other version)Hegels Logik der Philosophie.Dieter Henrich & Rolf-Peter Horstmann - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (4):636-639.
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    Experiential Psychology: a Descriptive Protocol and a Reflection.Rolf von Eckartsberg - 1972 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 2 (2):161-171.
    The experiactional stream of a person can be seen to be organized. It takes place in situation as a "situated event." Events have a duration through time; they could be called: Time-Gestalten. Events first tend to appear in the stream of experience in imaginary anticipation usually as a result of a social invitation or as a self-initiated project. In anticipatory experience projected events are developed, worked-on, thought about on repeated occasions. The event takes shape in experience as an anticipation before (...)
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    In Memoriam Frank M. Buckley 1918-1982.Rolf von Eckartsberg - 1983 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 14 (1-2):1-2.
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  47. Islam und issenschaft.Umar Rolf von Ehrenfels - 1963 - Kairos (misc) 5:114-124.
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  48. Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses.Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Theoretical Laws and Normative Rules: Kant and Bolzano's Views on Logic'"1" Anita Von Duhn, Genf Does logic instruct us how to think correctly? ...
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    Begrüßung und Danksagung.Volker Gerhardt & Rolf-Peter Horstmann - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 3-6.
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    Using Figurate Numbers in Elementary Number Theory – Discussing a ‘Useful’ Heuristic From the Perspectives of Semiotics and Cognitive Psychology.Leander Kempen & Rolf Biehler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The use of figurate numbers (e. g. in the context of elementary number theory) can be considered a heuristic in the field of problem solving or proving. In this paper, we want to discuss this heuristic from the perspectives of the semiotic theory of Peirce (“diagrammatic reasoning” and “collateral knowledge”) and cognitive psychology (“schema theory” and “Gestalt psychology”). We will make use of several results taken from our research to illustrate first-year students’ problems when dealing with figurate numbers in the (...)
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