Results for 'Rolando Sierra Fonseca'

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  1.  27
    Validity of personality measurement in adults with anxiety disorders: psychometric properties of the Spanish NEO-FFI-R using Rasch analyses.Felix Inchausti, Joe Mole, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero & Javier Ortuño-Sierra - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    “There Is Nothing I Cannot Achieve”: Empowering Latin American Women Through Agricultural Education.Judith L. Gibbons, Zelenia Eguigure-Fonseca, Ana Maier-Acosta, Gladys Elizabeth Menjivar-Flores, Ivanna Vejarano-Moreno & Alexandra Alemán-Sierra - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:902196.
    Higher education, a key driver of women’s empowerment, is still segregated by gender across the world. Agricultural higher education is a field that is male-dominated, even though internationally women play a large role in agricultural production. The purpose of this study was to understand the experience, including challenges and coping strategies, of women from 10 Latin American countries attending an agricultural university in Latin America. The participants were 28 women students with a mean age of 20.9 ± 1.8 years. Following (...)
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    Analysis of Critical and Positivist Accounting Theory in Latin America.Oscar Lenin Chicaiza Sanchez, Galo Hernán García Tamayo, Rolando Patricio Molina Diaz, Sylvia Elizabeth Zarate Fonseca, Maria Fernanda Larco Pachacama, Daniela Lizbeth Palacios Barahona & Gorozabel Basantes Evelin Melissa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:440-452.
    This article establishes an analysis of the first contributions and the importance of the Critical and Positivist theories of accounting in Latin America over the years, through the study of scientific articles by recognized accounting experts from different countries on the theories.. Also, carry out a bibliographic examination of criticism and positivism applied to accounting, resulting in the correlation of concepts focused on accounting in Latin America. The type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach with the purpose of (...)
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    Gerónimo de Sierra: cincuenta años de sociología política: Uruguay y América Latina.Gerónimo de Sierra - 2017 - [Montevideo]: CLACSO. Edited by Alberto Riella.
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    Thinking the Event with Hannah Arendt.Rolando Vázquez - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (1):43-57.
    This article addresses the critique of the modern conception of history and time through a reading of Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s work provides an alternative to the thought with universal pretensions that has dominated the panorama of modernity. She thinks the historical through contradiction and gives a place to human experience next to facts. In thinking the event Arendt shows the insufficiency of the modern chronological appropriation of the past and the limits of using theory as a given framework of interpretation. (...)
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    Free-variable axiomatic foundations of infinitesimal analysis: A fragment with finitary consistency proof.Rolando Chuaqui & Patrick Suppes - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):122-159.
    In treatises or advanced textbooks on theoretical physics, it is apparent that the way mathematics is used is very different from what is to be found in books of mathematics. There is, for example, no close connection between books on analysis, on the one hand, and any classical textbook in quantum mechanics, for example, Schiff, [11], or quite recent books, for example Ryder, [10], on quantum field theory. The differences run a good deal deeper than the fact that the books (...)
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    Forcing for the impredicative theory of classes.Rolando Chuaqui - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (1):1-18.
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    Social Discernment from the Margins: A Reappropriation of CST in Light of the Philippines’ 2022 Elections.Rolando A. Tuazon - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):51-71.
    Against the background of the 2022 national elections in the Philippines, in which the Church failed in the moral fight against the return of the Marcoses and the continuation of the Duterte regime in power, this article makes a social discernment as to why the Church has not succeeded in its social mission in shaping the social consciousness of the Filipino people. Why has the Catholic social tradition not taken root in the Philippine soil and in the Filipino soul? The (...)
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    Operationalizing Disembodied Interaction: The Perceptual Crossing Experiment in schizophrenia Research.Leonardo Martin Zapata-Fonseca - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:112-125.
