Results for 'Roger Schroeder'

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  1.  30
    The Rooibos Benefit Sharing Agreement–Breaking New Ground with Respect, Honesty, Fairness, and Care.Doris Schroeder, Roger Chennells, Collin Louw, Leana Snyders & Timothy Hodges - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):285-301.
    The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its 2010 Nagoya Protocol brought about a breakthrough in global policy making. They combined a concern for the environment with a commitment to resolving longstanding human injustices regarding access to, and use of biological resources. In particular, the traditional knowledge of indigenous communities was no longer going to be exploited without fair benefit sharing. Yet, for 25 years after the adoption of the CBD, there were no major benefit sharing agreements that led (...)
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    Equitable Research Partnerships: A Global Code of Conduct to Counter Ethics Dumping.Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Roger Chennells, Peter Herissone-Kelly & Michelle Singh - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book offers insights into the development of the ground-breaking Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings (GCC) and the San Code of Research Ethics. Using a new, intuitive moral framework predicated on fairness, respect, care and honesty, both codes target ethics dumping – the export of unethical research practices from a high-income setting to a lower- or middle-income setting. The book is a rich resource of information and argument for any research stakeholder who opposes double (...)
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    Obituary. Ernest Brandewie (1931–2021).Roger Schroeder - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):442-443.
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    Vulnerability Revisited: Leaving No One Behind in Research.Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Roger Chennells, Hazel Partington, Joshua Kimani, Gillian Thomson, Joyce Adhiambo Odhiambo, Leana Snyders & Collin Louw - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Open access. This open-access book discusses vulnerability and the protection-inclusion dilemma of including those who suffer from serious poverty, severe stigma, and structural violence in research. Co-written with representatives from indigenous peoples in South Africa and sex workers in Nairobi, the authors come down firmly on the side of inclusion. In the spirit of leaving no one behind in research, the team experimented with data collection methods that prioritize research participant needs over researcher needs. This involved foregoing the collection of (...)
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    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing– Learning Lessons from the San-Hoodia Case.Rachel Wynberg, Doris Schroeder & Roger Chennells (eds.) - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing is the first in-depth account of the Hoodia bioprospecting case and use of San traditional knowledge, placing it in the global context of indigenous peoples’ rights, consent and benefit-sharing. It is unique as the first interdisciplinary analysis of consent and benefit sharing in which philosophers apply their minds to questions of justice in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), lawyers interrogate the use of intellectual property rights to protect traditional knowledge, environmental scientists analyse implications (...)
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  6. Constants in Context: A Theology of Mission for Today.Stephen B. Bevans & Roger P. Schroeder - 2004
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    Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Peter Schroeder-Heister & Thomas Piecha (eds.) - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This volume is the first ever collection devoted to the field of proof-theoretic semantics. Contributions address topics including the systematics of introduction and elimination rules and proofs of normalization, the categorial characterization of deductions, the relation between Heyting's and Gentzen's approaches to meaning, knowability paradoxes, proof-theoretic foundations of set theory, Dummett's justification of logical laws, Kreisel's theory of constructions, paradoxical reasoning, and the defence of model theory. The field of proof-theoretic semantics has existed for almost 50 years, but the term (...)
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    Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations.Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Springer.
    This open access book provides original, up-to-date case studies of “ethics dumping” that were largely facilitated by loopholes in the ethics governance of low and middle-income countries. It is instructive even to experienced researchers since it provides a voice to vulnerable populations from the fore mentioned countries. Ensuring the ethical conduct of North-South collaborations in research is a process fraught with difficulties. The background conditions under which such collaborations take place include extreme differentials in available income and power, as well (...)
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    On The Contingency of Confucius' Emergent Tao.Roger T. Ames - 1984 - NTU Philosophical Review 7:117-140.
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  10. Dignity: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Still Counting.Doris Schroeder - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1):118.
  11.  64
    Ethical Issues to Consider for Microchip Implants in Humans.Roger Achille, Christine Perakslis & Katina Michael - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (1-3):75-86.
