Results for 'Roberto Heloani'

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    Assédio Moral: a dignidade violada.Roberto Heloani - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 22:101-108.
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    A identidade como grupo, o grupo como identidade.Claudio Garcia Capitão & José Roberto Heloani - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:50-61.
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    Mas que discurso é este: a burocratização da subjetividade?Ana Carolina Salvatore Jaen Saad & Roberto Heloani - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:73-87.
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  4. El método de los jurisconsultos.Roberto V. Escardó - 1930 - In Alberto J. Rodríguez (ed.), Notas de filosofía del derecho del curso de 1929 de la Facultad de Derecho de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Paso 667, Buenos Aires): Tall. Gráf. J. Glassman.
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  5. Nietzsche e la filosofia politica del XIX secolo.Roberto Escobar - 1978 - Milano: Il formichiere.
  6.  29
    Reducción fenomenológica y figuras de la excedencia.Roberto J. Walton - 2008 - Tópicos 16:169-187.
    After Husserl and Heidegger, phenomenology has attempted to push the reduction beyond the reference of objects to the performances effected by consciousness, or of beings to Being. First, a new level of the reduction comes forth in M. Henry's radical reduction of appearing to the appearing of appearing, and leads to the disclosure of a dimension in which no horizons are to be fulfilled because the superabundance of life holds sway. Secondly, according to H. Rombach, the phenomena decribed in the (...)
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  7. L’esistenza Non È Logica.Roberto Ciuni & Francesco Berto - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 45.
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    Facetas de la corporalidad en la ética Husserliana.Roberto Walton - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:237-259.
    Un primer aspecto concierne a la praxis no-intencional y primaria del cuerpo propio. A ello se añade su condición de sostén para los valores sensibles de la comodidad y la salud, y de trampolín para valores espirituales cuyo nivel superior se encuentra en los valores éticos de la persona. Estos puntos de vista husserlianos encuentran nuevos desarrollos en la fenomenología: M. Henry pone el acento en un "yo puedo" pre-intencional, y Ricoeur describe el cuerpo propio como "fuente" de valores propios (...)
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    Mímesis em república III : Uma flutuação semântica de vocabulário.Roberto Bolzani - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):245-265.
    Este texto procura analisar uma passagem do terceiro livro de A República de Platão, que trata dos tipos de poesia e de elocução. Observa-se certa variação de emprego do vocabulário associado à ideia de imitação que parece conduzir a algumas dificuldades de entendimento do sentido e dos objetivos da doutrina. A seguir, a análise tenta propor uma forma de explicar e solucionar o que parece ser uma espécie de flutuação semântica desse vocabulário, com base em teses já estabelecidas anteriormente no (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Account of a curious traveller on libertijn milieu of amsterdam.Roberto Bordoli - 1995 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10:175.
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    BioEssays in phosphoinositides: A special collection.Roberto J. Botelho - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):123-124.
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  12. Correspondencia.Roberto Bravo & David Sidorsky - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 5.
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    El enraizamiento de la historicidad en el tiempo.Roberto J. Walton - 2018 - Studia Heideggeriana 7:187-214.
    Se intentan poner de manifiesto isomorfismos estructurales en las teorías de Heidegger y Husserl sobre tiempo e historia. En relación con Ser y tiempo, la atención está puesta en la tesis compartida de que la historiografía está arraigada en la historicidad y esta en la temporeidad. Con referencia al curso de 1934 se pone de relieve la convergencia heideggeriana de misión, encargo y trabajo, que remiten al futuro, al pasado y al presente. Se muestran nociones equivalentes en los niveles que (...)
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  14. The constitutive and reconstructive building-up of horizons.Roberto Walton - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
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    Extending a Model Language to Handle Entangled Concepts in Artificial Intelligence.Roberto Leporini - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-13.
    In quantum information and computation, entanglement is a resource. When combining concepts, the application of entanglement outside of micro-physical systems is an useful tool. We suggest new cognitive image-based tests that do not need to be translated. No prior knowledge of terms related to the concepts is required, therefore the choice is more intuitive. We examine the merging of two concepts that establish non-classical statistical correlation and present an entanglement-aware vector encoding algorithm. This research’s added value results in an automated (...)
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    Modos del lenguaje y la función del arte.Roberto Juan Walton - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (2):e078.
    El trabajo tiene como hilo conductor la diferenciación efectuada por P. Ricoeur respecto del lenguaje entre la lengua, el discurso oral, la escritura y la lectura. Cada uno de estos modos de lenguaje puede ser examinado según los fenómenos de la temporalidad, la subjetividad, el mundo y la intersubjetividad. Siguiendo a M. Presas, este esquema se aplica al arte y a su función de dejar que las cosas se manifiesten en su plena presencia. Se destaca su énfasis en la liberación (...)
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  17. El sujeto en la estética kantiana. I Parte.Roberto Cañas - 1996 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 83:283-292.
