Results for 'Robin Glasscock'

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  1.  22
    Maurice Warwick Beresford 1920-2005.Robin Glasscock - 2009 - In Glasscock Robin, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII. pp. 19.
    Maurice Warwick Beresford, a Fellow of the British Academy, was an economic and social historian born in Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire to Harry Bertram Beresford and Nora Elizabeth Jefferies. He was ill at ease in the social fabric of Jesus College in the late 1930s. Still, Beresford flourished academically under the guidance of an understanding Tutor, Bernard Manning, and a supportive Director of Studies, Charles Wilson. Social work of various kinds was to remain a major interest throughout his life. In the (...)
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  2. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII.Glasscock Robin - 2009
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  3. Oppression, Privilege, & Aesthetics: The Use of the Aesthetic in Theories of Race, Gender, and Sexuality, and the Role of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Philosophical Aesthetics.Robin James - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (2):101-116.
    Gender, race, and sexuality are not just identities; they are also systems of social organization – i.e., systems of privilege and oppression. This article addresses two main ways privilege and oppression (e.g., racism, misogyny, heteronormativity) are relevant topics in and for philosophical aesthetics: (i) the role of the aesthetic in privilege and oppression, and (ii) the role of philosophical aesthetics, as a discipline and a body of texts, in constructing and naturalizing relations of privilege and oppression (i.e., white heteropatriarchy). The (...)
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    What do people think they're doing? Action identification and human behavior.Robin R. Vallacher & Daniel M. Wegner - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (1):3-15.
  5. New Essays on Singular Thought.Robin Jeshion (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Leading experts in the field contributing to this volume make the case for the singularity of thought and debate a broad spectrum of issues it raises, including ...
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    Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy.Richard Robin - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (3):429-429.
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  7. Los Principios Del Arte.Robin George Collingwood - 1993 - Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    El interes de Collingwood por las cuestiones esteticas fue uno de los mas persistentes a lo largo de toda su obra. Asi pues, todo lo expuesto en este libro tiene una aplicacion practica, directa o indirectamente, a la condicion del arte en la actualidad.
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    (1 other version)Philebus.Robin Plato & Waterfield - 1975 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by J. C. B. Gosling.
    A translation of Plato's dialogue on the nature of pleasure and its relation to thought and knowledge. It includes a cogent introduction, notes, and comprehensive bibliography.
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  9.  66
    Towards a more precise decision framework.Robin Pope - 1995 - Theory and Decision 39 (3):241-265.
  10.  94
    The effects of gender and setting on accountants' ethically sensitive decisions.Robin R. Radtke - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (4):299 - 312.
    This paper investigates whether gender affects ethically sensitive decisions of a personal or business nature. Data from 51 practicing accountants from both public accounting and private industry suggest that while differences exist between female and male accountants in responses to specific situations, overall responses are quite similar. Statistically significant differences were found for only five of the sixteen ethically sensitive situations. Further, when personal and business situations of a similar nature were paired together, two of the eight differences between personal (...)
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  11.  14
    A theory of action identification.Robin R. Vallacher - 1985 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. Edited by Daniel M. Wegner.
    'With admirable clarity, Mrs Peters sums up what determines competence in spelling and the traditional and new approaches to its teaching.' -Times Literary Supplement.
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  12. Race and the Feminized Popular in Nietzsche and Beyond.Robin James - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):749-766.
    I distinguish between the nineteenth- to twentieth-century (modernist) tendency to rehabilitate (white) femininity from the abject popular, and the twentieth- to twenty-first-century (postmodernist) tendency to rehabilitate the popular from abject white femininity. Careful attention to the role of nineteenth-century racial politics in Nietzsche's Gay Science shows that his work uses racial nonwhiteness to counter the supposedly deleterious effects of (white) femininity (passivity, conformity, and so on). This move—using racial nonwhiteness to rescue pop culture from white femininity—is a common twentieth- and (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Epistemic Contextualism, Epistemic Relativism and Disagreement.Robin McKenna - 2012 - Philosophical Writings.
    In the recent philosophy of language literature there is a debate over whether contextualist accounts of the semantics of various terms can accommodate intuitions of disagreement in certain cases involving those terms. Relativists such as John MacFarlane have claimed that this motivates adopting a form of relativist semantics for these terms because the relativist can account for the same data as contextualists but doesn’t face this problem of disagreement (MacFarlane 2005, 2007 and 2009). In this paper I focus on the (...)