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    A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis by Thomas A. Regelski (review).Roger Mantie - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (2):213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis by Thomas A. RegelskiRoger MantieThomas A. Regelski, A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis (New York: Routledge, 2016)ANSWERS WITHOUT QUESTIONSThomas Regelski has earned a place as a major figure in music education, if for no other reason than his role as co-convener of the MayDay Group in (...)
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  13. L’art De Masse : Ontologie Et Valeur.Roger Pouivet - 2008 - Hermeneia:5-13.
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    The Work of Art and its Doubles: Restoration, Reproduction, Recording and Translation.Roger Pouivet - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):7-17.
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    Réflexions sur une controverse.Jacques Roger - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (3):255-265.
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    Process Philosophy and Social Thought.John B. Cobb & W. Widick Schroeder - 1981 - Scientific Study of Religion.
    This volume constitutes the first collection of essays exploring the implications of process philosophy for social thought. Process philosophy is a product of the twentieth century, but its Platonic roots relate it to one of the prime initiators of Western philosophical thinking. Alfred North Whitehead originated the style of thinking that subsequently has been termed "process philosophy.".
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  17. Conservativeness and uniqueness.Peter Schroeder-Heister - 1985 - Theoria 51 (3):159-173.
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  18. Markku Oksanen and Juhani Pietarinen, eds., Philosophy and Biodiversity Reviewed by.Roger Petry - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (5):369-372.
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  19. Croyance religieuse, crédulité et vertu.Roger Pouivet - 2002 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 134 (2-3):161-173.
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  20. Atomic Systems in Proof-Theoretic Semantics: Two Approaches.Peter Schroeder-Heister & Thomas Piecha - 2016 - In Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández, Olga Pombo Martins & Juan Redmond, Epistemology, Knowledge and the Impact of Interaction. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  21. Benefit sharing: From obscurity to common knowledge.Doris Schroeder - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (3):135-143.
    ABSTRACT Benefit sharing aims to achieve an equitable exchange between the granting of access to a genetic resource and the provision of compensation. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, is the only international legal instrument setting out obligations for sharing the benefits derived from the use of biodiversity. The CBD excludes human genetic resources from its scope, however, this article considers whether it should be expanded to include those resources, so (...)
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  22.  22
    Ethics Dumping: Introduction.Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy, Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations. New York: Springer. pp. 1-8.
    Achieving equity in international research is a pressing concern. Exploitation in any scenario, whether of human research participants, institutions, local communities, animals or the environment, raises the overarching question of how to avoid such exploitation. Agreed principles can be universally applied to research in any discipline or geographical area, whatever methodologies are employed. This chapter introduces a collection of case studies, presenting a range of up-to-date examples of exploitation in North-South research collaborations, in order to raise awareness of ethics dumping.
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  23. Dialectic of Enlightenment as Genealogy Critique.Roger Foster - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (120):73-93.
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  24. Aristotle's Conception of Geometric Objects.Roger J. Rigterink - 1973 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
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    Contemporary Italian Philosophy: Crossing the Borders of Ethics, Politics, and Religion.Silvia Benso & Brian Schroeder (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Leading Italian philosophers engage issues in ethics, politics, and religion.
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  26. On" Ecological Ethics and its Justification.Roger Lamb - 1980 - In Don S. Mannison, Michael A. McRobbie & Richard Sylvan, Environmental Philosophy. Dept. Of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
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    Teilhard dangereux?Roger Leys - 1963 - Bijdragen 24 (1):1-20.
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    Hommage Des amis de Spinoza.Roger G. Lacombe - 1945 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 50 (1/2):18 - 20.
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    A Defense of Naturalism.Roger Sherman Loomis - 1919 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (2):188-201.
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  30.  48
    Third culture? From the arts to the sciences and back again.Roger F. Malina - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):179-183.
    I substantiate the argument that lead me to believe very strongly that we need to find new ways for the arts and sciences to collaborate, and to create a networked culture that brings the arts and humanities into interaction with the sciences and engineering. Our world faces many problems, on all scales, and we must use all the different approaches to create a world culture that is sustainable and respects and nurtures the differing world-views of each community. We have no (...)
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  31.  11
    Dialectique et esprit scientifique chez Gaston Bachelard.Roger Martin - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (4):409 - 419.