    Embodied and phenomenological approaches to neuropsychiatry have proven to be promising for assessing social cognition and its impairments. Second-person neuroscience has demonstrated that the dynamics of social interaction make a difference when it comes to how people understand each other. This article presents the Perceptual Crossing Experiment (PCE) as a paradigm for studying real-time dyadic embodied interactions in the context of schizophrenia. We draw on the phenomenological concept of interbodily resonance (IR) and show how the PCE can be used to (...)
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    Educar y vigilar. Pobrezas y discursos normalistas en la educación territoriana neuquina, en la primera mitad del siglo XX.Rolando Javier Bel - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (3).
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    Meeting of the association for symbolic logic Santiago, chile 1970.Rolando Chuaqui - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):576-580.
  12.  27
    Note on Afran. 95-6 R.3.Rolando Ferri - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    Two textual notes on Ps.-Sen. Octavia (458; 747).Rolando Ferri - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (02):634-.
    At the peak of this heated confrontation between Nero and Seneca, in which the latter exhorts the emperor to seek the people's love and trust rather than their hatred, Nero retorts that it is meet for the people to fear their prince . This is unsurprising and represents Nero as merely the latest in a long line of tragic tyrants . In the exchange that follows, however, is the slightly puzzling : ‘metuant necesse est’:: ‘quicquid exprimitur graue est’. It is (...)
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  14.  23
    Negra e Mulher, negra mulher, mulher africana: as relações sociais, culturais e políticas de mulheres negras no Brasil e as africanas na África Austral – um olhar panor'mico.Dagoberto José Fonseca & Simone de Loiola Ferreira Fonseca - 2019 - Odeere 4 (8):154.
    O Brasil e a África Áustral compreendem muitas regionalidades e diversidades, bem como os tratamentos dados por essas sociedades e culturas às mulheres negras e africanas. Porém, uma questão salta aos olhos que é o fato delas estarem em condições de violências sociais, porém lutando e resistindo contra essas adversidades antigas, elaboradas por tradições e relações de poder formuladas por homens. Negra, mulher, pobre, periférica, marginalizada, desprotegida e ágrafa tem sido como o imaginário coletivo masculino e patriarcal tem concebido essas (...)
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    Ethics as the sense of individuation in Gilbert Simondon.Manuel Losada-Sierra & Sergio Osorio García - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (186):99-116.
    The central interest of Gilbert Simondon is the development of a technical culture, and therefore ethical reflection occupies a very limited space in his work. The purpose of the article is to show the ethical dimension of Gilbert Simondon’s thought in relation to the individuation process and, even more, as a sense of individuation. In this way, the study seeks to show how the problem of individuation leads to a fundamental revaluation of values as preparation for an ethics that comes (...)
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    Hacia una fenomenología especulativa del mundo.Rolando González Padilla - 2023 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):181-194.
    En el siguiente trabajo se aborda la confrontación de Eugen Fink con Martin Heidegger de cara al concepto de mundo. En este sentido se analiza el contraste entre un concepto existencial de mundo, del modo como el Heidegger de la ontología existencial lo desarrolla, y un concepto cosmológico de mundo, que Fink propone a partir de su interpretación del giro (Kehre) heideggeriano y que lo conduce hacia el despliegue de una ontología cosmológica del juego, cuyo camino filosófico-metódico queda abierto por (...)
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    La certitude des probabilités. À la mémoire de Jacques Neveu.Rolando Rebolledo - 2018 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 12:7-18.
    This article is a reflection on chance as a scientific object, starting from a materialistic point of view. I analyze the relationship between motion and complexity by introducing the notion of an open system and the categories that result from it: state of nature and observable, to review the debate on chance and certainty.
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    Enhance Diversity Among Researchers to Promote Participant Trust in Precision Medicine Research.Demetrio Sierra-Mercado & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):44-46.
