Results for 'Robin Kirkpatrick'

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  1.  36
    Appearances of the red cross Knight in book two of spenser's faerie queene.Robin Kirkpatrick - 1971 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 34 (1):338-350.
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    Passion in Theory: Conceptions of Freud and Lacan.Robin Ferrell - 1996 - Routledge.
    Philosophy had either ignored or attacked psychoanalysis: such responses are neither warranted nor helpful. One hundred years after its inception, isn't it time to find out what psychoanalysis has to offer us? In Passion in Theory Robyn Ferrell does just that, and returns with some surprising answers. Concentrating on the work of Freud and Lacan, Robyn Ferrell asks why their work had been so influential in European philosophy yet so marginal in the Anglo-American circles. Passion in Theory explores their conception (...)
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    Brentano and Husserl.Robin D. Rollinger - 2004 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Brentano. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Ancient Greek modal logic.Robin Smith - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
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    The effects of gender and setting on accountants' ethically sensitive decisions.Robin R. Radtke - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (4):299 - 312.
    This paper investigates whether gender affects ethically sensitive decisions of a personal or business nature. Data from 51 practicing accountants from both public accounting and private industry suggest that while differences exist between female and male accountants in responses to specific situations, overall responses are quite similar. Statistically significant differences were found for only five of the sixteen ethically sensitive situations. Further, when personal and business situations of a similar nature were paired together, two of the eight differences between personal (...)
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    Reply to Comments on Could Gambling Save Science?Robin Hanson - unknown
    Arthur Diamond comments that "it is not clear how a donor distributes money through Hanson's market". Let me try again to be clear. Imagine David Levy were to seek funding for the regression he suggests in his comments, on the relative impact of sports versus science spending on aggregate productivity. Consider what might happen under three different funding institutions.
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  7. Toward Hypertext Publishing.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Hypertext publishing, the integration of a large body (perhaps billions) of public writings into a unified hypertext environment, will require the simultaneous solution of problems involving very wide database distribution, royalties, freedom of speech, and privacy. This paper describes these problems and presents, for criticism and discussion, an abstract design which seems to solve many of them. This design, called LinkText, is presented both as a specification and as design approaches grouped around various levels of electronic publishing.
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  8. Relation algebra reducts of cylindric algebras and an application to proof theory.Robin Hirsch, Ian Hodkinson & Roger D. Maddux - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):197-213.
    We confirm a conjecture, about neat embeddings of cylindric algebras, made in 1969 by J. D. Monk, and a later conjecture by Maddux about relation algebras obtained from cylindric algebras. These results in algebraic logic have the following consequence for predicate logic: for every finite cardinal α ≥ 3 there is a logically valid sentence X, in a first-order language L with equality and exactly one nonlogical binary relation symbol E, such that X contains only 3 variables (each of which (...)
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  9. Step by step – Building representations in algebraic logic.Robin Hirsch & Ian Hodkinson - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):225-279.
    We consider the problem of finding and classifying representations in algebraic logic. This is approached by letting two players build a representation using a game. Homogeneous and universal representations are characterized according to the outcome of certain games. The Lyndon conditions defining representable relation algebras (for the finite case) and a similar schema for cylindric algebras are derived. Finite relation algebras with homogeneous representations are characterized by first order formulas. Equivalence games are defined, and are used to establish whether an (...)
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    Book Orders for Market Scoring Rules.Robin Hanson - unknown
    This explains how to smoothly integrate booked orders with a combinatorial market maker, all for the general case of bets on E[x|A] for arbitrary random variables x and sets A.
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  11. Meditations on Form, or, How Should I Tell You What I Need You to Know?Robin Parks - 2001 - In Laura Duhan Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy and everyday life. New York: Seven Bridges Press. pp. 182.
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  12.  6
    La morale antique.Léon Robin - 1938 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
  13.  20
    Linguistics essays.Robin Turner - manuscript
    Future Forms in English. A look at "will" and the futurates. Pretty basic stuff, but some people might find it useful. Register in Academic Writing . This is where I get Hallidayan for a change: an analysis of two different academic genres, with some comments about the teaching of academic writing (this is the paper I would have given at the Reading University conference on writing if I'd been able to afford the air fare!).
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  14. Uncommon priors require origin disputes.Robin Hanson - 2006 - Theory and Decision 61 (4):319-328.