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    Forty-Nine Steps.Roberto Calasso - 2001 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    ""Forty-nine steps" refers to the Talmudic doctrine that there are forty-nine steps to meaning in every passage of the Torah. Employing this interpretive approach, Calasso offers a "secret history" of European literature and philosophy in the wake of Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud. Calasso analyzes how figures ranging from Gustav Flaubert, Gottfried Benn, Karl Kraus, Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, Bertolt Brecht, and Theodor Adorno has contributed to, or been emblematic of, the current state of Western thought. This book's theme, (...)
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    Et omnia possidentes: proprietà e povertà nel De ecclesiastica potestate di Egidio Romano.Roberto Lambertini - 2021 - Quaestio 20:203-216.
    Studying Giles of Rome’s De ecclesiastica potestate, scholars usually focus their attention on the first part, where the Augustinian master argues in favor of his extreme theory of papal power. The present paper deals with the second part of the treatise, devoted to the relationship between the Church and temporal possessions. The main issues discussed in this part are therefore not political and ecclesiastical power, but ownership and poverty. The paper underlines in the first place the connection existing between Giles (...)
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    Nonphysician-Assisted Suicide in Switzerland.Roberto Andorno - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (3):246-253.
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    Tota familia Aristotelis: On Some Sources of Bacon’s Contribution to Medieval Political Discourse.Roberto Lambertini - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (1):125-147.
    Writing his Moralis philosophia, Roger Bacon discussed issues relevant to medieval political discourse. He felt the need to appeal to the authority of Aristotle, but having no access to Aristotle’s Politica, he tried to reconstruct its main tenets through the writings of other thinkers, such as Avicenna and Alfarabi. The result of this attempt is a sketch of a political theory that goes mainly under the name of Aristotle but has little to do with the actual contents of the Politica. (...)
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    A memória, a história, o esquecimento, de Paul Ricoeur.Roberto Lauxen - 2008 - Filosofia Unisinos 9 (3):281-283.
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  23. Conciencia de Horizonte y legitimación racional.Roberto J. Walton - 1985 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 20:87-110.
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  24. Der Rückgang der genetischen Phänomenologie und die Naturseite der Subjektivität.Roberto J. Walton - 1998 - Recherches Husserliennes 10:51-80.
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  25. El sujeto hablante y la dominación del lenguaje.Roberto J. Walton - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9):81.
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  26. Fenomenología y filosofía trascendental.Roberto J. Walton - 1992 - Escritos de Filosofía 11 (21):211-224.
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  27. Horizontes de la eficacia histórica y la comprensión en la fenomenología de Edmund Husserl.Roberto Walton - 2007 - Agora Philosophica 8:118-141.
    Este artículo trata sobre los horizontes de la eficacia histórica y la comprensión en la fenomenología de Husserl. El autor comienza considerando el marco que ofrece el análisis de Gadamer de los tres modos de llegar a un acuerdo con las tradiciones, es decir, la metodología generalizadora, la conciencia histórica singularizadora, y la exposición de la conciencia efectiva de la historia. A continuación pasa a describir cómo Husserl se basa en las ideas de Dilthey, y argumenta que el punto principal (...)
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  28. Informaciones.Roberto J. Walton - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9).
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    Levels and figures in phenomenological analysis.Roberto J. Walton - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):285-294.
    Along with a static and genetic egological inquiry, Husserl offers a nonegological analysis that advances through different levels or stages of history. Basic phenomenological themes—subjectivity, temporality, intersubjectivity, and worldliness—appear in varying figures with the progressive bringing-into-play of levels that concern conditions of possibility, actual development, and rational goals. In addition, post-Husserlian phenomenology discloses a surplus that brings us to a level outside the reach of history. This scheme confronts us both with the enduring issue of the stratification of reality and (...)
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  30. La dimensión esencial del lenguaje según Heidegger.Roberto J. Walton - 1978 - Escritos de Filosofía 1 (1):63.
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    La noción de ciencia de la cultura en Alfred Schutz según la visión de Lester Embree.Roberto J. Walton - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:151.
    El artículo expone la interpretación y ampliación realizada por Embree respecto de las ideas de Schutz sobre las ciencias de la cultura. Se ocupa en primer lugar de las características generales de todas las ciencias de la cultura en su tarea de analizar el mundo de la vida como un mundo intersubjetivo e histórico estructurado de acuerdo con coasociados, contemporáneos, predecesores y sucesores. Luego examina los tres partes constituyentes principales que Embree destaca en cada una de ellas: la definición de (...)
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  32. Temporeidad e historicidad.Roberto J. Walton - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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  33. Visita de la Profesora Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Roberto J. Walton - 1985 - Escritos de Filosofía 8 (15/16):284.
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    The Medals of Pope Julius II (1503-1513).Roberto Weiss - 1965 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28 (1):163-182.
  35.  83
    How can you be surprised? The case for volatile expectations.Roberto Casati & Elena Pasquinelli - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1-2):171-183.
