Results for 'Rodolpho Venturini'

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  1.  7
    A Critic on the Other Side of the Rhine? On the Appropriations of Foucault's Political Thought by the Heirs of the Frankfurt School.Rodolpho Venturini - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:377-397.
    In this article, I make the case that the reception of Foucault's political thought by different authors linked to the Frankfurt School tradition (J. Habermas, N. Fraser, A. Honneth, A. Allen and M. Saar) allows us to discern a series of transformations within the tradition itself. In general terms, it is argued that the fundamental change concerns the gradual abandonment of the problem of social rationalization in favor of a perspective focused on the question of processes of subjectivation, a change (...)
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    Online Conspiracy Theories, Digital Platforms and Secondary Orality: Toward a Sociology of Online Monsters.Tommaso Venturini - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (5):61-80.
    Reviving the somewhat forgotten notion of ‘secondary orality’, this paper conceptualizes online conspiracism as a creative, if monstrous, response to the attention economy of social media. Combining classic literature on oral cultures and current research on online subcultures, this paper takes conspiratorial folklore seriously and develops a program of research into its features and into its surprising adaptation to the attention regime of digital media.
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    Reflexões sobre as consequências do projeto de lei Escola sem Partido.Andrei Venturini Martins - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (65).
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    Covid-19 a accéléré le basculement planétaire post-fossile.Marco Venturini & Yves Citton - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):147-151.
    Avec les consommations d’énergies fossiles et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre reparties à la hausse, le « monde d’après » ressemble terriblement à l’extractivisme d’avant. Et pourtant, des paramètres se sont déplacés à l’occasion de la pandémie et de son confinement planétaire. Une mutation s’est précipitée dans notre rapport aux énergies fossile.
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    I filosofi e Dio: dizionario storico-critico.Nello Venturini - 2003 - Barzago (Lecco): Marna.
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  6. Jolanda Insana: l'inferno terreno de "La stortura".M. Venturini - 2004 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 25:175.
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    Language, Verstehen, and the Life-World in Social Science Methodology: An Attempt at Dialogue Between Phenomenological Sociology and Analytical Philosophy.Riccardo Venturini - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:155-168.
    The aim of the paper is to deal with the links between Schutz and Wittgenstein on the centrality of language and intersubjectivity in the structure of meanings. I believe there are similarities between Schutz’s proto-trust in the natural attitude and Wittgenstein’s animal faith in the basic life form of language games. To this end, Cicourel’s analysis of the relationship between language, Verstehen and empirical research methods will be used. Cicourel renders Schutz and Wittgenstein contiguous, by interpreting the different techniques of (...)
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    Problemi della concezione etica di Antonio Rosmini.Nello Venturini - 1992 - Roma: Coletti.
    Il pensiero morale al tempo del Rosmini -- I fondamenti teoretici della morale rosminiana -- Disegno generale della morale rosminiana -- La legge morale -- Il bene soggettivo, oggettivo, morale -- Il soggetto della morale -- Errore e peccato -- La coscienza morale -- Morale naturale e morale soprannaturale.
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  9. Ante el fin de la historia.García Venturini & L. Jorge - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Troquel.
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    A imagem do príncipe ideal:as virtudes do imperador romano na concepção pliniana.Renata Lopes Biazotto Venturini & Alex Aparecido da Costa - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    As palavras e as idéias: o poder na Antigüidade.Renata Venturini - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (2).
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    F. Biolcati Rinaldi, Povertà, teoria e tempo.G. L. Venturini - 2006 - Polis 20 (3):480-481.
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  13. Filosofía de la historia.García Venturini & Jorge L. [From Old Catalog] - 1972 - [Madrid]: Gredos.
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  14. I livelli di vigilanza: coma, sonno, ipnosi, attenzione.Riccardo Venturini - 1973 - Roma: Bulzoni.
  15.  6
    L’Europe et les nouvelles échelles de la transition énergétique.Marco Venturini & Yves Citton - 2019 - Multitudes 74 (1):115-120.
