Results for 'Roberto Cristofoli'

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    La strategia della mediazione.Roberto Cristofoli - 2010 - História 59 (4):462-488.
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    Emil Lask: il soggetto e la forma.Roberto Redaelli - 2016 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    BabelNet: The automatic construction, evaluation and application of a wide-coverage multilingual semantic network.Roberto Navigli & Simone Paolo Ponzetto - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 193 (C):217-250.
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    The castle of gaillon in 1509-10 (additional note).Roberto Weiss - 1953 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 16 (3/4):351.
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    A origem dos pombos domésticos na estratégia argumentativa de Darwin.Roberto de Andrade Martins - 2012 - Filosofia E Hist’Oria da Biologia 7 (1):91-116.
    In the first chapter of the Origin of species and in two chapters of the Variation of animals and plants under domestication, Darwin discusses the origin of domestic pigeons, claiming that all the known breeds were produced from a single species: Columba livia, the rock pigeon. The detailed defense of this point is of high relevance in Darwin’s argumentation strategy, since the differences between the several domestic breeds is so large that, if they were found in the wild, they could (...)
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  6. Some varieties of spatial hearing.Roberto Casati & Jérôme Dokic - 2009 - In Matthew Nudds & Casey O'Callaghan (eds.), Sounds and Perception: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    We provide some meta-theoretical constraints for the evaluation of a-spatial theories of sounds and auditory perception. We point out some forms of spatial content auditory experience can have. If auditory experience does not necessarily have a rich egocentric spatial content, it must have some spatial content for the relevant mode of perception to be recognizably auditory. An auditory experience devoid of any spatial content, if the notion makes sense at all, would be very different from the auditory experiences we actually (...)
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    Thinking and behaving “Otherwise”: An anthropological enquiry into utopia, image and ethics.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (1-2):3-10.
    The word “utopia” was coined by Thomas More and refers to the unreal and ideal state described in his Utopia, first published in 1516. Following the example of Plato’s Republic, More as well as other thinkers and writers of the 16th and 17th century reflect on the political relevance of utopia and provide unique accounts of ideal, just, and perfect “no places”, as paradigms and standards of social, political, and religious reformation of the coeval world. However, the political significance of (...)
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    Developmental trajectories of control of verbal and non-verbal interference in speech comprehension in monolingual and multilingual children.Roberto Filippi, Andrea Ceccolini, Eva Periche-Tomas, Andriani Papageorgiou & Peter Bright - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104252.
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    (1 other version)On the relevance of Carl Schmitt’s concept of Großraum in contemporary international politics.Roberto Orsi - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Journal of International Political Theory.
    Journal of International Political Theory, Ahead of Print. Since the end of the Cold War, a number of authors have affirmed the relevance of Carl Schmitt’s concept of Großraum for contemporary international politics. This article reviews those claims and argues that Großraum has little to offer in analytical terms to enhance our understanding of the international political situation in this early twenty-first century. Those authors who wish to revive Großraum for the sake of their theoretical work overlook vitally important components (...)
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  10. Los primeros momentos de la recepción de Kant en España: Toribio Nuñez Sessé (1766-1834).Roberto Albares Albares - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:31-33.
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  11. L'immagine.Roberto Casati - unknown
    I defend a cognitive theory of pictures, according to which the central paradigm of our concept of a picture is the representational picture, i.e., the one which induces recognitional abilities in the perceiver. I show how to classify different pictorial styles in terms of their distance from the paradigm, and I criticize alternative accounts.
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    Los climas políticos y las responsabilidades filosóficas: La lección de Cassirer sobre Filosofía y Política (1944).Roberto R. Aramayo - 2010 - Arbor 186 (742):295-310.
    En su conferencia de 1944 sobre Filosofía y Política Ernst Cassirer expone algo que será retomado por El mito del Estado y preside buena parte de su obra. La filosofía debe rendir cuentas en cuanto responsable indirecta de ciertos climas políticos, tal como sucedió con ciertos pensadores que propiciaron la consolidación del nazismo. Las crisis de pensamiento pueden generar convulsiones políticas o sociales, porque se da una continua dialéctica entre pensadores y hombres de acción, entre las ideas y los hechos, (...)