    In standard belief models, priors are always common knowledge. This prevents such models from representing agents’ probabilistic beliefs about the origins of their priors. By embedding standard models in a larger standard model, however, pre-priors can describe such beliefs. When an agent’s prior and pre-prior are mutually consistent, he must believe that his prior would only have been different in situations where relevant event chances were different, but that variations in other agents’ priors are otherwise completely unrelated to which events (...)
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    Einleitung.Robin Celikates - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (2):229-230.
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  16. Christology in Paul and John.Robin Scroggs - 1988
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  17. Sophistry on Steroids? The Ethics, Epistemology and Politics of Persuasive AI.Robin McKenna - manuscript
    This paper examines the ethical, epistemological, and political implications of persuasive AI technologies. Recent research suggests that AI is roughly as persuasive as humans in many contexts. Should this concern us? I argue that, while some worries about persuasive AI may be overblown, we should be worried for a mix of ethical, epistemological and political reasons. Most centrally, we should be worried because persuasive AI may lead to a small number of powerful actors dominating what I call the “marketplace of (...)
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  18.  66
    Placebo Effects Without Placebos? More Reason to Abandon the Paradoxical Placebo.Robin Nunn - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (12):50-52.
  19.  54
    Catastrophe, Social Collapse, and Human Extinction.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Humans have slowly built more productive societies by slowly acquiring various kinds of capital, and by carefully matching them to each other. Because disruptions can disturb this careful matching, and discourage social coordination, large disruptions can cause a “social collapse,” i.e., a reduction in productivity out of proportion to the disruption. For many types of disasters, severity seems to follow a power law distribution. For some of types, such as wars and earthquakes, most of the expected harm is predicted to (...)
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  20. Queue-Jumping?: Do Mental Health Courts Privilege Criminal Behavior?Robin Pierce - 2008 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3:1-7.
    Mental health courts, premised on the notion of therapeutic justice, have become an increasingly appealing way of dealing with what is widely, although not uniformly, seen as the inappropriate incarceration of people who engage in criminal behavior caused by mental illness. Nevertheless, mental health courts are not without their critics and a number of objections have been raised against the implementation of these courts. Among these criticisms is that mental health courts may inappropriately privilege criminal behavior by the provision of (...)
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  21. Respect for Persons.Robin S. Dillon - 2020 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
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    The effect of mindfulness meditation on time perception.Robin Ss Kramer, Ulrich W. Weger & Dinkar Sharma - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):846-852.
    Research has increasingly focussed on the benefits of meditation in everyday life and performance. Mindfulness in particular improves attention, working memory capacity, and reading comprehension. Given its emphasis on moment-to-moment awareness, we hypothesised that mindfulness meditation would alter time perception. Using a within-subjects design, participants carried out a temporal bisection task, where several probe durations are compared to “short” and “long” standards. Following this, participants either listened to an audiobook or a meditation that focussed on the movement of breath in (...)
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  23.  34
    Conscientious objection and barriers to abortion within a specific regional context - an expert interview study.Robin Krawutschke, Tania Pastrana & Dagmar Schmitz - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background While most countries that allow abortion on women’s request also grant physicians a right to conscientious objection (CO), this has proven to constitute a potential barrier to abortion access. Conscientious objection is regarded as an understudied phenomenon the effects of which have not yet been examined in Germany. Based on expert interviews, this study aims to exemplarily reconstruct the processes of abortion in a mid-sized city in Germany, and to identify potential effects of conscientious objection. Methods Five semi-structured interviews (...)
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  24. La théorie platonicienne de l'A mour.Léon Robin - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (3):12-13.
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  25. Causers, Causes, and Doers.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 2 (101):118-40.
    The view that to act is to cause change and that to be an agent is to be the causer of an action’s result has gained traction in the past twenty years or so. This view seems to have two significant corollaries. First, there is no distinction between doing an action and causing its result. Second, any two actions that have the same result will turn out to be identical. Ruben (2018) has recently used the first corollary to challenge the (...)
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    Serving hamburgers and selling insurance:: Gender, work, and identity in interactive service jobs.Robin Leidner - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (2):154-177.
    Through an analysis of two highly routinized interactive service jobs, fast food service and insurance sales, this article explores the interrelationship of work, gender, and identity. While notions of proper gender behavior are quite flexible, gender-segregated service jobs reinforce the conception of gender differences as natural. The illusion that gender-typed interaction is an expression of workers' inherent natures is sustained, even in situations in which workers' appearances, attitudes, and demeanors are closely controlled by their employers. Gender-typed work has different meanings (...)