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    Encuentro en Rapa Nui. Posiciones de Alfred Métraux y José Imbelloni respecto a los vínculos entre Oceanía y América.Rolando Silla - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
    En este artículo se analizan las posiciones de José Imbelloni y Alfred Métraux respecto a la cultura de la Isla de Pascua. Abordar esta cuestión los llevaba a discutir sobre las relaciones que habían existido, o no, entre Oceanía y América. El debate que aquí desarrollamos se centra en dos elementos de la cultura material de la isla: los moais y las tabletas parlantes. El punto central, y en el que oscilarán ambos antropólogos, es entre la cuestión de la originalidad, (...)
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    The Jealous Mountain Range.Rolando Silla - 2018 - In Gert Melville (ed.), Nature and Human: An Intricate Mutuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 203-214.
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    Ethical antecedents of cheating intentions: Evidence of mediation.Jeremy J. Sierra & Michael R. Hyman - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (1):51--66.
    Although the pedagogy literature indicates significant relationships between cheating intentions and both personal and situational factors, no published research has examined the joint effect of personal moral philosophy and perceived moral intensity components on students’ cheating intentions. Hence, a structural equation model that relates magnitude of consequences, relativism, and idealism to willingness to cheat, is developed and tested. Using data from undergraduate business students, the empirical results provide insight into these relationships and evidence of mediation for magnitude of consequences on (...)
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  22. Filipino Philosophy: A Western Tradition in an Eastern Setting.Rolando Gripaldo - 2009 - In Rolando M. Gripaldo (ed.), Thew Making of a Filipino Philosopher and Other Essays. National Book Store.
    In tracing historically the development of Filipino philosophy as traditionally conceived, the author discovered that the early Filipino philosophers were Enlightenment thinkers. This was the direct consequence of the Filipino colonial experience and the explanation why the trajectory of Filipino philosophy is basically Western in orientation.
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    Does Ethical Image Build Equity in Corporate Services Brands? The Influence of Customer Perceived Ethicality on Affect, Perceived Quality, and Equity.Vicenta Sierra, Oriol Iglesias, Stefan Markovic & Jatinder Jit Singh - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):661-676.
    In the current socioeconomic environment, brands increasingly need to portray societal and ethical commitments at a corporate level, in order to remain competitive and improve their reputation. However, studies that relate business ethics to corporate brands are either purely conceptual or have been empirically conducted in relation to the field of products/goods. This is surprising because corporate brands are even more relevant in the services sector, due to the different nature of services, and the subsequent need to provide a consistent (...)
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  24.  32
    Análisis ético-político de los espaciamientos cognitivos, morales y estéticos.Jesús Girado-Sierra - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 64:132-144.
    Resumen: Este artículo presenta un análisis ético-político del fenómeno de discriminación como consecuencia de lo que Bauman llama espaciamientos sociales, explorando además las consecuencias biopolíticas que se derivan de estos. El soporte filosófico ha sido estructurado a partir de autores como Rorty, Walzer, Simmel, Nussbaum y Esposito, recurriendo al diálogo interdisciplinar con horizontes teóricos como los de la antropología social y la sociología. El aporte significativo de este texto está en que profundiza y amplía desde la filosofía la teoría de (...)
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    Wind and Payload Disturbance Rejection Control Based on Adaptive Neural Estimators: Application on Quadrotors.Jesús Enrique Sierra & Matilde Santos - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-20.
    In this work, a new intelligent control strategy based on neural networks is proposed to cope with some external disturbances that can affect quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles dynamics. Specifically, the variation of the system mass during logistic tasks and the influence of the wind are considered. An adaptive neuromass estimator and an adaptive neural disturbance estimator complement the action of a set of PID controllers, stabilizing the UAV and improving the system performance. The control strategy has been extensively tested with (...)
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  26. Commentariorum Petri Fonsecae Doctoris Theologi Societatis Iesu. In Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae. Tomus Primus. Continet Hic Tomus Quatuor Primorum Librorum Explicationem. A Mendis Quae Precedentibus Editionibus Irrepserunt Summo Labore Purgatus. Cui Praemissi Sunt Eiusdem Auctoris Institutionum Dialecticarum Libri Octo.Pedro da Fonseca, Aristotle & Stamperia di Giunti - 1591 - Ex Officina Iuntarum.
