Results for 'Roland Breuer'

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  1.  47
    Individualism and Personalism.Roland Breuer - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):67-81.
    I will discuss two opposed conceptions of the nature of the self and indicate the shortcomings of each approach, in order to go on to show something about self-involvement and singularity that is often overlooked. The two opposed conceptions deal with the self in different ways because they also deal differently with the relation between consciousness and the self as such. In the first conception, this relation remains external: reflection is not of the same order as the self and, conversely, (...)
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  2. Elements of semiology.Roland Barthes - unknown
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    Criticism of Religion: On Marxism and Theology, II.Roland Boer - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The book follows on the heels of the acclaimed Criticism of Heaven, being the second volume of a five volume series called Criticism of Heaven and Earth.
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  4. Analytic-synthetic--a bibliography.Roland Hall - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (63):178-181.
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    Freedom of philosophical conundrums.Roland O. Gibson - 1995 - Sussex, England: Book Guild.
  6. The spiritual self and psychopathology : Theoretical reflections and clinical observations.Alan Roland - 2005 - In Ashok Vohra, Arvind Sharma & Mrinal Miri (eds.), Dharma, the categorial imperative. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 192.
  7. St. Augustine's use of Manens in Se'.Roland Teske - 1993 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 39 (2):291-308.
    On trouve dans l'oeuvre de saint Augustin plusieurs allusions à Sagesse 7:27b: in seipsa manens innouat omnia. Il est évident que la source principale de l'expression manens in se, fréquemment employée par l'évêque africain, est le Livre de la Sagesse. Dans les «Confessions» VII, IX, 14, Augustin affirme que l'origine de cette doctrine se trouve dans le «Libri platonicorum». L'A. montre qu'il a facilement pu extraire cette phrase des «Ennéades» de Plotin, ainsi que l'idée de l'action divine dans le monde (...)
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    Zensur und Nicht-Öffentlichkeit.Roland Seim - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda (eds.), Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 406--416.
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    To prevent means to know: Explicit but no implicit agency for prevention behavior.Roland Pfister, Solveig Tonn, Lisa Weller, Wilfried Kunde & Katharina A. Schwarz - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104489.
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    Reification as a Normative Condition of Recognition.Roland Theuas D. S. Pada - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (1):18-27.
    The aim of this paper is to situate the notion of reification as a neutral foundation for the three spheres of recognition. Reification, as a negative concept, allows the possibility of recognition to take place in Axel Honneth’s three spheres of recognition; namely, love, law, and esteem. My argument is that the givenness of these positive aspects of recognition is made possible by the existence of necessary reifications to which pathologies allow a certain form of intersubjective realisations. This form brings (...)
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  11. L'Ethique Kantienne de John Rawls.Roland Paul Blum - 1979 - Studia Philosophica 38:932.
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    Metaphysik.Roland Bothner - 2016 - Heidelberg: Edition Publish & Parish.
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    Bergson en de neurowetenschappen.Roland Breeur - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (1):55-65.
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    L’étrange défaite de nos croyances dans le progrès et l’évolution.Roland Gori - 2020 - Cités 4:116-128.
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    ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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  16. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible.Roland E. Murphy - 1956
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    Do sedation and analgesia improve patientss satisfaction.Roland Pulanić - forthcoming - Ethics.
  18. L'intuition bergsonienne et l'intelligence.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1913 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 7:389-411.
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  19. Lay cosmogony in contemporary dance.P. Roland - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 92:121-141.
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  20. Basic Tasks of Cultural Semiotics.Roland Posner - 2003 - Semiotics:307-353.
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    Al-Baṭriyark 'Isṭifanus ad-Duwaihi: Ta'rikh alazminatAl-Batriyark 'Istifanus ad-Duwaihi: Ta'rikh alazminat.Roland E. Murphy & Ferdinand Taoutel - 1952 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 72 (4):176.
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    Form-Critical Studies in the Song of Songs.Roland E. Murphy - 1973 - Interpretation 27 (4):413-422.
    The primary meaning of the Song would then have to do with human sexual love—the experience of it, its delights, its fidelity, and its power.