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    Bulemia and anorexia in an advertising context.Robin T. Peterson - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (6):495 - 504.
    This paper reports on a survey of college students which was designed to provide insights into associations of advertising with the eating disorders of anorexia nervosa and bulemia. The study involved measuring self image and ideal self image and relating these measures to the incidence of the eating disorders and to advertising and merchandising measures. Based upon the findings, various tentative recommendations were made to advertisers who desire to assist in containing eating disorders through their efforts in the marketplace.
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  28. Challenging The Process View of Action.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (1):2024-0028.
    There is an ongoing debate in the ontology of action about whether actions are processes, events, relations, or sui generis entities. This paper focuses on the process view, the view that actions are processes. I challenge it in two ways. First, I argue that some actions are not processes because their performance need not be associated with or accompanied by a process. Second, I critically discuss three main arguments that have been advanced to support the process view. My view, the (...)
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  29. Merleau-Ponty on Movement and Relativity, or the "Irrepressible Consciousness" of Einstein's Little Finger.Robin M. Muller - 2024 - Phenomenological Investigations 3 (1):53–76.
  30.  54
    (1 other version)Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Intrusiveness: Issues in the Developing Uses of DNA Profiling in Support of Criminal Investigations.Robin Williams & Paul Johnson - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (3):545-558.
    The rapid implementation and continuing expansion of forensic DNA databases around the world has been supported by claims about their effectiveness in criminal investigations and challenged by assertions of the resulting intrusiveness into individual privacy. These two competing perspectives provide the basis for ongoing considerations about the categories of persons who should be subject to non-consensual DNA sampling and profile retention as well as the uses to which such profiles should be put. This paper uses the example of the current (...)
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  31. Feminist Virtue Ethics.Robin S. Dillon - 2017 - In Ann Garry, Serene J. Khader & Alison Stone (eds.), Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 568-678.
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    Fleming, Sean. Leviathan on a Leash: A Theory of State Responsibility.Robin Douglass - 2021 - Hobbes Studies 34 (1):103-107.
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    Some Spanners in the Works of Grounding Mechanisms Removed.Robin Stenwall - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):293-310.
    In this paper I address two concerns with Kelly Trogdon’s grounding mechanism view, i.e. the idea that metaphysical explanation can be modeled on causal-mechanical explanation. The first concern threatens to undermine the unity that grounding-mechanical explanations imposes on metaphysical explanation; and the second concern requires the grounding mechanic to put forth a formal condition on grounding-mechanical models. After having discussed both of these, I provide a solution to the first and argue that the second concern is unwarranted.
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  34. The conditions of surrender : reconstituting the limits at conflict's end.Robin Wagner-Pacifici - 2005 - In Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey (eds.), The limits of law. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
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  35. Why Meat is Moral, and Veggies are Immoral.Robin Hanson - unknown
    You are in a grocery store, and thinking of buying some meat. You think you know what buying and eating this meat would mean for your taste buds, your nutrition, and your pocketbook, and let's assume that on those grounds it looks like a good deal. But now you want to think about the..
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    Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to Curriculum Theory.Robin Barrow - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (1):109-111.
  37. Les rapports de l'être et de la connaissance d'après Platon.Léon Robin - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (4):425-425.
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    A problem in the theory of constructive order types.Robin O. Gandy & Robert I. Soare - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):119-121.
    J. N. Crossley [1] raised the question of whether the implication 2 + A = A ⇒ 1 + A = A is true for constructive order types (C.O.T.'s). Using an earlier definition of constructive order type, A. G. Hamilton [2] presented a counterexample. Hamilton left open the general question, however, since he pointed out that Crossley considers only orderings which can be embedded in a standard dense r.e. ordering by a partial recursive function, and that his counterexample fails to (...)
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    The concept of a proposition in classical and quantum physics.Robin Giles - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (4):337 - 353.
    A proposition is associated in classical mechanics with a subset of phase space, in quantum logic with a projection in Hilbert space, and in both cases with a 2-valued observable or test. A theoretical statement typically assigns a probability to such a pure test. However, since a pure test is an idealization not realizable experimentally, it is necessary — to give such a statement a practical meaning — to describe how it can be approximated by feasible tests. This gives rise (...)