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    Nihilismus und „Wirtschafts-Gesamtverwaltung der Erde“.Rolando Vitali - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (5):672-694.
    The contribution offers an interpretation of the last phase of Nietzsche’s production, based on the influence of some economic concepts. In 1887, Nietzsche encountered the work of the proto-marginalist economist Emmanuel Herrmann and his book “Cultur und Natur: Studien im Gebiete der Wirthschaft”. At the time, Nietzsche was working on the attempt – later abandoned – to offer a comprehensive interpretation of Western metaphysics and history. aimed at a “transvaluation of all values” and based on the idea of will to (...)
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    Semblanza de Reynaldo Sordo Cedeño.María Julia Sierra Moncayo - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (146):9.
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    The effect of encoding duration on implicit and explicit eyewitness memory.Rolando N. Carol & Nadja Schreiber Compo - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 61:117-128.
  30. Authorized Coercion in the Introduction to Kant's Doctrine of Right.Fdbio Frangois Mendonga da Fonseca - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 323.
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  31. Exposição de arte.José Paulo Moreira da Fonseca - 1965 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Tempo Brasileiro.
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  32. Introdução ao estudo do direito: (breviário de principiologia jurídica).Roberto Piragibe da Fonseca - 1983 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Livraria Freitas Bastos. Edited by Maria Guadalupe Piragibe da Fonseca.
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  33. Introdução ao estudo do direito: breviário de principiologia jurídica.Roberto Piragibe da Fonseca - 1975 - Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Freitas Bastos.
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    Manual da teoria da história.Roberto Piragibe da Fonseca - 1967 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Ed. Fundo de Cultura.
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    O valor do amanhã: ensaio sobre a natureza dos juros.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 2005 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Companhia das Letras.
    Os juros fazem parte da vida de todos - aparecem tanto nas discussões sobre o crescimento econômico da nação como em aspectos miúdos do dia-a-dia. O Princípio econômico é simples: o devedor antecipa um benefício para desfrute imediato e se compromete a pagar por isso mais tarde, e quem empresta cede algo de que dispõe agora e espera receber um montante superior no final da transação. EM O valor do amanhã, Eduardo Giannetti defende que este aspecto dos juros é apenas (...)
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    As gravuras impressas na Academia dos Humildes e Ignorantes.Paulo A. Fonseca - 2005 - Cultura:127-150.
    As gravuras impressas no periódico setecentista Academia dos Humildes e Ignorantes são, neste estudo, fonte para procurar saber quem eram os seus impressores, quantas edições se podem localizar desta obra e qual era o acolhimento por parte do público. As gravuras, sendo um elemento informativo que passa normalmente despercebido, permitem conhecer melhor o próprio periódico onde são publicadas e, assim, perceber o modo como se afirma esse género novo que era o das publicações periódicas de conteúdo cultural e informativo e (...)
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  37.  25
    Data objects for knowing.Fred Fonseca - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):195-204.
    Although true in some aspects, the suggested characterization of today’s science as a dichotomy between traditional science and data-driven science misses some of the nuance, complexity, and possibility that exists between the two positions. Part of the problem is the claim that Data Science works without theories. There are many theories behind the data that are used in science. However, for data science, the only theories that matter are those in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. In this conceptual paper, we (...)
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    The fallacy of neutrality: The interruption of pregnancy of anencephalic fetus in Brazil.Ana Carolina da Costa E. FonsEca - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (8):458-462.
    Those who favor and those who oppose the interruption of pregnancy with anencephalic fetuses answer the question ‘what is the right to life?’ differently. Those in favor argue that life exists only when it is ‘viable’; that is to say, when cerebral activities occur or may occur. Those who oppose it argue that it is not possible to describe ‘life’ as residing in a particular quality, since life ‘exists from conception’. In fact, in both cases, the noun ‘life’ is being (...)