    Après avoir passé en revue la diversité des politiques nationales en matière de transition énergétique, cet entretien fait le point sur ce que l’Union européenne a déjà pu et pourra apporter aux multiples redimensionnements en cours. Alors que les politiques nationales restent obnubilées par une conception centralisatrice de la production énergétique, le nouveau monde de la parité-réseau et des consommateurs-producteurs redistribue les cartes selon des échelles sensiblement différentes. Une coordination européenne entre initiatives locales peut devenir un atout, pour autant que (...)
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  16. Proceso de constitución de la filosofía.García Venturini & Jorge L. [From Old Catalog] - 1967 - [Córdoba,: Argentina] Dirección General de Publicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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    Pensamento, experiência E o tempo do ócio na educação infantil.Gabriela Venturini & Betina Schuler - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-27.
    This paper aims to examine the way that the concepts of thought and interest have been described in the three main documents that currently guide Brazilian Child Education – National Education Guidelines and Bases/1996, National Curriculum Guidelines for Child Education/2010, and National Curriculum Basis/2018 for Child Education – and their implications for relations between childhood and thinking. In order to do that, we have relied on studies in the philosophy of difference, considering authors such as Kohan, Larrosa, López and Ribeiro, (...)
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  18. Qué es la filosofía de la historia.García Venturini & Jorge L. [From Old Catalog] - 1969 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Columba.
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  19.  21
    Commilito et vir militaris: warlike aspects on the exaltation of roman emperor in Pliny the younger.Alex Aparecido da Costa & Renata Lopes Biazotto Venturini - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:99-121.
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  20.  12
    Contrasting medium and genre on Wikipedia to open up the dominating definition and classification of geoengineering.Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado, Tommaso Venturini & Nils Markusson - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Geoengineering is typically defined as a techno-scientific response to climate change that differs from mitigation and adaptation, and that includes diverse individual technologies, which can be classified as either solar radiation management or carbon dioxide removal. We analyse the representation of geoengineering on Wikipedia as a way of opening up this dominating, if contested, model for further debate. We achieve this by contrasting the dominating model as presented in the encyclopaedic article texts with the patterns of hyper-link associations between the (...)
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  21.  12
    Prefácio sobre O tratado do vácuo.Andrei Venturini Martins - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40:207-227.
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  22.  18
    What do we see when we look at networks: Visual network analysis, relational ambiguity, and force-directed layouts.Pablo Jensen, Mathieu Jacomy & Tommaso Venturini - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    It is increasingly common in natural and social sciences to rely on network visualizations to explore relational datasets and illustrate findings. Such practices have been around long enough to prove that scholars find it useful to project networks in a two-dimensional space and to use their visual qualities as proxies for their topological features. Yet these practices remain based on intuition, and the foundations and limits of this type of exploration are still implicit. To fill this lack of formalization, this (...)
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  23.  5
    (1 other version)Bruno Ognibeni, Il matrimonio alla luce del Nuovo Testamento Vol. 49, no. 1, pages 283-286, 2009. [REVIEW]Simone Venturini - 2009 - Augustinianum 49 (1):283-286.
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  24.  20
    An unexpected journey: A few lessons from sciences Po médialab's experience.Bruno Latour, Axel Meunier, Mathieu Jacomy & Tommaso Venturini - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    In this article, we present a few lessons we learnt in the establishment of the Sciences Po médialab. As an interdisciplinary laboratory associating social scientists, code developers and information designers, the médialab is not one of a kind. In the last years, several of such initiatives have been established around the world to harness the potential of digital technologies for the study of collective life. If we narrate this particular story, it is because, having lived it from the inside, we (...)
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  25.  19
    Three maps and three misunderstandings: A digital mapping of climate diplomacy.Kari De Pryck, Vinciane Zabban, Ian Gray, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Nicolas Baya Laffite & Tommaso Venturini - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    This article proposes an original analysis of the international debate on climate change through the use of digital methods. Its originality is twofold. First, it examines a corpus of reports covering 18 years of international climate negotiations, a dataset never explored before through digital techniques. This corpus is particularly interesting because it provides the most consistent and detailed reporting of the negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Second, in this paper we test an original approach to (...)