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    Appendix. Comparing peer review and information prizes: A possible economics experiment.Robin Hanson - 1995 - Social Epistemology 9 (1):49-55.
    Heavy reliance is currently placed on various forms of peer review to promote the growth of basic knowledge [1]. How well do these various forms of peer review promote such growth and how well do our current institutions compare, as systems of incentives and communication, with the many alternative mechanisms used by different cultures across the centuries? Many of these alternatives, such as simple prizes, rely much less on peer review.
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    Adverse Selection In Group Insurance: The Virtues of Failing to Represent Voters.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Compared with non-union workers, union workers take more of their compensation in the form of insurance. This may be because unions choose democratically, and democratic choice mitigates adverse selection in group insurance. Relative to individually-purchased insurance, we show that group insurance chosen by an ideal profit-maximizing employer can be worse for every employee, while group insurance chosen democratically can be much better. The reason is that democracy can fail to represent the preferences of almost half the group.
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    Correction to McKelvey and page, “public and private information: An experimental study of information pooling”.Robin Hanson - unknown
    In their article, McKelvey and Page note that In previous experimental work, ... [researchers] investigated how individuals use public information to augment their original private information, and whether in doing so, a rational expectations equilibrium is attained. ... [But either] the inference processes are complicated because of the enormous number of potential interactions among the individuals, and the optimal inference processes are not analyzed. ... [or] the inference process is analyzed but the working assumption is not altogether satisfactory.
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  43.  30
    Knowledge and ideology in the marxist philosophy of education.Robin Small - 1983 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 15 (2):15–37.
  44.  41
    A Non-Ideal Theory of Knowledge.Robin McKenna - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):93-112.
    In her article in this volume Linda Martín Alcoff makes the case for a form of political epistemology that denaturalizes, in the sense of historically and socially situating, procedures of knowledge production and distribution. She pursues this project via a discussion of three twentieth-century thinkers (Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault) who, she argues, pursued this form of political epistemology, albeit in different ways, and to different ends. In this article I pursue a similar project, but within a different tradition, one that (...)
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  45.  14
    Discovering Feminist Philosophy: Knowledge, Ethics, Politics.Robin May Schott - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Discovering Feminist Philosophy provides an accessible introduction to the central issues in feminist philosophy. At the same time, it answers current objections to feminism, arguing that in today's world it is as compelling as ever to probe the impact of the dualism of the sexes. This unique book is equal parts survey, viewpoint, and scholarship—ideal for anyone seeking to understand the current and future role of feminist philosophy.
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    Causes of Confidence in Conflict.Robin Hanson - unknown
    In a simple model of conflict, two agents fight over a fixed prize, and how hard they fight depends on what they believe about their abilities. To this model I add “preagents,” representing parents, leaders, or natural selection, who choose each agent’s confidence in his ability. Depending on the reason for such confidence, I find five different patterns in how confidence varies with ability. Agents who estimate their ability with error have under-confidence when ability is high and over-confidence when ability (...)
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  47.  15
    Dreams of Autarky.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Genie nanotech, space colonies, Turing-test A.I., a local singularity, crypto credentials, and private law are all dreams of a future where some parts of the world economy and society have an unusually low level of dependence on the rest of the world. But it is the worldwide division of labor that has made us humans rich, and I suspect we won't let it go for a long time to come.
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  48. Location Discrimination in Circular City, Torus Town, and Beyond.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Salop’s “Circular City” model of spatial competition is generalized to higher dimensions, and to “transportation” costs which are a power of distance. Assuming free entry, mill pricing is compared to location-based price discrimination. For dimensions above one, there is some too little entry below some cutoff power, and too much entry above it. This cutoff cost-power rises with dimension, and is larger under price discrimination. Mill pricing induces more entry for powers of four or less, and less entry for powers (...)
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  49. On my mind you 're fired! 10.30.06, 12:00 AM ET'.Robin Hanson - manuscript
    Why are boards so slow to fire the chief? One reason is that they don't have enough skin in the game. They own few shares and therefore don't feel obligated to protect their investment from an out-of-touch boss. Besides, most of them owe their cushy jobs to the chief executive.
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    Le Liber accipitrum de Grimaldus: Un traité d'autourserie du haut Moyen Âge. Grimaldus, An Smets.Robin Oggins - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):157-158.
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