Results for 'Roland Becker-Lenz'

947 found
  1.  39
    Michel Servet, hérétique et martyr, 1553-1953. Roland H. BaintonAutour de Michel Servet et de Sébastien Castellion. B. Becker[REVIEW]Henry Sigerist - 1954 - Isis 45 (3):311-313.
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    Cultural pluralism and psychoanalysis: the Asian and North American experience.Alan Roland - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    'In this book, Alan Roland has presented the challenge of Asian cultures to psychoanalytic theory and practice more forcefully than ever before. The book is full of new ideas and fascinating anecdotes and case material from Roland's clinical work and that of others. His proposals to revise psychoanalysis for the treatment of Indian and Japanese patients should initiate a debate of fundamental significance.' - Robert A. LeVine, Harvard University.
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    The Sensitivity Principle in Epistemology.Kelly Becker & Tim Black (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The sensitivity principle is a compelling idea in epistemology and is typically characterized as a necessary condition for knowledge. This collection of thirteen new essays constitutes a state-of-the-art discussion of this important principle. Some of the essays build on and strengthen sensitivity-based accounts of knowledge and offer novel defences of those accounts. Others present original objections to sensitivity-based accounts and offer comprehensive analysis and discussion of sensitivity's virtues and problems. The resulting collection will stimulate new debate about the sensitivity principle (...)
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    Criticism of Religion: On Marxism and Theology, II.Roland Boer - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The book follows on the heels of the acclaimed Criticism of Heaven, being the second volume of a five volume series called Criticism of Heaven and Earth.
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    A Single Belief-Changing Psychedelic Experience Is Associated With Increased Attribution of Consciousness to Living and Non-living Entities.Sandeep M. Nayak & Roland R. Griffiths - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionAlthough the topic of consciousness is both mysterious and controversial, psychedelic drugs are popularly believed to provide unique insights into the nature of consciousness despite a lack of empirical evidence.MethodsThis study addresses the question of whether psychedelics change the attribution of consciousness to a range of living and non-living entities. A survey was conducted in 1,606 respondents who endorsed a belief changing psychedelic experience.ResultsParticipants rated their attributions of consciousness to a range of living and non-living entities before and after their (...)
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    Malia.Marshall Joseph Becker - 1975 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 99 (2):726-728.
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  7. Comment vivre ensemble ? – Sur l'idiorrythmie.Roland Barthes - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    01. Leçon inaugurale/Inaugural lecture - janvier/January 7, 1977 « Comment vivre ensemble – Sur l'idiorrythmie » Leçons au Collège de France – 1977 02. Comment vivre ensemble 01 - janvier/January 12, 1977 03. Comment vivre ensemble 02 - janvier/January 19, 1977 04. Comment vivre ensemble 03 - janvier/January 26, 1977 05. Comment vivre ensemble 04 - février/February 2, 1977 06. Comment vivre ensemble 05 - février/February 9, 1977 07. Comment vivre ensemble 06 - février/February 16, (...) - Comment penser le (...)
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  8. Dogma. Zur Bedeutungsgeschichte des lateinischen Wortes in der christlichen Literatur bis 1500. I.Becker Kj - 1976 - Gregorianum 57 (2):307-350.
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  9. The spiritual self and psychopathology : Theoretical reflections and clinical observations.Alan Roland - 2005 - In Ashok Vohra, Arvind Sharma & Mrinal Miri (eds.), Dharma, the categorial imperative. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 192.
  10. St. Augustine's use of Manens in Se'.Roland Teske - 1993 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 39 (2):291-308.
    On trouve dans l'oeuvre de saint Augustin plusieurs allusions à Sagesse 7:27b: in seipsa manens innouat omnia. Il est évident que la source principale de l'expression manens in se, fréquemment employée par l'évêque africain, est le Livre de la Sagesse. Dans les «Confessions» VII, IX, 14, Augustin affirme que l'origine de cette doctrine se trouve dans le «Libri platonicorum». L'A. montre qu'il a facilement pu extraire cette phrase des «Ennéades» de Plotin, ainsi que l'idée de l'action divine dans le monde (...)