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  26.  16
    Long-Term Influence of Incidental Emotions on the Emotional Judgment of Neutral Faces.Marta F. Nudelman, Liana C. L. Portugal, Izabela Mocaiber, Isabel A. David, Beatriz S. Rodolpho, Mirtes G. Pereira & Leticia de Oliveira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:772916.
    Background:Evidence indicates that the processing of facial stimuli may be influenced by incidental factors, and these influences are particularly powerful when facial expressions are ambiguous, such as neutral faces. However, limited research investigated whether emotional contextual information presented in a preceding and unrelated experiment could be pervasively carried over to another experiment to modulate neutral face processing.Objective:The present study aims to investigate whether an emotional text presented in a first experiment could generate negative emotion toward neutral faces in a second (...)
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    Appropriateness of colonoscopy in a digestive endoscopy unit: a prospective study using ASGE guidelines.Renzo Suriani, Mario Rizzetto, Dario Mazzucco, Silvia Grosso, Paola Gastaldi, Maria Marino, Sabina Sanseverinati, Ivo Venturini, Athos Borghi & Maria Luisa Zeneroli - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):41-45.
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    Uncertainty, Decision Science, and Policy Making: A Manifesto for a Research Agenda.David Tuckett, Antoine Mandel, Diana Mangalagiu, Allen Abramson, Jochen Hinkel, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Alan Kirman, Thierry Malleret, Igor Mozetic, Paul Ormerod, Robert Elliot Smith, Tommaso Venturini & Angela Wilkinson - 2015 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 27 (2):213-242.
    ABSTRACTThe financial crisis of 2008 was unforeseen partly because the academic theories that underpin policy making do not sufficiently account for uncertainty and complexity or learned and evolved human capabilities for managing them. Mainstream theories of decision making tend to be strongly normative and based on wishfully unrealistic “idealized” modeling. In order to develop theories of actual decision making under uncertainty, we need new methodologies that account for how human actors often manage uncertain situations “well enough.” Some possibly helpful methodologies, (...)
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  29. Revista La Cicuta: antologías de textos y articulos (2013-2019).Francisco Calderón Ossa, Anna Garlatti-Venturini Osorio, Mariana Jiménez Arango, Moreno Giraldo & Javier David (eds.) - 2020 - Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
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  30. On reissuing Venturini.Gerald O'collins & D. Kendall - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (2):241-265.
    Une Vie de Jésus par Karl Heinrich Venturini développait deux hypothèses : Jésus était en rapport avec les Esséniens, et il avait survécu à la crucifixion. Dans son Geschichte der Leben-Jesu Forschung, A. Schweitzer montre que Venturini a été plagié durant tout le XIXe siècle. Le présent article passe en revue douze auteurs du XXe siècle qui ont reproduit les thèses de Venturini. L'article évalue ensuite de façon critique la dernière version de Venturini, le Jesus and (...)
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  31.  23
    "Que es la filosofia de la historia?," by Jorge L. Garcia Venturini[REVIEW]Lee C. Rice - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 53 (1):108-108.
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    Médialab stories: How to align actor network theory and digital methods.Dominique Boullier - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    The history of laboratories may become controversial in social sciences. In this paper, the story of Sciences Po Médialab told by Venturini et al. is discussed and completed by demonstrating the incoherence in the choice of digital methods at the Médialab from the actor network theory perspective. As the Médialab mostly used web topologies as structural analysis of social positions, they were not able to account for the propagation of ideas, considered in actor network theory as non-humans that have (...)
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  33. The last great cause volunteers from Australia and Emilia- Romanga in defence of the Spanish republic, 1936-1939 [Book Review]. [REVIEW]Howard Hodgens - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (106):22.
    Hodgens, Howard Review(s) of: The last great cause volunteers from Australia and Emilia- Romanga in defence of the Spanish republic, 1936-1939, by V. G.Venturini, PB.Pub. Search Foundation 2010.
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