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    4. The Evolution of the Human Species.Roger D. Masters - 1969 - In Roger Hancock, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau. Duke University Press. pp. 158-204.
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    7. The Principles of Political Right.Roger D. Masters - 1969 - In Roger Hancock, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau. Duke University Press. pp. 301-353.
  34.  5
    Catholic ethics and Protestant ethics.Roger Mehl - 1971 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    Series of talks comparing and contrasting moral codes of two facets of christianity.
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    La relation maître-disciple.Roger Mehl - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (4):424 - 435.
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    The Literal Meaning of 'Good'.Roger Montague - 1964 - Analysis 24 (4):137 - 144.
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  37. Editorial Note.Roger D. Rosenkrantz - 1973 - Synthese 25 (3/4):255.
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  38. Juridical precedents and reflective judgment.Roger W. H. Savage - 2021 - In Marc De Leeuw, George H. Taylor & Eileen Brennan, Reading Ricoeur Through Law. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Brave little yeast, please guide us to Thebes: sphingolipid function in S. cerevisiae.Roger Schneiter - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (12):1004-1010.
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  40. Mit Colloquium.Roger Schwarzschild - unknown
    I. Intervals & the Unique Witness Property (1) John is taller than Mary. (2) \!d \!dS John is d-tall ‚ (d B dS) ‚ Jill is d S-tall. (3) \!d \!dS ϕ(d) ‚ (d B dS) ‚ ψ(dS). (p-p) (4) SNEAKERS. Grant expresses interest in a pair of sneakers. I offer to buy them for him, having the impression that they cost somewhere in the $20-$30 range. We arrive at the store and to my horror I discover that the sneakers (...)
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    6. Facing the Earth.Roger Scruton - 2014 - In The Soul of the World. Princeton University Press. pp. 115-139.
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  42. Kunst in onze tijd.Roger Scruton - 2000 - Nexus 27.
    Scruton werpt de vraag op of na de gebeurtenissen in twintigste eeuw onze cultuur nog geloofwaardig is, of cultuur misschien een kortstondig moment in de geschiedenis is, een fase die we nu bezig zouden zijn te verlaten. Hij besteedt in zijn essay aandacht aan de begrippen cultuur, kitsch en esthetische waarden.
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  43. The Ontology of the Musical Work.Roger Scruton - 2013 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 2 (3):25--50.
    [ES] Confronta ciertos enigmas surgidos en torno a la naturaleza e identidad de la obra musical, y rechaza estos enigmas por irreales: o bien ellos conciernen a la obra musical en sí misma, en cuyo caso son enigmas acerca del estatus metafísico de un objeto intencional, y por lo tanto susceptibles a una solución arbitraria, o bien ellos conciernen a los sonidos con los que la obra es escuchada, en cuyo caso simplemente se trata de casos especiales de los problemas (...)
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  44. Werkelijke afwezigheid.Roger Scruton - 2004 - Nexus 39.
    Scruton stelt dat wij Europeanen met het verliezen van religie niet alleen sociale broederschap en het heilige kwijtraken, maar ook het verlies zelf, omdat we in drugs, instantopwinding en verzakelijkte seks vluchten voor liefde en rouw. Alleen de kunst kan ons nog helpen verlies te begrijpen en aanvaarden.
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    Misconceptions about moral notions.Roger A. Shiner & Alonso Church - 1976 - Analysis 36 (2):55-67.
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    „Ein künstlicher Vortrag“: Die symbolische Form von Goethes naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften.Roger H. Stephenson - 2002 - In Birgit Recki & Barbara Naumann, Cassirer Und Goethe: Neue Aspekte Einer Philosophisch-Literarischen Wahlverwandtschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 25-42.
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    John Ruskin and aesthetic thought in America, 1840-1900.Roger B. Stein - 1967 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press.
  48.  30
    (1 other version)News.Roger H. Stuewer - 1973 - Isis 64 (1):105-107.
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  49. The evolution of Philosophy for Children in the UK.Roger Sutcliffe - 2017 - In Babs Anderson, Philosophy for children: theories and praxis in teacher education. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  50. The marxist theory of art.Roger Taylor - 1973 - Radical Philosophy 5:29.
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