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  11. Two brains, two minds? Wigan's theory of mental duality.Roland Puccetti - 1989 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40 (2):137-144.
  12.  29
    Robinson on my views: A correction.Roland Puccetti - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (2):171.
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    A Code of Digital Ethics: laying the foundation for digital ethics in a science and technology company.Sarah J. Becker, André T. Nemat, Simon Lucas, René M. Heinitz, Manfred Klevesath & Jean Enno Charton - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2629-2639.
    The rapid and dynamic nature of digital transformation challenges companies that wish to develop and deploy novel digital technologies. Like other actors faced with this transformation, companies need to find robust ways to ethically guide their innovations and business decisions. Digital ethics has recently featured in a plethora of both practical corporate guidelines and compilations of high-level principles, but there remains a gap concerning the development of sound ethical guidance in specific business contexts. As a multinational science and technology company (...)
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  14.  45
    Sensitivity: Checking into Knowing?Kelly Becker - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):27-43.
    In this paper, I describe some of the highlights of Melchior’s checking account and then suggest that its explanatory value could be enhanced with a less analyzed concept of checking. This thought inspires a rearguard defense of sensitivity, by no means aiming to rescue it from all its well-known problems, wherein it is suggested that sensitivity fares better as a necessary condition for knowledge when all the bells and whistles with which it has been adorned over the years are stripped (...)
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  15.  20
    To prevent means to know: Explicit but no implicit agency for prevention behavior.Roland Pfister, Solveig Tonn, Lisa Weller, Wilfried Kunde & Katharina A. Schwarz - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104489.
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    Contemporary British Philosophy. A Survey of Developments over the Last Three Decades.Roland Hall - 1984 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 38 (4):638 - 648.
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    Histoire et philosophie au Québec: anarchéologie du savoir historique.Roland Houde - 1979 - [Trois-Rivières, Québec]: Éditions du Bien public.
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    « Faire le texte, c'est faire la théorie ». Fragments d'ego-histoire.Roland Huesca - 2013 - le Portique 30 (30).
    Dans un essai d’ego-histoire, l’auteur s’interroge sur la manière dont peuvent interagir l’intelligibilité narrative et l’intelligibilité explicative. Car loin d’être acces­soire, l’acte d’écrire ne se borne pas à donner un habillage linguistique venant accoutrer une intelligence du passé déjà constituée avant de s’encrer dans une forme littéraire. L’écrit participe activement à la valeur cognitive d’un travail. Si dans son déploiement, la narration doit assumer un style et une singularité, elle reste surtout un instrument de pensée.
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    Herejía e imaginación en san Agustín.Roland J. Teske & Juan Cruz Lacarra - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):291-296.
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    Spirituality: A Key Concept in Augustine's Thought.Roland J. Teske - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):53 - 71.
    The article claims that the concept of spirit or of incorporeal substance is a key concept in the thought of St. Augustine. It first recalls how the concept of spirit, which Augustine learned to conceive from the Platonists in Milan, permitted Augustine to extricate himself from Manicheism. Augustine, after all, was one of the very first in the Latin West to be able to think of God and of the soul as incorporeal. The paper shows how Augustine used the concept (...)
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  21.  25
    Charles H. Lohr, Latin Aristotle Commentaries. II: Renaissance Authors.Roland Hissette - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (79):449-449.
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    Are metaphysical statements confirmable?Roland Puccetti - 1962 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 13 (49):52-53.
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    Mr. Newman's view of omniscience.Roland Puccetti - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42 (2):261.
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  24. ZusammenDenken: Festschrift für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Roettger, Almut Christine von Wedelstaedt & Johanna Wagner (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
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    Education in vitro.Roland Sublon - 1987 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 61 (4):198-208.
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  26. The neglect of virtue.Lawrence C. Becker - 1975 - Ethics 85 (2):110-122.
  27.  28
    Assigning an isomorphism type to a hyperdegree.Howard Becker - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):325-337.
    Let L be a computable vocabulary, let X_L be the space of L-structures with universe ω and let f:2^\omega \rightarrow X_L be a hyperarithmetic function such that for all x,y \in 2^\omega, if x \equiv _h y then f(x) \cong f(y). One of the following two properties must hold. (1) The Scott rank of f(0) is \omega _1^{CK} + 1. (2) For all x \in 2^\omega, f(x) \cong f(0).