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  14.  80
    How to do things with theories: an interactive view of language and models in science.Robin F. Hendry & Stathis Psillos - 2007 - In Jerzy Brzezinski, Andrzej Klawiter, Theo A. F. Kuipers, Krzysztof Lastowski, Katarzyna Paprzycka & Piotr Przybysz, The Courage of Doing Philosophy: Essays Dedicated to Leszek Nowak. Rodopi. pp. 123--157.
  15.  23
    Meinong and Brentano.Robin Rollinger - 2005 - Meinong Studies 1:159-198.
    Meinong, like other noteworthy philosophers from central Europe, began his career in philosophy under the guidance of Franz Brentano. Though Meinong's philosophical investigations from early on were very Brentanian in character, he came to develop views that diverged from certain doctrines of his mentor. In epistemology Meinong introduced the notion of immediate evidence of surmise in his views on memory and perception, whereas Brentano found this notion unacceptable. In descriptive psychology Meinong regarded feelings and desires as two distinct classes and (...)
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  16.  62
    Cultural Evolution, Sperber, Memes and Religion.Robin Attfield - 2011 - Philosophical Inquiry 35 (3-4):36-55.
    Cultural transmission in non-literate societies (including that of Homer) is first discussed, partly to test some theories of Dan Sperber, and partly to consider thetheory of memes, which is sometimes held applicable to Homeric formulae, and is considered next. After discussing Sperber's criticism of memeticism, I turn toSperber's susceptibility theory of culture, and his discussions of religion and of music. Further examples drawn from Homeric religion are found to be in tension with aspects of this theory. Two diverse interpretations of (...)
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    The Foundations of the Social: Between Critical Theory and Reflexive Sociology.Robin Celikates - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (5):782-787.
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  18. On Eliminating the Art Object.Robin Smith - 1970 - Dialectica 24 (4):261-6.
  19.  29
    Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology.Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology is the definitive, comprehensive, and authoritative text on this burgeoning field. With contributions from over fifty experts in the field, the range and depth of coverage is unequalled. It will be an essential resource for students and researchers in psychology.
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  20.  83
    The Logos Paradox: Heraclitus, Material Language, and Rhetoric.Robin Reames - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (3):328-350.
    In her 1996 and 2006 essays “Being and Becoming: Rhetorical Ontology in Early Greek Thought” and “The Task of the Bow: Heraclitus’ Rhetorical Critique of Epic Language,” Carol Poster was the first to argue for the historical and theoretical relevance of Heraclitus in the discipline of rhetoric. Despite the admonitions of Edward Schiappa (1999) and Thomas Cole (1991) against applying rhetorical theories that only emerged after the fourth century BCE to pre- or proto-rhetorical texts, Poster argues that Heraclitus merits the (...)
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  21.  57
    Putting Space Back on the Map: globalisation, place and identity.Robin Usher - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (1):41-55.
  22.  62
    Structure as Abstraction.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):1070-1081.
    In this article I argue that structure in chemistry is a creature of abstraction: attending selectively to structural similarities, we neglect differences. There are different ways to abstract, so abstraction is interest dependent. So is structure. First, there are two different and mutually irreducible notions of structure in chemistry: bond structure and geometrical structure. Second, structure is relative to scale : the same substance has different structures at different scales, and relationships of structural sameness and difference vary across the scales. (...)
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  23.  36
    A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma: How semantic black boxes and opaque artificial intelligence confuse medical decision‐making.Robin Pierce, Sigrid Sterckx & Wim Van Biesen - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):113-120.
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare comes with opportunities but also numerous challenges. A specific challenge that remains underexplored is the lack of clear and distinct definitions of the concepts used in and/or produced by these algorithms, and how their real world meaning is translated into machine language and vice versa, how their output is understood by the end user. This “semantic” black box adds to the “mathematical” black box present in many AI systems in which the underlying (...)
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  24. Des Kinaidokolpites dans un ostracon grec du désert oriental (Égypte).Helene Cuvigny & C. Robin - 1996 - Topoi 6 (2):697-720.
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  25.  41
    Substantial confusion.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (2):322-336.
    In this paper I defend, against Eric Scerri’s objections, the following theses: that Lavoisier and Mendeleev shared a ‘core conception’ of chemical element, and that this core conception underwrites referential continuity in the names of particular elements.Keywords: Antoine Lavoisier; Dmitri Mendeleev; Chemical elements; Substance; Natural kinds; Reference.