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    Dalla pedagogia di Fourier alla pedagogia di Marx.Roberto Mazzetti - 1972 - Salerno,: Beta.
  14. Posmodernidad, burbuja y posthumanismo.Roberto Mario Magliano - 2021 - In Samuel M. Cabanchik & Sebastián Botticelli (eds.), Humanismo y posthumanismo: crisis, restituciones y disputas. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Teseo.
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  15. Il caso del moto browniano.Roberto Maiocchi - 2000 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 18 (2).
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  16. La «scoperta» dell'atomo. Un problema storiografico.Roberto Maiocchi - 1986 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 4 (2):52-59.
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  17. Volere e vedere. Bolle di sapone e vittoria dell'atomismo nella fisica contemporanea.Roberto Maiocchi - 1987 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 5 (3/4):111-124.
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  18. Proper n-valued łukasiewicz algebras as s-algebras of łukasiewicz n-valued prepositional calculi.Roberto Cignoli - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (1):3 - 16.
    Proper n-valued ukasiewicz algebras are obtained by adding some binary operators, fulfilling some simple equations, to the fundamental operations of n-valued ukasiewicz algebras. They are the s-algebras corresponding to an axiomatization of ukasiewicz n-valued propositional calculus that is an extention of the intuitionistic calculus.
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  19. Las reformas de Clístenes: cuándo, cómo y por qué (En torno a los orígenes de la democracia).Roberto Rodríguez Guerra - 2011 - Laguna 29:149-168.
    El presente artículo constituye un primer acercamiento a las reformas constitucionales implantadas durante el periodo de hegemonía política de Clístenes de Atenas. Pese a que incluye una breve reseña de dichas reformas, está dedicado a abordar algunas cuestiones preliminares relacionadas tanto con la vida, la actividad y la figura política de Clístenes cuanto, sobre todo, con el cuándo, cómo y por qué promovió las reformas que dieron lugar a un decisivo cambio constitucional. Sostiene que dichas reformas fueron aprobadas siendo arconte (...)
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  20. Kelsen's Rechtssätze as Detached Statements.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1986 - In Richard Tur & William Twining (eds.), Essays on Kelsen. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 99--108.
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    Aussenwelt-Skeptizismus: eine sprachanalytische Behandlung.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 1993 - Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag.
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    Community of Enquiry and Ethics of Responsibility.Roberto Tibaldeo - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (1):407-418.
    The article assumes that Lipman’s paradigm of ‘Philosophy for Children’ as a ‘Community of Inquiry’ is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to collective life as such. In particular, it examines the possible contribution of philosophy to the practical and ethical dynamics which, nowadays, seem to characterise many deliberative public contexts. Lipman’s idea of CI is an interesting interpretative key for such contexts. As a result, the article highlights the possibility (...)
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  23. Autoestima, felicidad e imperativo elpidológico: razones y sinrazones del (anti)eudemonismo kantiano.Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo - 1997 - Dianoia 43 (43):77-94.
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    CTK 16 Editorial Note.Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo & Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:6-7.
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    La modulación cinematográfica de nuestros imaginarios morales y políticos (Ideas de cine y cine con ideas en la 64ª Edición del Zinemaldia).Roberto R. Aramayo - 2016 - Isegoría 55:767-769.
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    Veinte años de Isegoría (En el centenario de Aranguren).Roberto R. Aramayo - 2009 - Isegoría 40:13-16.
  27. L'Individuo.Roberto ArdigÒ - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 2 (5):541.
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    Indeterminación de la Traducción Radical, Constructivismo y Psicoterapia.Roberto Aristegui - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 6.
    En este ensayo se presenta la tesis de la Indeterminación de la Traducción Radical (IT) de Quine aplicándola al campo de la epistemología clínica abierto por la crítica del constructivismo a la psicoterapia tradicional. A fin de mostrar la relevancia de la tesis IT como programa vigente de compr..
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    The Little Hunchback.Roberto Arlt - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):136-146.
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  30. Contributi alla storia dell'assioma di fondazione.Roberto Arpaia - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1):45-74.
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  31. Il gioco dell’arte.Roberto Terrosi - 2009 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 17.