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  28. L'Ethique Kantienne de John Rawls.Roland Paul Blum - 1979 - Studia Philosophica 38:932.
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    Metaphysik.Roland Bothner - 2016 - Heidelberg: Edition Publish & Parish.
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    Reification as a Normative Condition of Recognition.Roland Theuas D. S. Pada - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (1):18-27.
    The aim of this paper is to situate the notion of reification as a neutral foundation for the three spheres of recognition. Reification, as a negative concept, allows the possibility of recognition to take place in Axel Honneth’s three spheres of recognition; namely, love, law, and esteem. My argument is that the givenness of these positive aspects of recognition is made possible by the existence of necessary reifications to which pathologies allow a certain form of intersubjective realisations. This form brings (...)
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  31. Die realistischen elemente der Lotzeschen ontologie..Roland Schilling - 1909 - Leipzig,: Druck von Jachner & Fischer.
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  32. Bulletin de Philosophie: III. - Logique.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1911 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 5:357-369.
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  33. Bulletin de Philosophie: IV. - Logique.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1910 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:335-343.
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  34. Les Idées et les preuves de l'immortalité dans le Phédon.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1909 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:84-88.
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    Zensur und Nicht-Öffentlichkeit.Roland Seim - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda (eds.), Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 406--416.
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  36. The fragments of the averroes latinus (comments of the logica vetus) in darmstadt university and national library, ms. 426.Roland Hissette - 2011 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 78 (1):1-24.
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    L’étrange défaite de nos croyances dans le progrès et l’évolution.Roland Gori - 2020 - Cités 4:116-128.
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  38.  41
    ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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  39. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible.Roland E. Murphy - 1956
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    Do sedation and analgesia improve patientss satisfaction.Roland Pulanić - forthcoming - Ethics.
  41. L'intuition bergsonienne et l'intelligence.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1913 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 7:389-411.
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  42. Lay cosmogony in contemporary dance.P. Roland - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 92:121-141.
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  43.  13
    Staatsdenken: zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute.Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Sammelwerk legt umfassend den Stand der Staatstheorie dar und arbeitet die Beiträge der bedeutendsten Staatsdenker und der wichtigsten Strömungen des Staatsdenkens zum heutigen Staatsverständnis exemplarisch heraus.Renommierte Philosophen, Historiker, Sozial-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaftler aus Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in ganz Europa stellen in 15 gleichgewichteten Kapiteln das Staatsdenken von der Antike bis zur Postdemokratie facettenreich heraus. Jedes Kapitel firmiert unter einem Schwerpunkt, angefangen beim klassischen und konservativen über das liberale und feministische bis hin zum anarchistischen und religiösen Staatsdenken. Einen besonderen Stellenwert (...)
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  44.  12
    (1 other version)Philosophy Educating Humanity.Carl Becker - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 5:6-12.
    The 20th century may be considered the ultimate expression of Western ideals and philosophy: "civilized" humanity's attempt to dominate "uncivilized" peoples and nature. The 21st century soberingly proclaims the shortsightedness and ultimate unsustainability of this philosophy. This paper shows the limitations of a modern Western world-view, and the practical applicability of ideas to be found in Asian philosophies. In outline, the contrast may be portrayed by the following overgeneralizations: From a linear to a cyclical world view; from divine salvation to (...)
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  45.  12
    Freedom of philosophical conundrums.Roland O. Gibson - 1995 - Sussex, England: Book Guild.
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    A general Cauchy-completion process for arbitrary first-order structures.Roland Hinnion - 2007 - Logique Et Analyse 197:5-41.
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    Ibsen, teatern och vardagen.Roland Lysell - 2007 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 25 (1-2):435-443.
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    Grundlagen der Mathematik in geschichtlicher Entwicklung.Oskar Becker - 1990 - Alber.
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  49. Qualitätsunterschiede. Kulturphänomenologie als kritische Theorie.Ralf Becker - 2021
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  50.  60
    [Omnibus Review].Howard S. Becker - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):94-95.
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