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  23.  27
    Studien zum Menschenbild der älteren Weisheit (Spr. 10ff.)Studien zum Menschenbild der alteren Weisheit.Roland E. Murphy & Jutta Hausmann - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):771.
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    Marxism, Religion and the Taiping Revolution.Roland Boer - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):3-24.
    This study offers a specific interpretation of the Taiping Revolution in China in the mid-nineteenth century. It was not only the largest revolutionary movement in the world at the time, but also one that was inspired by Christianity. Indeed, it marks the moment when the revolutionary religious tradition arrived in China. My account of the revolution stresses the role of the Bible, its radical reinterpretation by the Taiping revolutionaries, and the role it played in their revolutionary acts and reconstruction of (...)
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    Western Policies on Child Labor Abroad.Roland Pierik & Mijke Houwerzijl - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (2):193-218.
    Child labor evokes deep emotions and is cause for growing international concern. Most recent global estimates show that 186 million children are engaged in full time economic activity.
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  26. A Euthyphronic Problem for Kitcher’s Epistemology of Science.Jeffrey W. Roland - 2009 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 47 (2):205-223.
    Philip Kitcher has advanced an epistemology of science that purports to be naturalistic. For Kitcher, this entails that his epistemology of science must explain the correctness of belief-regulating norms while endorsing a realist notion of truth. This paper concerns whether or not Kitcher's epistemology of science is naturalistic on these terms. I find that it is not but that by supplementing the account we can secure its naturalistic standing.
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    Selected problems of minimization of variable-valued logic formulas.Roland Phillipe Cuneo - 1975 - Urbana: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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    Little lower than the angels.Roland Bertram Gittelsohn - 1955 - New York,: Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
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    Feminist interpretations of Augustine: Re-reading the canon (review).Roland J. Teske - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 480-481.
    This present volume is the twenty-ninth in the Re-Reading the Canon series, the title of each of which volumes begins Feminist Interpretations of . . . . Surprisingly, the volume on Augustine has appeared relatively late in the series. The editor has collected eleven essays plus a poem on feminist interpretations of the bishop of Hippo, who has certainly exerted a powerful influence on the view of women in the Western Christian churches of all major denominations. Besides the essays, Stark (...)
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  30.  11
    In the vale of tears: on Marxism and theology, V.Roland Boer - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Atheism -- Myth -- Ambivalence -- History -- Kairâos -- Ethics -- Idols -- On secularism, transcendence and death.
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    ¿Inmortalidad digital? La transferencia mental y la búsqueda de la vida eterna.Roland Chia - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (4):1036-1088.
    La búsqueda de la inmortalidad es probablemente tan antigua como la propia humanidad. En las últimas décadas, un grupo de científicos y futuristas que se describen a sí mismos como transhumanistas, han explorado la posibilidad de cargar la mente humana en un ordenador como una posible forma de alcanzar la “inmortalidad”. Este artículo analiza la idea de cargar la mente desde el punto de vista de la antropología teológica y la escatología. Examina las implicaciones de la transferencia mental en nuestra (...)
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    (1 other version)Le Sanctuaire d’Apollon.Roland Etienne, Frédéric Herbin, Jean-Pierre Braun, Kosmas Pavlopoulos, G. Apostolopoulos, Virginie Mathé, Rémy Chapoulie & Marion Druez - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):609-623.
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  33. Three Dimensions of Liminality in the Context of Kyrgyz Death Rituals.Roland Hardenberg - 2016 - In Peter Berger & Justin E. A. Kroesen (eds.), Ultimate ambiguities: investigating death and liminality. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Clichés of Infinite Jest.Dini Metro-Roland - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:357-360.
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    Künstlerische, philosophische und theologische Archäologie zum "religionslosen Christentum" nach Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Namen, die was sagen.Roland Mierzwa - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag.
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  36. The counterfactual imagination.Roland Paulsen - 2014 - In Richard Swedberg (ed.), Theorizing in Social Science: The Context of Discovery. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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    Can functionalism provide the proper basis for a core theory of psychoanalysis?Roland Peterson & Sybe Terwee - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (4):463-469.