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    The Impacts of Animal Farming: A Critical Overview of Primary School Textbooks.Rui Pedro Fonseca - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (3):1-22.
    Based on a sample of 46 Portuguese schoolbooks, this study aims to understand how factory-farmed animals are presented in such books across the themes of food and health, the environment and sustainability, and animal welfare. It examines whether schoolbooks address the importance of reducing the consumption of animal-based products for a healthy diet, whether plant-based diets are recognized as healthy, whether animal welfare and agency are considered, and whether the livestock sector is indicated as a major factor in environmental degradation. (...)
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    Remarques de Jacques Chomarat.Rolando Galibois & Jacques Chomarat - 1986 - Moreana 23 (1):34-36.
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    Resenha do livro Vocabulário Hans Jonas.Lilian Simone Godoy Fonseca - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (54).
    O texto tem como objetivo apresentar, em linhas gerais, aspectos relevantes da trajetória intelectual de Hans Jonas, para possibilitar ao leitor do Vocabulário, uma melhor compreensão dessa obra, resultante do trabalho de inúmeros especialistas numa cuidadosa compilação dos principais conceitos do pensamento jonasiano.
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  42. Constatival Logic: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic.Rolando Gripaldo - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1).
    Even in mathematical logic the proposition as an arbitrary technical device can be eliminated and replaced by the constative. The items of experience of the external world—objects, properties, relationships, and the like— are processed in consciousness on the basis of a situational demand that defines the situational context which in turn elicits a particular constatival attitude. The output of this mental processing is the appropriate pragmatic constatival response that generally is publicly communicated.
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    Cultural Philosophy: African and Filipino Dimensions.Rolando M. Gripaldo - 2018 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (1):38-52.
    This paper traces the development of “cultural philosophy,” distinguishes it from the “philosophy of culture,” discusses African and Filipino philosophical dimensions, and then makes the concluding remarks. This paper argues that while cultural philosophy is a significant development in the history of ideas, any given culture must opt to develop its own philosophical tradition.
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  44. Educational Futurism and Southeast Asia.Rolando Gripaldo - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2).
    Every ASEAN member envisions itself to become economically and politically efficient and stable—of becoming a First World country. No doubt there are many ways of approaching this vision and making it a reality. But I will argue in this paper that education can play a major role in transforming the region into a First World technopole or economic power through what Alvin Toffler calls the philosophy of “educational futurism.” Educational futurism states that we tailor our present educational plans on our (...)
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  45. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence.A. Pazos Sierra, J. R. Rabunal Dopico & J. Dorado de la Calle (eds.) - 2009 - Hershey.
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    “Pessoa”, um si mediatizado: uma reflexão educativa e multicultural na filosofia de Ricoeur.Josélia Ribeiro Fonseca - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):1111-1125.
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    Remembrance Subjectivities, Narrative Marks and Cultural Trauma in the Construction of Memory of FARC-EP Demobilized Combatants in the AETCR Pondores.Sergio Daniel Rojas-Sierra & Tito Hernando Pérez Pérez - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:179-200.
    In recent decades, memory studies in Colombia in relation to the internal armed conflict have become a point of reference for multidisciplinary work with collectives and communities, and are also an important topic on the state agenda. This article explores the remembering subjectivities, narrative marks and cultural trauma that emerge from the experiences and perspectives in a memory work Antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación (AETCR) de Pondores. In addition, the tensions involved in thinking about cultural trauma from subjects (...)
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    Vom System zum Labyrinth.Vitali Rolando - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):305-310.
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    Flashbulb and flashback memories.Mauricio Sierra & German E. Berrios - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges (eds.), Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 369.
  50. TMRM Thales de Mileto vs Resto del Mundo.Rolando Tamayo - 2001 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 14:109-133.
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