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  26. Interacting Conceptual Spaces I: Grammatical Composition of Concepts.Robin Piedeleu, Dan Marsden, Martha Lewis, Fabrizio Genovese, Bob Coecke & Joe Bolt - 2019 - In Peter Gärdenfors, Antti Hautamäki, Frank Zenker & Mauri Kaipainen, Conceptual Spaces: Elaborations and Applications. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Place, Space, and Time in the Sign of Property.Robin Paul Malloy - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (3):265-277.
    Property is a complex sign in semiotics. It is also the source of tension and conflict in law. This paper examines property in triadic terms consisting of what Charles S. Peirce would identify as the icon (firstness), the index (secondness), and the symbol (thirdness). From this perspective the paper explores the ideas of place, space, and time at the iconic level of the sign of property. Discussion addresses the way in which property serves as a coded system for communicating information (...)
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  28. Teaching for conceptual change in elementary and secondary science methods courses.Robin Marion, Peter W. Hewson, B. Robert Tabachnick & Kathryn B. Blomker - 1999 - Science Education 83 (3):275-307.
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    [Mahayana Theology: A Dialogue with Critics]: Response.Robin Matthews - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:51.
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    Gender, immunity and the regulation of longevity.Robin C. May - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):795-802.
    For humans and many other animals, gender is a fact of life. Most individuals are born either male or female and their sex will have an enormous influence on their behaviour, physiology and life history. In this review, I consider the effect gender has on lifespan. In particular, I discuss the role played by behaviour, immunity and oxidative damage in determining sex‐dependent differences in longevity. I consider existing explanations for the effect of gender on lifespan and how these explanations fit (...)
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    Attractions to and Repulsions from Chance.Robin Pope - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:95-107.
    This paper is concerned with the discussion of the phenomenon sometimes described as “the utility and disutility of chance” both from the descriptive and the prescriptive point of view Emphasis is not on axioms and formal properties but on the psychological content of decision theoretic constructs.
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  32.  14
    On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations.Robin James Smith & Richard Fitzgerald - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book is devoted to the reintroduction of the remarkable approach to sociological inquiry developed by Harvey Sacks. Sacks's original analyses - concerned with the lived detail of action and language-in-interaction, discoverable in members' actual activities - demonstrated a means of doing sociology that had previously seemed impossible. In so doing, Sacks provided for highly technical, detailed, yet stunningly simple solutions to some of the most trenchant troubles for the social sciences relating to language, culture, meaning, knowledge, action, and social (...)
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    Introduction: Historiography and the philosophy of the sciences.Robin Findlay Hendry & Ian James Kidd - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 55:1-2.
    The history of science and the philosophy of science have a long and tangled relationship. On the one hand, philosophical reflection on science can be guided, shaped, and challenged by historical scholarship—a process begun by Thomas Kuhn and continued by successive generations of ‘post-positivist’ historians and philosophers of science. On the other hand, the activity of writing the history of science raises methodological questions concerning, for instance, progress in science, realism and antirealism, and the semantics of scientific theories, questions which (...)
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  34. Yinyang (yin-yang).Robin R. Wang - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  35. Game theory and discourse anaphora.Robin Clark & Prashant Parikh - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (3):265-282.
    We develop an analysis of discourse anaphora—the relationship between a pronoun and an antecedent earlier in the discourse —using games of partial information. The analysis is extended to include information from a variety of different sources, including lexical semantics, contrastive stress, grammatical relations, and decision theoretic aspects of the context.
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  36.  81
    Experience in adult education: A post-modern critique.Robin Usher - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (2):201–214.
    ABSTRACT The concepts of experience and experiential learning are of critical significance in both the study and practice of adult education. Adults are seen as uniquely characterised by their experience, experiential learning an alternative to didactic and knowledge-based modes of education. In this paper a critique is presented of the powerful discourse of the autonomous subject based on humanistic psychology which, it is argued, has shaped adult education in a misleading, inappropriate and unhelpful way. A postmodern perspective drawing on Continental (...)
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  37.  17
    Memory and the A-Series.Robin Le Poidevin - 2006 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stöltzner, Time and History: Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 2005. Frankfurt, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 31-42.
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  38.  51
    Reconciliation with the Utility of Chance by Elaborated Outcomes Destroys the Axiomatic Basis of Expected Utility Theory.Robin Pope - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (3):223-234.
    Expected utility theory does not directly deal with the utility of chance. It has been suggested in the literature (Samuelson, 1952, Markowitz, 1959) that this can be remedied by an approach which explicitly models the emotional consequences which give rise to the utility of chance. We refer to this as the elaborated outcomes approach. It is argued that the elaborated outcomes approach destroys the possibility of deriving a representation theorem based on the usual axioms of expected utility theory. This is (...)