    It's a text in Italian about institutional theory of art that criticizes the old analytic model for being too much simplistic, and proposes a sophisticated approach also using the reflections made by the Italian esthetician Ermanno Migliorini.
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  32. La governance dell’arte contemporanea.Roberto Terrosi - 2005 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 9.
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  33. La tradición semántica.Roberto Torretti - 1992 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 18 (2):333.
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    Projection of socio-economic changes following the COVID-19 pandemic.Roberto Veraldi - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):191-212.
    Albeit in the immediacy of the event and although aware that it is a first interpretative proposal, this article analyses possible future scenarios concerning socio-economic consequences in Italy after the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The social processes related to the pandemic will be examined, from the media information diffusion to the socio-economic consequences of the phenomenon. Among the main effects, included in the projections, the authors find considerable impacts in the tourism and restaurant sectors. The former, if not supported (...)
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  35. Problem and perspectives: Neoclassical philosophy" neoeckhartism"?Roberto Vinco - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (4):557-572.
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  36. Informaciones.Roberto J. Walton - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9).
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  37. The concepts of spiritus and Anima in the works of telesio, Bernardino.Roberto BondÌ - 1993 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13 (3):405-417.
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    Cérebro-ocidente / cérebro-Brasil: arte - escrita - vida - pensamento - clínica - tratos contemporâneos.Roberto Corrêa dos Santos - 2015 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: Circuito.
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    Globalisation and Inequality in a Dynamic Economy: An Axiomatic Analysis of Unequal Exchange.Roberto Veneziani & Naoki Yoshihara - 2017 - Social Choice and Welfare 49:445-468.
    An axiomatic analysis of the concept of unequal exchange (UE) between countries is developed in a dynamic general equilibrium model that generalises John Roemer’s (Central Planning and the Soviet Economy, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1983) economy with a global capital market. The class of UE definitions that satisfy three fundamental properties—including a correspondence between wealth, class and UE exploitation status—is completely characterised. It is shown that this class is nonempty and a definition of UE exploitation between countries is proposed, which is (...)
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  40. El concepto de probabilidad.Roberto Torretti - 2003 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 38 (81):407-448.
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  41. I presupposti Massimi Problemi.Roberto ArdigÒ - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 2 (3):293.
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    Tapped granular packings described as complex networks.Roberto Arévalo, Luis A. Pugnaloni, Diego Maza & Iker Zuriguel - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (31-33):4078-4089.
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    Fenomeno umano e ambiente divino: il problema del male in Teilhard de Chardin.Roberto Bagnulo - 2001 - Firenze: Clinamen.
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    Il giovane Hume.Roberto Gilardi - 1990 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
    v. 1. Il "background" religioso e culturale.
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    ... Entre O filosófico, O ético, O antropológico..Roberto Goto - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):1.
    Vário é o conteúdo da presente edição de Filosofia e Educação, não sendo possível estabelecer uma unidade temática, embora entre os textos possam ser vislumbrados aspectos e elementos comuns. Daí o título múltiplo, compósito, reticente...
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    J. R. Shook and J. A. Good (eds.), John Dewey’s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel.Roberto Gronda - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2).
    The book reviewed here makes available an important lecture on Hegel’s philosophy of spirit that Dewey delivered at the University of Chicago in 1897. Less than one hundred pages long, the lecture aimed to introduce students to a critical understanding of the third part of Hegel’s Encyclopedia of Philosophical Science. It is preceded by two introductory essays written by the editors – namely, Shook’s Dewey’s Naturalized Philosophy of Spirit and Religion and Good’s Rereading Dewey’s “Permanent...
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  47. La legge universale della differenziazione e del funzionalismo nel tempo e nell'eternità.Roberto Guzzo - 1972 - [Roma],: Noi pubblicisti. Edited by Francesco Pestellini.
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    Monadología y teleología en Edmund Husserl.Roberto Walton - 2016 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 28 (1):145-165.
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    La morale dei positivisti.Roberto Ardigò - 1973 - Milano: Marzorati.
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  50. Introdução à ciência do direito.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 1972 - S[ão] Paulo: Editôra Juriscrédi.
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