    Surprise has been characterized has an emotional reaction to an upset belief having a heuristic role and playing a criterial role for belief ascription. The discussion of cases of diachronic and synchronic violations of coherence suggests that surprise plays an epistemic role and provides subjects with some sort of phenomenological access to their subpersonal doxastic states. Lack of surprise seems not to have the same epistemic power. A distinction between belief and expectation is introduced in order to account for some (...)
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    Globalisation and Inequality in a Dynamic Economy: An Axiomatic Analysis of Unequal Exchange.Roberto Veneziani & Naoki Yoshihara - 2017 - Social Choice and Welfare 49:445-468.
    An axiomatic analysis of the concept of unequal exchange (UE) between countries is developed in a dynamic general equilibrium model that generalises John Roemer’s (Central Planning and the Soviet Economy, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1983) economy with a global capital market. The class of UE definitions that satisfy three fundamental properties—including a correspondence between wealth, class and UE exploitation status—is completely characterised. It is shown that this class is nonempty and a definition of UE exploitation between countries is proposed, which is (...)
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    Facetas da Hýbris: Das Vestes Reais Esfarrapadas de Xerxes Aos Parangolés de Hélio Oiticica.Roberto Amaral & Juliana Santana - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):261-276.
    Este artigo constitui-se num exercício de refiguração de uma noção filosófica e literária clássica no âmbito da estética contemporânea, cuja referência é a tragédia Persas, de Ésquilo, a saber, o conceito de hýbris. Este, na figura de Xerxes, manifesta-se em sua soberba ao tentar derrotar os gregos, comandando numeroso exército na batalha de Salamina. Punido pelos deuses por tal desmedida, no êxodo da obra, surge como um imperador derrotado, trajando esfarrapadas vestes reais. Num diálogo com a arte na contemporaneidade, a (...)
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    International Policy and a Universal Conception of Human Dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2012 - In Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--127.
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    (23 other versions)Short literature notices.Roberto Andorno - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):489-494.
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  40. The paradoxical notion of human dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (2):151-168.
  41. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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    Lógicas normativas y la reconstrucción deI razonamiento jurídico.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):1115-1124.
    Legal discourse is, admittedly, a rational message. As such, it presupposes some kind of logical structure. Nevertheless, legal theorist are not agreement as concerns the adequate logic law requires. A proposal to develop a specific logic, called “idiomatic legal logic”, is discussed as regards its consequences for an understanding of the rationality of law. Further, linguistic models adopted for the explanation of legal concepts are also considered, inasmuch as they imply that law is somehow isomorphic with Iinguistic structures.
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    Society and territory: prevention and social planning.Roberto Veraldi - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (1):173-177.
    Prevention and social planning are two terms that bind to the sense of community and identity of a territory, at a time of socio-economic regeneration of the territory itself and resilience to the crises imposed by globalization. The local community is at the center of the processes of renaissance, or at least this is what all decision-makers declare in their planning. In reality, programming needs to confront the demands, values, resources and power of change that belong to the local community, (...)
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    The Covid-19 and the Defeat of Conspiracy Theories: The Renewal of Public Faith in Scientific Research.Roberto Veraldi - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):151-155.
    Conspiracy theories integrate, connect and catalogue together what are clearly independent and unrelated events in order to demonstrate correlation and construct impossible, fabricated tales of causation. In a narrative sense, these extremely sophisticated stories are often very intriguing, and their diffusion comes about due to a legitimate desire to enrich the non-scientific literature available. In other cases, despite the cultural maturity of the Western world, conspiracy theories are promoted as real news, able to upset public opinion and to involve a (...)
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    The feminine question as social inequality: a historical overview.Roberto Veraldi - 2019 - Science and Philosophy 7 (1):81-94.
    In this work, I have used many sources because this theme is very complex and it is very useful to follow tracks already well used by other authors who have ventured with these themes. The Gender report is a report on equality. No company will ever be expected to be right if it does not foresee includesive actions rather than excludents. The social constructions of the same company will have to contend with a reality of reference that embraces all the (...)
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  46. On Some Contributions of Existential Phenomenology to Sociology of Law: Formalism and Historicism.Roberto Vichot - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 15:539.
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    La progresiva digitalización de Isegoria.Roberto R. Aramayo & Concha Roldán - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e01.
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    Alexis de Tocqueville y su daguerrotipo del homo democraticus.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (750):665-669.
  49.  21
    Crises and Revolutions Philosophical approaches to their interdependence in the classic work of Rousseau, Kant, Tocqueville, Cassirer and Arendt.Roberto Aramayo - 2014 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 13 (2):303-314.
    It is the sole topic of conversation throughout Europe. An economic crisis with an underlying crisis of values is devastating everything, while politics has nothing to say. An attempt was made to base the European Unión on a single currency, and the resulting traders’ Europeprevented the desired political project from bearing fruit. Instead of comparing different legal systems before creating a constitution for citizens, we have seen the birth of a new idolatry that is connected with a perverse fatalism. Only (...)
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  50. CTK 12 Editorial Note.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):8-9.
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