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  39.  28
    Genetic dissection of Ca2+‐dependent ion channel function in Paramecium.Robin R. Preston - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):273-281.
    The ciliated protozoan, Paramecium, broadcasts the activity of its individual ion channel classes through its swimming behaviour. This fact has made it possible to isolate mutants with defective ion currents, simply by selecting individuals with abnormal swimming patterns. At least four of Paramecium's ion currents are activated by rising intracellular calcium concentration, including two K+ currents and a Na+ current. A variety of cell lines with defects in these Ca2+‐dependent currents have been isolated: in several cases, the defects have been (...)
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  40. Study of nanoindentation and tip geometry in gaas (100) at ultra-low-loads for the patterning of quantum dots.Robin Prince - 2003 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 4.
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    Radical education: a critique of freeschooling and deschooling.Robin Barrow - 1978 - London: M. Robertson.
  42.  37
    Comment on ‘The Aestivation Hypothesis for Resolving Fermi’s Paradox’.Charles H. Bennett, Robin Hanson & C. Jess Riedel - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (8):820-829.
    In their article, ‘That is not dead which can eternal lie: the aestivation hypothesis for resolving Fermi’s paradox’, Sandberg et al. try to explain the Fermi paradox by claiming that Landauer’s principle implies that a civilization can in principle perform far more times more) irreversible logical operations if it conserves its resources until the distant future when the cosmic background temperature is very low. So perhaps aliens are out there, but quietly waiting. Sandberg et al. implicitly assume, however, that computer-generated (...)
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    An fMRI-Neuronavigated Chronometric TMS Investigation of V5 and Intraparietal Cortex in Motion Driven Attention.Bonnie Alexander, Robin Laycock, David P. Crewther & Sheila G. Crewther - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  44. Like everywhere you've never been': archaeological fables from Papua New Guinea.Robin Torrence - 2003 - In Robert J. Jeske & Douglas K. Charles, Theory, method, and practice in modern archaeology. Westport, CT: Praeger. pp. 287--300.
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    "Empty is the argument of the philosopher which relieves no human suffering" - Epicurus.Robin Turner - unknown
    It is often disillusioning to find that many great thinkers arenot nice people. Frequently, they are not even happy people.Schopenhauer was as miserable as they come, Heidegger was a memberof the Nazi Party, and Nietzsche went mad (though probably due to syphilis rather than philosophy). We expect philosophy to help us to live happily and wisely, yet many philosophers not only fail to do this, but are dull or unpleasant into the bargain.
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    (1 other version)"Male logic" and "women's intuition".Robin Turner - manuscript
    The split in our thinking between "masculine" and "feminine" is probably as old as language itself. Human beings seem to have a natural tendency to divide things into pairs: good/bad, light/dark, subject/object and so on. It is not surprising, then, that the male/female or masculine/feminine dichotomy is used to classify things other than men and women. Many languages actually classify all nouns as "masculine" or "feminine" (although not very consistently: for example, the Spanish masculine noun pollo means "hen", while the (...)
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    The diffidence principle.Robin Turner - manuscript
    When Thomas Hobbes published Leviathan in 1651, one of his main concerns was to attack the idea that subjects had rights over their sovereigns. This notion, he thought, would lead eventually to civil war of the kind he had just lived through. In his famously grim view of the State of Nature, everyone has the right to everything, and because this leads inevitably to competition, everyone is afraid of everyone else, a state he calls “diffidence”. This in turn leads to (...)
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  48. Experience in adult learning.Robin Usher - 2009 - In Knud Illeris, Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists -- In Their Own Words. Routledge.
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    Reconsidering the Subject.Pierre Kerszberg & Translated by Robin M. Muller - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (1):87-110.
  50.  19
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, panic attacks, epileptic fits, depressions and dementias from missing out on appropriate fears and hopes.Robin Pope - 2015 - Mind and Society 14 (1):107-127.
    Fear is often seen as pathological, to be eliminated by expensive emotion-damping pharmaceuticals that have drastic side effects. Such therapies have indiscernible long-term success since they ignore why we have brains. This paper offers a new fundamental theory based on recognising that mental illness is bad decisionmaking—bad risk processing of external stimuli. Whiffs of danger—small risks —generate little fears and hopes of whether an act will have a nice or nasty surprise. From enough whiffs of danger with rapid reliable feedback (...)
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