    Before embarking upon the project of reformulating psychoanalysis in the 'scientific' terminology of cognitive science, we should first clearly define what psychoanalysis is about and what it is not about. Cognitive science is based upon a functionalistic philosophy of the mind. As a consequence such a project would require a functionalistic core theory of psychoanalysis. But Freud's claim of the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis, attained through the rendering conscious of what is unconscious or the making personal of what is experienced (...)
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  38.  15
    Should We Pre-date the Beginning of Scientific Psychology to 1787?Roland Pfister & Katharina A. Schwarz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Cosmopolitanism in Context: Perspectives from International Law and Political Theory.Roland Pierik & Wouter Werner (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible and desirable to translate the basic principles underlying cosmopolitanism as a moral standard into eff ective global institutions? Will the ideals of inclusiveness and equal moral concern for all survive the marriage between cosmopolitanism and institutional power? What are the eff ects of such bureaucratization of cosmopolitan ideals? Th is book examines the strained relationship between cosmopolitanism as a moral standard and the legal institutions in which cosmopolitan norms and principles are to be implemented. Five areas of (...)
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    Hoe nu verder? Over de politieke theorie in Nederland en Vlaanderen.Roland Pierik, Patrick Overeem & Tim Heysse - 2014 - Res Publica 56 (4):529-541.
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    Contributors.Roland Posner, Heinz Klein, Peter B. Andersen & Berit Holmqvist - 1996 - In Roland Posner, Heinz Klein, Peter B. Andersen & Berit Holmqvist (eds.), Signs of Work: Semiosis and Information Processing in Organisations. De Gruyter.
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    Index.Roland Posner, Heinz Klein, Peter B. Andersen & Berit Holmqvist - 1996 - In Roland Posner, Heinz Klein, Peter B. Andersen & Berit Holmqvist (eds.), Signs of Work: Semiosis and Information Processing in Organisations. De Gruyter. pp. 399-402.
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    Naturalism and Mathematics.Jeffrey W. Roland - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 289–304.
    In this chapter, I consider some problems with naturalizing mathematics. More specifically, I consider how the two leading kinds of approach to naturalizing mathematics, to wit, Quinean indispensability‐based approaches and Maddy's Second Philosophical approach, seem to run afoul of constraints that any satisfactory naturalistic mathematics must meet. I then suggest that the failure of these kinds of approach to meet the relevant constraints indicates a general problem with naturalistic mathematics meeting these constraints, and thus with the project of naturalizing mathematics (...)
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  44. (1 other version)European intellectual history since 1789.Roland N. Stromberg - 1968 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    Educating Engineering Students to Address Bias and Discrimination Within Their Project Teams.Roland Tormey, Nihat Kotluk & Siara Isaac - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (1):1-21.
    What training should engineering students receive to enable them to contribute to reducing bias, discrimination and the persistent lack of diversity in engineering? Collaboration is central to professional engineering work and, consequently, teamwork and group projects are increasingly present in engineering curricula. However, the influence of unconscious bias on interactions within teams can negatively affect women and underrepresented groups and is now recognised as an important engineering ethics issue. This paper describes a workshop designed to enable engineering students to work (...)
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  46. Are There, from a Semantic Point of View, Proper Names Based on Mass-Names?Roland Harweg - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov (ed.), Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--445.
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  47. Decoherence and Wave Function Collapse.Roland Omnès - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (12):1857-1880.
    The possibility of consistency between the basic quantum principles of quantum mechanics and wave function collapse is reexamined. A specific interpretation of environment is proposed for this aim and is applied to decoherence. When the organization of a measuring apparatus is taken into account, this approach leads also to an interpretation of wave function collapse, which would result in principle from the same interactions with environment as decoherence. This proposal is shown consistent with the non-separable character of quantum mechanics.
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    Aegidii Romani Opera omnia, III, I: Apologia. Édition et commentaire par Robert Wielockx.Roland Hissette - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (62):266-269.
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  49. The commentation test. Application and limitations.Roland Posner - 1974 - Foundations of Language 12:383.
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    Intentionality in the visual cortex?Roland Puccetti - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):758.
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